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OutputBuilderText.hpp File Reference

An OutputBuilder for text output. More...

#include "OutputBuilder.hpp"
#include <iostream>
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class  OA::OutputBuilderText


 Namespace for the whole OpenAnalysis Toolkit.

Constant Groups

 Namespace for the whole OpenAnalysis Toolkit.


ostream & OA::indt (ostream &os)
 Output a new line and indent appropriatly. More...
ostream & OA::pushIndt (ostream &os)
 Increase the indentation on all following lines. More...
ostream & OA::popIndt (ostream &os)
 Decrease the indentation on all following lines. More...
ostream & OA::black (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::red (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::green (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::yellow (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::blue (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::magenta (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::purple (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::cyan (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::white (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brBlack (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::darkGray (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::darkGrey (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brRed (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brGreen (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brYellow (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brBlue (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brMagenta (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brPurple (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brCyan (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brWhite (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::blackBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::redBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::greenBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::yellowBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::blueBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::magentaBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::purpleBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::cyanBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::whiteBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brBlackBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::darkGrayBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::darkGreyBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brRedBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brGreenBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brYellowBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brBlueBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brMagentaBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brPurpleBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brCyanBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::brWhiteBG (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::boldOn (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::underlineOn (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::blinkOn (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::boldOff (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::underlineOff (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::blinkOff (ostream &os)
ostream & OA::resetColor (ostream &os)

Detailed Description

An OutputBuilder for text output.

Michelle Strout
OutputBuilderText.hpp,v 1.5 2007/10/08 19:19:15 utke Exp

Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Rice University
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, University of Chicago
Copyright (c) 2006, Contributors
All rights reserved.
See ../../../Copyright.txt for details.

Definition in file OutputBuilderText.hpp.