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3.1 Main Window

Figure 3.1: Main control window of Jumpshot-4.
Image main

The first window that pops up when invoking Jumpshot-4 is called the Main window, as shown in Figure 3.1. The buttons shown in the toolbar are shortcuts to the submenu items in the top menu bar. The function of each of these buttons is listed in Table 3.2. Two text fields display crucial information about the logfile being processed. The text field entitled LogName displays the pathname of the logfile being processed. The pulldown menu entitled ViewMap lists all the available ViewMaps in the SLOG-2 file. The CLOG3.1, older CLOG-23.2 and RLOG-converted3.3 SLOG-2 files contain one ViewMap, called the Identity Map. The recent CLOG-2 and IBM's UTE trace-converted SLOG-2 file contains multiple ViewMaps, e.g. a CLOG-2 logfile generated from a multi-threaded MPI program contains the Process-Thread and Communicator-Thread ViewMaps besides the Identity Map.

Table 3.2: Functions of the toolbar buttons
Icon Description Function
Image Open24 File Selection display a File Chooser dialog to select logfile to be processed
Image Convert24 Logfile Conversion invoke the Logfile Convertor to convert non-slog2 file to slog2 format
Image Properties24 Show Legend Window display the Legend window of the selected logfile if it is hidden
Image New24 Show Timeline Window display the Timeline window of the selected logfile if it is hidden
Image Preferences24 Edit Preferences display the Preference window that adjusts Jumpshot's properties
Image Help24 Show Users Manual show the Users Manual of this program
Image Information24 Show FAQs show the FAQs of this program


... CLOG3.1
A low-overhead native trace format from MPE.
... CLOG-23.2
A low-overheaed native trace foramt from MPE-2
... RLOG-converted3.3
An internal MPICH2 profiling format

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