FileRead.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


int comment (string &line)
ErrorCode ReadTriangleOutput (Interface *mb, string fileBase)
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Function Documentation

int comment ( string &  line)

Definition at line 13 of file FileRead.cpp.

    // if a line starts with '#' is a comment
    // eat white space characters
    size_t found=line.find_first_not_of(" \t");
    if (found==string::npos)
    return 1; // empty line
    if ('#'==line[found])
        return 1; // a comment indeed
    return 0; // a line with some data in it, then

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 142 of file FileRead.cpp.

  if (3!=argc) {
    cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>  <outFile> " << endl;
    cout << "       <filename>  is the base file name; *.ele and *.node file are read; outFile is a file with an extension recognized by MOAB " << endl;
    return 0;

  string filename = argv[1];
  char * outfile = argv[2];

  // get MOAB instance and read the file                                                                                                  
  Core *mb = new Core();

   ErrorCode rval = ReadTriangleOutput(mb, filename);

   if (rval==MB_SUCCESS)
     cout << "Writing output file " << outfile << endl;

   delete mb;

   return 0;
ErrorCode ReadTriangleOutput ( Interface mb,
string  fileBase 

Definition at line 25 of file FileRead.cpp.

  // get the read interface from moab
  ReadUtilIface *iface;
  ErrorCode rval = mb->query_interface(iface);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        cout<<"Can't get interface.\n";
        return MB_FAILURE;
  // Triangle default <name>.node
  string nodeFileName = fileBase+".node";
  ifstream nodeFile (nodeFileName.c_str());
  if (!nodeFile.is_open())
     cout<<"can't open node file .\n";
  cout << "reading nodes from file " << nodeFileName.c_str() << endl;
  string eleFileName = fileBase+".ele";
  ifstream eleFile (eleFileName.c_str());
  if (!eleFile.is_open())
     cout<<"can't open element file .\n";
  cout << "reading elements from file " << eleFileName.c_str() << endl;

  string line;
  // ignore comment lines that start with #
  int num_nodes=0, num_triangles=0;
      getline(nodeFile, line);
      if (comment(line))
      stringstream tks(line);
      tks >> num_nodes; // ignore the rest of the first line
                        // maybe will read attributes some other time
      cout << "num nodes:" << num_nodes << endl; 
  //  allocate a block of vertex handles and read xyz’s into them
  //  we know the size of the node arrays, and this call will allocate 
  //   needed arrays, coordinate arrays
  //   also, it will return a starting handle for the node sequence
  vector<double*> arrays;
  EntityHandle startv;
  rval = iface->get_node_coords(2, num_nodes, 0, startv, arrays);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++)
      getline(nodeFile, line);
      if (comment(line))
        i--;// read one more line
      stringstream tokens(line);
      int nodeId;
      tokens >> nodeId >> arrays[0][i] >> arrays[1][i] ;
  // now read the element data from a different file
  // first, find out how many elements are out there
  // first line with data should have it
      getline(eleFile, line);
      if (comment(line))
      stringstream tks(line);
      tks >> num_triangles; // ignore the rest of the line
      cout << "num triangles:" << num_triangles << endl; 

  EntityHandle starte;
  EntityHandle *starth; // the connectivity array that will get populated
                          // with triangle data
  // allocate block of triangle handles and read connectivity into them
  rval = iface->get_element_connect(num_triangles, 3, MBTRI, 0, starte, starth);
  for (int j = 0; j < num_triangles; j++)
      getline(eleFile, line);
      if (comment(line))
        j--;// read one more line
      stringstream tokens(line);
      int eleId;
      unsigned int node;
      tokens >> eleId;
      for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
      tokens >> node;
          // vertex handles start at startv
            starth[3*j+k] = startv + node - 1;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
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