CS595-01: Advanced Scientific Computing, fall 2018 (Thursday 6:25-9:05pm, Stuart Building Room 204.)

Instructor: Hong Zhang, Research Professor, Department of Computer Science, IIT.
Email:        [email protected]
Web Page: www.mcs.anl.gov/~hzhang/teach/cs595
Office Hours and Location: Thur. 3:30 - 5:15pm, SB 235C

Course Description: This course is designed for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in the fields of science and engineering. The objective is to introduce the essential numerical algorithmic ideas and provide programming practice on advanced scientific computer architecture. The course contains following subjects:

Students are expected to gain hands-on numerical programming experience on state-of-the-art parallel computers. By the end of the course, students are required to apply the algorithms and techniques learned in the class to projects either in their own field (particularly encouraged) or projects suggested by the instructor. Successful course project may lead to summer internship at the Argonne National Laboratory.

Selected examples of student project:

Prerequisites: Advanced calculus, linear algebra, background on numerical computing. Programming skill.

Grading: Homework: 40%, Class participation: 10%, Final project: 50%.


Lecture Notes and Assignments: blackboard.iit.edu

Advising Philosophy: click here