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8 Sending and Receiving Attribute Vectors

8.1 Module m_Transfer - Routines for the MxN transfer of Attribute Vectors (Source File: m_Transfer.F90)

This module provides routines for doing MxN transfer of data in an Attribute Vector between two components on separate sets of MPI processes. Uses the Router datatype.


  module m_Transfer
   use m_MCTWorld, only : MCTWorld
   use m_MCTWorld, only : ThisMCTWorld
   use m_AttrVect, only : AttrVect
   use m_AttrVect, only : nIAttr,nRAttr
   use m_AttrVect, only : Permute, Unpermute
   use m_AttrVect, only : AttrVect_init => init
   use m_AttrVect, only : AttrVect_copy => copy 
   use m_AttrVect, only : AttrVect_clean => clean
   use m_AttrVect, only : lsize
   use m_Router,   only : Router
   use m_mpif90
   use m_die
   use m_stdio
   implicit none
   private ! except
   public  :: isend
   public  :: send
   public  :: waitsend
   public  :: irecv
   public  :: recv
   public  :: waitrecv
   interface isend    ; module procedure isend_    ; end interface
   interface send     ; module procedure send_     ; end interface
   interface waitsend ; module procedure waitsend_ ; end interface
   interface irecv    ; module procedure irecv_    ; end interface
   interface recv     ; module procedure recv_     ; end interface
   interface waitrecv ; module procedure waitrecv_ ; end interface
   integer,parameter		       :: DefaultTag = 600
   08Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - make new module by combining
             MCT_Send, MCT_Recv and MCT_Recvsum
   11Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Remove MCT_Recvsum and use
             optional argument in recv_ to do the same thing.
   23Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Move buffers for data and
             MPI_Reqest and MPI_Status arrays to Router.  Use them.
   24Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Split send_ into isend_ and
             waitsend_.  Redefine send_.
   22Jan08 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Handle unordered GSMaps

8.1.1 isend_ - Distributed non-blocking send of an Attribute Vector

Send the the data in the AttrVect aV to the component specified in the Router Rout. An error will result if the size of the attribute vector does not match the size parameter stored in the Router.

Requires a corresponding recv_ or irecv_ to be called on the other component.

The optional argument Tag can be used to set the tag value used in the data transfer. DefaultTag will be used otherwise. Tag must be the same in the matching recv_ or irecv_.

N.B.: The AttrVect argument in the corresponding recv_ call is assumed to have exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order as aV.


  subroutine isend_(aVin, Rout, Tag)
       implicit none
       Type(AttrVect),target,intent(in)    :: aVin
       Type(Router),         intent(inout) :: Rout
       integer,optional,     intent(in) :: Tag
   07Feb01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - initial prototype
   08Feb01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - First working code
   18May01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - use MP_Type to determine type in mpi_send
   07Jun01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - remove logic to check "direction" of Router.  
             remove references to ThisMCTWorld%mylrank
   03Aug01 - E. Ong <[email protected]> - Explicitly specify the starting address in mpi_send.  
   15Feb02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Use MCT_comm
   26Mar02 - E. Ong <[email protected]> - Apply faster copy order
   26Sep02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Check Av against Router lAvsize
   05Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Remove iList, rList arguments.
   08Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - MCT_Send is now send_ in m_Transfer
   11Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Use DefaultTag and add optional Tag argument
   25Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Split into isend_ and waitsend_
   22Jan08 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Handle unordered GSMaps by permuting before send.
             remove special case for sending one segment directly from Av which probably
             wasn't safe.

8.1.2 waitsend_ - Wait for a distributed non-blocking send to complete

Wait for the data being sent with the Router Rout to complete.


  subroutine waitsend_(Rout)
       implicit none
       Type(Router),         intent(inout) :: Rout
   24Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - First working version is
             the wait part of original send_

8.1.3 send_ - Distributed blocking send of an Attribute Vector

Send the the data in the AttrVect aV to the component specified in the Router Rout. An error will result if the size of the attribute vector does not match the size parameter stored in the Router.

Requires a corresponding recv_ or irecv_ to be called on the other component.

The optional argument Tag can be used to set the tag value used in the data transfer. DefaultTag will be used otherwise. Tag must be the same in the matching recv_ or irecv_.

N.B.: The AttrVect argument in the corresponding recv call is assumed to have exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order as aV.


  subroutine send_(aV, Rout, Tag)
       implicit none
       Type(AttrVect),       intent(in)    :: aV	
       Type(Router),         intent(inout) :: Rout
       integer,optional,     intent(in)    :: Tag
   24Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - New version uses isend and waitsend

8.1.4 irecv_ - Distributed receive of an Attribute Vector

Recieve into the AttrVect aV the data coming from the component specified in the Router Rout. An error will result if the size of the attribute vector does not match the size parameter stored in the Router.

Requires a corresponding send_ or isend_ to be called on the other component.

The optional argument Tag can be used to set the tag value used in the data transfer. DefaultTag will be used otherwise. Tag must be the same in the matching send_ or isend_.

If data for a grid point is coming from more than one process, recv_ will overwrite the duplicate values leaving the last received value in the output aV. If the optional argument Sum is invoked, the output will contain the sum of any duplicate values received for the same grid point.

Will return as soon as MPI_IRECV's are posted. Call waitrecv_ to complete the receive operation.

N.B.: The AttrVect argument in the corresponding send_ call is assumed to have exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order as aV.


  subroutine irecv_(aV, Rout, Tag, Sum)
       implicit none
       Type(AttrVect),       intent(inout) :: aV
       Type(Router),         intent(inout) :: Rout
       integer,optional,     intent(in)    :: Tag
       logical,optional,     intent(in)    :: Sum
   07Feb01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - initial prototype
   07Jun01 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - remove logic to
             check "direction" of Router.  remove references
             to ThisMCTWorld%mylrank
   03Aug01 - E.T. Ong <[email protected]> - explicity specify starting
             address in MPI_RECV
   27Nov01 - E.T. Ong <[email protected]> - deallocated to prevent
             memory leaks
   15Feb02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Use MCT_comm
   26Mar02 - E. Ong <[email protected]> - Apply faster copy order.
   26Sep02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Check Av against Router lAvsize
   08Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - MCT_Recv is now recv_ in m_Transfer
   11Nov02 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Add optional Sum argument to
             tell recv_ to sum data for the same point received from multiple
             processors.  Replaces recvsum_ which had replaced MCT_Recvsum.
             Use DefaultTag and add optional Tag argument
   25Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - break into irecv_ and waitrecv_

8.1.5 waitrecv_ - Wait for a distributed non-blocking recv to complete

Wait for the data being received with the Router Rout to complete. When done, copy the data into the AttrVect aV.


  subroutine waitrecv_(aV, Rout, Sum)
       implicit none
       Type(AttrVect),       intent(inout) :: aV
       Type(Router),         intent(inout) :: Rout
       logical,optional,     intent(in)    :: Sum
   25Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - First working version is the wait
             and copy parts from old recv_.
   25Jan08 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Handle unordered GSMaps by
             applying permutation to received array.

8.1.6 recv_ - Distributed receive of an Attribute Vector

Recieve into the AttrVect aV the data coming from the component specified in the Router Rout. An error will result if the size of the attribute vector does not match the size parameter stored in the Router.

Requires a corresponding send_ or isend_to be called on the other component.

The optional argument Tag can be used to set the tag value used in the data transfer. DefaultTag will be used otherwise. Tag must be the same in the matching send_

If data for a grid point is coming from more than one process, recv_ will overwrite the duplicate values leaving the last received value in the output aV. If the optional argument Sum is invoked, the output will contain the sum of any duplicate values received for the same grid point.

Will not return until all data has been received.

N.B.: The AttrVect argument in the corresponding send_ call is assumed to have exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order as aV.


  subroutine recv_(aV, Rout, Tag, Sum)
       implicit none
       Type(AttrVect),       intent(inout) :: aV
       Type(Router),         intent(inout)    :: Rout
       integer,optional,     intent(in)    :: Tag
       logical,optional,     intent(in)    :: Sum
   25Jul03 - R. Jacob <[email protected]> - Rewrite using irecv and waitrecv

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