Package AccessGrid :: Package Platform :: Package unix :: Module ProcessManager :: Class ProcessManager
[show private | hide private]
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Class ProcessManager

Method Summary
Kill all processes this manager has created.
  KillProcess(self, pid)
Kill a single process this manager has created.
Return a list of process id's for this process manager.
  StartProcess(self, command, arglist, detached)
Start a new process.
Cleanly shutdown all processes this manager has created.
  TerminateProcess(self, pid)
Cleanly shutdown the specified process this manager has created.

Method Details


Kill all processes this manager has created.

@warning: this is not a clean shutdown, but a forced shutdown
that may result in system cruft.

KillProcess(self, pid)

Kill a single process this manager has created.

@warning: this is not a clean shutdown, but a forced shutdown
that may result in system cruft.

@param pid: the id of the process to terminate.
@type pid: string? integer?


Return a list of process id's for this process manager.
@returns: a list of process id's

StartProcess(self, command, arglist, detached=1)

Start a new process.
Command is the name of the command to be started. It can either be
a full pathname or a command name to be found on the default path.
Arglist is a list of the arguments to the command.


Cleanly shutdown all processes this manager has created.

TerminateProcess(self, pid)

Cleanly shutdown the specified process this manager has created.

@param pid: the id of the process to terminate.
@type pid: string? integer?

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Jan 09 13:23:50 2006