Package AccessGrid :: Module DataStore
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Module AccessGrid.DataStore

DataDescriptionContainer A DataDescriptionContainer includes all DataDescription representations of data in the DataStore.
DataStore A DataStore implements a per-venue data storage server.
GSIHTTPTransferServer A GSIHTTPTransferServer is a Globus-enabled HTTP-based implementation of a TransferServer.
HTTPTransferServer A HTTPTransferServer is a HTTP-based implementation of a TransferServer.
HTTPUploadEngine An HTTPUploadEngine bundles up the functionality need to implement HTTPUploadFiles.
TransferServer A TransferServer provides file upload and download services.


Function Summary
  GSIHTTPDownloadFile(download_url, destination, size, checksum, progressCB)
Download a file with GSI HTTP.
  GSIHTTPUploadFiles(upload_url, file_list, progressCB)
Upload the given list of files to the server using HTTP.
  HTTPDownloadFile(identity, download_url, destination, size, checksum, progressCB)
  HTTPFamilyDownloadFile(download_url, destination, size, checksum, identity, progressCB, connectionClass)
Download the given url, as user identified by identity, and place the new file in destination.
  HTTPUploadFiles(identity, upload_url, file_list, progressCB)
Upload the given list of files to the server using HTTP.

Variable Summary
str __revision__ = '$Id:,v 1.74 2004/09/10 03:5...
Logger log = <logging.Logger instance at 0x011CEE90>

Function Details

GSIHTTPDownloadFile(download_url, destination, size, checksum, progressCB=None)

Download a file with GSI HTTP.

Define a local connection class so we can poke about at the tcp attributes here.

GSIHTTPUploadFiles(upload_url, file_list, progressCB)

Upload the given list of files to the server using HTTP.

progressCB is a callback that will be invoked this way:

   progressCB(filename, bytes_sent, total_bytes, file_done, transfer_done)

filename is the file to which the progress update applies
bytes_sent and total_bytes denote the file's progress
file_done is set when the given file upload is complete
transfer_done is set when the entire transfer is complete

If progressCB returns true, the transfer is to be cancelled.

HTTPFamilyDownloadFile(download_url, destination, size, checksum, identity=None, progressCB=None, connectionClass=<class httplib.HTTPConnection at 0x00A05F90>)

Download the given url, as user identified by identity, and place the new file in destination.

We assume the caller has determined that overwriting destination is valid, so we do not check for its existence.

progressCB is a callable that will be invoked with two arguments: the number of bytes transferred so far, and a flag that is passed as 1 if the transfer is completed. If the call to progressCB returns true, the user has cancelled the transfer.

HTTPUploadFiles(identity, upload_url, file_list, progressCB)

Upload the given list of files to the server using HTTP.

Identity is the DN of the client submitting the files.

progressCB is a callback that will be invoked this way:

   progressCB(filename, bytes_sent, total_bytes, file_done, transfer_done)

filename is the file to which the progress update applies
bytes_sent and total_bytes denote the file's progress
file_done is set when the given file upload is complete
transfer_done is set when the entire transfer is complete

If progressCB returns true, the transfer is to be cancelled.

Variable Details


'$Id:,v 1.74 2004/09/10 03:58:53 judson Exp $'            


<logging.Logger instance at 0x011CEE90>                                

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Apr 14 16:39:26 2005