moab::MeshTopoUtil Class Reference

MeshTopoUtil contains general mesh utility functions. More...

#include <MeshTopoUtil.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MeshTopoUtil (Interface *impl)
 ~MeshTopoUtil ()
ErrorCode construct_aentities (const Range &vertices)
 generate all the AEntities bounding the vertices
ErrorCode get_average_position (Range &entities, double *avg_position)
 given an entity, get its average position (avg vertex locations)
ErrorCode get_average_position (const EntityHandle entity, double *avg_position)
 given an entity, get its average position (avg vertex locations)
ErrorCode get_average_position (const EntityHandle *entities, const int num_entities, double *avg_position)
 given a set of entities, get their average position (avg vertex locations)
ErrorCode get_manifold (const EntityHandle star_entity, const int target_dim, Range &manifold)
ErrorCode star_entities (const EntityHandle star_center, std::vector< EntityHandle > &star_entities, bool &bdy_entity, const EntityHandle starting_star_entity=0, std::vector< EntityHandle > *star_entities_dp1=NULL, Range *star_entities_candidates_dp1=NULL)
ErrorCode star_entities_nonmanifold (const EntityHandle star_entity, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &stars, std::vector< bool > *bdy_flags=NULL, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > *dp2_stars=NULL)
ErrorCode star_next_entity (const EntityHandle star_center, const EntityHandle last_entity, const EntityHandle last_dp1, Range *star_candidates_dp1, EntityHandle &next_entity, EntityHandle &next_dp1)
ErrorCode get_bridge_adjacencies (Range &from_entities, int bridge_dim, int to_dim, Range &to_ents, int num_layers=1)
 get "bridge" or "2nd order" adjacencies, going through dimension bridge_dim
ErrorCode get_bridge_adjacencies (const EntityHandle from_entity, const int bridge_dim, const int to_dim, Range &to_adjs)
 get "bridge" or "2nd order" adjacencies, going through dimension bridge_dim
EntityHandle common_entity (const EntityHandle ent1, const EntityHandle ent2, const int dim)
 return a common entity of the specified dimension, or 0 if there isn't one
ErrorCode opposite_entity (const EntityHandle parent, const EntityHandle child, EntityHandle &opposite_element)
ErrorCode split_entity_nonmanifold (EntityHandle split_ent, Range &old_adjs, Range &new_adjs, EntityHandle &new_entity)
ErrorCode split_entities_manifold (Range &entities, Range &new_entities, Range *fill_entities)
ErrorCode split_entities_manifold (EntityHandle *entities, const int num_entities, EntityHandle *new_entities, Range *fill_entities, EntityHandle *gowith_ents=NULL)
bool equivalent_entities (const EntityHandle entity, Range *equiv_ents=NULL)

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

MeshTopoUtil contains general mesh utility functions.

Tim Tautges

Definition at line 30 of file MeshTopoUtil.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 33 of file MeshTopoUtil.hpp.

: mbImpl(impl) {}

Definition at line 35 of file MeshTopoUtil.hpp.


Member Function Documentation

EntityHandle moab::MeshTopoUtil::common_entity ( const EntityHandle  ent1,
const EntityHandle  ent2,
const int  dim 

return a common entity of the specified dimension, or 0 if there isn't one

Definition at line 530 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  Range tmp_range, tmp_range2;
  tmp_range.insert(ent1); tmp_range.insert(ent2);
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_range, dim, false, tmp_range2);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result || tmp_range2.empty()) return 0;
  else return *tmp_range2.begin();

generate all the AEntities bounding the vertices

Definition at line 33 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  Range out_range;
  ErrorCode result;
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(vertices, 1, true, out_range, Interface::UNION);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(vertices, 2, true, out_range, Interface::UNION);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(vertices, 3, true, out_range, Interface::UNION);

  return result;
bool moab::MeshTopoUtil::equivalent_entities ( const EntityHandle  entity,
Range equiv_ents = NULL 

return whether entity is equivalent to any other of same type and same vertices; if equivalent entity is found, it's returned in equiv_ents and return value is true, false otherwise.

Definition at line 929 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  const EntityHandle *connect;
  int num_connect;
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(entity, connect, num_connect);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return false;

  Range dum;
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(connect, num_connect, 
                                   false, dum);

  if (NULL != equiv_ents) {
  if (!dum.empty()) return true;
  else return false;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_average_position ( Range entities,
double *  avg_position 

given an entity, get its average position (avg vertex locations)

Definition at line 49 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  std::vector<EntityHandle> ent_vec;
  std::copy(entities.begin(), entities.end(), std::back_inserter(ent_vec));
  return get_average_position(&ent_vec[0], ent_vec.size(), avg_position);
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_average_position ( const EntityHandle  entity,
double *  avg_position 

given an entity, get its average position (avg vertex locations)

Definition at line 87 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  const EntityHandle *connect;
  int num_connect;
  if (MBVERTEX == mbImpl->type_from_handle(entity))
    return mbImpl->get_coords(&entity, 1, avg_position);
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(entity, connect, num_connect);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  return get_average_position(connect, num_connect, avg_position);
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_average_position ( const EntityHandle entities,
const int  num_entities,
double *  avg_position 

given a set of entities, get their average position (avg vertex locations)

given an entity, get its average position (avg vertex locations)

Definition at line 58 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  double dum_pos[3];
  avg_position[0] = avg_position[1] = avg_position[2] = 0.0;

  Range connect;
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(entities, num_entities, 0, false,
                                               connect, Interface::UNION);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  if (connect.empty()) return MB_FAILURE;
  for (Range::iterator rit = connect.begin(); rit != connect.end(); rit++) {
    result = mbImpl->get_coords(&(*rit), 1, dum_pos);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    avg_position[0] += dum_pos[0]; 
    avg_position[1] += dum_pos[1]; 
    avg_position[2] += dum_pos[2]; 
  avg_position[0] /= (double) connect.size();
  avg_position[1] /= (double) connect.size();
  avg_position[2] /= (double) connect.size();

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_bridge_adjacencies ( Range from_entities,
int  bridge_dim,
int  to_dim,
Range to_ents,
int  num_layers = 1 

get "bridge" or "2nd order" adjacencies, going through dimension bridge_dim

Definition at line 397 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  Range bridge_ents, last_toents, new_toents(from_entities);
  ErrorCode result;
  if (0 == num_layers || from_entities.empty()) return MB_FAILURE;
    // for each layer, get bridge-adj entities and accumulate
  for (int nl = 0; nl < num_layers; nl++) {
    Range new_bridges;
      // get bridge ents
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(new_toents, bridge_dim, true, new_bridges,
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      // get to_dim adjacencies, merge into to_ents
    last_toents =  to_ents;
    if (-1 == to_dim) {
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(new_bridges, 3, false, to_ents,
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      for (int d = 2; d >= 1; d--) {
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(to_ents, d, true, to_ents,
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    else {
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(new_bridges, to_dim, false, to_ents,
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

      // subtract last_toents to get new_toents
    if (nl < num_layers-1)
      new_toents = subtract( to_ents, last_toents);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_bridge_adjacencies ( const EntityHandle  from_entity,
const int  bridge_dim,
const int  to_dim,
Range to_adjs 

get "bridge" or "2nd order" adjacencies, going through dimension bridge_dim

Definition at line 442 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // get pointer to connectivity for this entity
  const EntityHandle *connect;
  int num_connect;
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  EntityType from_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(from_entity);
  if (from_type == MBVERTEX) {
    connect = &from_entity;
    num_connect = 1;
  else {
    result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(from_entity, connect, num_connect);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
  if (from_type >= MBENTITYSET) return MB_FAILURE;

  int from_dim = CN::Dimension(from_type);
  Range to_ents;

  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  if (bridge_dim < from_dim) {
      // looping over each sub-entity of dimension bridge_dim...
    if (MBPOLYGON == from_type)
      for (int i=0; i<num_connect; i++)
        // loop over edges, and get the vertices
        EntityHandle verts_on_edge[2]={connect[i], connect[(i+1)%num_connect]};
        ErrorCode tmp_result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(verts_on_edge, 2,
                        to_dim, false, to_ents, Interface::INTERSECT);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) result = tmp_result;
      EntityHandle bridge_verts[MAX_SUB_ENTITIES];
      int bridge_indices[MAX_SUB_ENTITIES];
      for (int i = 0; i < CN::NumSubEntities(from_type, bridge_dim); i++) {

          // get the vertices making up this sub-entity
        int num_bridge_verts = CN::VerticesPerEntity( CN::SubEntityType( from_type, bridge_dim, i ) );
        CN::SubEntityVertexIndices( from_type, bridge_dim, i, bridge_indices );
        for (int j = 0; j < num_bridge_verts; ++j)
          bridge_verts[j]= connect[bridge_indices[j]];
        //CN::SubEntityConn(connect, from_type, bridge_dim, i, &bridge_verts[0], num_bridge_verts);

          // get the to_dim entities adjacent
        ErrorCode tmp_result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(bridge_verts, num_bridge_verts,
                                                         to_dim, false, to_ents, Interface::INTERSECT);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) result = tmp_result;



    // now get the direct ones too, or only in the case where we're 
    // going to higher dimension for bridge
  Range bridge_ents, tmp_ents;
  ErrorCode tmp_result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_ents, bridge_dim,
                                                   false, bridge_ents, 
  if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) return tmp_result;
  tmp_result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(bridge_ents, to_dim, false, to_adjs, 
  if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) return tmp_result;
    // if to_dimension is same as that of from_entity, make sure from_entity isn't
    // in list
  if (to_dim == from_dim) to_adjs.erase(from_entity);
  return result;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::get_manifold ( const EntityHandle  star_entity,
const int  target_dim,
Range manifold 

get (target_dim)-dimensional manifold entities connected to star_entity; that is, the entities with <= 1 connected (target_dim+2)-dimensional adjacent entities; for target_dim=3, just return all of them just insert into the list, w/o clearing manifold list first

Definition at line 367 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // get all the entities of target dimension connected to star
  Range tmp_range;
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&star_entity, 1, target_dim, false, tmp_range);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // now save the ones which are (target_dim+1)-dimensional manifold;
    // for target_dim=3, just return whole range, since we don't do 4d
  if (target_dim == 3) {
    return MB_SUCCESS;
  for (Range::iterator rit = tmp_range.begin(); rit != tmp_range.end(); rit++) {
    Range dum_range;
      // get (target_dim+1)-dimensional entities
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&(*rit), 1, target_dim+1, false, dum_range);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      // if there are only 1 or zero, add to manifold list
    if (1 >= dum_range.size()) manifold.insert(*rit);
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::opposite_entity ( const EntityHandle  parent,
const EntityHandle  child,
EntityHandle opposite_element 

return the opposite side entity given a parent and bounding entity. This function is only defined for certain types of parent/child types; See MBCN.hpp::OppositeSide for details.

parentThe parent element
childThe child element
opposite_elementThe index of the opposite element

return the opposite side entity given a parent and bounding entity. This function is only defined for certain types of parent/child types; See CN.hpp::OppositeSide for details.

parentThe parent element
childThe child element
opposite_elementThe index of the opposite element

Definition at line 548 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // get the side no.
  int side_no, offset, sense;
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->side_number(parent, child, side_no, 
                                           offset, sense);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // get the child index from CN
  int opposite_index, opposite_dim;
  int status = CN::OppositeSide(mbImpl->type_from_handle(parent),
                                  side_no, mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(child),
                                  opposite_index, opposite_dim);
  if (0 != status) return MB_FAILURE;
    // now get the side element from MOAB
  result = mbImpl->side_element(parent, opposite_dim, opposite_index, 
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::split_entities_manifold ( Range entities,
Range new_entities,
Range fill_entities 

split entities that are manifold (shared by two or less entities of each higher dimension), optionally creating an entity of next higher dimension to fill the gap

entitiesThe entities to be split
new_entitiesNew entities, in order of correspondence to that of entities
fill_entitiesIf non-NULL, create an entity of next higher dimension to fill the gap, passing it back in *fill_entities

Definition at line 573 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

  Range tmp_range, *tmp_ptr_fill_entity;
  if (NULL != fill_entities) tmp_ptr_fill_entity = &tmp_range;
  else tmp_ptr_fill_entity = NULL;
  for (Range::iterator rit = entities.begin(); rit != entities.end(); rit++) {
    EntityHandle new_entity;
    if (NULL != tmp_ptr_fill_entity) tmp_ptr_fill_entity->clear();

    EntityHandle this_ent = *rit;
    ErrorCode result = split_entities_manifold(&this_ent, 1, &new_entity, 
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

    if (NULL != fill_entities) fill_entities->merge(*tmp_ptr_fill_entity);
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::split_entities_manifold ( EntityHandle entities,
const int  num_entities,
EntityHandle new_entities,
Range fill_entities,
EntityHandle gowith_ents = NULL 

split entities that are manifold (shared by two or less entities of each higher dimension), optionally creating an entity of next higher dimension to fill the gap

entitiesThe entities to be split
new_entitiesNew entities, in order of correspondence to that of entities
fill_entitiesIf non-NULL, create an entity of next higher dimension to fill the gap, passing it back in *fill_entities
gowith_entsIf non-NULL, each of the new entities will adj to the corresponding gowith entities after the split; this parameter is ignored for boundary split entities; in that case, the split entity remains on the boundary (i.e. not adj to any entity of higher dimension). Dimension of gowith_ents must be the same as entities.

Definition at line 598 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // split entities by duplicating them; splitting manifold means that there is at
    // most two higher-dimension entities bounded by a given entity; after split, the
    // new entity bounds one and the original entity bounds the other

#define ITERATE_RANGE(range, it) for (Range::iterator it = range.begin(); it != range.end(); it++)
#define GET_CONNECT_DECL(ent, connect, num_connect) \
  const EntityHandle *connect; int num_connect; \
  {ErrorCode connect_result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(ent, connect, num_connect); \
   if (MB_SUCCESS != connect_result) return connect_result;}
#define GET_CONNECT(ent, connect, num_connect) \
  {ErrorCode connect_result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(ent, connect, num_connect);\
   if (MB_SUCCESS != connect_result) return connect_result;}
#define TC if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) {result = tmp_result; continue;}

  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) {
    ErrorCode tmp_result;
      // get original higher-dimensional bounding entities
    Range up_adjs[4];
      // can only do a split_manifold if there are at most 2 entities of each
      // higher dimension; otherwise it's a split non-manifold
    bool valid_up_adjs = true;
    for (int dim = 1; dim <= 3; dim++) {
      tmp_result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(entities+i, 1, dim, false, up_adjs[dim]); TC;
      if (dim > CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(entities[i])) && up_adjs[dim].size() > 2) {
        valid_up_adjs = false;
    if (!valid_up_adjs) return MB_FAILURE;
      // ok to split; create the new entity, with connectivity of the original
    GET_CONNECT_DECL(entities[i], connect, num_connect);
    EntityHandle new_entity;
    result = mbImpl->create_element(mbImpl->type_from_handle(entities[i]), connect, num_connect, 
                                    new_entity); TC;
      // by definition, new entity and original will be equivalent; need to add explicit
      // adjs to distinguish them; don't need to check if there's already one there,
      // 'cuz add_adjacency does that for us
    for (int dim = 1; dim <= 3; dim++) {
      if (up_adjs[dim].empty() || dim == CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(entities[i]))) continue;

      if (dim < CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(entities[i]))) {
          // adjacencies from other entities to this one; if any of those are equivalent entities,
          // need to make explicit adjacency to new entity too
        for (Range::iterator rit = up_adjs[dim].begin(); rit != up_adjs[dim].end(); rit++) {
          if (equivalent_entities(*rit))
            result = mbImpl->add_adjacencies(*rit, &new_entity, 1, false);
      else {
          // get the two up-elements
        EntityHandle up_elem1 = *(up_adjs[dim].begin()),
            up_elem2 = (up_adjs[dim].size() > 1 ? *(up_adjs[dim].rbegin()) : 0);
          // if two, and a gowith entity was input, make sure the new entity goes with
          // that one
        if (gowith_ents && up_elem2 && 
            gowith_ents[i] != up_elem1 && gowith_ents[i] == up_elem2) {
          EntityHandle tmp_elem = up_elem1;
          up_elem1 = up_elem2;
          up_elem2 = tmp_elem;
        tmp_result = mbImpl->remove_adjacencies(entities[i], &up_elem1, 1);
          // (ok if there's an error, that just means there wasn't an explicit adj)

        tmp_result = mbImpl->add_adjacencies(new_entity, &up_elem1, 1, false); TC;
        if (!up_elem2) continue;

          // add adj to other up_adj
        tmp_result = mbImpl->add_adjacencies(entities[i], &up_elem2, 1, false); TC;

      // if we're asked to build a next-higher-dimension object, do so
    EntityHandle fill_entity = 0;
    EntityHandle tmp_ents[2];
    if (NULL != fill_entities) {
        // how to do this depends on dimension
      switch (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(entities[i]))) {
        case 0:
          tmp_ents[0] = entities[i];
          tmp_ents[1] = new_entity;
          tmp_result = mbImpl->create_element(MBEDGE, tmp_ents, 2, fill_entity); TC;
        case 1:
          tmp_result = mbImpl->create_element(MBPOLYGON, connect, 2, fill_entity); TC;
            // need to create explicit adj in this case
          tmp_result = mbImpl->add_adjacencies(entities[i], &fill_entity, 1, false); TC;
          tmp_result = mbImpl->add_adjacencies(new_entity, &fill_entity, 1, false); TC;
        case 2:
          tmp_ents[0] = entities[i];
          tmp_ents[1] = new_entity;
          tmp_result = mbImpl->create_element(MBPOLYHEDRON, tmp_ents, 2, fill_entity); TC;
      if (0 == fill_entity) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;

    new_entities[i] = new_entity;
  } // end for over input entities

  return result;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::split_entity_nonmanifold ( EntityHandle  split_ent,
Range old_adjs,
Range new_adjs,
EntityHandle new_entity 

split entity which is non-manifold, that is, which has > 2 connected entities of next higher dimension; assumes that there are >= 2 connected regions of (d+2)-dimensional entities; a new d-entity is created for each region after the first, and it's made explicitly-adjacent to the region to which it corresponds

Definition at line 719 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // split an entity into two entities; new entity gets explicit adj to new_adjs,
    // old to old_adjs

    // make new entities and add adjacencies
    // create the new entity
  EntityType split_type = mbImpl->type_from_handle(split_ent);
  ErrorCode result;
  if (MBVERTEX == split_type) {
    double coords[3];
    result = mbImpl->get_coords(&split_ent, 1, coords); RR;
    result = mbImpl->create_vertex(coords, new_entity); RR;
  else {
    const EntityHandle *connect;
    int num_connect;
    result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(split_ent, connect, num_connect); RR;
    result = mbImpl->create_element(split_type, connect, num_connect, new_entity); RR;

      // remove any explicit adjacencies between new_adjs and split entity
    for (Range::iterator rit = new_adjs.begin(); rit != new_adjs.end(); rit++)
      mbImpl->remove_adjacencies(split_ent, &(*rit), 1);
  if (MBVERTEX != split_type) {
        //  add adj's between new_adjs & new entity, old_adjs & split_entity
    for (Range::iterator rit = new_adjs.begin(); rit != new_adjs.end(); rit++)
      mbImpl->add_adjacencies(new_entity, &(*rit), 1, true);
    for (Range::iterator rit = old_adjs.begin(); rit != old_adjs.end(); rit++)
      mbImpl->add_adjacencies(split_ent, &(*rit), 1, true);
  else if (split_ent != new_entity) {
      // in addition to explicit adjs, need to check if vertex is part of any
      // other entities, and check those entities against ents in old and new adjs
    Range other_adjs;
    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&split_ent, 1, i, false, other_adjs, 
                                       Interface::UNION); RR;
    other_adjs = subtract( other_adjs, old_adjs);
    other_adjs = subtract( other_adjs, new_adjs);
    for (Range::iterator rit1 = other_adjs.begin(); rit1 != other_adjs.end(); rit1++) {
        // find an adjacent lower-dimensional entity in old_ or new_ adjs
      bool found = false;
      for (Range::iterator rit2 = old_adjs.begin(); rit2 != old_adjs.end(); rit2++) {
        if (mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit1) != mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit2) &&
            common_entity(*rit1, *rit2, mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit1))) {
          found = true; old_adjs.insert(*rit1); break;
      if (found) continue;
      for (Range::iterator rit2 = new_adjs.begin(); rit2 != new_adjs.end(); rit2++) {
        if (mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit1) != mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit2) &&
            common_entity(*rit1, *rit2, mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit1))) {
          found = true; new_adjs.insert(*rit1); break;
      if (!found) return MB_FAILURE;
      // instead of adjs replace in connectivity
    std::vector<EntityHandle> connect;
    for (Range::iterator rit = new_adjs.begin(); rit != new_adjs.end(); rit++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(&(*rit), 1, connect); RR;
      std::replace(connect.begin(), connect.end(), split_ent, new_entity);
      result = mbImpl->set_connectivity(*rit, &connect[0], connect.size()); RR;
  return result;


Commented out for now, because I decided to do a different implementation
for the sake of brevity.  However, I still think this function is the right
way to do it, if I ever get the time.  Sigh.

    // split entity d, producing entity nd; generates various new entities,
    // see algorithm description in notes from 2/25/05
  const EntityHandle split_types = {MBEDGE, MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON};
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  const int dim = CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(d));
  MeshTopoUtil mtu(this);

    // get all (d+2)-, (d+1)-cells connected to d
  Range dp2s, dp1s, dp1s_manif, dp2s_manif;
  result = get_adjacencies(&d, 1, dim+2, false, dp2s); RR;
  result = get_adjacencies(&d, 1, dim+1, false, dp1s); RR;

    // also get (d+1)-cells connected to d which are manifold
  get_manifold_dp1s(d, dp1s_manif);
  get_manifold_dp2s(d, dp2s_manif);
    // make new cell nd, then ndp1
  result = copy_entity(d, nd); RR;
  EntityHandle tmp_connect[] = {d, nd};
  EntityHandle ndp1;
  result = create_element(split_types[dim],
                          tmp_connect, 2, ndp1); RR;
    // modify (d+2)-cells, depending on what type they are
  ITERATE_RANGE(dp2s, dp2) {
      // first, get number of connected manifold (d+1)-entities
    Range tmp_range, tmp_range2(dp1s_manif);
    tmp_result = get_adjacencies(tmp_range, 1, false, tmp_range2); TC;
    EntityHandle ndp2;
      // a. manif (d+1)-cells is zero
    if (tmp_range2.empty()) {
        // construct new (d+1)-cell
      EntityHandle ndp1a;
      EntityHandle tmp_result = create_element(split_types[dim],
                                                 tmp_connect, 2, ndp1a); TC;
        // now make new (d+2)-cell
      EntityHandle tmp_connect2[] = {ndp1, ndp1a};
      tmp_result = create_element(split_types[dim+1],
                                  tmp_connect2, 2, ndp2); TC;
        // need to add explicit adjacencies, since by definition ndp1, ndp1a will be equivalent
      tmp_result = add_adjacencies(ndp1a, &dp2, 1, false); TC;
      tmp_result = add_adjacencies(ndp1a, &ndp2, 1, false); TC;
      tmp_result = add_adjacencies(ndp1, &ndp2, 1, false); TC;

        // now insert nd into connectivity of dp2, right after d if dim < 1
      std::vector<EntityHandle> connect;
      tmp_result = get_connectivity(&dp2, 1, connect); TC;
      if (dim < 1) {
        std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = std::find(connect.begin(), connect.end(), d);
        if (vit == connect.end()) {
          result = MB_FAILURE;
        connect.insert(vit, nd);
      tmp_result = set_connectivity(dp2, connect); TC;

        // if dim < 1, need to add explicit adj from ndp2 to higher-dim ents, since it'll
        // be equiv to other dp2 entities
      if (dim < 1) {
        Range tmp_dp3s;
        tmp_result = get_adjacencies(&dp2, 1, dim+3, false, tmp_dp3s); TC;
        tmp_result = add_adjacencies(ndp2, tmp_dp3s, false); TC;
    } // end if (tmp_range2.empty())

      // b. single manifold (d+1)-cell, which isn't adjacent to manifold (d+2)-cell
    else if (tmp_range2.size() == 1) {
        // b1. check validity, and skip if not valid

        // only change if not dp1-adjacent to manifold dp2cell; check that...
      Range tmp_adjs(dp2s_manif);
      tmp_result = get_adjacencies(&(*tmp_range2.begin()), 1, dim+2, false, tmp_adjs); TC;
      if (!tmp_adjs.empty()) continue;

      EntityHandle dp1 = *tmp_range2.begin();

        // b2. make new (d+1)- and (d+2)-cell next to dp2

        // get the (d+2)-cell on the other side of dp1
      tmp_result = get_adjacencies(&dp1, 1, dim+2, false, tmp_adjs); TC;
      EntityHandle odp2 = *tmp_adjs.begin();
      if (odp2 == dp2) odp2 = *tmp_adjs.rbegin();

        // get od, the d-cell on dp1_manif which isn't d
      tmp_result = get_adjacencies(&dp1_manif, 1, dim, false, tmp_adjs); TC;
      if (tmp_adjs.size() != 1) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
      EntityHandle od = *tmp_adjs.begin();

        // make a new (d+1)-cell from od and nd
      tmp_result = create_element(split_types[1], tmp_adjs, ndp1a); TC;
        // construct new (d+2)-cell from dp1, ndp1, ndp1a
      tmp_adjs.insert(dp1); tmp_adjs.insert(ndp1); tmp_adjs.insert(ndp1a);
      tmp_result = create_element(split_types[2], tmp_adjs, ndp2); TC;

        // b3. replace d, dp1 in connect/adjs of odp2
      std::vector<EntityHandle> connect;
      tmp_result = get_connectivity(&odp2, 1, connect); TC;
      if (dim == 0) {
        *(std::find(connect.begin(), connect.end(), d)) = nd;
        remove_adjacency(dp1, odp2);

        // if dp1 was explicitly adj to odp2, remove it


ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::star_entities ( const EntityHandle  star_center,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  star_entities,
bool &  bdy_entity,
const EntityHandle  starting_star_entity = 0,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *  star_entities_dp1 = NULL,
Range star_entities_candidates_dp1 = NULL 

given an entity, find the entities of next higher dimension around that entity, ordered by connection through next higher dimension entities; if any of the star entities is in only entity of next higher dimension, on_boundary is returned true

Definition at line 105 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // now start the traversal
  bdy_entity = false;
  EntityHandle last_entity = starting_star_entity, last_dp2 = 0, next_entity, next_dp2;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> star_dp2;
  ErrorCode result;
  int center_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(star_center);
  Range tmp_candidates_dp2;
  if (NULL != star_candidates_dp2) tmp_candidates_dp2 = *star_candidates_dp2;
  else {
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&star_center, 1, 
                                     false, tmp_candidates_dp2);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  do {
      // get the next star entity
    result = star_next_entity(star_center, last_entity, last_dp2,
                              next_entity, next_dp2);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

      // special case: if starting_star_entity isn't connected to any entities of next
      // higher dimension, it's the only entity in the star; put it on the list and return
    if (star_ents.empty() && next_entity == 0 && next_dp2 == 0) {
      bdy_entity = true;
      return MB_SUCCESS;

      // if we're at a bdy and bdy_entity hasn't been set yet, we're at the
      // first bdy; reverse the lists and start traversing in the other direction; but,
      // pop the last star entity off the list and find it again, so that we properly
      // check for next_dp2
    if (0 == next_dp2 && !bdy_entity) {
      bdy_entity = true;
      std::reverse(star_ents.begin(), star_ents.end());
      last_entity = star_ents.back();
      if (!star_dp2.empty()) {
        std::reverse(star_dp2.begin(), star_dp2.end());
        last_dp2 = star_dp2.back();
      // else if we're not on the bdy and next_entity is already in star, that means
      // we've come all the way around; don't put next_entity on list again, and
      // zero out last_dp2 to terminate while loop
    else if (!bdy_entity && 
             std::find(star_ents.begin(), star_ents.end(), next_entity) != 
             star_ents.end() &&
             (std::find(star_dp2.begin(), star_dp2.end(), next_dp2) != 
             star_dp2.end() || !next_dp2))
      last_dp2 = 0;

      // else, just assign last entities seen and go on to next iteration
    else {
      if (std::find(star_ents.begin(), star_ents.end(), next_entity) == 
      if (0 != next_dp2) {
      last_entity = next_entity;
      last_dp2 = next_dp2;
  while (0 != last_dp2);
    // copy over the star_dp2 list, if requested
  if (NULL != star_entities_dp2) 
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::star_entities_nonmanifold ( const EntityHandle  star_entity,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  stars,
std::vector< bool > *  bdy_flags = NULL,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > *  dp2_stars = NULL 

Get a series of (d+1)-dimensional stars around a d-dimensional entity, such that each star is on a (d+2)-manifold containing the d-dimensional entity; each star is either open or closed, and also defines a (d+2)-star whose entities are bounded by (d+1)-entities on the star and on the (d+2)-manifold

Definition at line 260 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // Get a series of (d+1)-dimensional stars around a d-dimensional entity, such that
    // each star is on a (d+2)-manifold containing the d-dimensional entity; each star
    // is either open or closed, and also defines a (d+2)-star whose entities are bounded by
    // (d+1)-entities on the star and on the (d+2)-manifold
    // Algorithm:
    // get the (d+2)-manifold entities; for d=1 / d+2=3, just assume all connected elements, since
    //   we don't do 4d yet
    // get intersection of (d+1)-entities adjacent to star entity and union of (d+1)-entities 
    //   adjacent to (d+2)-manifold entities; these will be the entities in the star
    // while (d+1)-entities
    //   remove (d+1)-entity from (d+1)-entities
    //   get the (d+1)-star and (d+2)-star around that (d+1)-entity (using star_entities)
    //   save that star to the star list, and the bdy flag and (d+2)-star if requested
    //   remove (d+2)-entities from the (d+2)-manifold entities
    //   remove (d+1)-entities from the (d+1)-entities
    // (end while)

  int this_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(star_entity);
  if (3 <= this_dim || 0 > this_dim) return MB_FAILURE;
    // get the (d+2)-manifold entities; for d=1 / d+2=3, just assume all connected elements, since
    //   we don't do 4d yet
  Range dp2_manifold;
  ErrorCode result = get_manifold(star_entity, this_dim+2, dp2_manifold);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // get intersection of (d+1)-entities adjacent to star and union of (d+1)-entities 
    //   adjacent to (d+2)-manifold entities; also add manifold (d+1)-entities, to catch
    //   any not connected to (d+2)-entities
  Range dp1_manifold;
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(dp2_manifold, this_dim+1, false, dp1_manifold,
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&star_entity, 1, this_dim+1, false, dp1_manifold);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

  result = get_manifold(star_entity, this_dim+1, dp1_manifold);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // while (d+1)-entities
  while (!dp1_manifold.empty()) {
      //   get (d+1)-entity from (d+1)-entities (don't remove it until after star,
      //     since the star entities must come from dp1_manifold)
    EntityHandle this_ent = *dp1_manifold.begin();
      //   get the (d+1)-star and (d+2)-star around that (d+1)-entity (using star_entities)
    std::vector<EntityHandle> this_star_dp1, this_star_dp2;
    bool on_bdy;
    result = star_entities(star_entity, this_star_dp1, on_bdy, this_ent, &this_star_dp2, 
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

      // if there's no star entities, it must mean this_ent isn't bounded by any dp2 
      // entities (wasn't put into star in star_entities 'cuz we're passing in non-null
      // dp2_manifold above); put it in
    if (this_star_dp1.empty()) {
      Range dum_range;
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&this_ent, 1, this_dim+2, false, dum_range);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      if (dum_range.empty()) this_star_dp1.push_back(this_ent);
      // now we can remove it

      //   save that star to the star list, and the bdy flag and (d+2)-star if requested
    if (!this_star_dp1.empty()) {
      if (NULL != bdy_flags) bdy_flags->push_back(on_bdy);
      if (NULL != dp2_stars) dp2_stars->push_back(this_star_dp2);
      //   remove (d+2)-entities from the (d+2)-manifold entities
    for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = this_star_dp2.begin(); 
         vit != this_star_dp2.end(); vit++)
      //   remove (d+1)-entities from the (d+1)-entities
    for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = this_star_dp1.begin(); 
         vit != this_star_dp1.end(); vit++)
      // (end while)

    // check for leftover dp2 manifold entities, these should be in one of the 
    // stars
  if (!dp2_manifold.empty()) {
    for (Range::iterator rit = dp2_manifold.begin(); rit != dp2_manifold.end(); rit++) {
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::MeshTopoUtil::star_next_entity ( const EntityHandle  star_center,
const EntityHandle  last_entity,
const EntityHandle  last_dp1,
Range star_candidates_dp1,
EntityHandle next_entity,
EntityHandle next_dp1 

given a star_center, a last_entity (whose dimension should be 1 greater than center) and last_dp1 (dimension 2 higher than center), returns the next star entity across last_dp1, and the next dp1 entity sharing next_entity; if star_candidates is non-empty, star must come from those

Definition at line 192 of file MeshTopoUtil.cpp.

    // given a star_center, a last_entity (whose dimension should be 1 greater than center)
    // and last_dp1 (dimension 2 higher than center), returns the next star entity across
    // last_dp1, and the next dp1 entity sharing next_entity; if star_candidates is non-empty,
    // star must come from those
  Range from_ents, to_ents;
  if (0 != last_dp1) from_ents.insert(last_dp1);
  int dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(star_center);
  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(from_ents, dim+1, true, to_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // remove last_entity from result, and should only have 1 left, if any
  if (0 != last_entity) to_ents.erase(last_entity);

    // if no last_dp1, contents of to_ents should share dp1-dimensional entity with last_entity
  if (0 != last_entity && 0 == last_dp1) {
    Range tmp_to_ents;
    for (Range::iterator rit = to_ents.begin(); rit != to_ents.end(); rit++) {
      if (0 != common_entity(last_entity, *rit, dim+2))
    to_ents = tmp_to_ents;

  if (0 == last_dp1 && to_ents.size() > 1 && NULL != star_candidates_dp1 && 
      !star_candidates_dp1->empty()) {
      // if we have a choice of to_ents and no previous dp1 and there are dp1 candidates, 
      // the one we choose needs to be adjacent to one of the candidates
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(*star_candidates_dp1, dim+1, true,
                                     from_ents, Interface::UNION);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    to_ents = intersect( to_ents, from_ents);
  if (!to_ents.empty()) next_entity = *to_ents.begin();
  else {
    next_entity = 0;
    next_dp1 = 0;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
    // get next_dp1
  if (0 != star_candidates_dp1) to_ents = *star_candidates_dp1;
  else to_ents.clear();
  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&next_entity, 1, dim+2, true, to_ents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

    // can't be last one
  if (0 != last_dp1) to_ents.erase(last_dp1);
  if (!to_ents.empty()) next_dp1 = *to_ents.begin();

    // could be zero, means we're at bdy
  else next_dp1 = 0;

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 169 of file MeshTopoUtil.hpp.

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