Package AccessGrid :: Module Venue :: Class VenueIW
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Class VenueIW

SOAPIWrapper --+

SOAP interface for a venue.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, url, faultHandler)
  AddConnection(self, connection)
Connect this venue to another venue.
Descriptions.DataDescription AddData(self, dataDescription)
LEGACY: The implementation call is only present to support AG2.0 clients.
  AddNetworkLocationToStream(self, privId, streamId, networkLocation)
Add a transport to an existing stream.
  AddNetworkService(self, type, privateID)
AddNetworkService adds a net service to those in the venue
Descriptions.ServiceDescription AddService(self, serviceDesc)
The AddService method enables VenuesClients to put services in the Virtual Venue.
  AddStream(self, streamDesc)
Add a stream to the list of streams for this venue.
NetworkLocation.MulticastNetworkLocation AllocateMulticastLocation(self)
This method creates a new Multicast Network Location.
string CreateApplication(self, name, description, mimeType)
Create a new application object.
  DestroyApplication(self, aid)
Destroy an application object.
(Descriptions.VenueState, integer, [Descriptions.StreamDescription]) Enter(self, profile)
The Enter method is used by a VenueClient to gain access to the services, clients, and content found within a Virtual Venue.
  Exit(self, pid)
The Exit method is used by a VenueClient to cleanly leave a Virtual Venue.
dict GetApplication(self, aid)
Return the application state for the given application object.
[Descriptions.ApplicationDescription] GetApplications(self)
return the list of application descriptions for this venue.
string GetAuthorizationManager(self)
Get the url for the authorization manager for this venue.
[ClientProfile.ClientProfile] GetCachedProfiles(self)
This method returns a list of client profiles that have been registered for this venue.
[ ClientProfile.ClientProfile] GetClients(self)
Return a list of the clients in this venue.
[Descriptions.ConnectionDescription] GetConnections(self)
GetConnections returns a list of all the connections to other venues that are found within this venue.
[Descriptions.DataDescription] GetDataDescriptions(self)
Return all data currently in the venue.
[int] GetDataIDs(self)
Return all ids of data currently in the venue.
(string, string) GetDataStoreInformation(self)
Retrieve an upload descriptor and a URL to the Venue's DataStore
string GetDescription(self)
GetDescription returns the description for the venue.
int GetEncryptMedia(self)
Return whether we are encrypting streams or not.
((string, string), int) GetEventServiceLocation(self)
Get location of the venue event service
string GetName(self)
Get the name of the venue.
[Descriptions.AGNetworkServiceDescription]. GetNetworkServices(self)
GetNetworkServices returns a list of all the network services in this venue.
Descriptions.ServiceDescription GetServices(self)
GetServices returns a list of all the services in this venue.
[Descriptions.StreamDescription] GetStaticStreams(self)
Returns a list of static stream descriptions
[Descriptions.StreamDescription] GetStreams(self)
Get the list of streams.
string GetUploadDescriptor(self)
Retrieve the upload descriptor from the Venue's datastore.
int IsValid(self)
Check if the venue soap interface is valid.
  RecycleMulticastLocation(self, location)
This method removes a multicast network Location.
RegenerateKeys allows one to regenerate the encryption keys on the venue.
  RegisterNetworkService(self, networkServiceDescription)
Registers a network service with the venue.
  RemoveConnection(self, connection)
Remove venue connection from this venue.
Descriptions.DataDescription RemoveData(self, dataDescription)
Interface for removing data.
  RemoveNetworkLocationFromStream(self, privId, streamId, networkId)
Remove a transport from an existing stream.
  RemoveNetworkService(self, nid)
RemoveNetworkService removes a netservice from those in the venue
  RemoveService(self, sid)
RemoveService removes persistent service from the Virtual Venue.
  RemoveStream(self, streamDesc)
Remove the given stream from the venue
  SetConnections(self, connectionList)
Interface for setting all the connections in a venue.
  SetDescription(self, description)
Set the venue description.
string SetEncryptMedia(self, value, key)
Turn media encryption on or off.
string SetName(self, name)
Set the venue name.
This method cleanly shuts down all active threads associated with the venue.
  UnRegisterNetworkService(self, networkServiceDescription)
Removes a network service from the venue
  UpdateApplication(self, applicationDesc)
Update application.
  UpdateClientProfile(self, profile)
UpdateClientProfile allows a VenueClient to update/modify the client profile that is stored by the Virtual Venue that they gave to the Venue when they called the Enter method.
  UpdateData(self, dataDescription)
Find data with the same name and replace it.
Descriptions.ServiceDescription UpdateService(self, serviceDesc)
The UpdateService method enables VenuesClients to modify a service description.
    Inherited from SOAPIWrapper
Method to provide interface verification.

Method Details

AddConnection(self, connection)

Connect this venue to another venue.
connection - Description of venue to add
BadConnectionDescription - Raised when the connection description struct is not successfully converted to a connection description.

AddData(self, dataDescription)

LEGACY: The implementation call is only present to support AG2.0 clients.

Interface to Add data to the Venue.
dataDescription - The data description being added to the venue.
A data description is returned on success.
BadDataDescription - This is raised if the data description struct cannot be converted to a real data description.

AddNetworkLocationToStream(self, privId, streamId, networkLocation)

Add a transport to an existing stream. Note: This method overwrites the private id in the incoming network location
privId - Private id of the service that wants to add the location
streamId - The id of the stream to which to add the transport
networkLocation - The network location (transport) to add

AddNetworkService(self, type, privateID)

AddNetworkService adds a net service to those in the venue
type - Net service type
privateID - A net service private id

AddService(self, serviceDesc)

The AddService method enables VenuesClients to put services in the Virtual Venue. Service put in the Virtual Venue through AddService is persistently stored.
service description of the added service.
serviceAlreadyPresent - Raised when a service is added twice.

AddStream(self, streamDesc)

Add a stream to the list of streams for this venue.
streamDesc - Stream to add
BadStreamDescription - Invalid stream description.


This method creates a new Multicast Network Location.
A new multicast network location object.

CreateApplication(self, name, description, mimeType)

Create a new application object. Initialize the implementation, and create a web service interface for it.
name - A name for the application instance.
description - A description for the new application instance.
mimeType - A mime-type for the new application, used to match applications with clients.
A url to the new application object/service.

DestroyApplication(self, aid)

Destroy an application object.
ApplicationNotFound - Raised when an application is not found for the application id specified.
ApplicationUnbindError - Raised when the hosting environment can't unbind the application from the web service layer.

Enter(self, profile)

The Enter method is used by a VenueClient to gain access to the services, clients, and content found within a Virtual Venue.
profile - The ClientProfile of the client entering the venue.
           (type=ClientProfile.ClientProfile @return:(state, privateId, streamDescriptions) This tuple is returned upon success. The state is a snapshot of the current venuestate. The privateId is a private, unique id assigned by the venue for this client session, the streamDescriptions are the stream descriptions the venue has found best match this clients capabilities.)
(Descriptions.VenueState, integer, [Descriptions.StreamDescription])

Exit(self, pid)

The Exit method is used by a VenueClient to cleanly leave a Virtual Venue. Cleanly leaving a Virtual Venue allows the Venue to cleanup any state associated (or caused by) the VenueClients presence.
clientNotFound - Raised when a privateId is not found in the venue list of clients.

GetApplication(self, aid)

Return the application state for the given application object.
aid - The id of the application being retrieved.
The state of the application object.
ApplicationNotFound - Raised when the application is not found in the venue.


return the list of application descriptions for this venue.
List of application descriptions


Get the url for the authorization manager for this venue.
url for the authorization manager


This method returns a list of client profiles that have been registered for this venue.
A list of all cached client profiles.


Return a list of the clients in this venue.
list of client profiles
           (type=[ ClientProfile.ClientProfile])


GetConnections returns a list of all the connections to other venues that are found within this venue.
A list of connection descriptions.


Return all data currently in the venue.
A list of data descriptions


Return all ids of data currently in the venue.
A list of data ids


Retrieve an upload descriptor and a URL to the Venue's DataStore
a tuple with the upload descriptor to the Venue's DataStore and the url to the DataStore SOAP service.
           (type=(string, string))


GetDescription returns the description for the venue.
Description for the venue.


Return whether we are encrypting streams or not.
1 if we are encrypting streams


Get location of the venue event service
tuple including location (host,port) and private id for this venue. The private id is the channel id used for the venue on the event service.
           (type=((string, string), int))


Get the name of the venue.
Name for this venue.


GetNetworkServices returns a list of all the network services in this venue.
A list of network service descriptions


GetServices returns a list of all the services in this venue.
A list of service descriptions.


Returns a list of static stream descriptions
The list of stream descriptions for the static streams in this venue.


Get the list of streams.
The list of stream descriptions.


Retrieve the upload descriptor from the Venue's datastore.
The upload descriptor for the data store.


Check if the venue soap interface is valid.
1 if valid

RecycleMulticastLocation(self, location)

This method removes a multicast network Location.
location - Network location to recycle


RegenerateKeys allows one to regenerate the encryption keys on the venue. This should only be done with extreme care, as the regeneration of encryption keys will interrupt existing collaborations by restarting simple media tools.

RegisterNetworkService(self, networkServiceDescription)

Registers a network service with the venue.

@param networkServiceDescription A description object for the network service

RemoveConnection(self, connection)

Remove venue connection from this venue.
connection - Connection description for the venue to remove.
ConnectionNotFound - Raised when a connection isn't found to be rmeoved.
BadConnectionDescription - Raised when the connection description struct is not successfully converted to a connection description.

RemoveData(self, dataDescription)

Interface for removing data.
dataDescription - The data description that's being added to the venue.
A data description is returned on success.
BadDataDescription - This is raised if the data description struct cannot be converted to a real data description.

RemoveNetworkLocationFromStream(self, privId, streamId, networkId)

Remove a transport from an existing stream. Note: This method overwrites the private id in the incoming network location
privId - Private id of the service that wants to add the location
streamId - The id of the stream to which to add the transport
networkId - The id of the network location (transport) to remove

RemoveNetworkService(self, nid)

RemoveNetworkService removes a netservice from those in the venue

RemoveService(self, sid)

RemoveService removes persistent service from the Virtual Venue.
ServiceNotFound - When a service not present is removed.

RemoveStream(self, streamDesc)

Remove the given stream from the venue
streamDesc - Description of stream to be removed.
BadStreamDescription - Invalid stream description.

SetConnections(self, connectionList)

Interface for setting all the connections in a venue.
connectionList - A list of connection descriptions.
BadConnectionDescription - This is raised when an anonymous struct is not converted to a real connection description.

SetDescription(self, description)

Set the venue description.
description - New description for this venue.

SetEncryptMedia(self, value, key)

Turn media encryption on or off.
value - Flag indicating whether encryption should be on or off.
Keyword Parameters:
key - An optional key for encryption, if not provided, and the value is 1, then one is created. Default value is None.
The value of the EncryptMedia flag.

SetName(self, name)

Set the venue name.


This method cleanly shuts down all active threads associated with the venue.

UnRegisterNetworkService(self, networkServiceDescription)

Removes a network service from the venue
networkServiceDescription - description object of the service to remove

UpdateApplication(self, applicationDesc)

Update application.
applicationDesc - Object describing the application.
ApplicationNotFound - Raised when an application is not found for the application id specified.

UpdateClientProfile(self, profile)

UpdateClientProfile allows a VenueClient to update/modify the client profile that is stored by the Virtual Venue that they gave to the Venue when they called the Enter method.
profile - ClientProfile object describing the client
invalidClientProfileException - Raised when the client profile is invalid.

UpdateData(self, dataDescription)

Find data with the same name and replace it.
dataDescription - Description of new data

UpdateService(self, serviceDesc)

The UpdateService method enables VenuesClients to modify a service description.
Service description of the update service
ServiceNotFound - Raised when service is not found.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Mon Jan 09 13:23:46 2006