McnpData Class Reference

#include <mcnpmit.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 McnpData ()
 ~McnpData ()
MCNPError set_coord_system (int)
int get_coord_system ()
MCNPError set_rotation_matrix (double[16])
double * get_rotation_matrix ()
MCNPError set_filename (std::string)
std::string get_filename ()
MCNPError read_mcnpfile (bool)
MCNPError read_coord_system (std::string)
MCNPError read_rotation_matrix (std::string, int)
MCNPError make_elements (std::vector< double >[3], int *)
MCNPError make_adjacencies (int *)
MCNPError initialize_tags ()
MCNPError extract_tally_data (std::string, moab::EntityHandle)
MCNPError transform_point (double *, double *, int, double *)

Public Attributes

int coord_system
double rotation_matrix [16]
std::vector< moab::EntityHandleMCNP_vertices
std::vector< moab::EntityHandleMCNP_elems
moab::Range vert_handles
moab::Range elem_handles
moab::Tag box_min_tag
moab::Tag box_max_tag
moab::Tag tally_tag
moab::Tag relerr_tag
std::string MCNP_filename

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 20 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      // Default value for coordinate system
      coord_system = 0;

      // Default rotation matrix is identity matrix
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                  if (i == j)
                        rotation_matrix[4*i + j] = 1;
                        rotation_matrix[4*i + j] = 0;


Definition at line 38 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      // Vertices and elements


Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 321 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      int fpos = 0;
      double d = 0;

      MCNPError result;
      moab::ErrorCode MBresult;

      // Discard first three lines
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            result = next_number(s, d, fpos);
            if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;           
      // Need to read in tally entry and tag ...
      result = next_number(s, d, fpos);
      if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;
      MBresult = MBI -> tag_set_data(tally_tag, &handle, 1, &d);
      if (MBresult != moab::MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE; 

      // Need to read in relative error entry and tag ...
      result = next_number(s, d, fpos);
      if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;
      MBresult = MBI -> tag_set_data(relerr_tag, &handle, 1, &d);
      if (MBresult != moab::MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE; 

      return MCNP_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 51 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      return coord_system;
std::string McnpData::get_filename ( )

Definition at line 72 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      return MCNP_filename;

Definition at line 62 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      return rotation_matrix;
MCNPError McnpData::make_elements ( std::vector< double >  x[3],
int *  n 

Definition at line 262 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      // double v[3];
      // MBEntityHandle dumhandle;
      // MBEntityHandle vstart, vijk;
      unsigned int num_verts = n[0]*n[1]*n[2];
      double       *coords;
      coords = new double [ 3 * num_verts ]; 

      // Enter the vertices ...
      for (int k=0; k < n[2]; k++) {
            v[2] = x[2].at(k);
            for (int j=0; j < n[1]; j++) {
                  v[1] = x[1].at(j);
                  for (int i=0; i < n[0]; i++) {
                        v[0] = x[0].at(i);
                        MBresult = MBI->create_vertex(v, dumhandle);
                        if (MBresult != MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE;


      // Enter the vertices ...
      for (int k=0; k < n[2]; k++) {
            for (int j=0; j < n[1]; j++) {
                  for (int i=0; i < n[0]; i++) {
                        unsigned int ijk = 3*(k*n[0]*n[1] + j*n[0] + i);
                        coords[ ijk   ] = x[0][i];
                        coords[ ijk+1 ] = x[1][j];
                        coords[ ijk+2 ] = x[2][k];

                        // std::cout << coords[ijk] << " " << coords[ijk+1] << " "
                        //          << coords[ijk+2] << std::endl;

                        // MCNP_vertices.push_back(dumhandle);

      MBI->create_vertices(coords, num_verts, vert_handles);

      delete coords;
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 234 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      if ((s.find("Box") < 100) || (s.find("xyz") < 100))
            coord_system = CARTESIAN;     
      else if (s.find("Cyl") < 100)
            coord_system = CYLINDRICAL; 
      else if (s.find("Sph") < 100)
            coord_system = SPHERICAL; 
            return MCNP_FAILURE;

      return MCNP_SUCCESS;
MCNPError McnpData::read_mcnpfile ( bool  skip_mesh)

Definition at line 78 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      MCNPError result;
      moab::ErrorCode MBresult;
      moab::CartVect tvect;

      std::vector<double> xvec[3];

      // Open the file
      std::ifstream mcnpfile; MCNP_filename.c_str() );
      if (!mcnpfile) {
            std::cout << "Unable to open MCNP data file." << std::endl;
            return MCNP_FAILURE;
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Reading MCNP input file..." << std::endl;

      // Prepare for file reading ...
      char line[10000];  
      int mode = 0;         // Set the file reading mode to read proper data
      int nv[3];

      // Read in the file ...
      while (! mcnpfile.eof() ) {

            mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
            // std::cout << line << std::endl;

            switch(mode) {
            case 0:           // First line is a title
            case 1:           // Coordinate system
                  result = read_coord_system(line);
                  if (result == MCNP_FAILURE)
                        return MCNP_FAILURE;
            case 2:           // Rotation matrix
                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = read_rotation_matrix(line, i);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE)
                              return MCNP_FAILURE;
                  if (skip_mesh) return MCNP_SUCCESS;
            case 3:           // Read in vertices and build elements

                  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        // How many points in the x[i]-direction
                        nv[i] = how_many_numbers(line);
                        if (nv[i] <= 0) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        // Get space and read in these points
                        result = read_numbers(line , nv[i], xvec[i]);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        // Update to the next line
                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);

                  // Make the elements and vertices
                  result = make_elements(xvec, nv);
                  if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;
            case 4:           // Read in tally data, make, and tag elements
                  moab::EntityHandle elemhandle;

                  moab::EntityHandle vstart, vijk;
                  moab::EntityHandle connect[8];
                  // double d[3];

                  // vstart = MCNP_vertices.front();
                  vstart = *(vert_handles.begin());

                      for (int i=0; i < nv[0]-1; i++) {
                    for (int j=0; j < nv[1]-1; j++) {
                  for (int k=0; k < nv[2]-1; k++) {
                        vijk = vstart + (i + j*nv[0] + k*nv[0]*nv[1]);

                        //std::cout << vijk << std::endl;                        

                        connect[0] = vijk;
                        connect[1] = vijk + 1;
                        connect[2] = vijk + 1 + nv[0];
                        connect[3] = vijk + nv[0];
                        connect[4] = vijk + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[5] = vijk + 1 + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[6] = vijk + 1 + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[7] = vijk + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];

                        MBresult = MBI->create_element(moab::MBHEX, connect, 8, elemhandle);
                        if (MBresult != moab::MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = extract_tally_data(line, elemhandle);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;


                  for (MBRange::iterator rit=vert_handles.begin(); rit != vert_handles.end(); rit++) {
                        std::cout << *rit << std::endl; 

                  for (int i=0; i < nv[0]-1; i++) {
                    for (int j=0; j < nv[1]-1; j++) {
                      for (int k=0; k < nv[2]-1; k++) {
                        vijk = vstart + (i + j*nv[0] + k*nv[0]*nv[1]);
                        connect[0] = vijk;
                        connect[1] = vijk + 1;
                        connect[2] = vijk + 1 + nv[0];
                        connect[3] = vijk + nv[0];
                        connect[4] = vijk + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[5] = vijk + 1 + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[6] = vijk + 1 + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[7] = vijk + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];

                        MBresult = MBI->create_element(MBHEX, connect, 8, elemhandle);
                        if (MBresult != MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = extract_tally_data(line, elemhandle);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;

            case 5:           // Ckeck for weirdness at end of file
                  if (! mcnpfile.eof() ) return MCNP_FAILURE;


      std::cout <<  "SUCCESS! Read in " << elem_handles.size() 
                << " elements!" << std::endl << std::endl;
      // MCNP_vertices.clear();
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;

MCNPError McnpData::read_rotation_matrix ( std::string  s,
int  i 

Definition at line 248 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      int fpos = 0;
      MCNPError result;

      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            result = next_number(s, rotation_matrix[4*i+j], fpos);
            if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) 
                  return MCNP_FAILURE;

      return MCNP_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 47 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      coord_system = k;
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;
MCNPError McnpData::set_filename ( std::string  fname)

Definition at line 68 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      MCNP_filename = fname;
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 56 of file mcnpmit.cpp.

      for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            rotation_matrix[i] = r[i];
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;
MCNPError McnpData::transform_point ( double *  p,
double *  r,
int  csys,
double *  rmat 

Definition at line 406 of file mcnpmit.cpp.


      double q[3];

      // Apply the rotation matrix
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
        q[i] =  p[0] * rmat[4*i  ] + p[1] * rmat[4*i+1]
              + p[2] * rmat[4*i+2] +        rmat[4*i+3];

      // Transform coordinate system
      switch( csys ) {
        case CARTESIAN :
          r[0] = q[0]; r[1] = q[1]; r[2] = q[2];  // x, y, z
        case CYLINDRICAL :
          r[0] = sqrt( q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] );   // r
          r[1] = q[2];                            // z
          r[2] = c2pi * ( atan2( q[1], q[0] ) );  // theta (in rotations)
        case SPHERICAL :
          return MCNP_FAILURE;
        default :
          return MCNP_FAILURE;

      return MCNP_SUCCESS;


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 33 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 33 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 23 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 30 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 28 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 38 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 27 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 35 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 24 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 34 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

Definition at line 29 of file mcnpmit.hpp.

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