moab::WriteCCMIO Class Reference

#include <WriteCCMIO.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for moab::WriteCCMIO:

List of all members.


class  MaterialSetData
class  MeshInfo
 contains the general information about a mesh More...
class  NeumannSetData

Public Member Functions

 WriteCCMIO (Interface *impl)
virtual ~WriteCCMIO ()
ErrorCode write_file (const char *file_name, const bool overwrite, const FileOptions &opts, const EntityHandle *output_list, const int num_sets, const std::vector< std::string > &qa_list, const Tag *tag_list=NULL, int num_tags=0, int export_dimension=3)
 writes out a file

Static Public Member Functions

static WriterIfacefactory (Interface *)

Protected Member Functions

ErrorCode open_file (const char *filename, bool overwrite, CCMIOID &rootID)
 number of dimensions in this file

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode gather_matset_info (std::vector< EntityHandle > &matsets, std::vector< MaterialSetData > &matset_data, Range &all_verts)
ErrorCode gather_neuset_info (std::vector< EntityHandle > &neusets, std::vector< NeumannSetData > &neuset_data)
 gathers elements in each neuset
ErrorCode close_and_compress (const char *filename, CCMIOID rootID)
ErrorCode initialize_file (MeshInfo &mesh_info)
ErrorCode write_nodes (CCMIOID rootID, const Range &nodes, const int dimension, CCMIOID &verticesID)
 write vertices to file
ErrorCode write_cells_and_faces (CCMIOID rootID, std::vector< WriteCCMIO::MaterialSetData > &matset_data, std::vector< WriteCCMIO::NeumannSetData > &neuset_data, Range &verts, CCMIOID &topologyID)
 write cells and internal/boundary faces, using vgids and verts input
ErrorCode write_external_faces (CCMIOID rootID, CCMIOID topologyID, int set_num, Range &facets)
 write external faces, including connectivity and connected cells
ErrorCode get_gids (const Range &ents, int *&gids, int &minid, int &maxid)
ErrorCode write_meshes (MeshInfo &mesh_info, std::vector< MaterialSetData > &matset_data, std::vector< NeumannSetData > &neuset_data, Range &verts, const int *vgids)
ErrorCode get_valid_sides (Range &elems, const int sense, WriteCCMIO::NeumannSetData &neuset_data)
void reset_matset (std::vector< MaterialSetData > &matset_info)
ErrorCode get_neuset_elems (EntityHandle neuset, int current_sense, Range &forward_elems, Range &reverse_elems)
ErrorCode transform_coords (const int dimension, const int num_nodes, double *coords)
ErrorCode write_problem_description (CCMIOID rootID, CCMIOID stateID, CCMIOID &problemID, CCMIOID processorID, std::vector< MaterialSetData > &matset_data, std::vector< NeumannSetData > &neuset_data)
ErrorCode get_sets (const EntityHandle *ent_handles, int num_sets, std::vector< EntityHandle > &matsets, std::vector< EntityHandle > &dirsets, std::vector< EntityHandle > &neusets, std::vector< EntityHandle > &partsets)
ErrorCode create_ccmio_structure (CCMIOID rootID, CCMIOID &stateID, CCMIOID &processorID)
 create state and processor nodes
ErrorCode write_solution_data ()
 write solution (tag) data
ErrorCode write_processor (CCMIOID processorID, CCMIOID verticesID, CCMIOID topologyID)
 finalize processor
int moab_to_ccmio_type (EntityType etype, int has_mid_nodes[])
 convert MOAB to CCMIO type
ErrorCode write_int_option (const char *opt_name, EntityHandle seth, Tag &tag, CCMIOID &node)
ErrorCode write_dbl_option (const char *opt_name, EntityHandle seth, Tag &tag, CCMIOID &node)
ErrorCode write_str_option (const char *opt_name, EntityHandle seth, Tag &tag, CCMIOID &node, const char *other_name=NULL)

Private Attributes

 interface instance
std::string fileName
 file name
EntityHandle mCurrentMeshHandle
 Meshset Handle for the mesh that is currently being read.
Tag mMaterialSetTag
Tag mDirichletSetTag
Tag mNeumannSetTag
Tag mPartitionSetTag
Tag mHasMidNodesTag
Tag mGlobalIdTag
Tag mNameTag
Tag mMaterialIdTag
Tag mMaterialTypeTag
Tag mRadiationTag
Tag mPorosityIdTag
Tag mSpinIdTag
Tag mGroupIdTag
Tag mColorIdxTag
Tag mProcessorIdTag
Tag mLightMaterialTag
Tag mFreeSurfaceMaterialTag
Tag mThicknessTag
Tag mProstarRegionNumberTag
Tag mBoundaryTypeTag
Tag mCreatingProgramTag
Tag mEntityMark
int mDimension
bool mWholeMesh

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


get and cache predefined tag handles

Definition at line 109 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    : mbImpl(impl), mCurrentMeshHandle(0), mNameTag(0), mMaterialIdTag(0), 
      mRadiationTag(0), mPorosityIdTag(0), mSpinIdTag(0), mGroupIdTag(0), mColorIdxTag(0),
      mProcessorIdTag(0), mLightMaterialTag(0), mFreeSurfaceMaterialTag(0), 
      mThicknessTag(0), mProstarRegionNumberTag(0), mBoundaryTypeTag(0), mCreatingProgramTag(0),
    assert(impl != NULL);

    impl->query_interface( mWriteIface );

    // initialize in case tag_get_handle fails below
    int zero = 0, negone = -1;
    impl->tag_get_handle(MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                         mMaterialSetTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &negone);

    impl->tag_get_handle(DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                         mDirichletSetTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &negone);

    impl->tag_get_handle(NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                         mNeumannSetTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &negone);

    impl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                         mGlobalIdTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &zero);

#ifdef USE_MPI  
                         1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, mPartitionSetTag,
    // no need to check result, if it's not there, we don't create one
    int dum_val_array[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
    impl->tag_get_handle(HAS_MID_NODES_TAG_NAME, 4, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                         mHasMidNodesTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, dum_val_array);
    impl->tag_get_handle("__WriteCCMIO element mark", 1, MB_TYPE_BIT, mEntityMark, MB_TAG_CREAT);
    // don't need to check return of following, since it doesn't matter if there isn't one
    mbImpl->tag_get_handle(NAME_TAG_NAME, NAME_TAG_SIZE, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, mNameTag);


Definition at line 153 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::close_and_compress ( const char *  filename,
) [private]

Definition at line 302 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIOCloseFile(&error, rootID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "File close failed.");

    // The CCMIO library uses ADF to store the actual data.  Unfortunately,
    // ADF leaks disk space;  deleting a node does not recover all the disk
    // space.  Now that everything is successfully written it might be useful
    // to call CCMIOCompress() here to ensure that the file is as small as
    // possible.  Please see the Core API documentation for caveats on its
    // usage.
    // CCMIOCompress(&error, const_cast<char*>(filename));
    // CHKCCMERR(error, "Error compressing file.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::create_ccmio_structure ( CCMIOID  rootID,
CCMIOID &  stateID,
CCMIOID &  processorID 
) [private]

create state and processor nodes

Definition at line 269 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    // create problem state and other CCMIO nodes under it
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    // Create a new state (or re-use an existing one).
    if (CCMIOGetState(NULL, rootID, kStateName, NULL, &stateID) != kCCMIONoErr)
      CCMIONewState(&error, rootID, kStateName, NULL, NULL, &stateID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating state.");

    // Create or get an old processor for this state
    CCMIOSize_t i = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
    if (CCMIONextEntity(NULL, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, &i, &processorID) != kCCMIONoErr)
      CCMIONewEntity(&error, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, NULL, &processorID);

    // Get rid of any data that may be in this processor (if the state was
    // not new).
      CCMIOClearProcessor(&error, stateID, processorID, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);


    //  for (; i < CCMIOSIZEC(partsets.size()); i++) {
    CCMIOSize_t id = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
    if (CCMIONextEntity(NULL, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, &id, &processorID) != kCCMIONoErr)
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, NULL, &processorID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating processor node.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 106 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

  { return new WriteCCMIO( iface ); }
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::gather_matset_info ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  matsets,
std::vector< MaterialSetData > &  matset_data,
Range all_verts 
) [private]

gathers elements in each matset, and all the vertices used by them; marks the vertices with the mEntityMark bit flag

Definition at line 628 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    if (1 == matsets.size() && 0 == matsets[0]) {
      // whole mesh
      mWholeMesh = true;
      result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(0, mDimension, matset_data[0].elems);
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting all elements in mesh.");
      result = mWriteIface->gather_nodes_from_elements(matset_data[0].elems,
                               mEntityMark, all_verts);
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble gathering nodes from elements.");

      return result;

    std::vector<unsigned char> marks;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < matsets.size(); i++)
    EntityHandle this_set = matset_data[i].setHandle = matsets[i];
    // get all Entity Handles in the set
    result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, mDimension, matset_data[i].elems, true);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting m-dimensional ents.");

    // get all connected vertices
    result = mWriteIface->gather_nodes_from_elements(matset_data[i].elems,
                             mEntityMark, all_verts);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting vertices for a matset.");

    // check for consistent entity type
    EntityType start_type = mbImpl->type_from_handle(*matset_data[i].elems.begin());
    if (start_type == mbImpl->type_from_handle(*matset_data[i].elems.rbegin()))
      matset_data[i].entityType = start_type;

    // mark elements in this matset
    marks.resize(matset_data[i].elems.size(), 0x1);
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mEntityMark, matset_data[i].elems, &marks[0]);
    CHKERR(result, "Couln't mark entities being output.");

    // get id for this matset
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mMaterialSetTag, &this_set, 1, &matset_data[i].matsetId);
    CHKERR(result, "Couln't get global id for material set.");

    // get name for this matset
    if (mNameTag) {
      char dum_name[NAME_TAG_SIZE];
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mNameTag, &this_set, 1, dum_name);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) matset_data[i].setName = dum_name;

      // reset success, so later checks don't fail
      result = MB_SUCCESS;
    if (all_verts.empty()) {
      result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
      CHKERR(result, "No vertices from elements.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::gather_neuset_info ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  neusets,
std::vector< NeumannSetData > &  neuset_data 
) [private]

gathers elements in each neuset

Definition at line 695 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;

    std::vector<unsigned char> marks;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < neusets.size(); i++)
    EntityHandle this_set = neuset_info[i].setHandle = neusets[i];
    // get all Entity Handles of one less dimension than that being output 
    result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, mDimension-1, neuset_info[i].elems, true);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting (m-1)-dimensional ents for neuset.");
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, &this_set, 1, &neuset_info[i].neusetId);
    if (MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == result) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mNeumannSetTag, &this_set, 1, &neuset_info[i].neusetId);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) 
        // need some id; use the loop iteration number
        neuset_info[i].neusetId = i;

    // get name for this neuset
    if (mNameTag) {
      char dum_name[NAME_TAG_SIZE];
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mNameTag, &this_set, 1, dum_name);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) neuset_info[i].setName = dum_name;

      // reset success, so later checks don't fail
      result = MB_SUCCESS;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::get_gids ( const Range ents,
int *&  gids,
int &  minid,
int &  maxid 
) [private]

Definition at line 732 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    int num_ents = ents.size();
    gids = new int[num_ents];
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, ents, &gids[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      mWriteIface->report_error("Couldn't get global id data.");
      return result;
    minid = *std::min_element(gids, gids+num_ents);
    maxid = *std::max_element(gids, gids+num_ents);
    if (0 == minid) {
      // gids need to be assigned
      for (int i = 1; i <= num_ents; i++) gids[i] = i;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mGlobalIdTag, ents, &gids[0]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
    mWriteIface->report_error("Couldn't set global id data.");
    return result;
      maxid = num_ents;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::get_neuset_elems ( EntityHandle  neuset,
int  current_sense,
Range forward_elems,
Range reverse_elems 
) [private]

Definition at line 1311 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    Range neuset_elems, neuset_meshsets;

    // get the sense tag; don't need to check return, might be an error if the tag
    // hasn't been created yet
    Tag sense_tag = 0;
    mbImpl->tag_get_handle("SENSE", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, sense_tag);

    // get the entities in this set, non-recursive
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(neuset, neuset_elems);
    if (MB_FAILURE == result) return result;
    // now remove the meshsets into the neuset_meshsets; first find the first meshset,
    Range::iterator range_iter = neuset_elems.begin();
    while (TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*range_iter) != MBENTITYSET && range_iter != neuset_elems.end())
    // then, if there are some, copy them into neuset_meshsets and erase from neuset_elems
    if (range_iter != neuset_elems.end()) {
      std::copy(range_iter, neuset_elems.end(), range_inserter(neuset_meshsets));
      neuset_elems.erase(range_iter, neuset_elems.end());

    // ok, for the elements, check the sense of this set and copy into the right range
    // (if the sense is 0, copy into both ranges)

    // need to step forward on list until we reach the right dimension
    Range::iterator dum_it = neuset_elems.end();
    int target_dim = CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*dum_it));
    dum_it = neuset_elems.begin();
    while (target_dim != CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*dum_it)) &&
       dum_it != neuset_elems.end()) 

    if (current_sense == 1 || current_sense == 0)
      std::copy(dum_it, neuset_elems.end(), range_inserter(forward_elems));
    if (current_sense == -1 || current_sense == 0)
      std::copy(dum_it, neuset_elems.end(), range_inserter(reverse_elems));
    // now loop over the contained meshsets, getting the sense of those and calling this
    // function recursively
    for (range_iter = neuset_meshsets.begin(); range_iter != neuset_meshsets.end(); range_iter++) {

      // first get the sense; if it's not there, by convention it's forward
      int this_sense;
      if (0 == sense_tag ||
      MB_FAILURE == mbImpl->tag_get_data(sense_tag, &(*range_iter), 1, &this_sense))
    this_sense = 1;
      // now get all the entities on this meshset, with the proper (possibly reversed) sense
      get_neuset_elems(*range_iter, this_sense*current_sense,
               forward_elems, reverse_elems);
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::get_sets ( const EntityHandle ent_handles,
int  num_sets,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  matsets,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  dirsets,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  neusets,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  partsets 
) [private]

Definition at line 329 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    if (num_sets == 0) {
      // default to all defined sets
      Range this_range;
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &mMaterialSetTag, NULL, 1, this_range);
      std::copy(this_range.begin(), this_range.end(), std::back_inserter(matsets));
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &mDirichletSetTag, NULL, 1, this_range);
      std::copy(this_range.begin(), this_range.end(), std::back_inserter(dirsets));
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &mNeumannSetTag, NULL, 1, this_range);
      std::copy(this_range.begin(), this_range.end(), std::back_inserter(neusets));
      if (mPartitionSetTag) {
    mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &mPartitionSetTag, NULL, 1, this_range);
    std::copy(this_range.begin(), this_range.end(), std::back_inserter(partsets));
    else {
      int dummy;
      for (const EntityHandle *iter = ent_handles; iter < ent_handles+num_sets; iter++) 
      if (MB_SUCCESS == mbImpl->tag_get_data(mMaterialSetTag, &(*iter), 1, &dummy))
      else if (MB_SUCCESS == mbImpl->tag_get_data(mDirichletSetTag, &(*iter), 1, &dummy))
      else if (MB_SUCCESS == mbImpl->tag_get_data(mNeumannSetTag, &(*iter), 1, &dummy))
      else if (mPartitionSetTag &&
           MB_SUCCESS == mbImpl->tag_get_data(mPartitionSetTag, &(*iter), 1, &dummy))

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::get_valid_sides ( Range elems,
const int  sense,
WriteCCMIO::NeumannSetData neuset_data 
) [private]
int moab::WriteCCMIO::moab_to_ccmio_type ( EntityType  etype,
int  has_mid_nodes[] 
) [private]

convert MOAB to CCMIO type

Definition at line 1175 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    int ctype = -1;
    if (has_mid_nodes[0] || has_mid_nodes[2] || has_mid_nodes[3]) return ctype;
    switch (etype) {
    case MBVERTEX:
      ctype = 1;
    case MBEDGE:
      if (!has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 2;
      else ctype = 28;
    case MBQUAD:
      if (has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 4;
      else ctype = 3;
    case MBTET:
      if (has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 23;
      else ctype = 13;
    case MBPRISM:
      if (has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 22;
      else ctype = 12;
    case MBPYRAMID:
      if (has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 24;
      else ctype = 14;
    case MBHEX:
      if (has_mid_nodes[1]) ctype = 21;
      else ctype = 11;
      ctype = 255;
    return ctype;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::open_file ( const char *  filename,
bool  overwrite,
CCMIOID &  rootID 
) [protected]

number of dimensions in this file

open a file for writing

Definition at line 320 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIOOpenFile(&error, filename, kCCMIOWrite, &rootID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Cannot open file.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::WriteCCMIO::reset_matset ( std::vector< MaterialSetData > &  matset_info) [private]
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::transform_coords ( const int  dimension,
const int  num_nodes,
double *  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 819 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    Tag trans_tag;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( MESH_TRANSFORM_TAG_NAME, 16, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, trans_tag);
    if( result == MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND ) return MB_SUCCESS;
    else if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    double trans_matrix[16]; 
    const EntityHandle mesh = 0;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( trans_tag, &mesh, 1, trans_matrix ); 
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      mWriteIface->report_error("Couldn't get transform data.");
      return result;
    double *tmp_coords = coords;
    for( int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++, tmp_coords += 1) {
      double vec1[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      for( int row=0; row<3; row++ ) {
    vec1[row] += ( trans_matrix[ (row*4)+0 ] * coords[0]);
    vec1[row] += ( trans_matrix[ (row*4)+1 ] * coords[num_nodes]);
    if (3 == dimension) vec1[row] += ( trans_matrix[ (row*4)+2 ] * coords[2*num_nodes]);

      coords[0] = vec1[0];
      coords[num_nodes] = vec1[1];
      coords[2*num_nodes] = vec1[2];

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_cells_and_faces ( CCMIOID  rootID,
std::vector< WriteCCMIO::MaterialSetData > &  matset_data,
std::vector< WriteCCMIO::NeumannSetData > &  neuset_data,
Range verts,
CCMIOID &  topologyID 
) [private]

write cells and internal/boundary faces, using vgids and verts input

Definition at line 850 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    std::vector<int> connect;
    ErrorCode result;
    CCMIOID cellMapID, cells;
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    // don't usually have anywhere near 31 nodes per element
    Range::const_iterator rit;

    // create the topology node, and the cell and cell map nodes
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOTopology, "Topology", &topologyID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating topology node.");

    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOMap, "Cell map", &cellMapID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure creating Cell Map node.");

    CCMIONewEntity(&error, topologyID, kCCMIOCells, "Cells", &cells);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating Cell node under Topology node.");

    // loop over material sets, doing each one at a time
    Range all_elems;
    unsigned int i, num_elems = 0;
    int max_id = 1;
    std::vector<int> egids;
    int tot_elems = 0;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < matset_data.size(); m++)
      tot_elems += matset_data[m].elems.size();
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < matset_data.size(); m++) {

      unsigned int this_num = matset_data[m].elems.size();

      // save all elements being output
      // Assign global ids for elements being written
      for (i = 0; i < this_num; i++) egids[i] = max_id++;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mGlobalIdTag, matset_data[m].elems, &egids[0]);
      CHKERR(result, "Failed to assign global ids for all elements being written.");

      // Write cell ids and material types for this matset; reuse egids for cell mat type
      CCMIOWriteMap(&error, cellMapID, CCMIOSIZEC(tot_elems),
            CCMIOSIZEC(tot_elems), &egids[0],
            CCMIOINDEXC(0 == m ? kCCMIOStart : num_elems), 
            CCMIOINDEXC(matset_data.size() == m ? kCCMIOEnd : 
                num_elems + this_num));
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble writing cell map.");

    if (-1 == matset_data[m].matsetId) 
      for (i = 0; i < this_num; i++) egids[i] = m;
      for (i = 0; i < this_num; i++) egids[i] = matset_data[m].matsetId;

    CCMIOWriteCells(&error, cells, cellMapID, &egids[0],
                    CCMIOINDEXC(0 == m ? kCCMIOStart : num_elems), 
                    CCMIOINDEXC(matset_data.size() == m ? kCCMIOEnd : 
                              num_elems + this_num));
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble writing Cell node.");

      // Write cell entity types
      const EntityHandle *conn;
      int num_conn;
      int has_mid_nodes[4];
      std::vector<EntityHandle> storage;
      for (i = 0, rit = matset_data[m].elems.begin(); i < this_num; i++, rit++) {
    result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*rit, conn, num_conn, false, &storage);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting connectivity for entity type check.");
    CN::HasMidNodes(mbImpl->type_from_handle(*rit), num_conn, has_mid_nodes);
    egids[i] = moab_to_ccmio_type(mbImpl->type_from_handle(*rit), has_mid_nodes);
      CCMIOWriteOpt1i(&error, cells, "CellTopologyType", CCMIOSIZEC(tot_elems), &egids[0],
              CCMIOINDEXC(0 == m ? kCCMIOStart : num_elems), 
              CCMIOINDEXC(matset_data.size() == m ? kCCMIOEnd : 
                  num_elems + this_num));
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Failed to write cell topo types.");

      num_elems += this_num;

    // get skin and neumann set faces
    Range neuset_facets, skin_facets;
    Skinner skinner(mbImpl);
    result = skinner.find_skin(0, all_elems, mDimension-1, skin_facets);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get skin facets.");

    // remove neumann set facets from skin facets, we have to output these
    // separately
    for (i = 0; i < neuset_data.size(); i++)
    skin_facets -= neuset_facets;
    // make neuset_facets the union, and get ids for them
    result = mWriteIface->assign_ids(neuset_facets, mGlobalIdTag, 1);

    int fmaxid = neuset_facets.size();

    // write external faces
    for (i = 0; i < neuset_data.size(); i++) {
      Range::reverse_iterator rrit;
      unsigned char cmarks[2];
      Range ext_faces;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> mcells;
      // removing the faces connected to two regions
      for (rrit = neuset_data[i].elems.rbegin(); rrit != neuset_data[i].elems.rend(); ++rrit) {
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&(*rrit), 1, mDimension, false, mcells);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting bounding cells.");
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mEntityMark, &mcells[0], mcells.size(), cmarks);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting mark tags on cells bounding facets.");

    if( mcells.size() == 2 && (mWholeMesh || (cmarks[0] && cmarks[1]))) {
      // external face
      if (ext_faces.size() != 0 && neuset_data[i].neusetId != 0)
    result = write_external_faces(rootID, topologyID, neuset_data[i].neusetId, 
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble writing Neumann set facets.");
      ext_faces.clear ();

    if (!skin_facets.empty()) {
      result = write_external_faces(rootID, topologyID, 0, skin_facets);
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble writing skin facets.");

    // now inernal faces; loop over elements, do each face on the element
    // mark tag, for face marking on each non-polyhedral element

    if (num_elems > 1){ // no internal faces for just one element

      Tag fmark_tag;
      unsigned char mval = 0x0, omval;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("__fmark", 1, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, 
                  fmark_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &mval);
      CHKERR(result, "Couldn't create mark tag.");

      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_face_cells, storage;
      std::vector<int> iface_connect, iface_cells;
      EntityHandle tmp_connect[CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT]; // tmp connect vector
      const EntityHandle *connectc, *oconnectc; int num_connectc; // cell connectivity
      const EntityHandle *connectf; int num_connectf; // face connectivity

      for (i = 0, rit = all_elems.begin(); i < num_elems; i++, rit++) {
    EntityType etype = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*rit);

    // if not polyh, get mark
    if (MBPOLYHEDRON != etype && MBPOLYGON != etype) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(fmark_tag, &(*rit), 1, &mval);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        mWriteIface->report_error("Couldn't get mark data.");
        return result;

    // get cell connectivity, and whether it's a polyhedron
    result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*rit, connectc, num_connectc, false, &storage);
    CHKERR(result, "Couldn't get entity connectivity.");

    // if polyh, write faces directly
    bool is_polyh = (MBPOLYHEDRON == etype);

    int num_facets = (is_polyh ? num_connectc : 
              CN::NumSubEntities(etype, mDimension-1));

    // loop over each facet of element, outputing it if not marked
    for (int f = 0; f < num_facets; f++) {

      // if this face marked, skip
      if (!is_polyh && ((mval >> f) & 0x1)) continue;
      // get face connect and adj cells
      if (!is_polyh) {
        // (from CN)
        CN::SubEntityConn(connectc, etype, mDimension-1, f, tmp_connect, num_connectf);
        connectf = tmp_connect;
      else {
        // directly
        result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(connectc[f], connectf, num_connectf, false);
        CHKERR(result, "Couldn't get polyhedron connectivity.");

      // get adj cells from face connect (same for poly's and not, since both usually 
      // go through vertices anyway)
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(connectf, num_connectf, mDimension, false, tmp_face_cells);
      CHKERR(result, "Error getting adj hexes.");

      // if this face only bounds one cell, skip, since we exported external faces
      // before this loop
      if (tmp_face_cells.size() != 2) continue;
      // switch cells so that *rit is always 1st (face connectivity is always written such
      // that that one is with forward sense)
      int side_num, sense, offset;
      if (!is_polyh && tmp_face_cells[0] != *rit) {
        EntityHandle tmph = tmp_face_cells[0]; 
        tmp_face_cells[0] = tmp_face_cells[1]; 
        tmp_face_cells[1] = tmph;
      // save ids of cells
      assert(tmp_face_cells[0] != tmp_face_cells[1]);
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, &tmp_face_cells[0], tmp_face_cells.size(),
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting global ids for bounded cells.");

      // save indices of face vertices
      unsigned int tmp_size = iface_connect.size();
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, connectf, num_connectf, 
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting global id for internal face.");

      // mark other cell with the right side #
      if (!is_polyh) {
        // mark other cell for this face, if there is another cell
        result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(tmp_face_cells[1], oconnectc, num_connectc, 
                          false, &storage);
        CHKERR(result, "Couldn't get other entity connectivity.");
        // get side number in other cell
        CN::SideNumber(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(tmp_face_cells[1]), oconnectc, connectf, num_connectf,
               mDimension-1, side_num, sense, offset);
        // set mark for that face on the other cell
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(fmark_tag, &tmp_face_cells[1], 1, &omval);
        CHKERR(result, "Couldn't get mark data for other cell.");
      omval |= (0x1 << (unsigned int)side_num);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(fmark_tag, &tmp_face_cells[1], 1, &omval);
      CHKERR(result, "Couldn't set mark data for other cell.");

    } // loop over faces in elem
      } // loop over elems

      // write internal faces
      CCMIOID mapID;
      CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOMap, NULL, &mapID);
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating Internal Face map node.");

      unsigned int num_ifaces = iface_cells.size()/2;

      // set gids for internal faces; reuse egids
      for (i = 1; i <= num_ifaces; i++) egids[i-1] = fmaxid + i;
      CCMIOWriteMap(&error, mapID, CCMIOSIZEC(num_ifaces),
            CCMIOSIZEC(fmaxid + num_ifaces),
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble writing Internal Face map node.");

      CCMIOID id;
      CCMIONewEntity(&error, topologyID, kCCMIOInternalFaces, "Internal faces", &id);
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Failed to create Internal face node under Topology node.");
      CCMIOWriteFaces(&error, id, kCCMIOInternalFaces, mapID,
              CCMIOSIZEC(iface_connect.size()), &iface_connect[0],
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure writing Internal face connectivity.");
      CCMIOWriteFaceCells(&error, id, kCCMIOInternalFaces, mapID, &iface_cells[0],
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure writing Internal face cells.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_dbl_option ( const char *  opt_name,
EntityHandle  seth,
Tag tag,
CCMIOID &  node 
) [private]

Definition at line 569 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;

    if (!tag) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(opt_name, 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag);
      // return success since that just means we don't have to write this option
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    double dum_val;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag, &seth, 1, &dum_val);
    // return success since that just means we don't have to write this option
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIOWriteOptf(&error, node, opt_name, dum_val);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble writing int option.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_external_faces ( CCMIOID  rootID,
CCMIOID  topologyID,
int  set_num,
Range facets 
) [private]

write external faces, including connectivity and connected cells

Definition at line 1218 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIOID mapID, id;

    // get gids for these faces
    int *gids = NULL, minid, maxid;
    ErrorCode result = get_gids(facets, gids, minid, maxid);
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting global ids for facets.");
    // write the face id map
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOMap, NULL, &mapID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem creating face id map.");
    CCMIOWriteMap(&error, mapID, CCMIOSIZEC(facets.size()),
          CCMIOSIZEC(maxid), gids,
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem writing face id map.");

    // get the connectivity of the faces; set size by how many verts in last facet
    const EntityHandle *connect;
    int num_connect;
    result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*facets.rbegin(), connect, num_connect);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get connectivity of last facet.");
    std::vector<int> fconnect(facets.size() * (num_connect+1));

    result = mWriteIface->get_element_connect(facets.begin(), facets.end(),
                          num_connect, mGlobalIdTag, fconnect.size(),
                          &fconnect[0], true);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get facet connectivity.");
    // get and write a new external face entity
    CCMIONewIndexedEntity(&error, topologyID, kCCMIOBoundaryFaces, set_num,
              "Boundary faces", &id);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem creating boundary face entity.");

    CCMIOWriteFaces(&error, id, kCCMIOBoundaryFaces, mapID,
            CCMIOSIZEC(fconnect.size()), &fconnect[0],
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem writing boundary faces.");

    // get info on bounding cells; reuse fconnect
    std::vector<EntityHandle> cells;
    unsigned char cmarks[2];
    int i, j = 0;
    Range dead_facets;
    Range::iterator rit;

    // about error checking in this loop: if any facets have no bounding cells,
    // this is an error, since global ids for facets are computed outside this loop
    for (rit = facets.begin(), i = 0; rit != facets.end(); rit++, i++) {
      // get cell then gid of cell
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&(*rit), 1, mDimension, false, cells);
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting bounding cells.");
      if (cells.empty()) {
    result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    CHKERR(result, "External facet with no output bounding cell.");

      // check we don't bound more than one cell being output
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mEntityMark, &cells[0], cells.size(), cmarks);
      CHKERR(result, "Trouble getting mark tags on cells bounding facets.");
      if (cells.size() == 2 && (mWholeMesh || (cmarks[0] && cmarks[1]))) {
    result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    CHKERR(result, "External facet with two output bounding cells.");
      else if (1 == cells.size() && !mWholeMesh && !cmarks[0]) {
    result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    CHKERR(result, "External facet with no output bounding cells.");
      // make sure 1st cell is the one being output
      if (2 == cells.size() && !(cmarks[0] | 0x0) && (cmarks[1] & 0x1))
    cells[0] = cells[1];

      // get gid for bounded cell
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, &cells[0], 1, &fconnect[j]);
      CHKERR(result, "Couldn't get global id tag for bounded cell.");
    // write the bounding cell data
    CCMIOWriteFaceCells(&error, id, kCCMIOBoundaryFaces, mapID, &fconnect[0],
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem writing boundary cell data.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_file ( const char *  file_name,
const bool  overwrite,
const FileOptions opts,
const EntityHandle output_list,
const int  num_sets,
const std::vector< std::string > &  qa_list,
const Tag tag_list = NULL,
int  num_tags = 0,
int  export_dimension = 3 
) [virtual]

writes out a file

Implements moab::WriterIface.

Definition at line 161 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    assert(0 != mMaterialSetTag &&
       0 != mNeumannSetTag &&
       0 != mDirichletSetTag);

    ErrorCode result;
    // check overwrite flag and file existence
    if (!overwrite) {
      FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "r");
      if (file) {
    result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    CHKERR(result, "File exists but overwrite set to false.");
    mDimension = 3;

    std::vector<EntityHandle> matsets, dirsets, neusets, partsets, entities;

    // separate into material, dirichlet, neumann, partition sets
    result = get_sets(ent_handles, num_sets, matsets, 
              dirsets, neusets, partsets);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get material/etc. sets.");

    // if entity handles were input but didn't contain matsets, return error
    if (ent_handles && matsets.empty()) {
      result = MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
      CHKERR(result, "Sets input to write but no material sets found.");

    // otherwise, if no matsets, use root set
    if (matsets.empty()) matsets.push_back(0);

    std::vector<MaterialSetData> matset_info;
    Range all_verts;
    result = gather_matset_info(matsets, matset_info, all_verts);
    CHKERR(result, "gathering matset info failed.");

    // assign vertex gids
    result = mWriteIface->assign_ids(all_verts, mGlobalIdTag, 1);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to assign vertex global ids.");

    // some CCMIO descriptors
    CCMIOID rootID, topologyID, stateID, problemID, verticesID, processorID;

    // try to open the file and establish state
    result = open_file(file_name, overwrite, rootID);
    CHKERR(result, "Couldn't open file or create state.");

    result = create_ccmio_structure(rootID, stateID, processorID);
    CHKERR(result, "Problem creating CCMIO file structure.");
    result = write_nodes(rootID, all_verts, mDimension, verticesID);
    CHKERR(result, "write_nodes failed.");

    std::vector<NeumannSetData> neuset_info;
    result = gather_neuset_info(neusets, neuset_info);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get neumann set info.");

    result = write_cells_and_faces(rootID, matset_info, neuset_info, all_verts, topologyID);
    CHKERR(result, "write_cells_and_faces failed.");

    result = write_problem_description(rootID, stateID, problemID, processorID,
                       matset_info, neuset_info);
    CHKERR(result, "write_problem_description failed.");

    result = write_solution_data();
    CHKERR(result, "trouble writing solution data.");
    result = write_processor(processorID, verticesID, topologyID);
    CHKERR(result, "trouble writing processor.");
    result = close_and_compress(file_name, rootID);
    CHKERR(result, "close or compress failed.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_int_option ( const char *  opt_name,
EntityHandle  seth,
Tag tag,
CCMIOID &  node 
) [private]

Definition at line 545 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;

    if (!tag) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(opt_name, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag);
      // return success since that just means we don't have to write this option
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    int dum_val;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag, &seth, 1, &dum_val);
    // return success since that just means we don't have to write this option
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIOWriteOpti(&error, node, opt_name, dum_val);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble writing int option.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_meshes ( MeshInfo mesh_info,
std::vector< MaterialSetData > &  matset_data,
std::vector< NeumannSetData > &  neuset_data,
Range verts,
const int *  vgids 
) [private]
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_nodes ( CCMIOID  rootID,
const Range nodes,
const int  dimension,
CCMIOID &  verticesID 
) [private]

write vertices to file

Definition at line 757 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    // get/write map (global ids) first (gids already assigned)
    unsigned int num_verts = verts.size();
    std::vector<int> vgids(num_verts);
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, verts, &vgids[0]);
    CHKERR(result, "Failed to get global ids for vertices.");

    // create the map node for vertex ids, and write them to that node
    CCMIOID mapID;
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOMap, "Vertex map", &mapID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure creating Vertex map node.");

    int maxid = *std::max_element(vgids.begin(), vgids.end());
    CCMIOWriteMap(&error, mapID, CCMIOSIZEC(num_verts),
          CCMIOSIZEC(maxid), &vgids[0],
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem writing node map.");

    // create the vertex coordinate node, and write it
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOVertices, "Vertices", &verticesID);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating vertices node.");

    // get the vertex locations
    double *coords = new double[3*num_verts];
    std::vector<double*> coord_arrays(3);
    coord_arrays[0] = coords;
    coord_arrays[1] = coords+num_verts;
    coord_arrays[2] = (dimension == 3 ? coords+2*num_verts : NULL);
    result = mWriteIface->get_node_coords(-1, verts.begin(), verts.end(),
                      3*num_verts, coords);
    if(result != MB_SUCCESS)
    delete [] coords;
    return result;
    // transform coordinates, if necessary
    result = transform_coords(dimension, num_verts, coords);
    if(result != MB_SUCCESS)
    delete [] coords;
    CHKERR(result, "Trouble transforming vertex coordinates.");
    // write the vertices
    CCMIOWriteVerticesd(&error, verticesID,
            CCMIOSIZEC(dimension), 1.0, mapID, coords,
    CHKCCMERR(error, "CCMIOWriteVertices failed.");

    // clean up
    delete [] coords;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_problem_description ( CCMIOID  rootID,
CCMIOID &  problemID,
CCMIOID  processorID,
std::vector< MaterialSetData > &  matset_data,
std::vector< NeumannSetData > &  neuset_data 
) [private]

Definition at line 373 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    // Write out a dummy problem description.  If we happen to know that
    // there already is a problem description previously recorded that
    // is valid we could skip this step.
    CCMIOID id;
    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    ErrorCode rval;
    const EntityHandle mesh = 0;

    bool root_tagged = false, other_set_tagged = false;
    Tag simname;
    Range dum_sets;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("Title", 0, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, simname, MB_TAG_ANY);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
      int tag_size;
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(simname, tag_size);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
    std::vector<char> title_tag(tag_size+1);
    rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &simname, NULL, 1, dum_sets);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval && !dum_sets.empty()) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(simname, &(*dum_sets.begin()), 1, &title_tag[0]);
      CHKERR(rval, "Problem getting simulation name tag.");
      other_set_tagged = true;
    else if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
          // check to see if interface was tagged
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(simname, &mesh, 1, &title_tag[0]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) root_tagged = true;
      else rval = MB_SUCCESS;
    *title_tag.rbegin() = '\0';
    if (root_tagged || other_set_tagged) {
      CCMIONode rootNode;
      if (kCCMIONoErr == CCMIOGetEntityNode(&error, rootID, &rootNode)) {
        CCMIOSetTitle(&error, rootNode, &title_tag[0]);
        CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble setting title.");
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("CreatingProgram", 0, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, mCreatingProgramTag, MB_TAG_ANY);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
      int tag_size;
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(mCreatingProgramTag, tag_size);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
    std::vector<char> cp_tag(tag_size+1);
    rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &mCreatingProgramTag, NULL, 1, dum_sets);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval && !dum_sets.empty()) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mCreatingProgramTag, &(*dum_sets.begin()), 1, &cp_tag[0]);
      CHKERR(rval, "Problem getting creating program tag.");
      other_set_tagged = true;
    else if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
          // check to see if interface was tagged
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mCreatingProgramTag, &mesh, 1, &cp_tag[0]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) root_tagged = true;
      else rval = MB_SUCCESS;
    *cp_tag.rbegin() = '\0';
    if (root_tagged || other_set_tagged) {
      CCMIONode rootNode;
      if (kCCMIONoErr == CCMIOGetEntityNode(&error, rootID, &rootNode)) {
        CCMIOWriteOptstr(&error, processorID, "CreatingProgram", &cp_tag[0]);
        CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble setting creating program.");
    CCMIONewEntity(&error, rootID, kCCMIOProblemDescription, NULL,
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble creating problem node.");

    // write material types and other info
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matset_data.size(); i++) {
      if (!matset_data[i].setName.empty()){
    CCMIONewIndexedEntity(&error, problemID, kCCMIOCellType, matset_data[i].matsetId, 
                  matset_data[i].setName.c_str(), &id);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure creating celltype node."); 

    CCMIOWriteOptstr(&error, id, "MaterialType", matset_data[i].setName.c_str());
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Error assigning material name.");
    char dum_name[NAME_TAG_SIZE]; 
    std::ostringstream os;
    std::string mat_name = "Material", temp_str;
    os << mat_name << (i+1);
    temp_str = os.str();
    CCMIONewIndexedEntity(&error, problemID, kCCMIOCellType, matset_data[i].matsetId, 
                  dum_name, &id);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure creating celltype node."); 
    CCMIOWriteOptstr(&error, id, "MaterialType", dum_name);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Error assigning material name.");
      rval = write_int_option("MaterialId", matset_data[i].setHandle, mMaterialIdTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing MaterialId option.");

      rval = write_int_option("Radiation", matset_data[i].setHandle, mRadiationTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing Radiation option.");

      rval = write_int_option("PorosityId", matset_data[i].setHandle, mPorosityIdTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing PorosityId option.");

      rval = write_int_option("SpinId", matset_data[i].setHandle, mSpinIdTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing SpinId option.");

      rval = write_int_option("GroupId", matset_data[i].setHandle, mGroupIdTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing GroupId option.");

      rval = write_int_option("ColorIdx", matset_data[i].setHandle, mColorIdxTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing ColorIdx option.");

      rval = write_int_option("ProcessorId", matset_data[i].setHandle, mProcessorIdTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing ProcessorId option.");

      rval = write_int_option("LightMaterial", matset_data[i].setHandle, mLightMaterialTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing LightMaterial option.");

      rval = write_int_option("FreeSurfaceMaterial", matset_data[i].setHandle, mFreeSurfaceMaterialTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing FreeSurfaceMaterial option.");

      rval = write_dbl_option("Thickness", matset_data[i].setHandle, mThicknessTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing Thickness option.");

      rval = write_str_option("MaterialType", matset_data[i].setHandle, mMaterialTypeTag, id);
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing MaterialType option.");
    // write neumann set info
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neuset_data.size(); i++) {
      // use the label to encode the id
      std::ostringstream dum_id;
      dum_id << neuset_data[i].neusetId;
      CCMIONewIndexedEntity(&error, problemID, kCCMIOBoundaryRegion, neuset_data[i].neusetId, 
                dum_id.str().c_str(), &id);
      CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure creating BoundaryRegion node.");

      rval = write_str_option("BoundaryName", neuset_data[i].setHandle, mNameTag,
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing boundary type number.");

      rval = write_str_option("BoundaryType", neuset_data[i].setHandle, mBoundaryTypeTag,
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing boundary type number.");

      rval = write_int_option("ProstarRegionNumber", neuset_data[i].setHandle, mProstarRegionNumberTag,
      CHKERR(rval, "Trouble writing prostar region number.");
    CCMIOWriteState(&error, stateID, problemID, "Example state");
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure writing problem state.");

    // get cell types; reuse cell ids array
    //  for (i = 0, rit = all_elems.begin(); i < num_elems; i++, rit++) {
    //    egids[i] = ccm_types[mbImpl->type_from_handle(*rit)];
    //    assert(-1 != egids[i]);
    //  }

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_processor ( CCMIOID  processorID,
CCMIOID  verticesID,
CCMIOID  topologyID 
) [private]

finalize processor

Definition at line 256 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    // Now we have the mesh (vertices and topology) and the post data written.
    // Since we now have their IDs, we can write out the processor information.
    CCMIOWriteProcessor(&error, processorID, NULL, &verticesID, NULL, &topologyID,
            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Problem writing CCMIO processor.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;

write solution (tag) data

Definition at line 250 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    // for now, no solution (tag) data
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::WriteCCMIO::write_str_option ( const char *  opt_name,
EntityHandle  seth,
Tag tag,
CCMIOID &  node,
const char *  other_name = NULL 
) [private]

Definition at line 593 of file WriteCCMIO.cpp.

    int tag_size;
    ErrorCode rval;

    if (!tag) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(opt_name, 0, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, tag, MB_TAG_ANY);
      // return success since that just means we don't have to write this option
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(tag, tag_size);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;
    std::vector<char> opt_val(tag_size+1);

    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag, &seth, 1, &opt_val[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return MB_SUCCESS;

    // null-terminate if necessary
    if (std::find(opt_val.begin(), opt_val.end(), '\0') == opt_val.end())
      *opt_val.rbegin() = '\0';

    CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    if (other_name) 
      CCMIOWriteOptstr(&error, node, other_name, &opt_val[0]);
      CCMIOWriteOptstr(&error, node, opt_name, &opt_val[0]);
    CHKCCMERR(error, "Failure writing an option string MaterialType.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

std::string moab::WriteCCMIO::fileName [private]

file name

Definition at line 144 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

interface instance

Definition at line 140 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 160 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 160 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Meshset Handle for the mesh that is currently being read.

Definition at line 147 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 164 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 152 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 162 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 156 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 155 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 157 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Cached tags for reading. Note that all these tags are defined when the core is initialized.

Definition at line 151 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 157 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 157 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 153 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 154 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 160 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 158 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 160 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 166 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

Definition at line 141 of file WriteCCMIO.hpp.

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