The Tenth International Workshop on
Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) To be held in conjunction with 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium in New Orleans, Louisiana USA (May 18th, 2020) |
Workshop Scope and Goals
The current computing landscape has gone through an ever-increasing rate of change and innovation. This change has been driven by the relentless need to improve the energy-efficient, memory, and compute throughput at all levels of the architectural hierarchy. Although the amount of data that has to be organized by today's systems posed new challenges to the architecture, which can no longer be solved with classical, homogeneous design. Improvements in all of those areas have led Heterogeneous systems to become the norm rather than the exception.
Heterogeneous computing leverages a diverse set of computing (CPU, GPU, FPGA, TPU ...) and Memory (HBM, Persistent Memory, Coherent PCI protocols, etc ..), hierarchical storage systems and units to accelerate the execution of a diverse set of applications. Emerging and existing areas such as DeepLearing, BigData, Cloud Computing, Edge-Computing, Real-time systems, High-Performance Computing and others have seen a real benefit due to Heterogenous computer architectures. These new heterogeneous architectures often also require the development of new applications and programming models, in order to satisfy these new architectures and to fully utilize these capacities. This workshop focuses on understanding the implications of heterogeneous designs at all levels of the computing system stack, such as hardware, compiler optimizations, porting of applications, and developing programming environments for current and emerging systems in all the above-mentioned areas. It seeks to ground heterogeneous system design research through studies of application kernels and/or whole applications, as well as shed light on new tools, libraries and runtime systems that improve the performance and productivity of applications on heterogeneous systems.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who are at the forefront of Heterogeneous computing in order to learn the opportunities and challenges in future Heterogeneous system design trends and thus help influence the next trends in this area.
Topics of interest for workshop submissions include (but are not limited to):- Strategies for programming heterogeneous systems using high-level models such as OpenMP, OpenACC, SYCL, low-level models such as OpenCL, CUDA;
- Methods and tools to tackle challenges from heterogeneity in DeepLearing, BigData, Cloud Computing, Edge-Computing, Real-time Systems, and High-Performance Computing;
- Strategies for application behavior characterization and performance optimization for accelerators;
- Techniques for optimizing kernels for execution on GPGPU, FPGA, TPU, and future heterogeneous platforms;
- Models of application performance on heterogeneous and accelerated HPC systems;
- Compiler Optimizations and tuning heterogeneous systems including parallelization, loop transformation, locality optimizations, Vectorization;
- Implications of workload characterization in heterogeneous and accelerated architecture design;
- Benchmarking and performance evaluation for heterogeneous systems at all level of the system stack;
- Tools and techniques to address both performance and correctness to assist application development for accelerators and heterogeneous processors;
- System software techniques to abstract application domain-specific functionalities for accelerators;
The proceedings of this workshops will be published electronically together with IPDPS proceedings via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submission Instructions
Papers should present original research and should provide sufficient background material to make them accessible to the broader community.
Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 10 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references. See the style templates for for latex or word for details.
Submissions will be judged based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity.
Submission site:
Journal Special Issue
Important Dates (AoE)
Paper Submission: January 20, 2020 February 7, 2020 (Friday)
Paper Notification: March 2, 2020
Camera-Ready Papers Due: March 15, 2020
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