moab::Coupler Class Reference

This class couples data between meshes. More...

#include <Coupler.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  IntegType { VOLUME }

Public Member Functions

 Coupler (Interface *impl, ParallelComm *pc, Range &local_elems, int coupler_id, bool init_tree=true, int max_ent_dim=3)
virtual ~Coupler ()
ErrorCode locate_points (double *xyz, int num_points, double rel_eps=0.0, double abs_eps=0.0, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool store_local=true)
ErrorCode locate_points (Range &ents, double rel_eps=0.0, double abs_eps=0.0, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool store_local=true)
ErrorCode interpolate (Coupler::Method method, Tag tag, double *interp_vals, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool normalize=true)
ErrorCode interpolate (Coupler::Method method, const std::string &tag_name, double *interp_vals, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool normalize=true)
ErrorCode interpolate (Coupler::Method *methods, const std::string *tag_names, int *points_per_method, int num_methods, double *interp_vals, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool normalize=true)
ErrorCode interpolate (Coupler::Method *methods, Tag *tag_names, int *points_per_method, int num_methods, double *interp_vals, TupleList *tl=NULL, bool normalize=true)
int normalize_mesh (iBase_EntitySetHandle &root_set, const char *norm_tag, Coupler::IntegType integ_type, int num_integ_pts)
int normalize_subset (iBase_EntitySetHandle &root_set, const char *norm_tag, const char **tag_names, int num_tags, const char **tag_values, Coupler::IntegType integ_type, int num_integ_pts)
int normalize_subset (iBase_EntitySetHandle &root_set, const char *norm_tag, iBase_TagHandle *tag_handles, int num_tags, const char **tag_values, Coupler::IntegType integ_type, int num_integ_pts)
int do_normalization (const char *norm_tag, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > &entity_sets, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > &entity_groups, Coupler::IntegType integ_type, int num_integ_pts)
int get_matching_entities (iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set, const char **tag_names, const char **tag_values, int num_tags, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > *entity_sets, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > *entity_groups)
int get_matching_entities (iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set, iBase_TagHandle *tag_handles, const char **tag_values, int num_tags, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > *entity_sets, std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > *entity_groups)
int create_tuples (iBase_EntitySetHandle *ent_sets, int num_sets, const char **tag_names, int num_tags, TupleList **tuples)
int create_tuples (iBase_EntitySetHandle *ent_sets, int num_sets, iBase_TagHandle *tag_handles, int num_tags, TupleList **tuples)
int consolidate_tuples (TupleList **all_tuples, int num_tuples, TupleList **unique_tuples)
int get_group_integ_vals (std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > &groups, std::vector< double > &integ_vals, const char *norm_tag, int num_integ_pts, Coupler::IntegType integ_type)
int apply_group_norm_factor (std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > &entity_sets, std::vector< double > &norm_factors, const char *norm_tag, Coupler::IntegType integ_type)
ErrorCode initialize_spectral_elements (EntityHandle rootSource, EntityHandle rootTarget, bool &specSou, bool &specTar)
ErrorCode get_gl_points_on_elements (Range &targ_elems, std::vector< double > &vpos, int &numPointsOfInterest)
Interfacemb_impl () const
AdaptiveKDTreemy_tree () const
EntityHandle local_root () const
const std::vector< double > & all_boxes () const
ParallelCommmy_pc () const
const Rangetarget_ents () const
int my_id () const
const Rangemy_range () const
TupleListmapped_pts () const
int num_its () const

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode nat_param (double xyz[3], std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, std::vector< CartVect > &nat_coords, double epsilon=0.0)
ErrorCode interp_field (EntityHandle elem, CartVect nat_coord, Tag tag, double &field)
ErrorCode constant_interp (EntityHandle elem, Tag tag, double &field)
ErrorCode test_local_box (double *xyz, int from_proc, int remote_index, int index, bool &point_located, double rel_eps=0.0, double abs_eps=0.0, TupleList *tl=NULL)
ErrorCode initialize_tree ()

Private Attributes

EntityHandle localRoot
std::vector< double > allBoxes
int myId
Range myRange
Range targetEnts
int numIts
int max_dim
void * _spectralSource
void * _spectralTarget
moab::Tag _xm1Tag
moab::Tag _ym1Tag
moab::Tag _zm1Tag
int _ntot

Detailed Description

This class couples data between meshes.

Tim Tautges

The coupler interpolates solution data at a set of points. Data being interpolated resides on a source mesh, in a tag. Applications calling this coupler send in entities, usually points or vertices, and receive back the tag value interpolated at those points. Entities in the source mesh containing those points do not have to reside on the same processor.

To use, an application should:

  • instantiate this coupler by calling the constructor collectively on all processors in the communicator
  • call locate_points, which locates the points to be interpolated and (optionally) caches the results in this object
  • call interpolate, which does the interpolation

Multiple interpolations can be done after locating the points.

Definition at line 45 of file Coupler.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 51 of file Coupler.hpp.


Definition at line 49 of file Coupler.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moab::Coupler::Coupler ( Interface impl,
ParallelComm pc,
Range local_elems,
int  coupler_id,
bool  init_tree = true,
int  max_ent_dim = 3 

Definition at line 29 of file Coupler.cpp.

    : mbImpl(impl), myPc(pc), myId(coupler_id), numIts(3), max_dim(max_ent_dim)
  assert(NULL != impl && (pc || !local_elems.empty()));

    // keep track of the local points, at least for now
  myRange = local_elems;

    // now initialize the tree
  if (init_tree) initialize_tree();

    // initialize tuple lists to indicate not initialized
  mappedPts = NULL;
  targetPts = NULL;
  _spectralSource = _spectralTarget = NULL;

  ErrorCode rval = impl->query_interface(mError);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) throw(rval);
moab::Coupler::~Coupler ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 56 of file Coupler.cpp.

  // this will clear the cache
  delete (moab::Element::SpectralHex*)_spectralSource;
  delete (moab::Element::SpectralHex*)_spectralTarget;

Member Function Documentation

const std::vector<double>& moab::Coupler::all_boxes ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 429 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return allBoxes;}
int moab::Coupler::apply_group_norm_factor ( std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > &  entity_sets,
std::vector< double > &  norm_factors,
const char *  norm_tag,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type 

Definition at line 1638 of file Coupler.cpp.

  // Get an iMesh_Instance from MBCoupler::mbImpl.
  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  // Construct the new tag for the normalization factor from the norm_tag name
  // and "_normf".
  int norm_tag_len = strlen(norm_tag);
  const char* normf_appd = "_normf";
  int normf_appd_len = strlen(normf_appd);

  char* normf_tag = (char*) malloc(norm_tag_len + normf_appd_len + 1);
  char* tmp_ptr = normf_tag;

  memcpy(tmp_ptr, norm_tag, norm_tag_len);
  tmp_ptr += norm_tag_len;
  memcpy(tmp_ptr, normf_appd, normf_appd_len);
  tmp_ptr += normf_appd_len;
  *tmp_ptr = '\0';

  iBase_TagHandle normf_hdl = NULL;
  // Check to see if the tag exists.  If not then create it.
  iMesh_getTagHandle(iMeshInst, normf_tag, &normf_hdl, &err, strlen(normf_tag));
  if (normf_hdl == NULL) {
    iMesh_createTag(iMeshInst, normf_tag, 1, iBase_DOUBLE, &normf_hdl, &err, strlen(normf_tag));
    ERRORR("Failed to create normalization factor tag.", err);

  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> >::iterator iter_i;
  std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle>::iterator iter_j;
  std::vector<double>::iterator iter_f;
  double grp_norm_factor = 0.0;

  // Loop over the entity sets
  for (iter_i = entity_sets.begin(), iter_f = norm_factors.begin(); 
       (iter_i != entity_sets.end()) && (iter_f != norm_factors.end()); 
       iter_i++, iter_f++) {
    grp_norm_factor = *iter_f;

    // Loop over the all the entity sets in iter_i and set the 
    // new normf_tag with the norm factor value on each
    for (iter_j = (*iter_i).begin(); iter_j != (*iter_i).end(); iter_j++) {

      iMesh_setEntSetDblData(iMeshInst, (*iter_j), normf_hdl, grp_norm_factor, &err);
      ERRORR("Failed to set normalization factor on entity set.", err);

  return err;
int moab::Coupler::consolidate_tuples ( TupleList **  all_tuples,
int  num_tuples,
TupleList **  unique_tuples 

Definition at line 1408 of file Coupler.cpp.

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  int total_rcv_tuples = 0;
  int offset = 0, copysz = 0;
  unsigned num_tags = 0;

  uint ml, mul, mr;
  uint *mi = (uint *)malloc(sizeof(uint) * num_tuples);

  for(int i=0; i<num_tuples; i++){
    all_tuples[i]->getTupleSize(mi[i], ml, mul, mr);

  for (int i = 0; i < num_tuples; i++) {
    if (all_tuples[i] != NULL) {
      total_rcv_tuples += all_tuples[i]->get_n();
      num_tags = mi[i];
  const unsigned int_size = sizeof(sint);
  const unsigned int_width = num_tags * int_size;

  // Get the total size of all of the tuple_lists in all_tuples.
  for (int i = 0; i < num_tuples; i++) {
    if (all_tuples[i] != NULL)
      total_rcv_tuples += all_tuples[i]->get_n();

  // Copy the tuple_lists into a single tuple_list.
  TupleList *all_tuples_list = new TupleList(num_tags, 0, 0, 0, total_rcv_tuples);
  //all_tuples_list->initialize(num_tags, 0, 0, 0, total_rcv_tuples);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_tuples; i++) {
    if (all_tuples[i] != NULL) {
      copysz = all_tuples[i]->get_n() * int_width;
      memcpy(all_tuples_list->vi_wr+offset, all_tuples[i]->vi_rd, copysz);
      offset = offset + (all_tuples[i]->get_n() * mi[i]);
      all_tuples_list->set_n( all_tuples_list->get_n() + all_tuples[i]->get_n() );

  // Sort the new tuple_list.  Use a radix type sort, starting with the last (or least significant)
  // tag column in the vi array and working towards the first (or most significant) tag column.
  TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
  sort_buffer.buffer_init(2 * total_rcv_tuples * int_width);
  for (int i = num_tags - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    all_tuples_list->sort(i, &sort_buffer);

  // Cycle through the sorted list eliminating duplicates.
  // Keep counters to the current end of the tuple_list (w/out dups) and the last tuple examined.
  unsigned int end_idx = 0, last_idx = 1;
  while (last_idx < all_tuples_list->get_n()) {
    if (memcmp(all_tuples_list->vi_rd+(end_idx*num_tags), all_tuples_list->vi_rd+(last_idx*num_tags), int_width) == 0) {
      // Values equal - skip
      last_idx += 1;
    else {
      // Values different - copy
      // Move up the end index
      end_idx += 1;
      memcpy(all_tuples_list->vi_wr+(end_idx*num_tags), all_tuples_list->vi_rd+(last_idx*num_tags), int_width);
      last_idx += 1;
  // Update the count in all_tuples_list
  all_tuples_list->set_n( end_idx + 1 );

  // Resize the tuple_list

  // Set the output parameter
  *unique_tuples = all_tuples_list;

  return err;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::constant_interp ( EntityHandle  elem,
Tag  tag,
double &  field 
) [private]

Definition at line 903 of file Coupler.cpp.

  double tempField;

  // get the tag values at the vertices
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag, &elem, 1, &tempField);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  field = tempField;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::Coupler::create_tuples ( iBase_EntitySetHandle ent_sets,
int  num_sets,
const char **  tag_names,
int  num_tags,
TupleList **  tuples 

Definition at line 1342 of file Coupler.cpp.

  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);
  int err;
  std::vector<iBase_TagHandle> tag_handles;
  for (int t = 0; t < num_tags; t++) {
    // get tag handle & size
    iBase_TagHandle th;
    iMesh_getTagHandle(iMeshInst, tag_names[t], &th, &err, strlen(tag_names[t]));
    ERRORR("Failed to get tag handle.", err);

  return create_tuples(ent_sets, num_sets, &tag_handles[0], num_tags, tuple_list);
int moab::Coupler::create_tuples ( iBase_EntitySetHandle ent_sets,
int  num_sets,
iBase_TagHandle tag_handles,
int  num_tags,
TupleList **  tuples 

Definition at line 1366 of file Coupler.cpp.

  // Get an iMesh_Instance from MBCoupler::mbImpl.
  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  // ASSUMPTION: All tags are of type integer.  This may need to be expanded in future.

  // Allocate a tuple_list for the number of entity sets passed in
  TupleList *tag_tuples = new TupleList(num_tags, 0, 0, 0, num_sets);
  //tag_tuples->initialize(num_tags, 0, 0, 0, num_sets);
  uint mi, ml, mul, mr;
  tag_tuples->getTupleSize(mi, ml, mul, mr);

  if (mi == 0)
    ERRORR("Failed to initialize tuple_list.", iBase_FAILURE);

  // Loop over the filtered entity sets retrieving each matching tag value one by one.
  int val;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < num_tags; j++) {
      iMesh_getEntSetIntData(iMeshInst, ent_sets[i], tag_handles[j], &val, &err);
      ERRORR("Failed to get integer tag data.", err);
      tag_tuples->vi_wr[i*mi + j] = val;

    // If we get here there was no error so increment n in the tuple_list
  *tuples = tag_tuples;

  return err;
int moab::Coupler::do_normalization ( const char *  norm_tag,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > &  entity_sets,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > &  entity_groups,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type,
int  num_integ_pts 

Definition at line 1024 of file Coupler.cpp.

  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  // Setup data for parallel computing
  int nprocs, rank;
  err = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  ERRORMPI("Getting number of procs failed.", err);
  err = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  ERRORMPI("Getting rank failed.", err);

  // Get the integrated field value for each group(vector) of entities.
  // If no entities are in a group then a zero will be put in the list
  // of return values.
  unsigned int num_ent_grps = entity_groups.size();
  std::vector<double> integ_vals(num_ent_grps);

  err = get_group_integ_vals(entity_groups, integ_vals, norm_tag, num_integ_pts, integ_type);
  ERRORR("Failed to get integrated field values for groups in mesh.", err);
  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  // SLAVE/MASTER START #########################################################
  // Send list of integrated values back to master proc.  The ordering of the 
  // values will match the ordering of the entity groups (i.e. vector of vectors)
  // sent from master to slaves earlier.  The values for each entity group will
  // be summed during the transfer.
  std::vector<double> sum_integ_vals(num_ent_grps);

  if (nprocs > 1) {
    // If parallel then send the values back to the master.
    err = MPI_Reduce(&integ_vals[0], &sum_integ_vals[0], num_ent_grps, MPI_DOUBLE, 
                     MPI_SUM, MASTER_PROC, myPc->proc_config().proc_comm());
    ERRORMPI("Transfer and reduction of integrated values failed.", err);
  else {
    // Otherwise just copy the vector
    sum_integ_vals = integ_vals;
  // SLAVE/MASTER END   #########################################################

  // MASTER START ***************************************************************
  // Calculate the normalization factor for each group by taking the
  // inverse of each integrated field value.  Put the normalization factor 
  // for each group back into the list in the same order.

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_ent_grps; i++) {
    double val = sum_integ_vals[i];
    if (val != 0) sum_integ_vals[i] = 1.0/val;
  // MASTER END   ***************************************************************

  // MASTER/SLAVE START #########################################################
  if (nprocs > 1) {
    // If parallel then broadcast the normalization factors to the procs.
    err = MPI_Bcast(&sum_integ_vals[0], num_ent_grps, MPI_DOUBLE, MASTER_PROC, 
    ERRORMPI("Broadcast of normalization factors failed.", err);
  // MASTER/SLAVE END   #########################################################

  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  // Save the normalization factors to a new tag with name of norm_tag's value
  // and the string "_normF" appended.  This new tag will be created on the entity
  // set that contains all of the entities from a group.

  err = apply_group_norm_factor(entity_sets, sum_integ_vals, norm_tag, integ_type);
  ERRORR("Failed to set the normalization factor for groups in mesh.", err);
  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  return err;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::get_gl_points_on_elements ( Range targ_elems,
std::vector< double > &  vpos,
int &  numPointsOfInterest 

Definition at line 1781 of file Coupler.cpp.

  numPointsOfInterest = targ_elems.size() * _ntot;//
  int ielem=0;
  for (Range::iterator eit = targ_elems.begin(); eit!=targ_elems.end(); eit++, ielem +=_ntot*3)
    EntityHandle eh = *eit;
    const double * xval;
    const double * yval;
    const double * zval;
    ErrorCode rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_xm1Tag, &eh, 1,(const void **) &xval );
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      std::cout << "can't get xm1 values \n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_ym1Tag, &eh, 1, (const void **)&yval );
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      std::cout << "can't get ym1 values \n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_zm1Tag, &eh, 1, (const void **)&zval );
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      std::cout << "can't get zm1 values \n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    // now, in a stride, populate vpos
    for (int i=0; i<_ntot; i++)
      vpos[ielem + 3*i    ] = xval[i];
      vpos[ielem + 3*i + 1] = yval[i];
      vpos[ielem + 3*i + 2] = zval[i];
  return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::Coupler::get_group_integ_vals ( std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > &  groups,
std::vector< double > &  integ_vals,
const char *  norm_tag,
int  num_integ_pts,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type 

Definition at line 1490 of file Coupler.cpp.

  // Get an iMesh_Instance from MBCoupler::mbImpl.
  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> >::iterator iter_i;
  std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle>::iterator iter_j;
  double grp_intrgr_val, intgr_val;

  // Get the tag handle for norm_tag
  iBase_TagHandle norm_hdl;
  iMesh_getTagHandle(iMeshInst, norm_tag, &norm_hdl, &err, strlen(norm_tag));
  ERRORR("Failed to get norm_tag handle.", err);

  // Check size of integ_vals vector
  if (integ_vals.size() != groups.size())

  // Loop over the groups(vectors) of entities
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0, iter_i = groups.begin(); iter_i != groups.end(); i++, iter_i++) {
    grp_intrgr_val = 0;

    // Loop over the all the entities in the group, integrating 
    // the field_fn over the entity in iter_j
    for (iter_j = (*iter_i).begin(); iter_j != (*iter_i).end(); iter_j++) {
      // Check that the entity in iter_j is of the same dimension as the 
      // integ_type we are performing
      int j_type;
      iMesh_getEntType(iMeshInst, (*iter_j), &j_type, &err);
      ERRORR("Failed to get entity type.", err);
      // Skip any entities in the group that are not of the type being considered
      if ((integ_type == VOLUME) && (j_type != iBase_REGION))
      intgr_val = 0;

      // Check to see if this is a HEXAHEDRON or a TETRAHEDRON
      // and setup parameters accordingly.
      int topo_type;
      iMesh_getEntTopo(iMeshInst, (*iter_j), &topo_type, &err);
      ERRORR("Failed to get topology for entity.", err);

      moab::Element::Map *elemMap = NULL;
      int num_verts = 0;
      if (topo_type == iMesh_HEXAHEDRON) {
        elemMap = new moab::Element::LinearHex();
        num_verts = 8;
      else if (topo_type == iMesh_TETRAHEDRON) {
        elemMap = new moab::Element::LinearTet();
        num_verts = 4;
        ERRORR("Unknown topology type.", iBase_NOT_SUPPORTED);

      // Get coordinates of all corner vertices (in normal order) and
      // put in array of CartVec.
      std::vector<CartVect> vertices(num_verts);

      // Retrieve the vertices from the element
      iBase_EntityHandle *verts = NULL;
      int verts_alloc = 0;
      int verts_size = 0;

      iMesh_getEntAdj(iMeshInst, (*iter_j), iBase_VERTEX, &verts, &verts_alloc, &verts_size, &err);
      if (iBase_SUCCESS != err) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to get vertices from entity." << std::endl;
        return err;

      if (verts_size != num_verts) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to get correct number of vertices." << std::endl;
        return iBase_FAILURE;

      // Get the vertex coordinates and the field values at the vertices.
      double *coords = NULL;
      int coords_alloc = 0;
      int coords_size = 0;
      iMesh_getVtxArrCoords(iMeshInst, verts, verts_size, iBase_INTERLEAVED, &coords, &coords_alloc, &coords_size, &err);
      if (iBase_SUCCESS != err) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to get vertex coordinates." << std::endl;
        return err;

      double *vfield = NULL;
      int vfield_alloc = 0;
      int vfield_size = 0;
      iMesh_getDblArrData(iMeshInst, verts, verts_size, norm_hdl, &vfield, &vfield_alloc, &vfield_size, &err);
      if (iBase_SUCCESS != err) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to get vertex double data for norm_tag." << std::endl;
        return err;

      // Put the vertices into a CartVect vector
      double *x = coords;
      for (int j = 0; j < verts_size; j++, x+=3) {
        vertices[i] = CartVect(x);

      // Set the vertices in the Map and perform the integration
      try {
        intgr_val = elemMap->integrate_scalar_field(vfield);

        // Combine the result with those of the group
        grp_intrgr_val += intgr_val;
      catch (moab::Element::Map::ArgError) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to set vertices on Element::Map." << std::endl;
      catch (moab::Element::Map::EvaluationError) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to get inverse evaluation of coordinate on Element::Map." << std::endl;


    // Set the group integrated value in the vector
    integ_vals[i] = grp_intrgr_val;

  return err;
int moab::Coupler::get_matching_entities ( iBase_EntitySetHandle  root_set,
const char **  tag_names,
const char **  tag_values,
int  num_tags,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > *  entity_sets,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > *  entity_groups 

Definition at line 1104 of file Coupler.cpp.

  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);
  int err;
  std::vector<iBase_TagHandle> tag_handles;
  for (int t = 0; t < num_tags; t++) {
    // get tag handle & size
    iBase_TagHandle th;
    iMesh_getTagHandle(iMeshInst, tag_names[t], &th, &err, strlen(tag_names[t]));
    ERRORR("Failed to get tag handle.", err);

  return get_matching_entities(root_set, &tag_handles[0], tag_values, num_tags,
                               entity_sets, entity_groups);
int moab::Coupler::get_matching_entities ( iBase_EntitySetHandle  root_set,
iBase_TagHandle tag_handles,
const char **  tag_values,
int  num_tags,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntitySetHandle > > *  entity_sets,
std::vector< std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > *  entity_groups 

Definition at line 1128 of file Coupler.cpp.


  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  // Get an iMesh_Instance from MBCoupler::mbImpl.
  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);

  // Setup data for parallel computing
  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;
  int nprocs, rank;
  err = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  ERRORMPI("Getting number of procs failed.", err);
  err = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  ERRORMPI("Getting rank failed.", err);

  int ent_sets_size;
  int ent_sets_alloc=0;
  iBase_EntitySetHandle *ent_sets = NULL;  // free at end

  // Get Entity Sets that match the tags and values.
  iMesh_getEntSetsByTagsRec(iMeshInst, root_set, tag_handles, 
                            tag_values, num_tags, 0,
                            &ent_sets, &ent_sets_alloc, &ent_sets_size, &err);
  ERRORR("iMesh_getEntSetsByTagsRec failed.", err);

  TupleList *tag_list = NULL;
  err = create_tuples(ent_sets, ent_sets_size, tag_handles, num_tags, &tag_list);
  ERRORR("Failed to create tuples from entity sets.", err);

  // Free up array memory from iMesh call
  ent_sets = NULL;
  ent_sets_alloc = 0;
  ent_sets_size = 0;
  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  // If we are running in a mult-proc session then send tuple list back to master 
  // proc for consolidation.  Otherwise just copy the pointer to the tuple_list.
  TupleList *cons_tuples;
  if (nprocs > 1) {
    // SLAVE/MASTER START #########################################################

    // pack the tuple_list in a buffer.
    uint *tuple_buf;
    int tuple_buf_len;
    tuple_buf_len = pack_tuples(tag_list, (void**)&tuple_buf);

    // Free tag_list here as its not used again if nprocs > 1

    // Send back the buffer sizes to the master proc
    int *recv_cnts = (int*) malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
    int *offsets   = (int*) malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
    uint *all_tuples_buf = 0;

    MPI_Gather(&tuple_buf_len, 1, MPI_INT, recv_cnts, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_PROC, 
    ERRORMPI("Gathering buffer sizes failed.", err);

    // Allocate a buffer large enough for all the data
    if (rank == MASTER_PROC) {
      int all_tuples_len = recv_cnts[0];
      offsets[0] = 0;
      for (int i = 1; i < nprocs; i++) {
        offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + recv_cnts[i-1];
        all_tuples_len += recv_cnts[i];

      all_tuples_buf = (uint*) malloc(all_tuples_len * sizeof(uint));

    // Send all buffers to the master proc for consolidation
    MPI_Gatherv(tuple_buf, tuple_buf_len, MPI_INT, 
                all_tuples_buf, recv_cnts, offsets, MPI_INT, MASTER_PROC,
    ERRORMPI("Gathering tuple_lists failed.", err);
    free(tuple_buf);  // malloc'd in pack_tuples

    if (rank == MASTER_PROC) {
      // unpack the tuple_list from the buffer.
      TupleList **tl_array = (TupleList **) malloc(nprocs * sizeof(TupleList*));
      for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
        unpack_tuples((void*) &all_tuples_buf[offsets[i]], &tl_array[i]);

      // Free all_tuples_buf here as it is only allocated on the MASTER_PROC
      // SLAVE/MASTER END   #########################################################
      // MASTER START ***************************************************************
      // Consolidate all tuple_lists into one tuple_list with no duplicates.
      err = consolidate_tuples(tl_array, nprocs, &cons_tuples);
      ERRORR("Failed to consolidate tuples.", err);

      for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
      // MASTER END   ***************************************************************

    // Free offsets and recv_cnts as they are allocated on all procs

    // MASTER/SLAVE START #########################################################
    // Broadcast condensed tuple list back to all procs.
    uint *ctl_buf;
    int ctl_buf_sz;
    if (rank == MASTER_PROC) {
      ctl_buf_sz = pack_tuples(cons_tuples, (void**) &ctl_buf);

    // Send buffer size
    err = MPI_Bcast(&ctl_buf_sz, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_PROC, myPc->proc_config().proc_comm());
    ERRORMPI("Broadcasting tuple_list size failed.", err);

    // Allocate a buffer in the other procs
    if (rank != MASTER_PROC) {
      ctl_buf = (uint*) malloc(ctl_buf_sz*sizeof(uint));

    err = MPI_Bcast(ctl_buf, ctl_buf_sz, MPI_INT, MASTER_PROC, myPc->proc_config().proc_comm());
    ERRORMPI("Broadcasting tuple_list failed.", err);

    if (rank != MASTER_PROC) {
      unpack_tuples(ctl_buf, &cons_tuples);
    // MASTER/SLAVE END   #########################################################
  else {
    cons_tuples = tag_list;

  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  // Loop over the tuple list getting the entities with the tags in the tuple_list entry
  uint mi, ml, mul, mr;
  cons_tuples->getTupleSize(mi, ml, mul, mr);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cons_tuples->get_n(); i++) {
    // Get Entity Sets that match the tags and values.

    // Convert the data in the tuple_list to an array of pointers to the data
    // in the tuple_list as that is what the iMesh API call is expecting.
    int **vals = (int**) malloc(mi * sizeof(int*));
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mi; j++)
      vals[j] = (int *)&(cons_tuples->vi_rd[(i*mi) + j]);

    iMesh_getEntSetsByTagsRec(iMeshInst, root_set, tag_handles, 
                              (const char * const *) vals,
                              mi, 0,
                              &ent_sets, &ent_sets_alloc, &ent_sets_size, &err);

    ERRORR("iMesh_getEntSetsByTagsRec failed.", err);
    if (debug) std::cout << "ent_sets_size=" << ent_sets_size << std::endl;

    // Free up the array of pointers

    // Loop over the entity sets and then free the memory for ent_sets.
    std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> ent_set_hdls;
    std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> ent_hdls;
    for (int j = 0; j < ent_sets_size; j++) {
      // Save the entity set

      // Get all entities for the entity set
      iBase_EntityHandle *ents = NULL;
      int ents_alloc = 0;
      int ents_size = 0;

      iMesh_getEntities(iMeshInst, ent_sets[j], iBase_ALL_TYPES, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES,
                        &ents, &ents_alloc, &ents_size, &err);
      ERRORR("iMesh_getEntities failed.", err);
      if (debug) std::cout << "ents_size=" << ents_size << std::endl;

      // Save all of the entities from the entity set and free the memory for ents.
      for (int k = 0; k < ents_size; k++) {
      if (debug) std::cout << "ent_hdls.size=" << ent_hdls.size() << std::endl;

    // Free the entity set list for next tuple iteration.
    ent_sets = NULL;
    ent_sets_alloc = 0;
    ent_sets_size = 0;

    // Push ent_set_hdls onto entity_sets, ent_hdls onto entity_groups
    // and clear both ent_set_hdls and ent_hdls.
    if (debug) std::cout << "entity_sets->size=" << entity_sets->size() 
                         << ", entity_groups->size=" << entity_groups->size() << std::endl;

  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  return err;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::initialize_spectral_elements ( EntityHandle  rootSource,
EntityHandle  rootTarget,
bool &  specSou,
bool &  specTar 

Definition at line 154 of file Coupler.cpp.

  /*void * _spectralSource;
    void * _spectralTarget;*/

  moab::Range spectral_sets;
  moab::Tag  sem_tag;
  int sem_dims[3];
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("SEM_DIMS", 3, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, sem_tag);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    std::cout<< "can't find tag, no spectral set\n";
    return MB_SUCCESS; // nothing to do, no spectral elements
  rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(rootSource, moab::MBENTITYSET, &sem_tag, NULL, 1, spectral_sets);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval || spectral_sets.empty())
    std::cout<< "can't get sem set on source\n";
    moab::EntityHandle firstSemSet=spectral_sets[0];
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sem_tag, &firstSemSet, 1, (void*)sem_dims);
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return MB_FAILURE;

    if (sem_dims[0]!=sem_dims[1] || sem_dims[0] != sem_dims[2])
      std::cout << " dimensions are different. bail out\n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    // repeat for target sets
    // now initialize a source spectral element !
    _spectralSource = new moab::Element::SpectralHex(sem_dims[0]);
    specSou = true;
  // repeat for target source
  rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(rootTarget, moab::MBENTITYSET, &sem_tag, NULL, 1, spectral_sets);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval || spectral_sets.empty())
    std::cout<< "can't get sem set on target\n";

    moab::EntityHandle firstSemSet=spectral_sets[0];
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sem_tag, &firstSemSet, 1, (void*)sem_dims);
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return MB_FAILURE;

    if (sem_dims[0]!=sem_dims[1] || sem_dims[0] != sem_dims[2])
      std::cout << " dimensions are different. bail out\n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    // repeat for target sets
    // now initialize a target spectral element !
    _spectralTarget = new moab::Element::SpectralHex(sem_dims[0]);
    specTar = true;

  _ntot = sem_dims[0]*sem_dims[1]*sem_dims[2];
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("SEM_X", _ntot, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, _xm1Tag);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
     std::cout << "can't get xm1tag \n";
     return MB_FAILURE;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("SEM_Y", _ntot, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, _ym1Tag);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
     std::cout << "can't get ym1tag \n";
     return MB_FAILURE;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("SEM_Z", _ntot, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, _zm1Tag);
  if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
     std::cout << "can't get zm1tag \n";
     return MB_FAILURE;
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 64 of file Coupler.cpp.

  Range local_ents;

    //get entities on the local part
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  if (myPc) result = myPc->get_part_entities(local_ents, max_dim);
  else local_ents = myRange;
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result || local_ents.empty()) {
    std::cout << "Problems getting source entities" << std::endl;
    return result;

    // build the tree for local processor
  int max_per_leaf = 6;
  for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i++) {
    std::ostringstream str;
    str << "PLANE_SET=0;"
        << "MAX_PER_LEAF=" << max_per_leaf << ";";
    FileOptions opts(str.str().c_str());
    myTree = new AdaptiveKDTree(mbImpl);
    result = myTree->build_tree(local_ents, &localRoot, &opts);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      std::cout << "Problems building tree";
      if (numIts != i) {
        delete myTree;
        max_per_leaf *= 2;
        std::cout << "; increasing elements/leaf to " 
                  << max_per_leaf << std::endl;;
      else {
        std::cout << "; exiting" << std::endl;
        return result;
      break; // get out of tree building

    // get the bounding box for local tree
  if (myPc)
  else allBoxes.resize(6);
  unsigned int my_rank = (myPc ? myPc->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0);
  BoundBox box;
  result = myTree->get_bounding_box(box, &localRoot);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // now communicate to get all boxes
  if (myPc) {
    int mpi_err;
#if (MPI_VERSION >= 2)
      // use "in place" option
    mpi_err = MPI_Allgather(MPI_IN_PLACE, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL,
                                &allBoxes[0], 6, MPI_DOUBLE, 
      std::vector<double> allBoxes_tmp(6*myPc->proc_config().proc_size());
      mpi_err = MPI_Allgather( &allBoxes[6*my_rank], 6, MPI_DOUBLE,
                                   &allBoxes_tmp[0], 6, MPI_DOUBLE, 
      allBoxes = allBoxes_tmp;
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_err) return MB_FAILURE;

  /*  std::ostringstream blah;
  for(int i=0; i<allBoxes.size(); i++)
  blah << allBoxes[i] << " ";

#ifndef NDEBUG
  double min[3] = {0,0,0}, max[3] = {0,0,0};
  unsigned int dep;
  myTree->get_info(localRoot, min, max, dep);
  std::cout << "Proc " << my_rank << ": box min/max, tree depth = ("
            << min[0] << "," << min[1] << "," << min[2] << "), ("
            << max[0] << "," << max[1] << "," << max[2] << "), "
            << dep << std::endl;

  return result;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::interp_field ( EntityHandle  elem,
CartVect  nat_coord,
Tag  tag,
double &  field 
) [private]

Definition at line 818 of file Coupler.cpp.

  if (_spectralSource)
    // get tag values at the GL points for some field (Tag)
    const double * vx;
    ErrorCode rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(tag, &elem, 1, (const void **) &vx);
    if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      std::cout << "can't get field values for the tag \n";
      return MB_FAILURE;
    Element::SpectralHex * spcHex = (Element::SpectralHex *) _spectralSource;
    field = spcHex->evaluate_scalar_field(nat_coord, vx);
    double vfields[27]; // will work for linear hex, quadratic hex or Tets
    moab::Element::Map *elemMap = NULL;
    int num_verts = 0;
    // get the EntityType
    // get the tag values at the vertices
    const EntityHandle *connect;
    int num_connect;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(elem, connect, num_connect);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    EntityType etype = mbImpl->type_from_handle(elem);
    if (etype == MBHEX) {
      if (num_connect==8) {
      elemMap = new moab::Element::LinearHex();
      num_verts = 8;
      else { /* (etype == MBHEX && num_connect==27) */
      elemMap = new moab::Element::QuadraticHex();
      num_verts = 27;
    else if (etype == MBTET) {
      elemMap = new moab::Element::LinearTet();
      num_verts = 4;
    else if (etype == MBQUAD) {
      elemMap = new moab::Element::LinearQuad();
      num_verts = 4;
    else {
      return MB_FAILURE;

    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag, connect, std::min(num_verts, num_connect), vfields);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      delete elemMap;
      return result;

    //function for the interpolation
    field = 0;

    // check the number of vertices
    assert(num_connect >= num_verts);

    //calculate the field
    try {
      field = elemMap->evaluate_scalar_field(nat_coord, vfields);
    catch (moab::Element::Map::EvaluationError)
      delete elemMap;
      return MB_FAILURE;

    delete elemMap;
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::interpolate ( Coupler::Method  method,
Tag  tag,
double *  interp_vals,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  normalize = true 
) [inline]

Definition at line 535 of file Coupler.hpp.

  int num_pts = (tl ? tl->get_n() : targetPts->get_n());
  return interpolate(&method, &tag, &num_pts, 1,
                     interp_vals, tl, normalize);
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::interpolate ( Coupler::Method  method,
const std::string &  tag_name,
double *  interp_vals,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  normalize = true 

Definition at line 554 of file Coupler.cpp.

  Tag tag;
  ErrorCode result ;
  if (_spectralSource)
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(interp_tag.c_str(), _ntot, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag);
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(interp_tag.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    std::ostringstream str;
    str << "Failed to get handle for interpolation tag \"" << interp_tag << "\"";
    return result;
  return interpolate(method, tag, interp_vals, tl, normalize);
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::interpolate ( Coupler::Method methods,
const std::string *  tag_names,
int *  points_per_method,
int  num_methods,
double *  interp_vals,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  normalize = true 
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::interpolate ( Coupler::Method methods,
Tag tag_names,
int *  points_per_method,
int  num_methods,
double *  interp_vals,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  normalize = true 

Definition at line 575 of file Coupler.cpp.

    //if (!((LINEAR_FE == method) || (CONSTANT == method)))
    // return MB_FAILURE;

  TupleList *tl_tmp = (tl ? tl : targetPts);
    // remote pts first
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;

  unsigned int pts_total = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_methods; i++) pts_total += points_per_method[i];

    // if tl was passed in non-NULL, just have those points, otherwise have targetPts plus
    // locally mapped pts
  if (pts_total != tl_tmp->get_n())
    return MB_FAILURE;

  TupleList tinterp;
  tinterp.initialize(5, 0, 0, 1, tl_tmp->get_n());
  int t = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_methods; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < points_per_method[i]; j++) {
      tinterp.vi_wr[5*t] = tl_tmp->vi_rd[3*t];
      tinterp.vi_wr[5*t+1] = tl_tmp->vi_rd[3*t+1];
      tinterp.vi_wr[5*t+2] = tl_tmp->vi_rd[3*t+2];
      tinterp.vi_wr[5*t+3] = methods[i];
      tinterp.vi_wr[5*t+4] = i;
      tinterp.vr_wr[t] = 0.0;

    // scatter/gather interpolation points
  if (myPc) {
    (myPc->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, tinterp, 0);

      // perform interpolation on local source mesh; put results into
      // tinterp.vr_wr[i]

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tinterp.get_n(); i++) {
      int mindex = tinterp.vi_rd[5*i+2];
      Method method = (Method)tinterp.vi_rd[5*i+3];
      Tag tag = tags[tinterp.vi_rd[5*i+4]];

      result = MB_FAILURE;
      if(LINEAR_FE == method || QUADRATIC_FE == method){
        result = interp_field(mappedPts->vul_rd[mindex],
                              tag, tinterp.vr_wr[i]);
      }else if (CONSTANT == method){
        result = constant_interp(mappedPts->vul_rd[mindex],
                                 tag, tinterp.vr_wr[i]);

      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      // scatter/gather interpolation data
    myPc->proc_config().crystal_router()->gs_transfer(1, tinterp, 0);

    // copy the interpolated field as a unit
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tinterp.get_n(); i++)
    interp_vals[tinterp.vi_rd[5*i+1]] = tinterp.vr_rd[i];
    // done
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 428 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return localRoot;}
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::locate_points ( double *  xyz,
int  num_points,
double  rel_eps = 0.0,
double  abs_eps = 0.0,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  store_local = true 

Definition at line 283 of file Coupler.cpp.

  assert(tl || store_local);

    // target_pts: TL(to_proc, tgt_index, x, y, z): tuples sent to source mesh procs representing pts to be located
    // source_pts: TL(from_proc, tgt_index, src_index): results of source mesh proc point location, ready to send
    //             back to tgt procs; src_index of -1 indicates point not located (arguably not useful...)
  TupleList target_pts;
  target_pts.initialize(2, 0, 0, 3, num_points);

  TupleList source_pts;
  mappedPts = new TupleList(0, 0, 1, 3, target_pts.get_max());

  source_pts.initialize(3, 0, 0, 0, target_pts.get_max()); 

  ErrorCode result;

    // for each point, find box(es) containing the point,
    // appending results to tuple_list;
    // keep local points separately, in local_pts, which has pairs
    // of <local_index, mapped_index>, where mapped_index is the index
    // into the mappedPts tuple list

  unsigned int my_rank = (myPc ? myPc->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0);
  bool point_located;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3*num_points; i+=3) 
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (myPc ? myPc->proc_config().proc_size() : 0); j++)
        // test if point is in proc's box
      if ( (allBoxes[6*j] <= xyz[i]+abs_eps) && ( xyz[i] <= allBoxes[6*j+3]+abs_eps) &&
           (allBoxes[6*j+1] <= xyz[i+1]+abs_eps) && (xyz[i+1] <= allBoxes[6*j+4]+abs_eps) &&
           (allBoxes[6*j+2] <= xyz[i+2]+abs_eps) && (xyz[i+2] <= allBoxes[6*j+5]+abs_eps))
          // if in this proc's box, will send to proc to test further
          // check size, grow if we're at max
        if (target_pts.get_n() == target_pts.get_max()) 
          target_pts.resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*target_pts.get_max()));
        target_pts.vi_wr[2*target_pts.get_n()] = j;
        target_pts.vi_wr[2*target_pts.get_n()+1] = i/3;

        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()] = xyz[i];
        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()+1] = xyz[i+1];
        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()+2] = xyz[i+2];

  int num_to_me = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++)
    if (target_pts.vi_rd[2*i] == (int)my_rank) num_to_me++;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  printf("rank: %d local points: %d, nb sent target pts: %d mappedPts: %d num to me: %d \n",
         my_rank, num_points, target_pts.get_n(), mappedPts->get_n(), num_to_me);
  // perform scatter/gather, to gather points to source mesh procs
  if (myPc) {
    (myPc->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, target_pts, 0);

    num_to_me = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++)
      if (target_pts.vi_rd[2*i] == (int)my_rank) num_to_me++;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    printf("rank: %d after first gs nb received_pts: %d; num_from_me = %d\n",
           my_rank, target_pts.get_n(), num_to_me);
      // after scatter/gather:
      // target_pts.set_n( # points local proc has to map );
      // target_pts.vi_wr[2*i] = proc sending point i
      // target_pts.vi_wr[2*i+1] = index of point i on sending proc
      // target_pts.vr_wr[3*i..3*i+2] = xyz of point i
      // Mapping builds the tuple list:
      // source_pts.set_n (target_pts.get_n() )
      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i] = target_pts.vi_wr[2*i] = sending proc
      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i+1] = index of point i on sending proc
      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i+2] = index of mapped point (-1 if not mapped)
      // Also, mapping builds local tuple_list mappedPts:
      // mappedPts->set_n( # mapped points );
      // mappedPts->vul_wr[i] = local handle of mapped entity
      // mappedPts->vr_wr[3*i..3*i+2] = natural coordinates in mapped entity

      // test target points against my elements
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++) 
      result = test_local_box(target_pts.vr_wr+3*i, 
                              target_pts.vi_rd[2*i], target_pts.vi_rd[2*i+1], i, 
                              point_located, rel_eps, abs_eps, &source_pts);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

      // no longer need target_pts
#ifndef NDEBUG
    printf("rank: %d nb sent source pts: %d, mappedPts now: %d\n",
           my_rank, source_pts.get_n(),  mappedPts->get_n());
      // send target points back to target procs
    (myPc->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, source_pts, 0);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    printf("rank: %d nb received source pts: %d\n",
           my_rank, source_pts.get_n());

    // store proc/index tuples in targetPts, and/or pass back to application;
    // the tuple this gets stored to looks like:
    // tl.set_n( # mapped points );
    // tl.vi_wr[3*i] = remote proc mapping point
    // tl.vi_wr[3*i+1] = local index of mapped point
    // tl.vi_wr[3*i+2] = remote index of mapped point
    // Local index is mapped into either myRange, holding the handles of
    // local mapped entities, or myXyz, holding locations of mapped pts

    // store information about located points
  TupleList *tl_tmp;
  if (!store_local) 
    tl_tmp = tl;
  else {
    targetPts = new TupleList();
    tl_tmp = targetPts;

  tl_tmp->initialize(3, 0, 0, 0, num_points);
  tl_tmp->set_n(num_points); // automatically sets tl to write_enabled
    // initialize so we know afterwards how many pts weren't located
  std::fill(tl_tmp->vi_wr, tl_tmp->vi_wr+3*num_points, -1);

  unsigned int local_pts = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < source_pts.get_n(); i++) {
    if (-1 != source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+2]) { //why bother sending message saying "i don't have the point" if it gets discarded?
      int tgt_index = 3*source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+1];
      // prefer always entities that are local, from the source_pts
      // if a local entity was already found to contain the target point, skip
      // tl_tmp->vi_wr[tgt_index] is -1 initially, but it could already be set with
      // a remote processor
      if (tl_tmp->vi_wr[tgt_index] != (int)my_rank)
        tl_tmp->vi_wr[tgt_index]   = source_pts.vi_rd[3*i];
        tl_tmp->vi_wr[tgt_index+1] = source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+1];
        tl_tmp->vi_wr[tgt_index+2] = source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+2];

    // count missing points
  unsigned int missing_pts = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) 
    if (tl_tmp->vi_rd[3*i+1] == -1)
      if (tl_tmp->vi_rd[3*i]==(int)my_rank)
#ifndef NDEBUG
  printf("rank: %d point location: wanted %d got %u locally, %d remote, missing %d\n",
         my_rank, num_points, local_pts,  num_points-missing_pts-local_pts, missing_pts);
  assert(0==missing_pts); //will likely break on curved geometries
    // no longer need source_pts

    // copy into tl if passed in and storing locally
  if (tl && store_local) {
    tl = new TupleList(3, 0, 0, 0, num_points);
    memcpy(tl->vi_wr, tl_tmp->vi_rd, 3*tl_tmp->get_n()*sizeof(int));
    tl->set_n( tl_tmp->get_n() );


    // done
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::locate_points ( Range ents,
double  rel_eps = 0.0,
double  abs_eps = 0.0,
TupleList tl = NULL,
bool  store_local = true 

Definition at line 240 of file Coupler.cpp.

    // get locations
  std::vector<double> locs(3*targ_ents.size());
  Range verts = targ_ents.subset_by_type(MBVERTEX);
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->get_coords(verts, &locs[0]);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    // now get other ents; reuse verts
  unsigned int num_verts = verts.size();
  verts = subtract(targ_ents, verts);
    // compute centroids
  std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_conn(CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT);
  std::vector<double> dum_pos(CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT);
  const EntityHandle *conn;
  int num_conn;
  double *coords = &locs[num_verts];
    // do this here instead of a function to allow reuse of dum_pos and dum_conn
  for (Range::const_iterator rit = verts.begin(); rit != verts.end(); rit++) {
    rval = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*rit, conn, num_conn, false, &dum_conn);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    rval = mbImpl->get_coords(conn, num_conn, &dum_pos[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    coords[0] = coords[1] = coords[2] = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_conn; i++) {
      coords[0] += dum_pos[3*i];
      coords[1] += dum_pos[3*i+1];
      coords[2] += dum_pos[3*i+2];
    coords[0] /= num_conn;
    coords[1] /= num_conn;
    coords[2] /= num_conn;
    coords += 3;

  if (store_local) targetEnts = targ_ents;
  return locate_points(&locs[0], targ_ents.size(), rel_eps, abs_eps, tl, store_local);
TupleList* moab::Coupler::mapped_pts ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 434 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return mappedPts;}
Interface* moab::Coupler::mb_impl ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 426 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return mbImpl;}
int moab::Coupler::my_id ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 432 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return myId;}
ParallelComm* moab::Coupler::my_pc ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 430 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return myPc;}
const Range& moab::Coupler::my_range ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 433 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return myRange;}

Definition at line 427 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return myTree;};
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::nat_param ( double  xyz[3],
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  entities,
std::vector< CartVect > &  nat_coords,
double  epsilon = 0.0 
) [private]

Definition at line 655 of file Coupler.cpp.

  AdaptiveKDTreeIter treeiter;
  ErrorCode result = myTree->get_tree_iterator(localRoot, treeiter); 
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    std::cout << "Problems getting iterator" << std::endl;
    return result;

  EntityHandle closest_leaf;
  if (epsilon) {
    std::vector<double> dists;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> leaves;
    result = myTree->distance_search(xyz, epsilon, leaves, 1.0e-10, 1.0e-6, &dists, NULL, &localRoot);
    if (leaves.empty()) 
      // not found returns success here, with empty list, just like case with no epsilon
      return MB_SUCCESS;
      // get closest leaf
    double min_dist = *dists.begin();
    closest_leaf = *leaves.begin();
    std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = leaves.begin()+1;
    std::vector<double>::iterator dit = dists.begin()+1;
    for (; vit != leaves.end() && min_dist; vit++, dit++) {
      if (*dit < min_dist) {
        min_dist = *dit;
        closest_leaf = *vit;
  else {
    result = myTree->point_search(xyz, treeiter, 1.0e-10, 1.0e-6, NULL, &localRoot);
    if(MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND==result) //point is outside of myTree's bounding box
      return MB_SUCCESS; 
    else if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      std::cout << "Problems getting leaf \n";
      return result;
    closest_leaf = treeiter.handle();

    // find natural coordinates of point in element(s) in that leaf
  CartVect tmp_nat_coords; 
  Range range_leaf;
  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(closest_leaf, max_dim, range_leaf, false);
  if(result != MB_SUCCESS) std::cout << "Problem getting leaf in a range" << std::endl;

  // loop over the range_leaf
  for(Range::iterator iter = range_leaf.begin(); iter != range_leaf.end(); iter++)
    //test to find out in which entity the point is
    //get the EntityType and create the appropriate Element::Map subtype
    // if spectral, do not need coordinates, just the GL points
    EntityType etype = mbImpl->type_from_handle(*iter);
    if (NULL!= this->_spectralSource && etype==MBHEX)
      EntityHandle eh = *iter;
      const double * xval;
      const double * yval;
      const double * zval;
      ErrorCode rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_xm1Tag, &eh, 1,(const void **) &xval );
      if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        std::cout << "can't get xm1 values \n";
        return MB_FAILURE;
      rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_ym1Tag, &eh, 1, (const void **)&yval );
      if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        std::cout << "can't get ym1 values \n";
        return MB_FAILURE;
      rval = mbImpl-> tag_get_by_ptr(_zm1Tag, &eh, 1, (const void **)&zval );
      if (moab::MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        std::cout << "can't get zm1 values \n";
        return MB_FAILURE;
      Element::SpectralHex * spcHex = ( Element::SpectralHex * ) _spectralSource;

      spcHex->set_gl_points((double*)xval, (double*)yval, (double*)zval);
      tmp_nat_coords = spcHex->ievaluate(CartVect(xyz));
      bool inside = spcHex->inside_nat_space(CartVect(xyz), epsilon);
      if (!inside) {
        std::cout << "point "<< xyz[0] << " " << xyz[1] << " " << xyz[2] <<
            " is not converging inside hex " << mbImpl->id_from_handle(eh) << "\n";
        continue; // it is possible that the point is outside, so it will not converge
      const EntityHandle *connect;
      int num_connect;

        //get connectivity
      result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*iter, connect, num_connect, true);

        //get coordinates of the vertices
      std::vector<CartVect> coords_vert(num_connect);
      result = mbImpl->get_coords(connect, num_connect, &(coords_vert[0][0]));
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        std::cout << "Problems getting coordinates of vertices\n";
        return result;

      if (etype == MBHEX) {
        if (8==num_connect)
          Element::LinearHex hexmap(coords_vert);
          tmp_nat_coords = hexmap.ievaluate(CartVect(xyz), epsilon);
          bool inside = hexmap.inside_nat_space(tmp_nat_coords, epsilon);
          if (!inside)
        else if (27==num_connect)
          Element::QuadraticHex hexmap(coords_vert);
          tmp_nat_coords = hexmap.ievaluate(CartVect(xyz), epsilon);
          bool inside = hexmap.inside_nat_space(tmp_nat_coords, epsilon);
          if (!inside)
        else // TODO this case not treated yet, no interpolation
      else if (etype == MBTET){
        Element::LinearTet tetmap(coords_vert);
        tmp_nat_coords = tetmap.ievaluate(CartVect(xyz));
        bool inside = tetmap.inside_nat_space(tmp_nat_coords, epsilon);
        if (!inside)
      else if (etype == MBQUAD){
        Element::LinearQuad quadmap(coords_vert);
        try {
          tmp_nat_coords = quadmap.ievaluate(CartVect(xyz), epsilon);
          bool inside = quadmap.inside_nat_space(tmp_nat_coords, epsilon);
          if (!inside) continue;
        catch (Element::Map::EvaluationError) {
        if (!quadmap.inside_nat_space(tmp_nat_coords, epsilon))
      else {
        std::cout << "Entity not Hex or Tet or Quad" << std::endl;
      //if we get here then we've found the coordinates.
      //save them and the entity and return success.
    return MB_SUCCESS;

  //didn't find any elements containing the point
  return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::Coupler::normalize_mesh ( iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set,
const char *  norm_tag,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type,
int  num_integ_pts 

Definition at line 919 of file Coupler.cpp.

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  // Get an iMesh_Instance from MBCoupler::mbImpl.
  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);

  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  // Search for entities based on tag_handles and tag_values

  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> > entity_sets;
  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> >    entity_groups;

  // put the root_set into entity_sets
  std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> ent_set;

  // get all entities from root_set and put into entity_groups
  std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> entities;
  iBase_EntityHandle *ents = NULL;
  int ents_alloc = 0;
  int ents_size = 0;

  iMesh_getEntities(iMeshInst, root_set, iBase_ALL_TYPES, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES,
                    &ents, &ents_alloc, &ents_size, &err);
  ERRORR("iMesh_getEntities failed on root_set.", err);

  // put all of the entities from the entity set into ent_set and free the memory for ents.
  for (int k = 0; k < ents_size; k++) {


  // Call do_normalization() to continue common normalization processing
  err = do_normalization(norm_tag, entity_sets, entity_groups, integ_type, num_integ_pts);
  ERRORR("Failure in do_normalization().", err);
  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  return err;
int moab::Coupler::normalize_subset ( iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set,
const char *  norm_tag,
const char **  tag_names,
int  num_tags,
const char **  tag_values,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type,
int  num_integ_pts 

Definition at line 967 of file Coupler.cpp.

  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>(mbImpl);
  int err;
  std::vector<iBase_TagHandle> tag_handles;
  // Lookup tag handles from tag names
  for (int t = 0; t < num_tags; t++) {
    // get tag handle & size
    iBase_TagHandle th;
    iMesh_getTagHandle(iMeshInst, tag_names[t], &th, &err, strlen(tag_names[t]));
    ERRORR("Failed to get tag handle.", err);

  return normalize_subset(root_set, 
int moab::Coupler::normalize_subset ( iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set,
const char *  norm_tag,
iBase_TagHandle tag_handles,
int  num_tags,
const char **  tag_values,
Coupler::IntegType  integ_type,
int  num_integ_pts 

Definition at line 997 of file Coupler.cpp.

  int err = iBase_SUCCESS;

  // SLAVE START ****************************************************************
  // Search for entities based on tag_handles and tag_values

  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntitySetHandle> > entity_sets;
  std::vector< std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> >    entity_groups;
  err = get_matching_entities(root_set, tag_handles, tag_values, num_tags, 
                              &entity_sets, &entity_groups);
  ERRORR("Failed to get matching entities.", err);

  // Call do_normalization() to continue common normalization processing
  err = do_normalization(norm_tag, entity_sets, entity_groups, integ_type, num_integ_pts);
  ERRORR("Failure in do_normalization().", err);
  // SLAVE END   ****************************************************************

  return err;
int moab::Coupler::num_its ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 435 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return numIts;}
const Range& moab::Coupler::target_ents ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 431 of file Coupler.hpp.

{return targetEnts;}
ErrorCode moab::Coupler::test_local_box ( double *  xyz,
int  from_proc,
int  remote_index,
int  index,
bool &  point_located,
double  rel_eps = 0.0,
double  abs_eps = 0.0,
TupleList tl = NULL 
) [private]

Definition at line 478 of file Coupler.cpp.

  std::vector<EntityHandle> entities;
  std::vector<CartVect> nat_coords;
  bool canWrite = false;
  if (tl) {
    canWrite = tl->get_writeEnabled();
    if(!canWrite) {
      canWrite = true;

  if (rel_eps && !abs_eps) {
      // relative epsilon given, translate to absolute epsilon using box dimensions
    BoundBox box;
    myTree->get_bounding_box(box, &localRoot);
    abs_eps = rel_eps * box.diagonal_length();
  ErrorCode result = nat_param(xyz, entities, nat_coords, abs_eps);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

    // if we didn't find any ents and we're looking locally, nothing more to do
  if (entities.empty())
    if (tl->get_n() == tl->get_max())
      tl->resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*tl->get_max()));

    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n()] = from_proc;
    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n() + 1] = remote_index;
    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n() + 2] = -1;

    point_located = false;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

    // grow if we know we'll exceed size
  if (mappedPts->get_n()+entities.size() >= mappedPts->get_max())
    mappedPts->resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*mappedPts->get_max()));

  std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator eit = entities.begin();
  std::vector<CartVect>::iterator ncit = nat_coords.begin();

  for (; eit != entities.end(); eit++, ncit++) {
      // store in tuple mappedPts
    mappedPts->vr_wr[3*mappedPts->get_n()] = (*ncit)[0];
    mappedPts->vr_wr[3*mappedPts->get_n()+1] = (*ncit)[1];
    mappedPts->vr_wr[3*mappedPts->get_n()+2] = (*ncit)[2];
    mappedPts->vul_wr[mappedPts->get_n()] = *eit;

      // also store local point, mapped point indices
    if (tl->get_n() == tl->get_max()) 
      tl->resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*tl->get_max()));

      // store in tuple source_pts
    tl->vi_wr[3*tl->get_n()] = from_proc;
    tl->vi_wr[3*tl->get_n()+1] = remote_index;
    tl->vi_wr[3*tl->get_n()+2] = mappedPts->get_n()-1;

  point_located = true;
  if(tl && !canWrite) tl->disableWriteAccess();

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

int moab::Coupler::_ntot [private]

Definition at line 529 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 526 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 527 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 528 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 528 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 528 of file Coupler.hpp.

std::vector<double> moab::Coupler::allBoxes [private]

Definition at line 480 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 476 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 504 of file Coupler.hpp.

int moab::Coupler::max_dim [private]

Definition at line 521 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 464 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 532 of file Coupler.hpp.

int moab::Coupler::myId [private]

Definition at line 488 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 484 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 492 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 472 of file Coupler.hpp.

int moab::Coupler::numIts [private]

Definition at line 518 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 496 of file Coupler.hpp.

Definition at line 513 of file Coupler.hpp.

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