Actual source code: matij.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: #define PETSCMAT_DLL
  2: #include <petsc-private/matimpl.h>
  3: #include <../src/mat/impls/ij/stashij.h>
  4: #include <../src/sys/utils/hash.h>

  6: /*MC
  7:  MATIJ - MATIJ = "ij".
  8:           A matrix class encoding a PseudoGraph -- a directed graph that admits multiple edges between its vertices.
  9:           The underlying pseudograph, and therefore the matrix, can be interpreted as a multiset-valued or array-valued
 10:           map from vertices to vertices: each vertex v is mapped to the multiset or array of the vertices that terminate
 11:           the edges originating at v.

 13:           Vertices, edges, and local sizes:
 14:           Pseudograph vertices are identified with indices -- nonnegative integers of type PetscInt:
 15:             - domain indices, from which the edges emanate
 16:             - range  or codomain indices, at which the edges terminate
 17:           Each processor owns the domain indices falling within the local ownership range (see MatGetOwnershipRange()).

 19:           Edges emanating from a local domain index correspond to the matrix entries in the corresponding local row.
 20:           Indices terminating the local edges can have any value in [0,N) (where N is Mat's global column size).
 21:           Since any global index can be the target of any local edge, or even of multiple local edges with the same
 22:           source index, the matrix column size does not reflect row sizes.  In particular, the number of edges with the 
 23:           same local source can be greater than N (where n is the global column size). As with MatMPIADJ, there is no
 24:           particular distinction attached to the local column size n.

 27:           Map, support, image(s):
 28:           The interpretation as an array-valued map allows MATIJ to define its action on indices or indexed arrays.
 29:           An array of indices with entries within the local ownership range can be mapped to the index array obtained by
 30:           a concatenation of the images of all of the input indices.  Likewise, an indexed array of weights -- scalars, 
 31:           integers or integer-scalar pairs -- can be mapped to a similar indexed array with the indices replaced by 
 32:           their images, and the weights duplicated, if necessary.

 34:           Using the above map interpretation of MATIJ, the indices within the local ownership range and  nonempty 
 35:           images constitute the local support of the Mat -- an array of size m0 <= m.  The indices that belong to any of
 36:           the images of the locally-supported indices constitute the local image of size n0 <= N.

 38:   Level: advanced
 39: M*/

 41: typedef struct {
 42:   PetscBool multivalued;  /* Whether the underlying pseudograph is not a graph. */
 43:   /* The following data structures are using for stashing. */
 44:   MatStashMPIIJ stash;
 45:   /* The following data structures are used for mapping. */
 46:   PetscHashI hsupp; /* local support in a hash table */
 47:   PetscInt m,n;
 48:   PetscInt *ij;      /* concatenated local images of ALL local input elements (i.e., all indices from the local ownership range), sorted within each image */
 49:   PetscInt *ijlen;   /* image segment boundaries for each local input index */
 50:   PetscInt *image;   /* local image */
 51:   PetscInt minijlen, maxijlen; /* min and max image segment size */
 52:   /* The following data structures are used for binning. */
 53:   PetscInt *binoffsets, *binsizes;
 54: } Mat_IJ;

 57: #define MatIJCheckAssembled(mat,needassembled,arg)                                            \
 58:   do {                                                                                            \
 59:     if(!((mat)->assembled) && (needassembled)) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, \
 60:                                   "MatIJ not assembled");                                     \
 61:     if(((mat)->assembled) && !(needassembled)) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, \
 62:                                   "Mat already assembled");                                 \
 63:   } while(0)

 67: #define MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,mode,i,ii)                          \
 68: do                                                                      \
 69:  {                                                                      \
 70:   (ii) = -1;                                                            \
 71:   if((mode) == MATIJ_LOCAL) {                                           \
 72:     (ii) = i;                                                           \
 73:   }                                                                     \
 74:   else {                                                                \
 75:     Mat_IJ *_13_ij = (Mat_IJ*)((A)->data);                              \
 76:     if(!_13_ij->hsupp) {                                                \
 77:       if((ii) < (A)->rmap->rend && (ii) >= (i) - A->rmap->rstart)       \
 78:         (ii) = (i) - (A)->rmap->rstart;                                 \
 79:       else                                                              \
 80:         (ii) = -1;                                                      \
 81:     }                                                                   \
 82:     else  {                                                             \
 83:       PetscHashIMap(_13_ij->hsupp,(i),(ii));                            \
 84:     }                                                                   \
 85:   }                                                                     \
 86:  }                                                                      \
 87: while(0)

 89: #define MatIJGetIndexImage_Private(A,mode,i,ii)                         \
 90: {                                                                       \
 91:     if((mode) == MATIJ_LOCAL) {                                         \
 92:       /* Assume image has been "localized". */                          \
 93:       ii = i;                                                           \
 94:     }                                                                   \
 95:     else  {                                                             \
 96:       ii = !((Mat_IJ*)((A)->data))->image?i:(((Mat_IJ*)((A)->data))->image)[i]; \
 97:     }                                                                   \
 98: }                                                                       \

103: static PetscErrorCode MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(Mat);

105: /*@C
106:    MatIJMap      - map an array of global indices (inidxi) with index (inidxj) and scalar (inval) weights, by pushing 
107:                    the indices along the edges of the underlying pseudograph (see MATIJ).
108:                      Each locally-owned global index i from inidxi is replaced by the array of global indices terminating
109:                    the Mat's pseudograph edges that emanate from i, in the order the edges were provided to
110:                    MatIJSetEdges() or MatIJSetEdgesIS(); the individual image arrays are concatenated. inidxi ndices
111:                    outside the local ownership range or the local support are silently ignored -- replaced by
112:                    empty arrays. The weights from the domain indices are attached to the corresponding images, with
113:                    duplication, if necessary.

115:    Not collective.

117:    Input Parameters:
118: +  A        - pseudograph
119: .  intype   - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) meaning of inidxi: local support numbers or global indices
120: .  insize   - size of the input index and weight arrays; PETSC_NULL indicates _all_ support indices
121: .  inidxi   - array (of size insize) of global indices 
122: .  inidxj   - array (of size insize) of index weights  
123: .  inval    - array (of size insize) of scalar weights 
124: -  outtype  - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) desired meaning of outdxi: local support numbers or global indices

126:    Output Parameters:
127: +  outsize  - size of the output index and weight arrays
128: .  outidxi  - array (of size outsize) of the global indices adjacent to the indices in inidxi  
129: .  outidxj  - array (of size outsize) of the index weights inherited by outidxi from inidxi    
130: .  outval   - array (of size outsize) of the scalar weights inherited by outidxi from inidxi   
131: -  imgsizes - array (of size insize) of the sizes of image segments within outidxi for each i from inidxi 

133:    Level: advanced
134: .seealso: MatIJBin(), MatIJBinMap(), MatIJGetSupport()
135: @*/
138: PetscErrorCode MatIJMap(Mat A, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt insize, const PetscInt *inidxi, const PetscInt *inidxj, const PetscScalar *inval, MatIJIndexType outtype, PetscInt *outsize, PetscInt **outidxi, PetscInt **outidxj, PetscScalar **outval, PetscInt **outsizes)
139: {
141:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
142:   PetscInt i,j,k,indi=0,indj,outsize_ = -1,*outidxi_ = PETSC_NULL, *outidxj_ = PETSC_NULL, *outsizes_ = PETSC_NULL;
143:   PetscScalar *outval_ = PETSC_NULL;

146:   if((outidxi && !*outidxi) || (outidxj && !*outidxj) || (outval && !*outval)) {
147:     MatIJMap(A,intype,insize,inidxi,inidxj,inval,outtype,&outsize_,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);
148:   }
149:   if(insize == PETSC_DETERMINE)
150:     inidxi = PETSC_NULL;
151:   else if(insize < 0)
152:     SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Invalid input array size: %D", insize);
153:   if(outidxi) {
154:     if(!*outidxi) {
155:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_, outidxi);
156:     }
157:     outidxi_ = *outidxi;
158:   }
159:   if(outidxj) {
160:     if(!*outidxj) {
161:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_, outidxj);
162:     }
163:     outidxj_= *outidxj;
164:   }
165:   if(outval) {
166:     if(!*outval) {
167:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*outsize_, outval);
168:     }
169:     outval_ = *outval;
170:   }
171:   if(outsizes_) {
172:     if(!*outsizes) {
173:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*insize, outsizes);
174:     }
175:     outsizes_ = *outsizes;
176:   }

178:   if(intype == MATIJ_LOCAL && !pg->image) {
179:     MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
180:   }
181:   j = 0;
182:   for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
183:     if(!inidxi) {
184:       indi = i;
185:     }
186:     else {
187:       /* Convert to local. */
188:       MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
189:       if((indi < 0 || indi >= pg->m)){
190:         /* drop */
191:         if(outsizes_) outsizes_[i] = 0;
192:         continue;
193:       }
194:     }
195:     if(outidxi_ || (inval && outval_) || (inidxj && outidxj_) ) {
196:       for(k = pg->ijlen[indi]; k < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
197:         MatIJGetIndexImage_Private(A,outtype,pg->ij[k],indj);
198:         if(outidxi_)         outidxi_[j] = indj;
199:         if(inidxj&&outidxj_) outidxj_[j] = inidxj[i];
200:         if(inval&&outval_)   outval_[j]  = inval[i];
201:         ++j;
202:       }
203:     }
204:     else {
205:       j += pg->ijlen[indi+1]-pg->ijlen[indi];
206:     }
207:     if(outsizes_) outsizes_[i] = (pg->ijlen[indi+1]-pg->ijlen[indi]);
208:   }/* for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) */
209:   if(outsize) *outsize = j;
210:   return(0);
211: }

215: /*@C
216:    MatIJBin     - bin an array of global indices (inidxi) along with index (inidxj) and scalar (inval) weights by pushing the indices 
217:                    along the edges of the underlying pseudograph (see MATIJ).
218:                      Each locally-owned global index i from inidxi is put in the arrays corresponding to the global indices
219:                    terminating the Mat's pseudograph edges that emanate from i. The bin arrays are ordered by the terminating
220:                    index. inidxi ndices outside the local ownership range or the local support are silently ignored --
221:                    contribute to no bins. The index weights in inidxj and inval are arranged into bins of their own, exactly mirroring
222:                    the binning of inidxi.

225:    Not collective.

227:    Input Parameters:
228: +  A        - pseudograph
229: .  intype   - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) meaning of inidxi: local support numbers or global indices
230: .  insize   - size of the input index and weight arrays; PETSC_NULL indicates _all_ support indices
231: .  inidxi   - array (of size insize) of global indices 
232: .  inidxj   - array (of size insize) of index weights  
233: -  inval    - array (of size insize) of scalar weights 

236:    Output Parameters:
237: +  outsize  - size of the array of concatenated bins
238: .  outidxi  - array (of size outsize) containing the binned indices from inidxi         
239: .  outidxj  - array (of size outsize) containing the binned index weights from inidxj   
240: .  outval   - array (of size outsize) containing the binned scalar weights from inval   
241: -  binsizes - array (of size n) of bin sizes

243:    Note: n0 is the local image size -- the number of indices terminating the locally-supported indices 
244:          (see MATIJ) -- and can be obtained with MatIJGetImageSize().

246:    Level: advanced
247: .seealso: MatIJMap(), MatIJBinMap(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImageSize()
248: @*/
251: PetscErrorCode MatIJBin(Mat A, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt insize, const PetscInt *inidxi, const PetscInt *inidxj, const PetscScalar *inval, PetscInt *outsize, PetscInt **outidxi, PetscInt **outidxj, PetscScalar **outval, PetscInt **binsizes)
252: {
254:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
255:   PetscInt i,j,k,indi=0,outsize_ = -1,*outidxi_ = PETSC_NULL, *outidxj_ = PETSC_NULL, *binsizes_ = PETSC_NULL;
256:   PetscScalar *outval_ = PETSC_NULL;

259:   /* Binning requires a localized image. */
260:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
261:   if((outidxi && !*outidxi) || (outidxj && !*outidxj) || (outval && !*outval)) {
262:     MatIJBin(A,intype,insize,inidxi,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,&outsize_,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);
263:   }
264:   if(insize == PETSC_DETERMINE){
265:     insize = pg->m;
266:     inidxi = PETSC_NULL;
267:   }
268:   else if(insize < 0)
269:     SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Invalid input array size: %D", insize);
270:   if(outidxi) {
271:     if(!*outidxi) {
272:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_,outidxi);
273:     }
274:     outidxi_ = *outidxi;
275:   }
276:   if(outidxj) {
277:     if(!*outidxj) {
278:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_,outidxj);
279:     }
280:     outidxj_ = *outidxj;
281:   }
282:   if(outval) {
283:     if(!*outval) {
284:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*outsize_,outval);
285:     }
286:     outval_ = *outval;
287:   }
288:   if(binsizes) {
289:     if(!*binsizes) {
290:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(pg->n), binsizes);
291:     }
292:     binsizes_ = *binsizes;
293:   }

295:   /* We'll need to count the contributions to each "bin" and the offset of each bin in outidx. */
296:   /* Allocate the bin offset array, if necessary. */
297:   if(!pg->binoffsets) {
298:     PetscMalloc((pg->n+1)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pg->binoffsets));
299:   }
300:   /* Initialize bin offsets */
301:   for(j = 0; j <= pg->n; ++j) {
302:     pg->binoffsets[j] = 0;
303:   }
304:   for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
305:     if(!inidxi) {
306:       indi = i;
307:     }
308:     else {
309:       MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
310:       if((indi < 0 || indi >=pg->m)){
311:         /* drop */
312:         continue;
313:       }
314:     }
315:     for(k = pg->ijlen[indi]; k < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
316:       ++(pg->binoffsets[pg->ij[k]+1]);
317:     }
318:   }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
319:   /* Convert bin sizes into bin offsets. */
320:   for(j = 0; j < pg->n; ++j) {
321:     pg->binoffsets[j+1] += pg->binoffsets[j];
322:   }
323:   /* Now bin the input indices and values. */
324:   if(outidxi_ || (inval && outval) || (inidxj && outidxj_) ) {
325:     /* Allocate the bin size array, if necessary. */
326:     if(!binsizes_) {
327:       if(!pg->binsizes) {
328:         PetscMalloc((pg->n)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pg->binsizes));
329:       }
330:       binsizes_ = pg->binsizes;
331:     }
332:     /* Initialize bin sizes to zero. */
333:     for(j = 0; j < pg->n; ++j) {
334:       binsizes_[j] = 0;
335:     }
336:     for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
337:       if(!inidxi) {
338:         indi = i;
339:       }
340:       else {
341:         /* Convert to local. */
342:         MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
343:       }
344:       if((indi < 0 || indi >= pg->m)){
345:         /* drop */
346:         continue;
347:       }
348:       for(k = pg->ijlen[indi]; k < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
349:         j = pg->ij[k];
350:         if(outidxi_)            outidxi_[pg->binoffsets[j]+binsizes_[j]] = inidxi[i];
351:         if(outval_ && inval)    outval_ [pg->binoffsets[j]+binsizes_[j]] = inval[i];
352:         if(outidxj_ && inidxj)  outidxj_[pg->binoffsets[j]+binsizes_[j]] = inidxj[i];
353:         ++binsizes[j];
354:       }
355:     }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
356:   }/* if(outidxi_ || (inval && outval_) || (inidxj && outidxj_) ) */
357:   if(outsize) *outsize = pg->binoffsets[pg->n];
358:   return(0);
359: }

362: /*@C
363:    MatIJBinMap     - simultaneously bin and map an  array of indices (inidxi) along with index (inidxj) and scalar (inval) weights 
364:                       by pushing the indices along the edges of two pseudographs (see MATIJ, MatIJMap(), MatIJBin()).
365:                         Each locally-supported index i from inidxi is assigned to the arrays (bins) corresponding to the global 
366:                       indices terminating the A's pseudograph edges that emanate from i. i's location in each bin is occupied
367:                       by the index terminating the corresponding pseudograph edge that emanate from i in B. Thus, A and B must be 
368:                       compatible in the following sense: they must  have the same local suppors and local image sizes.  
369:                          inidxi indices outside the local support are silently ignored -- contribute to no bins. The index (inidxj)
370:                       and scalar (inval) weights are arranged in bins of their own, exactly mirroring the binning of inidxi.

372:    Not collective.

374:    Input Parameters:
375: +  A        - binning pseudograph
376: .  B        - mapping pseudograph
377: .  intype   - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) meaning of inidxi: local support numbers or global indices
378: .  insize   - size of the input index and weight arrays
379: .  inidxi   - array (of size insize) of global indices 
380: .  inidxj   - array (of size insize) of index  weights 
381: .  inval    - array (of size insize) of scalar weights 
382: -  outtype  - (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) desired meaning of inidxi: local image numbers or global indices

385:    Output Parameters:
386: +  outsize  - size of the array of concatenated bins
387: .  outidxi  - array (of size outsize) containing the binned images of the indices from inidxi 
388: .  outidxj  - array (of size outsize) containing the binned index weights from inidxj         
389: .  outval   - array (of size outsize) containing the binned scalar weights from inval         
390: -  binsizes - array (of size n0) of bin sizes

392:    Note:
393: +  The idea behind MatIJBinMap is that the binning is done by A, while what is actually binned comes from B.
394:    Pseudographs A and B are structurally isomorphic. Moreover, they only differ in the terminating indices:
395:    edges i-e->jA and i-eB->jB are in a one-to-one correspondence, if their positions in the ordering of i's
396:    images are the same. Each source index i is assigned to every bin jA labeled by each of the indices
397:    attached to i in A by some eA, but the binned value is jB --  the index attached to i in B by eB, which
398:    corresponds to eA.
399: -  Another way of viewing the pseudograph pair A and B is as a single pseudograph (B), whose edges are
400:    colored (by A's terminating indices), and ordered on the color within each originating index's image.

403:    Level: advanced
404: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJBin(), MatIJMap(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImage(), MatIJGetRowSizes()
405: @*/
408: PetscErrorCode MatIJBinMap(Mat A, Mat B, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt insize, const PetscInt *inidxi, const PetscInt *inidxj, const PetscScalar *inval, MatIJIndexType outtype, PetscInt *outsize, PetscInt **outidxi, PetscInt **outidxj, PetscScalar **outval, PetscInt **binsizes)
409: {
411:   Mat_IJ *pga = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
412:   Mat_IJ *pgb = (Mat_IJ*)B->data;
413:   PetscBool isij;
414:   PetscInt indi = -1, indj, i,j,k,outsize_ = -1,*outidxi_ = PETSC_NULL, *outidxj_ = PETSC_NULL, *binsizes_ = PETSC_NULL;

416:   PetscScalar *outval_ = PETSC_NULL;

420:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
421:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix 1 not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
423:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)B,MATIJ,&isij);
424:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix 2 not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)B)->type);

427:   if(A->rmap->n != B->rmap->n) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible local row sizes: %D and %D", A->rmap->n, B->rmap->n);
428:   if(A->rmap->N != B->rmap->N) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible global row sizes: %D and %D", A->rmap->N, B->rmap->N);
429:   if(A->cmap->n != B->cmap->n) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible local column sizes: %D and %D", A->cmap->n, B->cmap->n);
430:   if(A->cmap->N != B->cmap->N) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible global column sizes: %D and %D", A->cmap->N, B->cmap->N);

432:   if(pga->m != pgb->m) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible local support sizes: %D and %D", pga->m, pgb->m);
433:   if(pga->n != pgb->n) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible local image sizes: %D and %D", pga->n, pgb->n);

435:   /* Binning requires a localized image. */
436:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
437:   if((outidxi && !*outidxi) || (outidxj && !*outidxj) || (outval && !*outval)) {
438:     MatIJBinMap(A,B,intype,insize,inidxi,inidxj,inval,outtype,&outsize_,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);
439:   }
440:   if(insize == PETSC_DETERMINE){
441:     insize = pga->m;
442:     inidxi = PETSC_NULL;
443:   }
444:   else if(insize < 0)
445:     SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Invalid input array size: %D", insize);
446:   if(outidxi) {
447:     if(!*outidxi) {
448:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_, outidxi);
449:     }
450:     outidxi_ = *outidxi;
451:   }
452:   if(outidxj) {
453:     if(!*outidxj) {
454:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize_, outidxj);
455:     }
456:     outidxj_ = *outidxj;
457:   }
458:   if(outval) {
459:     if(!*outval) {
460:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*outsize_, outval);
461:     }
462:     outval_ = *outval;
463:   }
464:   if(binsizes) {
465:     if(!*binsizes) {
466:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(pga->n), binsizes);
467:     }
468:     binsizes_ = *binsizes;
469:   }

471:   /* We'll need to count the contributions to each "bin" and the offset of each bin in outidx_. */
472:   /* Allocate the bin offset array, if necessary. */
473:   if(!pga->binoffsets) {
474:     PetscMalloc((pga->n+1)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pga->binoffsets));
475:   }
476:   /* Allocate the bin size array, if necessary. */
477:   if(!binsizes_) {
478:     if(!pga->binsizes) {
479:       PetscMalloc((pga->n)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pga->binsizes));
480:     }
481:     binsizes_ = pga->binsizes;
482:   }
483:   /* Initialize bin offsets */
484:   for(j = 0; j <= pga->n; ++j) {
485:     pga->binoffsets[j] = 0;
486:   }
487:   for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
488:     if(!inidxi) {
489:       indi = i;
490:     }
491:     else {
492:       /* Convert to local. */
493:       MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
494:       if((indi < 0 || indi >= pga->m)){
495:         /* drop */
496:         continue;
497:       }
498:     }
499:     if(pga->ijlen[indi] != pgb->ijlen[indi])
500:       SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Image sizes different for local index %D = indi: %D and %D", indi, pga->ijlen[indi], pgb->ijlen[indi]);
501:     for(k = pga->ijlen[indi]; k < pga->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
502:       ++(pga->binoffsets[pga->ij[k]+1]);
503:     }
504:   }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
505:   /* Convert bin sizes into bin offsets. */
506:   for(j = 0; j < pga->n; ++j) {
507:     pga->binoffsets[j+1] += pga->binoffsets[j];
508:   }
509:   /* Now bin the input indices and values. */
510:   if(outidxi_ || (inval && outval_) || (inidxj && outidxj_) ) {
511:     /* Initialize bin sizes to zero. */
512:     for(j = 0; j < pga->n; ++j) {
513:       binsizes_[j] = 0;
514:     }
515:     for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
516:       if(!inidxi) {
517:         indi = inidxi[i];
518:       }
519:       else {
520:         /* Convert to local. */
521:         MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
522:         if((indi < 0 || indi >= pga->m)){
523:           /* drop */
524:           continue;
525:         }
526:       }
527:       for(k = pga->ijlen[indi]; k < pga->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
528:         j = pga->ij[k];
529:         MatIJGetIndexImage_Private(A,outtype,pgb->ij[k],indj);
530:         if(outidxi_)            outidxi_[pga->binoffsets[j]+binsizes_[j]] = indj;
531:         if(outval_ && inval)    outval_[pga->binoffsets[j] +binsizes_[j]] = inval[i];
532:         if(outidxj_ && inidxj)  outidxj_[pga->binoffsets[j]+binsizes_[j]] = inidxj[i];
533:         ++binsizes_[j];
534:       }
535:     }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
536:   }/* if(outidxi_ || (inval && outval_) || (inidxj && outidxj_) ) */
537:   return(0);
538: }

542: PetscErrorCode MatGetRow_IJ(Mat A, PetscInt row, PetscInt *rowsize, PetscInt *cols[], PetscScalar *vals[]) {
543:   PetscInt off,len,i,r;
545:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;

548:   /* It is easy to implement this, but will only be done, if there is demand. */
549:   if(rowsize) *rowsize = 0;
550:   if(cols)    *cols    = PETSC_NULL;
551:   if(vals)    *vals    = PETSC_NULL;

553:   /* Convert to local. */
554:   MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,MATIJ_GLOBAL,row,r);
555:   if((r >= 0 && r < pg->m)){
556:     off = pg->ijlen[r];
557:     len = pg->ijlen[r+1]-pg->ijlen[r];
558:     if(cols) *cols = pg->ij+off;
559:     if(rowsize) *rowsize = len;
560:     if(vals) {
561:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*len, vals);
562:       for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
563:         (*vals)[i] = (PetscScalar)1.0;
564:       }
565:     }
566:   }
567:   return(0);
568:  }

572: PetscErrorCode MatRestoreRow_IJ(Mat A, PetscInt row, PetscInt *rowsize, PetscInt *cols[], PetscScalar *vals[]) {

574:   PetscInt r;
576:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;

580:   /* Convert to local. */
581:   MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,MATIJ_GLOBAL,row,r);
582:   if((r >= 0 && r < pg->m)){
583:     if(vals) {
584:       PetscFree(*vals);
585:     }
586:   }
587:   return(0);
588: }

591: /*@C
592:    MatIJSetMultivalued - indicates whether the underlying pseudograph is a multivalued or not (a graph).
594:    Not collective.

596:    Input arguments:
597: +  A           -  pseudograph
598: -  multivalued -  whether the matrix encodes a multivalued (pseudo)graph.

600:    Level: advanced

602: .seealso: MatIJGetMultivalued(), MatIJSetEdges(), MatIJGetEdges(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImage() 
603:  @*/
604: #undef  __FUNCT__
606: PetscErrorCode MatIJSetMultivalued(Mat A, PetscBool multivalued)
607: {
609:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
610:   PetscBool isij;
613:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
614:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
615:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_FALSE,1);
616:   MatStashMPIIJSetMultivalued_Private(pg->stash,multivalued);
617:   pg->multivalued = multivalued;
618:   return(0);
619: }

621: /*@C
622:    MatIJGetMultivalued - return a flag indicating whether the underlying pseudograph is a multivalued or not (a graph).
624:    Not collective.

626:    Input arguments:
627: .  A           -    pseudograph

629:    Output arguments:
630: .  multivalued -  whether the matrix encodes a multivalued (pseudo)graph.

632:    Level: advanced

634: .seealso: MatIJSetMultivalued(), MatIJSetEdges(), MatIJGetEdges(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImage() 
635:  @*/
636: #undef  __FUNCT__
638: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetMultivalued(Mat A, PetscBool *multivalued)
639: {
641:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
642:   PetscBool isij;
645:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
646:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
648:   *multivalued = pg->multivalued;
649:   return(0);
650: }

653: /* Clears everything, but the stash and multivalued. */
656: static PetscErrorCode MatIJClear_Private(Mat mat)
657: {
658:   Mat_IJ   *pg  = (Mat_IJ*)(mat->data);
661:   if(pg->hsupp) {
662:     PetscHashIDestroy((pg->hsupp));
663:   }
664:   if(pg->image) {
665:     PetscFree(pg->image);
666:   }
667:   if(pg->ij) {
668:     PetscFree(pg->ij);
669:   }
670:   if(pg->ijlen) {
671:     PetscFree(pg->ijlen);
672:   }
673:   if(pg->binoffsets) {
674:     PetscFree(pg->binoffsets);
675:   }
676:   pg->m = pg->minijlen = pg->maxijlen = 0;
677:   pg->n = PETSC_DETERMINE;
678:   return(0);
679: }

681: /*@C
682:    MatIJSetEdgesIS - sets the edges in the pseudograph matrix.  
683:                      The edges are specified as two index sets of vertices of equal length:
684:                      outgoing and incoming vertices (ix -> iy).  
686:    Not collective

688:    Input parameters:
689: +  A  -    pseudograph
690: .  ix -    list of outgoing vertices
691: -  iy -    list of incoming vertices

693:    Note: 
694: +  This will cause the matrix to be be put in an unassembled state.
695: .  Edges are assembled during MatAssembly -- moved to the processor owning the outgoing vertex.
696: -  Communicators of the IS objects must match that of MatIJ. 

698:    Level: intermediate

700: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJSetEdges(), MatIJGetEdgesIS(), MatIJGetSupportIS(), MatIJGetImageIS()
701: @*/
702: #undef  __FUNCT__
704: PetscErrorCode MatIJSetEdgesIS(Mat A, IS ix, IS iy)
705: {
706:   IS iix, iiy;
707:   PetscInt nix, niy;
708:   const PetscInt *ixidx, *iyidx;
710:   PetscBool      isij;

714:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
715:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);

723:   if(!ix) {
724:     ISCreateStride(((PetscObject)A)->comm, A->rmap->n, A->rmap->rstart, 1, &(iix));
725:     nix = A->rmap->n;
726:   }
727:   else
728:     iix = ix;
729:   if(!iy) {
730:     ISCreateStride(((PetscObject)A)->comm, A->cmap->n, A->cmap->rstart, 1, &(iiy));
731:     niy = A->cmap->n;
732:   }
733:   else
734:     iiy = iy;
735:   ISGetLocalSize(iix,&nix);
736:   ISGetLocalSize(iiy,&niy);
737:   if(nix != niy) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Incompatible IS sizes: %D and %D", nix, niy);

739:   ISGetIndices(iix, &ixidx);
740:   ISGetIndices(iiy, &iyidx);
741:   MatIJSetEdges(A,nix,ixidx, iyidx);
742:   ISRestoreIndices(iix, &ixidx);
743:   ISRestoreIndices(iiy, &iyidx);
744:   if(!ix) {
745:     ISDestroy(&iix);
746:   }
747:   if(!iy) {
748:     ISDestroy(&iiy);
749:   }
750:   return(0);
751: }

753: /*@C
754:    MatIJSetEdges - sets the edges in the pseudograph matrix.  
755:                      The edges are specified as two integer arrays of vertices of equal length:
756:                      outgoing and incoming vertices (ix -> iy).  
758:    Not collective

760:    Input parameters:
761: +  A     -    pseudograph
762: .  len   -    length of vertex arrays
763: .  ixidx -    list of outgoing vertices
764: -  iyidx -    list of incoming vertices

766:    Note: 
767: +  This will cause the matrix to be be put in an unassembled state.
768: -  Edges are assembled during MatAssembly -- moved to the processor owning the outgoing vertex.

770:    Level: intermediate

772: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJSetEdgesIS(), MatIJGetEdges(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImage()
773: @*/
774: #undef  __FUNCT__
776: PetscErrorCode MatIJSetEdges(Mat A, PetscInt len, const PetscInt *ixidx, const PetscInt *iyidx)
777: {
778:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)(A->data);
779:   PetscInt *iixidx = PETSC_NULL, *iiyidx = PETSC_NULL, k;
781:   PetscBool      isij;

785:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
786:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);

788:   if(len < 0) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Negative edge array length: %D", len);
790:   if(!ixidx){
791:     if(len != A->rmap->n)
792:       SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "The length of an empty source array %D must equal the local row size %D", len, A->rmap->n);
793:     PetscMalloc(len*sizeof(PetscInt), &iixidx);
794:     for(k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
795:       iixidx[k] = A->rmap->rstart + k;
796:     }
797:     ixidx = iixidx;
798:   }
799:   if(!iyidx) {
800:     if(len != A->cmap->n)
801:       SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "The length of an empty target array %D must equal the local column size %D", len, A->cmap->n);
802:     for(k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
803:       iiyidx[k] = A->cmap->rstart + k;
804:     }
805:     iyidx = iiyidx;
806:   }
807:   MatStashMPIIJExtend_Private(pg->stash, len, ixidx, iyidx);
808:   if(!iixidx) {
809:     PetscFree(iixidx);
810:   }
811:   if(!iiyidx) {
812:     PetscFree(iiyidx);
813:   }
814:   A->was_assembled = A->assembled;
815:   A->assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
816:   return(0);
817: }

819: #undef  __FUNCT__
821: static PetscErrorCode MatIJGetAssembledEdges_Private(Mat A, PetscInt *len, PetscInt **ixidx, PetscInt **iyidx)
822: {
824:   Mat_IJ   *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
825:   PetscInt len_, *ixidx_ = PETSC_NULL,*iyidx_ = PETSC_NULL, k,i, ii;
826:   PetscHashIIter hi;
827:   PetscBool isij;

831:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
832:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);

834:   if(!len && !ixidx && !iyidx) return(0);

836:   len_ = pg->ijlen[pg->m];
837:   if(len) *len = len_;
838:   if(!ixidx && !iyidx) return(0);
839:   if(ixidx) {
840:     if(!*ixidx) {
841:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*len_, ixidx);
842:     }
843:     ixidx_ = *ixidx;
844:   }
845:   if(iyidx) {
846:     if(!*iyidx) {
847:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*len_, iyidx);
848:     }
849:     iyidx_ = *iyidx;
850:   }
851:   if(pg->hsupp) {
852:     PetscHashIIterBegin(pg->hsupp,hi);
853:     while(!PetscHashIIterAtEnd(pg->hsupp,hi)){
854:       PetscHashIIterGetKeyVal(pg->hsupp,hi,ii,i);
855:       for(k = pg->ijlen[i]; k < pg->ijlen[i+1]; ++k) {
856:         if(ixidx_) ixidx_[k] = ii;
857:         if(iyidx_) iyidx_[k] = pg->image[pg->ij[k]];
858:       }
859:       PetscHashIIterNext(pg->hsupp,hi);
860:     }
861:   }
862:   else {
863:     for(i = 0; i < pg->m; ++i) {
864:       for(k = pg->ijlen[i]; k < pg->ijlen[i+1]; ++k) {
865:         if(ixidx_) ixidx_[k] = i + A->rmap->rstart;
866:         if(iyidx_) iyidx_[k] = pg->image[pg->ij[k]];
867:       }
868:     }
869:   }
870:   return(0);
871: }

874: /*@C
875:    MatIJGetEdges -   retrieves the edges from a pseudograph matrix.
876:                      The edges are specified as two integer arrays of vertices of equal length:
877:                      outgoing and incoming vertices (ix -> iy).  
879:    Not collective

881:    Input parameters:
882: .  A     -    pseudograph

884:    Output parameters:
885: +  len   -    length of vertex arrays
886: .  ixidx -    list of outgoing vertices
887: -  iyidx -    list of incoming vertices

890:    Notes: 
891: +  Both assembled and unassembled edges are returned.
892: -  For an assembled matrix the retrieved outgoing vertices are guaranteed to be locally-owned.

894:    Level: advanced

896: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJSetEdges(), MatIJGetEdgesIS(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetImage()
897: @*/
898: #undef  __FUNCT__
900: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetEdges(Mat A, PetscInt *len, PetscInt **ixidx, PetscInt **iyidx)
901: {
903:   Mat_IJ   *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
904:   PetscInt len_, lenI, lenII;
905:   PetscInt *ixidxI = PETSC_NULL, *iyidxI = PETSC_NULL, *ixidxII = PETSC_NULL, *iyidxII = PETSC_NULL;
906:   PetscBool isij;

910:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
911:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);

913:   if(!len && !ixidx && !iyidx) return(0);

915:   MatIJGetAssembledEdges_Private(A, &lenI, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
916:   MatStashMPIIJGetIndicesMerged_Private(pg->stash, &lenII, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
918:   len_ = lenI + lenII;
919:   if(len) *len = len_;

921:   if(!len_ || (!ixidx && !iyidx)) return(0);

923:   if(!ixidx || !iyidx) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Vertex array pointers must be null or non-null together");

925:   if(!lenI) {
926:     /* Only stash indices need to be returned. */
927:     MatStashMPIIJGetIndicesMerged_Private(pg->stash, len, ixidx, iyidx);
928:   }
929:   else if(!lenII) {
930:     /* Only assembled edges must be returned. */
931:     MatIJGetAssembledEdges_Private(A, len, ixidx, iyidx);
932:   }
933:   else {
934:     /* Retrieve the two sets of indices. */
935:     MatIJGetAssembledEdges_Private(A, &lenI, &ixidxI, &iyidxI);
936:     MatStashMPIIJGetIndicesMerged_Private(pg->stash, &lenII, &ixidxII, &iyidxII);
937:     /* Merge. */
938:     PetscMergeIntArrayPair(lenI,ixidxI,iyidxI,lenII,ixidxII,iyidxII,len,ixidx,iyidx);
939:     /* Clean up. */
940:     PetscFree(ixidxI);
941:     PetscFree(iyidxI);
942:     PetscFree(ixidxII);
943:     PetscFree(iyidxII);
944:   }
945:   return(0);
946: }

948: /*@C
949:    MatIJGetEdgesIS - retrieves the edges in the boolean matrix graph.  
950:                      The edges are specified as two index sets of vertices of equal length:
951:                      outgoing and incoming vertices (ix -> iy).  
953:    Not collective

955:    Input parameters:
956: .  A     -    pseudograph

958:    Output parameters:
959: +  ix    -    IS of outgoing vertices
960: -  iy    -    IS of incoming vertices

962:    Note: 
963: +  Both assembled and unassembled edges are returned.
964: .  For an assembled matrix the retrieved outgoing vertices are guaranteed to be locally-owned.
965: -  ix and iy will have the same communicator as MatIJ and will have the same length.

968:    Level: intermediate

970: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJSetEdgesIS(), MatIJGetEdges(), MatIJGetSupportIS(), MatIJGetImageIS()
971: @*/
972: #undef  __FUNCT__
974: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetEdgesIS(Mat A, IS *ix, IS *iy)
975: {
977:   PetscInt   len, *ixidx = PETSC_NULL, *iyidx = PETSC_NULL, **_ixidx = PETSC_NULL, **_iyidx = PETSC_NULL;
978:   PetscBool  isij;

982:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
983:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
984:   if(ix){
985:     _ixidx = &ixidx;
986:   }
987:   if(iy) {
988:     _iyidx = &iyidx;
989:   }
990:   MatIJGetEdges(A, &len, _ixidx, _iyidx);
991:   if(ix) {
992:     ISCreateGeneral(A->rmap->comm, len, ixidx, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, ix);
993:   }
994:   if(iy) {
995:     ISCreateGeneral(A->cmap->comm, len, iyidx, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, iy);
996:   }
997:   return(0);
998: }

1000: /*
1001:  Sort iy and store the unique in a (temporary) hash table to determine the local image.
1002:  Endow the global image indices with a local number, then replace global indices in ij 
1003:  with the local numbers.  Store the global image in an array: each local number will 
1004:  naturally serve as the index into the array for the corresponding global index.
1005: */
1008: static PetscErrorCode MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(Mat A)
1009: {
1011:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *) A->data;
1012:   PetscInt i,j,k,n,totalnij,*image;
1013:   PetscHashI himage;
1015:   if(pg->image) return(0);

1017:   /* (A) Construct image -- the set of unique ij indices. */
1018:   /* (B) Endow the image with a local numbering.  */
1019:   /* (C) Then convert ij to this local numbering. */

1021:   /* (A) */
1022:   /* Insert all of the ij into himage. */
1023:   PetscHashICreate(himage);
1024:   for(i = 0; i < pg->m; ++i) {
1025:     for(k = pg->ijlen[i]; pg->ijlen[i+1]; ++i) {
1026:       PetscHashIAdd(himage,pg->ij[k],0);
1027:     }
1028:   }
1029:   /* (B) */
1030:   /* Endow the image with a local numbering: retrieve and sort its elements. */
1031:   PetscHashISize(himage,n);
1032:   PetscMalloc(n*sizeof(PetscInt), &image);
1033:   PetscHashIGetKeys(himage,n,image);
1034:   PetscSortInt(n,image);
1035:   /* (C) */
1036:   /* 
1037:    Convert ij to local numbering: insert image elements into an emptied and resized himage, mapping them to their local numbers.
1038:    Then remap all of ij using himage. 
1039:    */
1040:   PetscHashIClear(himage);
1041:   PetscHashIResize(himage,n);
1042:   for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
1043:     PetscHashIAdd(himage,image[j],j);
1044:   }
1045:   totalnij = 0;
1046:   PetscHashIMapArray(himage,pg->ijlen[pg->m],pg->ij,totalnij,pg->ij);
1047:   if(totalnij!=pg->ijlen[pg->m]) {
1048:     SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Number of image indices before %D and after %D localization do not match", pg->ijlen[pg->m],totalnij);
1049:   }
1050:   /* Store the newly computed image array. */
1051:   pg->image = image;
1052:   /* Clean up. */
1053:   PetscHashIDestroy(himage);
1054:   return(0);
1055: }

1057: /*
1058:  Indices are assumed sorted on ix.  
1059:  If !multivalued, remove iy duplicates from each ix's image segment. 
1060:  Record the number of images in ijlen.  
1061:  Store unique ix in a hash table along with their local numbers.
1062:  Sort iy and store the unique in a (temporary) hash table to determine the local image.
1063:  Note:  this routine takes ownership of ("steals the reference to") ixidx and iyidx.
1064: */
1067: static PetscErrorCode MatIJSetEdgesLocal_Private(Mat A, const PetscInt len, PetscInt *ixidx, PetscInt *iyidx)
1068: {
1070:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *) A->data;
1071:   PetscInt start, end, totalnij;
1072:   PetscInt i,j,minnij, maxnij, nij,m,*ij, *ijlen, *supp;
1073:   PetscHashI hsupp = PETSC_NULL;

1076:   if(!len) {
1077:     return(0);
1078:   }

1080:   m        = 0;
1081:   totalnij = 0;
1082:   maxnij   = 0;
1083:   minnij   = len;
1084:   start = 0;
1085:   while (start < len) {
1086:     end = start+1;
1087:     while (end < len && ixidx[end] == ixidx[start]) ++end;
1088:     ++(m); /* count all of ixidx[start:end-1] as a single occurence of an idx index */
1089:     nij = 1; /* At least one element in the image. */
1090:     if (end - 1 > start) { /* found 2 or more of ixidx[start] in a row */
1091:       /* sort the relevant portion of iy */
1092:       PetscSortInt(end-start,iyidx+start);
1093:       if(pg->multivalued) {
1094:         nij = end-start;
1095:       }
1096:       else {
1097:         /* count unique elements in iyidx[start,end-1] */
1098:         for(j=start+1; j < end; ++j){
1099:           if(iyidx[j] > iyidx[j-1]) ++nij;
1100:         }
1101:       }
1102:     }
1103:     totalnij += nij;
1104:     minnij = PetscMin(minnij, nij);
1105:     maxnij = PetscMax(maxnij, nij);
1106:     start = end;
1107:   }
1108:   /* 
1109:    Now we know the size of the support -- m, and the total size of concatenated image segments -- totalnij. 
1110:    Allocate an array for recording the support indices -- supp.
1111:    Allocate an array for recording the images of each support index -- ij.
1112:    Allocate an array for counting the number of images for each support index -- ijlen.
1113:    */
1114:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(m+1), &ijlen);
1115:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(totalnij),&ij);
1116:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*m, &supp);

1118:   /* 
1119:      We now record in supp only the unique ixidx indices, and in ij the iyidx indices in each of the image segments.
1120:    */
1121:   if(m < A->rmap->n)
1122:     PetscHashICreate(hsupp);
1123:   i = 0;
1124:   j = 0;
1125:   start = 0;
1126:   ijlen[0] = 0;
1127:   while (start < len) {
1128:     end = start+1;
1129:     while (end < len && ixidx[end] == ixidx[start]) ++end;
1130:     if(hsupp) {
1131:       PetscHashIAdd(hsupp,ixidx[start],i);
1132:     }
1133:     ++i;
1134:     /* the relevant portion of iy is already sorted. */
1135:     ij[j++] = iyidx[start++];
1136:     while(start < end) {
1137:       if(pg->multivalued || iyidx[start] > iyidx[start-1])
1138:         ij[j++] = iyidx[start];
1139:       ++start;
1140:     }
1141:     ijlen[i] = j;
1142:   }

1144:   PetscFree(ixidx);
1145:   PetscFree(iyidx);
1146:   /* Record the changes. */
1147:   pg->hsupp    = hsupp;
1148:   pg->m        = m;
1149:   pg->ij       = ij;
1150:   pg->ijlen    = ijlen;
1151:   pg->minijlen = minnij;
1152:   pg->maxijlen = maxnij;

1154:   return(0);
1155: }

1159: PetscErrorCode MatAssemblyBegin_IJ(Mat A, MatAssemblyType type)
1160: {
1161:   Mat_IJ   *ij  = (Mat_IJ*)(A->data);
1162:   PetscInt len, *ixidx, *iyidx;

1166:   MatStashMPIIJAssemble_Private(ij->stash);
1167:   if(type == MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY) {
1168:     MatIJGetEdges(A, &len, &ixidx, &iyidx);
1169:     MatStashMPIIJClear_Private(ij->stash);

1171:     MatStashMPIIJSetPreallocation_Private(ij->stash, 0,0);
1172:     MatIJClear_Private(A);
1173:     MatIJSetEdgesLocal_Private(A, len, ixidx, iyidx);
1174:   }

1176:   return(0);
1177: }

1182: PetscErrorCode MatAssemblyEnd_IJ(Mat A, MatAssemblyType type)
1183: {
1185:   /* Currently a noop */
1186:   return(0);
1187: }

1190: /*@C
1191:    MatIJGetSupport - retrieves the global indices of the graph's vertices of nonzero outdegree 
1192:                      (i.e., the global indices of this processor's nonzero rows).
1193:                      If the graph is regarded as a multivalued map on integers, this is 
1194:                      the support of the map (i.e., the set of indices with nonempty images).
1197:    Not collective

1199:    Input parameters:
1200: .  A     -    pseudograph

1202:    Output parameters:
1203: +  len   -    the length of the support array
1204: -  supp  -    the support array

1206:    Note: 
1207: +  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.
1208: .  In general, the returned indices are unsorted; use PetscSortInt, if necessary.
1209: -  The caller is responsible for freeing the support array.

1212:    Level: intermediate

1214: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetSupportIS(), MatIJGetImage()
1215: @*/
1216: #undef  __FUNCT__
1218: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetSupport(Mat A, PetscInt *len, PetscInt **supp)
1219: {
1221:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1222:   PetscBool isij;
1225:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1226:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1227:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1228:   if(!len && !supp) return(0);
1229:   if(len) *len = pg->m;
1230:   if(!supp) return(0);
1231:   if(!*supp) {
1232:     PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*pg->m, supp);
1233:   }
1234:   if(!pg->hsupp) {
1235:     PetscInt i;
1236:     for(i = 0; i < pg->m; ++i) {
1237:       (*supp)[i] = i + A->rmap->rstart;
1238:     }
1239:   }
1240:   *len = 0;
1241:   PetscHashIGetKeys(pg->hsupp, *len, *supp);
1242:   return(0);
1243: }

1245: /*@C
1246:    MatIJGetSupportIS - retrieves the global indices of the graph's vertices of nonzero outdegree 
1247:                      (i.e., the global indices of this processor's nonzero rows).
1248:                      If the graph is regarded as a multivalued map on integers, this is 
1249:                      the support of the map (i.e., the set of indices with nonempty images).
1251:    Not collective

1253:    Input parameters:
1254: .  A     -    pseudograph

1256:    Output parameters:
1257: .  supp  -    the support IS

1259:    Note: 
1260: +  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.
1261: -  The caller is responsible for destroying the support IS.

1264:    Level: intermediate

1266: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetSupportISSupported(), MatIJGetImage()
1267: @*/
1268: #undef  __FUNCT__
1270: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetSupportIS(Mat A, IS *supp)
1271: {
1273:   Mat_IJ         *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1274:   PetscBool      isij;
1275:   PetscInt       ilen, *isupp;
1278:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1279:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1280:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1281:   if(!supp) return(0);
1282:   if(pg->hsupp) {
1283:     MatIJGetSupport(A, &ilen, &isupp);
1284:     ISCreateGeneral(A->rmap->comm, ilen, isupp, PETSC_OWN_POINTER, supp);
1285:   }
1286:   else {
1287:     ISCreateStride(A->rmap->comm, A->rmap->n, A->rmap->rstart,1,supp);
1288:   }
1289:   return(0);
1290: }

1295: /*@C
1296:    MatIJGetImage - retrieves the global indices of the graph's vertices of nonzero indegree 
1297:                      on this processor (i.e., the global indices of this processor's nonzero columns).
1298:                      If the graph is regarded as a multivalued map on integers, this is 
1299:                      the image of the map (the union of the images of this processor's support indices).
1301:    Not collective

1303:    Input parameters:
1304: .  A     -    pseudograph

1306:    Output parameters:
1307: +  len   -    the length of the image array
1308: -  image -    the image array

1310:    Note: 
1311: +  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.
1312: -  The caller is responsible for freeing the image array.

1315:    Level: intermediate

1317: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetImageIS(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetMaxRowSize()
1318: @*/
1319: #undef  __FUNCT__
1321: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetImage(Mat A, PetscInt *len, PetscInt **image)
1322: {
1324:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1325:   PetscBool isij;
1328:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1329:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1330:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1331:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
1332:   if(len) *len = pg->n;
1333:   if(image) {
1334:     PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*pg->n, image);
1335:     PetscMemcpy(*image, pg->image, sizeof(PetscInt)*pg->n);
1336:   }
1337:   return(0);
1338: }

1342: /*@C
1343:   MatIJGetMaxRowSize - returns the largest number of nonzero columns in all of this processor's rows.
1344:                              If MatIJ (equivalently, the underlying graph) is regarded as a multivalued 
1345:                            mapping on integers, then the result is the size of the largest set among
1346:                            the images of this processor's indices.
1347:   Not collective.

1349:   Input parameters:
1350: . A        -    pseudograph
1352:   Output parameters:
1353: . maxsize  - the size of the largest image set 

1355:   Level: advanced

1357:   Notes: 
1358: + This routine is useful for preallocating arrays to hold the images of the local indices:
1359:   if an array of the largest image size is allocated, it can be used for repeatedly computing
1360:   the images of the local indices.
1361: - This routine will fail for an unassembled matrix.

1363: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetImage(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJMapI(), MatIJMapIJ(), MatIJMapIW(), MatIJMapIJW()
1364:  @*/
1367: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetMaxRowSize(Mat A, PetscInt *maxsize)
1368: {
1370:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1371:   PetscBool isij;
1374:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1375:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1376:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1377:   *maxsize = pg->maxijlen;
1378:   return(0);
1379: }

1381: /*@C
1382:   MatIJGetMinRowSize -   returns the largest number of nonzero columns in all of this processor's rows nonzero rows, 
1383:                            or zero if no local nonzero rows exist.
1384:                              If MatIJ (equivalently, the underlying graph) is regarded as a multivalued 
1385:                            mapping on integers, then the result is the size of the smallest nonempty set among
1386:                            the images of this processor's indices.  If all images are empty, the result is zero.
1387:   Not collective.

1389:   Input parameters:
1390: . A        -    pseudograph
1392:   Output parameters:
1393: . minsize  - the size of the smallest nonempty image set 

1395:   Level: advanced

1397: .seealso: MatIJGetMinRowSize()
1398:  @*/
1401: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetMinRowSize(Mat A, PetscInt *minsize)
1402: {
1404:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1405:   PetscBool isij;
1408:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1409:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1410:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1411:   *minsize = pg->minijlen;
1412:   return(0);
1413: }

1418: #undef  __FUNCT__
1420: PetscErrorCode MatDuplicate_IJ(Mat A, MatDuplicateOption op, Mat *B)
1421: {
1423:   Mat_IJ* aij = (Mat_IJ*)(A->data), *bij;
1425:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1426:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)A)->comm, B);
1427:   MatSetSizes(*B, A->rmap->n, A->cmap->n, A->rmap->N, A->cmap->N);
1428:   MatSetType(*B, MATIJ);
1429:   bij = (Mat_IJ*)((*B)->data);
1430:   if(aij->hsupp) PetscHashIDuplicate(aij->hsupp, bij->hsupp);
1431:   bij->m = aij->m;
1432:   PetscMemcpy(bij->ijlen, aij->ijlen, sizeof(PetscInt)*(bij->m+1));
1433:   PetscMemcpy(bij->ij, aij->ij, sizeof(PetscInt)*(bij->ijlen[bij->m]));
1434:   bij->n = aij->n;
1435:   if(aij->image) {
1436:     PetscMemcpy(bij->image, aij->image, sizeof(PetscInt)*bij->n);
1437:   }
1438:   bij->maxijlen = aij->maxijlen;
1439:   bij->minijlen = aij->minijlen;
1440:   return(0);
1441: }

1443: /*@C
1444:    MatIJGetImageIS - retrieves the global indices of the graph's vertices of nonzero indegree 
1445:                      on this processor (i.e., the global indices of this processor's nonzero columns).
1446:                      If the graph is regarded as a multivalued map on integers, this is 
1447:                      the image of the map (the union of the images of this processor's support indices).
1449:    Not collective

1451:    Input parameters:
1452: .  A     -    pseudograph

1454:    Output parameters:
1455: .  image -    image IS

1457:    Note: 
1458: +  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.
1459: -  The caller is responsible for freeing the image IS.

1462:    Level: intermediate

1464: .seealso: MatIJGetImage(), MatIJGetSupportIS(), MatIJGetMaxRowSize()
1465: @*/
1466: #undef  __FUNCT__
1468: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetImageIS(Mat A, IS *image)
1469: {
1471:   Mat_IJ      *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
1472:   PetscBool      isij;
1475:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1476:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1477:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1478:   if(image) {
1479:     ISCreateGeneral(A->cmap->comm, pg->n, pg->image, PETSC_COPY_VALUES, image);
1480:   }
1481:   return(0);
1482: }

1485: /*@C
1486:    MatIJGetRowSizes - retrieves the numbers of edges emanating from the each of the supplied global indices,
1487:                           provided they fall into the local ownership range.  Other indices result in an error.
1489:    Not collective

1491:    Input parameters:
1492: +  A      -    pseudograph
1493: .  intype -    (MATIJ_LOCAL | MATIJ_GLOBAL) meaning of inidxi: local support numbers or global indices
1494: .  len    -    the length of the index list, or PETSC_DETERMINE to indicate all of the locally supported indices
1495: -  inidxi -    array (of length len) of global indices whose image sizes are sought; ignored if len == PETSC_DETERMINE,
1496:                which is equivalent to using all of the supported indices.

1498:    Output parameters:
1499: .  sizes  -    array (of length len) of image sizes of the global indices in inidxi

1501:    Note: 
1502: +  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.
1503: .  If len is PETSC_DEFAULT, inidxi must be PETSC_DEFAULT, and vice versa.
1504: -  The caller is responsible for freeing sizes.

1507:    Level: intermediate

1509: .seealso: MatIJ, MatIJGetRowSizesSupported(), MatIJGetImage(), MatIJGetImageIS(), MatIJGetMaxRowSize()
1510: @*/
1511: #undef  __FUNCT__
1513: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetRowSizes(Mat A, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt len, const PetscInt *inidxi, PetscInt **sizes)
1514: {
1516:   PetscBool      isij;
1519:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1520:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1521:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1523:   return(0);
1524: }

1526: /*@C
1527:    MatIJGetSupportSize - retrieves the total numbers of nonzero outdegree indices in the local ownership range
1528:                          (the number of nonzero local rows).
1530:    Not collective.

1532:    Input parameters:
1533: .  A      -    pseudograph

1535:    Output parameters:
1536: .  size   -    local support size

1538:    Note: 
1539: .  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.

1542:    Level: intermediate

1544: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetRowSizes(), MatIJGetImage(), MatIJGetImageIS(), MatIJGetMinRowSize(), MatIJGetMaxRowSize(), MatIJGetSupportSize()
1545: @*/
1546: #undef  __FUNCT__
1548: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetSupportSize(Mat A, PetscInt *size)
1549: {
1551:   PetscBool      isij;
1552:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
1555:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1556:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1558:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1559:   *size = pg->m;
1560:   return(0);
1561: }

1564: /*@C
1565:    MatIJGetImageSize - retrieves the total numbers of target indices adjacent to the source indices in the local ownership 
1566:                        range (the number of nonzero local columns).
1568:    Not collective.

1570:    Input parameters:
1571: .  A      -    pseudograph

1573:    Output parameters:
1574: .  size   -    local image size

1576:    Note: 
1577: .  This operation fails for a nonassembled matrix.

1580:    Level: intermediate

1582: .seealso: MATIJ, MatIJGetSupportSize(), MatIJGetSupport(), MatIJGetSupportIS()
1583: @*/
1584: #undef  __FUNCT__
1586: PetscErrorCode MatIJGetImageSize(Mat A, PetscInt *size)
1587: {
1589:   PetscBool      isij;
1590:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
1593:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
1594:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
1596:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
1597:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
1598:   *size = pg->n;
1599:   return(0);
1600: }

1602: #undef  __FUNCT__
1604: PetscErrorCode MatIJBinRenumberLocal_Private(Mat A, MatIJIndexType intype, PetscInt insize, const PetscInt *inidxi, PetscInt *_outsize, PetscInt **_outidxi, PetscInt **_binsizes)
1605: {
1607:   PetscInt indi = -1, i,j,k,outsize = -1, *outidxi = PETSC_NULL, *binsizes = PETSC_NULL;
1608:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;

1612:   /* We bin all of the input, and in the process assign bin-wise local numbers to them. */
1613:   /* We'll need to count the contributions to each "bin" and the offset of each bin in outidx. */
1614:   /* Binning requires a localized image. */
1615:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
1616:   if((_outidxi && !*_outidxi)) {
1617:     MatIJBinRenumberLocal_Private(A,intype,insize,inidxi,&outsize,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL);
1618:   }
1619:   if(insize == PETSC_DETERMINE){
1620:     insize = pg->m;
1621:     inidxi = PETSC_NULL;
1622:   }
1623:   else if(insize < 0)
1624:     SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "Invalid input array size: %D", insize);
1625:   if(_outidxi) {
1626:     if(!*_outidxi) {
1627:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*outsize, _outidxi);
1628:     }
1629:     outidxi = *_outidxi;
1630:   }
1631:   if(_binsizes) {
1632:     if(!*_binsizes) {
1633:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(pg->n), _binsizes);
1634:     }
1635:     binsizes = *_binsizes;
1636:   }
1637:   /* Allocate the bin offset array, if necessary. */
1638:   if(!pg->binoffsets) {
1639:     PetscMalloc((pg->n+1)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pg->binoffsets));
1640:   }
1641:   /* Initialize bin offsets */
1642:   for(j = 0; j <= pg->n; ++j) {
1643:     pg->binoffsets[j] = 0;
1644:   }

1646:   for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
1647:     if(!inidxi) {
1648:       indi = i;
1649:     }
1650:     else {
1651:     /* Convert to local. */
1652:       MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
1653:     }
1654:     if((indi < 0 || indi > pg->m)){
1655:       /* drop */
1656:       continue;
1657:     }
1658:     for(k = pg->ijlen[indi]; k < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
1659:       ++(pg->binoffsets[pg->ij[k]+1]);
1660:     }
1661:   }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
1662:   /* Convert bin sizes into bin offsets. */
1663:   for(j = 0; j < pg->n; ++j) {
1664:     pg->binoffsets[j+1] += pg->binoffsets[j];
1665:   }
1666:   /* Now bin the input indices and values. */
1667:   if(outidxi) {
1668:     /* Allocate the bin size array, if necessary. */
1669:     if(!binsizes) {
1670:       if(!pg->binsizes) {
1671:         PetscMalloc((pg->n)*sizeof(PetscInt), &(pg->binsizes));
1672:       }
1673:       binsizes = pg->binsizes;
1674:     }
1675:     /* Initialize bin sizes to zero. */
1676:     for(j = 0; j < pg->n; ++j) {
1677:       binsizes[j] = 0;
1678:     }
1679:     for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) {
1680:       if(!inidxi) {
1681:         indi = i;
1682:       }
1683:       else {
1684:         /* Convert to local. */
1685:         MatIJGetSuppIndex_Private(A,intype,inidxi[i],indi);
1686:         if((indi < 0 || indi > pg->m)){
1687:           /* drop */
1688:           continue;
1689:         }
1690:       }
1691:       for(k = pg->ijlen[indi]; k < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++k) {
1692:         j = pg->ij[k];
1693:         outidxi[pg->binoffsets[j]+binsizes[j]] = binsizes[j];
1694:         ++binsizes[j];
1695:       }
1696:     }/* for(i = 0; i < insize; ++i) */
1697:   }/* if(outidxi) */
1698:   if(_outsize) *_outsize = pg->binoffsets[pg->n];
1699:   return(0);
1700: }

1703: /*@C
1704:    MatIJBinRenumber      - map the support indices to their global numbers within their image bins.
1705:                              If the image indices are interpreted as colors labeling subdomains, then 
1706:                              each global subdomain is given a new contiguous zero-based numbering 
1707:                              uniquely defined by the following: the new vertex numbers increase with the 
1708:                              owning processor's rank, and within each rank they are arranged according 
1709:                              to their order in the local portion of the bin.

1712:    Collective on A.

1714:    Input arguments:
1715: .  A           - pseudograph
1717:    Output arguments:
1718: .  B           - renumbering pseudograph

1720:    Level:    advanced

1722:    Notes: observe that each local support index might be mapped to the same global index multiple times,
1723:           if it happens to have the same number within different bins. In order to decide which color
1724:           each of the new numbers refers to, it is useful to use the result B in conjunction with
1725:           the original pseudograph A as the second and first argument to MatIJBinMap(), respectively.
1726:           By construction, B is compatible to A in the sense of MatIJBinMap().

1728: .keywords: pseudograph, coloring, binning, numbering
1729: .seealso:  MatIJBinMap()
1730: @*/
1731: #undef  __FUNCT__
1733: PetscErrorCode MatIJBinRenumber(Mat A, Mat *B)
1734: {
1736:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*)A->data;
1737:   PetscInt iysize = -1, len, *ixidx, *iyidx = PETSC_NULL, *bsizes = PETSC_NULL, N = 0, g,b,blow,bhigh,j;
1738:   PetscMPIInt rank, size, NN, bsize,goffset;

1741:   MatIJLocalizeImage_Private(A);
1742:   MatIJBinRenumberLocal_Private(A, MATIJ_LOCAL, pg->m, PETSC_NULL, &iysize, &iyidx, &bsizes);
1743:   MPI_Comm_size(((PetscObject)A)->comm, &size);
1744:   MPI_Comm_rank(((PetscObject)A)->comm, &rank);
1745:   /*
1746:    Since the new mapping is to the global bin numberings, we need to adjust the numberings further, 
1747:    by determining the local offsets for each bin: the sizes of each bin on the preceeding 
1748:    processors within the communicator. This is accomplished by a series of scan ops, one per bin.
1749:    */
1750:   /*
1751:    In addition, we need to know the largest global bin size N, which can be determined by looking at
1752:    bin offset of the process with the largest rank in the comm, adding the local bin size to it,
1753:    taking the max across the bins and then broadcasting it to the other processes in the comm.
1754:    */
1755:   /* Loop over the global bins g; count the locally-supported bins b. */
1756:   b = 0;
1757:   blow = bhigh = 0;
1758:   for(g = 0, b = 0; g < A->cmap->N; ++g) {
1759:     if(pg->image[b] == g) {
1760:       bsize = PetscMPIIntCast(bsizes[b]);
1761:     }
1762:     else {
1763:       bsize = 0;
1764:     }
1765:     MPI_Scan(&bsize,&goffset,1,MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,((PetscObject)A)->comm);
1766:     if(pg->image[b] == g) {
1767:       blow = bhigh;
1768:       bhigh = blow + bsizes[b];
1769:       /* Shift the indices by the goffset. */
1770:       for(j = blow; j < bhigh; ++j)  iyidx[j] += goffset;
1771:       /* Compute the maximum partial global bin size, up to and including this proc's portion. */
1772:       NN = PetscMPIIntCast(PetscMax(NN,goffset + bsizes[b]));
1773:       ++b;
1774:     }
1775:     else {
1776:       /* Compute the maximum partial global bin size, up to and including this proc's portion. */
1777:       NN = PetscMPIIntCast(PetscMax(NN,goffset));
1778:     }
1779:   }/* Loop over the global bins. */
1780:   if(b != pg->n) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Traversed %D local bins, not the same as expected: %D", b, pg->n);
1781:   /* Broadcast from the last rank the largest global bin size. */
1782:   MPI_Bcast(&NN,1,MPI_INT, rank-1,((PetscObject)A)->comm);
1783:   N = NN;
1784:   /* Now construct the new pseudograph. */
1785:   /* The number of edges and the source vertices are the same as in the old pseudograph. */
1786:   MatIJGetEdges(A,&len,&ixidx,PETSC_NULL);
1787:   /* But instead of terminating at bins, the edges terminate at the local numbers within the bin. */
1788: #if defined PETSC_USE_DEBUG
1789:   {
1790:     PetscInt k,blen = 0;
1791:     for(k = 0; k < pg->n; ++k) blen += bsizes[k];
1792:   if(len != blen)
1793:     SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Number of edges in the original pseudograph %D and the renumbering pseudograph %D do not match", len, blen);
1794:   }
1795: #endif
1796:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)A)->comm, B);
1797:   MatSetSizes(*B, A->rmap->n, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, N);
1798:   MatIJSetEdges(*B, len, ixidx, iyidx);
1799:   /* All ixidx indices are within the local ownership range, so no parallel assembly is required. */
1800:   MatIJSetEdgesLocal_Private(*B, len, ixidx, iyidx);
1801:   return(0);
1802: }

1804: #undef  __FUNCT__
1806: PetscErrorCode MatTranspose_IJ(Mat A, MatReuse reuse, Mat *B)
1807: {
1809:   PetscBool multivalued;
1810:   IS ix, iy;
1812:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)A)->comm, B);
1813:   MatSetSizes(*B, A->cmap->n, A->rmap->n, A->cmap->N, A->rmap->N);
1814:   MatSetType(*B, MATIJ);
1815:   MatIJGetMultivalued(A,&multivalued);
1816:   MatIJGetEdgesIS(A, &ix, &iy);
1817:   MatIJSetEdgesIS(*B, iy,ix);
1818:   ISDestroy(&(ix));
1819:   ISDestroy(&(iy));
1820:   MatAssemblyBegin(*B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1821:   MatAssemblyEnd(*B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1822:   return(0);
1823: }

1825: #undef  __FUNCT__
1827: PetscErrorCode MatTransposeMatMult_IJ_IJ(Mat A, Mat B, MatReuse reuse, PetscReal fill, Mat *CC)
1828: {
1830:   Mat C;
1831:   PetscInt nsupp1, nsupp2, nsupp3, *supp1 = PETSC_NULL, *supp2 = PETSC_NULL, *supp3, imgsize1, *imgsizes1 = PETSC_NULL,
1832:            imgsize2, *imgsizes2 = PETSC_NULL, *image1 = PETSC_NULL, *image2 = PETSC_NULL,
1833:            *ixidx, *iyidx, count, i1,i2,i1low,i1high,i2low,i2high,k;
1836:   /*
1837:                                                         C     _
1838:                                                        ...    |
1839:       |-----|                                |-----|  ------> |
1840:          ^                                      ^             |
1841:          |                    ======>           |             -
1842:     A    |                                  A   |
1843:    ...   |       B      _                  ...  |
1844:          |      ...     |                       |
1845:       |-----|  ------>  |                    |-----|
1846:                         |
1847:                         -
1848:    */
1849:   MatIJGetSupport(A,  &nsupp1, &supp1);
1850:   MatIJGetSupport(B,  &nsupp2, &supp2);
1851:   /* Avoid computing the intersection, which may be unscalable in storage. */
1852:   /* 
1853:    Count the number of images of the intersection of supports under the "upward" (A) and "rightward" (B) maps. 
1854:    It is done this way: supp1 is mapped by B obtaining offsets2, and supp2 is mapped by A obtaining offsets1.
1855:    */
1858:   /* Count the number of supp1 indices with nonzero images in B -- that's the size of the intersection. */
1859:   nsupp3 = 0;
1860:   for(k = 0; k < nsupp1; ++k) nsupp3 += (imgsizes1[k]>0);
1861: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
1862:   /* Now count the number of supp2 indices with nonzero images in map1: should be the same. */
1863:   {
1864:     PetscInt nsupp3_2 = 0;
1865:     for(k = 0; k < nsupp2; ++k) nsupp3_2 += (imgsizes2[k]>0);
1866:     if(nsupp3 != nsupp3_2) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Intersections supports different in map1: %D and map2: %D", nsupp3, nsupp3_2);
1867:   }
1868: #endif
1869:   /* Allocate indices for the intersection. */
1870:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*nsupp3, &supp3);
1871:   nsupp3 = 0;
1872:   for(k = 0; k < nsupp2; ++k) {
1873:     if(imgsizes1[k]) {
1874:       supp3[nsupp3] =  supp2[k];
1875:       ++nsupp3;
1876:     }
1877:   }
1878:   PetscFree(supp1);
1879:   PetscFree(supp2);
1881:   /* 
1882:    Now obtain the "up" (A) and "right" (B) images of supp3.
1883:    Recall that imgsizes1 are allocated for lsupp2, and imgsizes2 for lsupp1.
1884:    */
1885:   /* Reuse imgsizes1 and imgsizes2, even though they are a bit bigger, than necessary now and full of junk from the previous calls. Saves malloc/free.*/
1886:   MatIJMap(A,MATIJ_GLOBAL,nsupp3,supp3,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,MATIJ_GLOBAL,&imgsize1,&image1,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,&imgsizes1);
1887:   MatIJMap(B,MATIJ_GLOBAL,nsupp3,supp3,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,MATIJ_GLOBAL,&imgsize2,&image2,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,&imgsizes2);
1888:   PetscFree(supp3);

1890:   /* Count the total number of arrows to add to the pushed forward MatIJ. */
1891:   count = 0;
1892:   for(k = 0; k < nsupp3; ++k) {
1893:     count += (imgsizes1[k])*(imgsizes2[k]);
1894:   }
1895:   /* Allocate storage for the composed indices. */
1896:   PetscMalloc2(count, PetscInt, &ixidx, count, PetscInt, &iyidx);
1897:   count= 0;
1898:   i1low = 0;
1899:   i2low = 0;
1900:   for(k = 0; k < nsupp3; ++k) {
1901:     i1high = i1low + imgsizes1[k];
1902:     i2high = i2low + imgsizes2[k];
1903:     for(i1 = i1low; i1 < i1high; ++i1) {
1904:       for(i2 = i2low; i1 < i2high; ++i2) {
1905:         ixidx[count] = image1[i1];
1906:         iyidx[count] = image2[i2];
1907:         ++count;
1908:       }
1909:     }
1910:     i1low = i1high;
1911:     i2low = i2high;
1912:   }
1913:   PetscFree(image1);
1914:   PetscFree(image2);
1915:   PetscFree(imgsizes1);
1916:   PetscFree(imgsizes2);
1917:   /* Now construct the new MatIJ. */
1918:   MatCreate(((PetscObject)A)->comm, &C);
1919:   MatSetSizes(C, A->cmap->n, B->cmap->n, A->cmap->N, B->cmap->N);
1920:   MatSetType(C, MATIJ);
1921:   MatIJSetEdges(C,count,ixidx,iyidx);
1922:   MatAssemblyBegin(C, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1923:   MatAssemblyEnd(C, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1924:   PetscFree2(ixidx,iyidx);

1926:   *CC = C;
1927:   return(0);
1928: }

1934: #undef  __FUNCT__
1936: PetscErrorCode MatMatMult_IJ_IJ(Mat A, Mat B, MatReuse reuse, PetscReal fill, Mat *CC)
1937: {
1939:   Mat At,C;

1943:   /*

1945:                   B     _                              B     _ 
1946:                  ...    |                             ...    | 
1947:        |-----|  ------> |                 |-----|    ------> |
1948:           ^             |                    ^               |
1949:           |             -                    |               -
1950:       A   |                ======>      A    |
1951:      ...  |                            ...   |         C     _
1952:           |                                  |        ...    |
1953:        |-----|                            |-----|    ------> |
1954:                                                              |
1955:                                                              -
1956:    Convert this to a pushforward by transposing A  to At and then pushing B forward along At
1957:    (reflect the second diagram with respect to a horizontal axis and then compare with Pushforward,
1958:     of just push forward "downward".)

1960:                   B     _                             B     _                            B     _ 
1961:                  ...    |                            ...    |                           ...    | 
1962:        |-----|  ------> |                  |-----|  ------> |                |-----|   ------> |
1963:           ^             |                     |             |                   |              |
1964:           |             -                     |             -                   |              -
1965:       A   |                ======>       At   |                 ======>   At    |
1966:      ...  |                              ...  |                           ...   |        C     _
1967:           |                                   V                                 V       ...    |
1968:        |-----|                             |-----|                           |-----|   ------> |
1969:                                                                                                |
1970:                                                                                                -
1971:    */
1972:   MatTranspose(A, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &At);
1973:   MatTransposeMatMult(At, B, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &C);
1974:   MatDestroy(&At);
1975:   C->ops->matmult = MatMatMult_IJ_IJ;
1976:   *CC = C;
1977:   return(0);
1978: }

1981: #undef  __FUNCT__
1983: PetscErrorCode MatZeroEntries_IJ(Mat A)
1984: {
1985:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*) A->data;
1988:   MatIJClear_Private(A);
1989:   MatStashMPIIJClear_Private(pg->stash);
1990:   A->was_assembled = A->assembled;
1991:   A->assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
1992:   return(0);
1993: }

1997: #undef  __FUNCT__
1999: PetscErrorCode MatView_IJ(Mat A, PetscViewer v)
2000: {
2001:   Mat_IJ *pg = (Mat_IJ*) A->data;
2002:   PetscBool      isij, isascii;
2003:   PetscInt indi, indj,i=-1,j;
2004:   PetscHashIIter it=0;
2008:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)A,MATIJ,&isij);
2009:   if(!isij) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix not of type MATIJ: %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type);
2010:   MatIJCheckAssembled(A,PETSC_TRUE,1);
2011:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)v,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii);
2012:   if (!isascii) {
2013:     SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Viewer type %s not supported",((PetscObject)v)->type_name);
2014:   }
2015:   if(!pg->hsupp) {
2016:     i = A->rmap->rstart;
2017:   }
2018:   else {
2019:     PetscHashIIterBegin(pg->hsupp,it);
2020:   }
2021:   while(1) {
2022:     if(pg->hsupp) {
2023:       if(PetscHashIIterAtEnd(pg->hsupp,it)) break;
2024:       else {
2025:         PetscHashIIterGetKeyVal(pg->hsupp,it,i,indi);
2026:       }
2027:     }
2028:     else {
2029:       if(i == A->rmap->rend)
2030:         break;
2031:       else
2032:         indi = i - A->rmap->rstart;
2033:     }
2034:     PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(v, "%D --> ", i);
2035:     for(indj = pg->ijlen[indi]; indj < pg->ijlen[indi+1]; ++indj) {
2036:       MatIJGetIndexImage_Private(A,MATIJ_GLOBAL,indj,j);
2037:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(v, "%D ", j);
2038:     }
2039:   }
2040:   PetscViewerFlush(v);
2041:   return(0);
2042: }

2045: #undef  __FUNCT__
2047: PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_IJ(Mat A) {
2049:   Mat_IJ          *pg = (Mat_IJ *)(A->data);
2052:   MatIJClear_Private(A);
2053:   MatStashMPIIJDestroy_Private(&(pg->stash));
2054:   A->data = PETSC_NULL;
2056:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A,"MatMatMult_ij_ij_C", "",PETSC_NULL);
2057:   PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A,"MatTransposeMatMult_ij_ij_C", "",PETSC_NULL);
2058:   return(0);
2059: }

2061: #undef  __FUNCT__
2063: PetscErrorCode MatCreate_IJ(Mat A)
2064: {
2066:   Mat_IJ         *pg;

2069:   PetscNewLog(A, Mat_IJ, &pg);
2070:   A->data = (void*)pg;

2072:   PetscLayoutSetUp(A->rmap);
2073:   PetscLayoutSetUp(A->cmap);

2075:   MatStashMPIIJCreate_Private(A->rmap, &(pg->stash));

2077:   PetscMemzero(A->ops,sizeof(*(A->ops)));
2078:   A->ops->assemblybegin         = MatAssemblyBegin_IJ;
2079:   A->ops->assemblyend           = MatAssemblyEnd_IJ;
2080:   A->ops->zeroentries           = MatZeroEntries_IJ;
2081:   A->ops->getrow                = MatGetRow_IJ;
2082:   A->ops->restorerow            = MatRestoreRow_IJ;
2083:   A->ops->duplicate             = MatDuplicate_IJ;
2084:   A->ops->destroy               = MatDestroy_IJ;
2085:   A->ops->view                  = MatView_IJ;

2087:   MatRegisterOp(((PetscObject)A)->comm, PETSC_NULL, (PetscVoidFunction)MatMatMult_IJ_IJ, "MatMatMult", 2, MATIJ,MATIJ);
2088:   MatRegisterOp(((PetscObject)A)->comm, PETSC_NULL, (PetscVoidFunction)MatTransposeMatMult_IJ_IJ, "MatTransposeMatMult", 2, MATIJ,MATIJ);
2089:   PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)A, MATIJ);
2090:   return(0);
2091: }