Package AccessGrid :: Package Platform :: Package win32 :: Module ProcessManager :: Class ProcessManager
[show private | hide private]
[frames | no frames]

Class ProcessManager

Method Summary
Kill all processes this manager has created.
  KillProcess(self, pid)
Kill a single process this manager has created.
Return a list of process id's for this process manager.
  StartProcess(self, command, arglist, detached, maxWait)
Start a new process.
Cleanly shutdown all processes this manager has created.
  TerminateProcess(self, pid)
Cleanly shutdown the specified process this manager has created.

Method Details


Kill all processes this manager has created.

Warning: this is not a clean shutdown, but a forced shutdown that may result in system cruft.

KillProcess(self, pid)

Kill a single process this manager has created.
pid - the id of the process to terminate.
           (type=string? integer?)

Warning: this is not a clean shutdown, but a forced shutdown that may result in system cruft.


Return a list of process id's for this process manager.
a list of process id's

StartProcess(self, command, arglist, detached=1, maxWait=20)

Start a new process.
command - the name of the command to be started. It can either be a full pathname or a command name to be found on the default path.
arglist - is a list of the arguments to the command.
           (type=list of strings)
detached - a flag indicating whether this process should be run detached or the process manager should wait for it to complete execution to return.


Cleanly shutdown all processes this manager has created.

TerminateProcess(self, pid)

Cleanly shutdown the specified process this manager has created.
pid - the id of the process to terminate.
           (type=string? integer?)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Thu Apr 14 16:39:28 2005