moab::WriteDamsel Class Reference

#include <WriteDamsel.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for moab::WriteDamsel:

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { DAMSEL_IS_TRACKING = 0x1 }

Public Member Functions

 WriteDamsel (Interface *impl)
virtual ~WriteDamsel ()
ErrorCode write_file (const char *file_name, const bool, const FileOptions &opts, const EntityHandle *meshset_list, const int num_sets, const std::vector< std::string > &, const Tag *=NULL, int=0, int=3)

Static Public Member Functions

static WriterIfacefactory (Interface *iface)
 factory function, for ReaderWriter

Public Attributes

enum moab::WriteDamsel:: { ... }  DAMSEL_FLAGS

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode init_tag_info ()
 Initialize global information about dense/sparse/conventional tags, once for entire write_file call.
ErrorCode write_subrange (RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi)
 write a subrange of entities/sets; just a wrapper to write_[vertices, entities, sets]
ErrorCode write_vertices (RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi)
ErrorCode write_entities (RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi)
ErrorCode write_sets (RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi)
ErrorCode map_dense_tags (RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi, damsel_container &ent_cont)
 Map dense tags for the specified entities, using the specified damsel entity container.
ErrorCode map_sparse_tags ()
 Map sparse tags for all entities.

Private Attributes

 interface instance
 WriteUtil object used in this writer.
 Error object used to register errors.
 Used to initialize the RangeSeqIntersectIter.
std::string fileName
 file name
DamselUtil dU
 utility for storing damsel-specific stuff

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 73 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Definition at line 69 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

        : mbImpl(impl), mWriteIface(NULL), mError(NULL), sequenceManager(NULL), dU()
  assert(impl != NULL);

  impl->query_interface( mWriteIface );
  sequenceManager = dynamic_cast<Core*>(impl)->sequence_manager();

  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_XCOORDS", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE,
                                         dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_XCOORDS.");
  dU.xcoordsTag.tagType = MB_TAG_ANY;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_YCOORDS", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE,
                               dU.ycoordsTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_YCOORDS.");
  dU.ycoordsTag.tagType = MB_TAG_ANY;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_ZCOORDS", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE,
                               dU.zcoordsTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_ZCOORDS.");
  dU.zcoordsTag.tagType = MB_TAG_ANY;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_COLL_FLAGS", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                               dU.collFlagsTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_COLL_FLAGS.");
  dU.collFlagsTag.tagType = MB_TAG_ANY;

  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_PARENTS", 1, MB_TYPE_HANDLE,
                               dU.parentsTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_VARLEN);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_PARENTS.");
  dU.parentsTag.tagType = MB_TAG_DENSE;
  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("mbdmsl_CHILDREN", 1, MB_TYPE_HANDLE,
                               dU.childrenTag.mTagh, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_VARLEN);
  CHK_MB_ERR_NR(rval, "Failed to create_tag mbdmsl_CHILDREN.");
  dU.childrenTag.tagType = MB_TAG_DENSE;
  dU.moabHandleType = (sizeof(EntityHandle) == 64 ? DAMSEL_HANDLE_TYPE_HANDLE64 :


Definition at line 126 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

factory function, for ReaderWriter

Definition at line 66 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

  { return new WriteDamsel( iface ); }

Initialize global information about dense/sparse/conventional tags, once for entire write_file call.

Definition at line 204 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // initialize allTags and tagIndices
  std::vector<Tag> tmp_mtags;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_tags(tmp_mtags);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Failed to get all tag handles.");
  int dum_size;
  damsel_err_t err;
    // define damsel tag handles for all dense/sparse tags
  for (std::vector<Tag>::iterator vit = tmp_mtags.begin(); vit != tmp_mtags.end(); vit++) {
    if (((*vit)->get_storage_type() != MB_TAG_DENSE && (*vit)->get_storage_type() != MB_TAG_SPARSE) ||
        mbImpl->tag_get_length(*vit, dum_size) == MB_VARIABLE_DATA_LENGTH ||
        dum_size != 1) {
      std::cerr << "Warning: tag " << (*vit)->get_name() 
                << "is not of type dense or sparse, and is not currently supported by the damsel writer." 
                << std::endl;

    std::vector<DamselUtil::tinfo>::iterator vit2 = 
        std::find_if(dU.tagMap.begin(), dU.tagMap.end(), DamselUtil::MtagP<DamselUtil::tinfo>(*vit));
    if (vit2 != dU.tagMap.end() && (*vit2).tagType == MB_TAG_ANY) 
        // conventional tag - skip
    else if (vit2 == dU.tagMap.end()) {
        // create a damsel counterpart for this tag
      Tag thandle = *vit;
      err = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&thandle, 
      CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag .");
      dU.tagMap.push_back(DamselUtil::tinfo(thandle, 0, (*vit)->get_storage_type()));
    else {
        // assert there's a corresponding moab tag handle
    // do the same for conventional tags: 
    // XCOORDS
  err = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh), 
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag.");

    // YCOORDS
  err = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.ycoordsTag.mTagh), 
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag.");

    // ZCOORDS
  err = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.zcoordsTag.mTagh), 
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag.");

  err = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.collFlagsTag.mTagh), 
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag.");


    // PARENTS
  dU.parentsTagPair.second = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.collFlagsTagPair.first), 
  if (DAMSEL_TAG_INVALID == dtag) CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag %s.", 

  dU.childrenTagPair.second = DMSLtag_define(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.collFlagsTagPair.first), 
  if (DAMSEL_TAG_INVALID == dtag) CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Failure to get Damsel tag for MOAB tag %s.", 


    // map the tag handles in one big call
  int num_tags = dU.tagMap.size();
  std::vector<Tag> moab_taghs;
  for (std::vector<DamselUtil::tinfo>::iterator vit = dU.tagMap.begin(); vit != dU.tagMap.end(); vit++) {
  damsel_container mtags = DMSLcontainer_create_vector(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&moab_taghs[0], moab_taghs.size());
  std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: mtags = " << mtags <<std::endl;
  err = DMSLmodel_map_handles_inventing_file_handles(mtags);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to map tag handles.");

  err = DMSLcontainer_release(mtags);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing tag handle container.");
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteDamsel::map_dense_tags ( RangeSeqIntersectIter rsi,
damsel_container &  ent_cont 
) [private]

Map dense tags for the specified entities, using the specified damsel entity container.

Definition at line 424 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // all dense_tags have been initialized before this, so here we just go through
    // them and map data if there is any
  const unsigned char *val_ptr;
  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
  std::vector<DamselUtil::tinfo>::iterator tagit;
  damsel_err_t err;
  for (tagit = dU.tagMap.begin(); tagit != dU.tagMap.end(); tagit++) {
    if ((*tagit).tagType != MB_TAG_DENSE) continue;
      // get a ptr to memory for this tag/sequence
    DenseTag *dtag = dynamic_cast<DenseTag*>((*tagit).mTagh);
    rval = dtag->get_array(rsi.get_sequence(), val_ptr);
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Failed to get tag coordinates pointer for vertices starting with handle %lu.",

      // if ptr is NULL, no data for this tag in this sequence
    if (!val_ptr) continue;
      // else, register with damsel
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag((void*)val_ptr, ent_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dtag);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to write coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.",
  return rval;

Map sparse tags for all entities.

Definition at line 454 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // all sparse_tags have been initialized before this, so here we just go through
    // them and map data if there is any
  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
  damsel_err_t err;
  std::vector<DamselUtil::tinfo>::iterator tagit;
  std::vector<unsigned char> tag_values;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> tagged_ents;
  damsel_container ent_cont;
  for (tagit = dU.tagMap.begin(); tagit != dU.tagMap.end(); tagit++) {
    if ((*tagit).tagType != MB_TAG_SPARSE) continue;
      // get a ptr to memory for this tag/sequence
    SparseTag *stag = dynamic_cast<SparseTag*>((*tagit).mTagh);
    Range output_ents;
    rval = stag->get_tagged_entities(sequenceManager, output_ents);
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Trouble getting tagged entities for tag %s.", stag->get_name().c_str());

      // if no entities have this tag set, don't map it
    if (output_ents.empty()) continue;
      // else, register with damsel
      // allocate space for and get values
    tag_values.resize(stag->get_size() * output_ents.size());
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(stag, output_ents, &tag_values[0]);
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Trouble getting tag values for tag %s.", stag->get_name().c_str());

      // build a vector of entity handles from the range, and a container from that
    std::copy(output_ents.begin(), output_ents.end(), tagged_ents.begin());
    ent_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_vector(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr)&tagged_ents[0], tagged_ents.size());
    std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: sparse_tag_ent_cont = " << ent_cont <<std::endl;
    if (ent_cont == DAMSEL_CONTAINER_INVALID) 
      CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Trouble creating entity handle container for tag %s.", stag->get_name().c_str());

      // now map it
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag((void*)&tag_values[0], ent_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&stag);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to write tag %s.", stag->get_name().c_str());

    err = DMSLcontainer_release(ent_cont);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing entity handle container.");
  return rval;

Write the entities in the model, for the handles in the specified RangeSeqIntersectIter

rsiRange sequence iterator defining range of entities/sets to be written

Definition at line 378 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // write the entities; these entities will be in the same sequence and will be contiguous, guaranteed
  EntityHandle start_ent = rsi.get_start_handle(), end_ent = rsi.get_end_handle();

    // create a damsel container for these entity handles
  damsel_container ent_cont;
  ent_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, start_ent, (int)(end_ent-start_ent+1), 1);
  std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: ent_cont = " << ent_cont <<std::endl;
    CHK_MB_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Bad sequence returned by Damsel.");

  damsel_err_t err = DMSLmodel_map_handles_inventing_file_handles(ent_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to map handles.");
    // get # verts per entity and entity type
  EntityType etype = mbImpl->type_from_handle(start_ent);
  assert(MBMAXTYPE != etype);
  int num_connect = rsi.get_sequence()->values_per_entity();
  assert(0 < num_connect);
    // get the connectivity storage location and pass to damsel
  Range ent_range(start_ent, end_ent);
  int count;
  EntityHandle *connect;
  int verts_per_ent;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->connect_iterate(ent_range.begin(), ent_range.end(), connect, verts_per_ent, count);
  CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Failed to get connect iterator for entities starting with handle %lu.", rsi.get_start_handle());
  if (count != (int)ent_range.size())
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Entity subrange not in the same sequence for entities starting with handle %lu.", 
    // define the entities to damsel
  err = DMSLentity_define_fast(ent_cont, DamselUtil::mtod_entity_type[etype], num_connect, (damsel_handle*)connect);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "DMSLentity_define failed for entities starting with handle %lu.", rsi.get_start_handle());
    // write dense tags
  rval = map_dense_tags(rsi, ent_cont);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, NULL);
  err = DMSLcontainer_release(ent_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing entity handle container.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteDamsel::write_file ( const char *  file_name,
const bool  ,
const FileOptions opts,
const EntityHandle meshset_list,
const int  num_sets,
const std::vector< std::string > &  ,
const Tag = NULL,
int  = 0,
int  = 3 
) [virtual]

Primary interface function

file_nameFilename being written
overwriteIf true and the file exists, an error is returned
optsFile options, e.g. whether and how to write in parallel
meshset_listIf non-NULL, a vector of sets defining what is to be written
num_setsThe number of sets to be written, only used if meshset_list is non-NULL
qa_recordsStrings defining provenance information
tag_listIf non-NULL, only these tags should be written
num_tagsThe number of tag handles in tag_list, used only if tag_list is non-NULL
requested_output_dimensionDimension used for coordinates

Implements moab::WriterIface.

Definition at line 132 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // gather all entities into one big range
  Range all_ents;
  ErrorCode rval;
  damsel_err_t err;

  dU.dmslLib = DMSLlib_init();

    // create a damsel model
  dU.dmslModel = DMSLmodel_create(sizeof(EntityHandle) == 8 ? DAMSEL_HANDLE_TYPE_HANDLE64 : 
    // attach to a file, since we need it for creating containers
  MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  err = DMSLmodel_attach(dU.dmslModel, file_name, comm, NULL);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_attach failed.");
  rval = mWriteIface->gather_entities(all_ents, meshset_list, num_sets);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Gather entities failed in WriteDamsel.");

  if (all_ents.empty()) return MB_SUCCESS;

    // create damsel tags for MOAB dense, sparse, and conventional tags
  rval = init_tag_info();
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, NULL);

    // iterate through the groups of contiguous sequences of handles
  RangeSeqIntersectIter rsi(sequenceManager);
  rval = rsi.init(all_ents.begin(), all_ents.end());
  while (rval == MB_SUCCESS) {
      // write subrange of things to damsel: map handles, map entity definition data (connectivity/coords/set contents),
      // map dense tags
    rval = write_subrange(rsi);
    CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Failed to write subrange.");
    rval = rsi.step();
    while (MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND == rval)
      rval = rsi.step();

    // write sparse tags
  rval = map_sparse_tags();
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Failed to write sparse tags.");

    //damsel_request_t request;
    //err = DMSLmodel_transfer_async(dU.dmslModel, DAMSEL_TRANSFER_TYPE_WRITE, &request);
  err = DMSLmodel_transfer_sync(dU.dmslModel, DAMSEL_TRANSFER_TYPE_WRITE);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_transfer_asynch failed.");
    //damsel_status_t status;
    //err = DMSLmodel_wait(request, &status);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "DMSLmodel_wait failed.");


    // we should be done
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Write the sets in the model, for the handles in the specified RangeSeqIntersectIter

rsiRange sequence iterator defining range of entities/sets to be written

Definition at line 501 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // write the sets
  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> ents;
  damsel_container mcont;
  damsel_err_t err;
  unsigned int i, num_sets = rsi.get_end_handle() - rsi.get_start_handle() + 1;
  std::vector<unsigned int> set_flags(num_sets, 0);
  EntityHandle seth;
  for (seth = rsi.get_start_handle(), i = 0; seth <= rsi.get_end_handle(); seth++, i++) {
      // get all the entities in the set
    rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(seth, ents);
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "get_entities_by_handle failed for set %lu.", seth);
    if (!ents.empty()) {
      mcont = DMSLcontainer_create_vector(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle*)&ents[0], ents.size());
    else {
      mcont = DMSLcontainer_create_vector(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle*)NULL, 0);
    std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: sets_cont = " << mcont <<std::endl;

    // get the set type (range or set)
    unsigned int opts;
    rval = mbImpl->get_meshset_options(seth, opts);
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Failed to get options for meshset %lu.", seth);
    damsel_collection_type coll_type = (opts&MESHSET_SET ? DAMSEL_HANDLE_COLLECTION_TYPE_SET :

      // parents/children...

      // set flags
    if (opts & MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER)
      set_flags[i] |= MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER;
      set_flags[i] &= !MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER;

      // create the collection
    DMSLcoll_create(dU.dmslModel, (damsel_handle_ptr) &seth, mcont, coll_type);

      // release the container
    err = DMSLcontainer_release(mcont);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing set entity handle container.");

    // set the COLL_FLAGS tag, using assign (direct)
    // make a container of set handles...
  mcont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, rsi.get_start_handle(), num_sets, 1);
  std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: sets_cont = " << mcont <<std::endl;
    // assign the tags on them
  err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(&set_flags[0], mcont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&(dU.collFlagsTag.mTagh));
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to assign COLL_FLAGS tag for sets.");

  err = DMSLmodel_map_handles_inventing_file_handles(mcont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to map set handles.");
    // map other dense tags
  rval = map_dense_tags(rsi, mcont);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, "Failed to map dense tags for sets.");

  return rval;

write a subrange of entities/sets; just a wrapper to write_[vertices, entities, sets]

Definition at line 121 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;

  if (MBVERTEX == mbImpl->type_from_handle(rsi.get_start_handle())) 
    rval = write_vertices(rsi);

  else if (MBENTITYSET > mbImpl->type_from_handle(rsi.get_start_handle())) 
    rval = write_entities(rsi);

//  else
//    rval = write_sets(rsi);

  return rval;

Write the vertices in the model, for the handles in the specified RangeSeqIntersectIter

rsiRange sequence iterator defining range of entities/sets to be written

Definition at line 314 of file WriteDamsel.cpp.

    // write the vertices; these vertices will be in the same sequence and will be contiguous, guaranteed
  EntityHandle start_vert = rsi.get_start_handle(), end_vert = rsi.get_end_handle();

    // create a damsel container for these vertex handles
  damsel_container vertex_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, start_vert, (int)(end_vert-start_vert+1), 1);
  std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: vertex_cont = " << vertex_cont <<std::endl;
  if (DAMSEL_CONTAINER_INVALID == vertex_cont) 
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Failed to create vertex sequence for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  damsel_err_t err = DMSLmodel_map_handles_inventing_file_handles(vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to map handles.");

    // define the entities to damsel
  err = DMSLentity_define(vertex_cont, DAMSEL_ENTITY_TYPE_VERTEX, 1, vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failure in DMSLentity_define for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    // get the vertex coordinates storage locations and pass to damsel
  Range vert_range(start_vert, end_vert);
  double *xcoords = NULL, *ycoords = NULL, *zcoords = NULL;
  int count;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->coords_iterate(vert_range.begin(), vert_range.end(),
                                          xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, count);
  CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Failed to get coordinate iterator for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  if (count != (int)vert_range.size()) {
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Vertex subrange not in the same sequence for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  if (xcoords && !ycoords && !zcoords) {
      // interleaved

      // map the data to damsel
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(xcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  else {
      // map the data to damsel
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(xcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex x coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(ycoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.ycoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex y coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(zcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.zcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex z coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 

    // write/map dense tags
  rval = map_dense_tags(rsi, vertex_cont);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, NULL);
  err = DMSLcontainer_release(vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing vertex handle container.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

utility for storing damsel-specific stuff

Definition at line 118 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

std::string moab::WriteDamsel::fileName [private]

file name

Definition at line 115 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

interface instance

Definition at line 103 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

Error object used to register errors.

Definition at line 109 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

WriteUtil object used in this writer.

Definition at line 106 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

Used to initialize the RangeSeqIntersectIter.

Definition at line 112 of file WriteDamsel.hpp.

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