Package AccessGrid :: Module Venue
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Module AccessGrid.Venue

The Venue provides the interaction scoping in the Access Grid. This module defines what the venue is.
StreamDescriptionList Class to represent stream descriptions in a venue.
Venue A Virtual Venue is a virtual space for collaboration on the Access Grid.
VenueClientState Instances of the VenueClientState class hold the per-client state that the venue cares about.
VenueI A Virtual Venue is a virtual space for collaboration on the Access Grid.
VenueIW SOAP interface for a venue.

AdministratorAlreadyPresent The exception raised when an administrator is added, but is already an administrator.
AdministratorNotFound The exception raised when an administrator is not found in the venues list of administrators.
AdministratorRemovingSelf The exception raised when an administrator is not found in the venues list of administrators.
ApplicationNotFound The exception raised when an application is not found in the venues list of applications.
ApplicationUnbindError The exception raised when the server can't unbind an application web service.
BadConnectionDescription The exception raised when a connection description struct is not succesfully converted to a real connection description.
BadServiceDescription The exception raised when a service description struct is not succesfully converted to a real service description.
BadStreamDescription The exception raised when a stream description struct is not successfully converted to a real stream description.
ClientNotFound The exception raised when a client is not found in the venues list of active clients.
ConnectionAlreadyPresent This exception is raised when a connection is added the second time.
ConnectionNotFound The exception raised when a connection is not found in the venues list of connections.
DataNotFound The exception raised when a data description is not found in the venue.
InvalidClientProfileException The exception raised when a client profile struct is not successfully converted to a client profile.
InvalidVenueState The exception raised when the venue state cannot be retrieved.
NotAuthorized The exception raised when the caller is not authorized to invoke the method.
ServiceAlreadyPresent The exception raised when a service is already present in the venue.
ServiceNotFound The exception raised when a service is not found in the venue.
StreamAlreadyPresent The exception raised when a stream is already present in the venue.
StreamNotFound The exception raised when a stream is not found in the venue.
VenueException A generic exception type to be raised by the Venue code.

Variable Summary
str __revision__ = '$Id:,v 2005/09/08 18:...
Logger log = <logging.Logger instance at 0x014DD850>
Logger usage_log = <logging.Logger instance at 0x014DDAF8>

Variable Details


'$Id:,v 2005/09/08 18:40:15 lefvert Exp $'          


<logging.Logger instance at 0x014DD850>                                


<logging.Logger instance at 0x014DDAF8>                                

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Jan 09 13:23:48 2006