datacoupler_test.cpp File Reference
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/CpuTimer.hpp"
#include "DataCoupler.hpp"
#include "ElemUtil.hpp"
#include "iMesh.h"
#include "MBiMesh.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <assert.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define STRINGIFY_(A)   #A
#define RRA(a)


std::string TestDir (".")
void print_usage (char **argv)
ErrorCode get_file_options (int argc, char **argv, std::vector< std::string > &meshFiles, DataCoupler::Method &method, std::string &interpTag, std::string &gNormTag, std::string &ssNormTag, std::vector< const char * > &ssTagNames, std::vector< const char * > &ssTagValues, std::string &readOpts, std::string &outFile, std::string &writeOpts, std::string &dbgFile, bool &help, double &epsilon)
ErrorCode test_interpolation (Interface *mbImpl, DataCoupler::Method method, std::string &interpTag, std::string &gNormTag, std::string &ssNormTag, std::vector< const char * > &ssTagNames, std::vector< const char * > &ssTagValues, iBase_EntitySetHandle *roots, std::vector< ParallelComm * > &pcs, double &instant_time, double &pointloc_time, double &interp_time, double &gnorm_time, double &ssnorm_time, double &toler)
void reduceMax (double &v)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
bool check_for_flag (const char *str)

Define Documentation

if (iBase_SUCCESS != err) {\
      std::string tmp_str;\
      std::cout << "Failure; message:" << std::endl;\
      std::cout << tmp_str << std::endl;\
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, result);        \
      return result;\

Definition at line 44 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {\
      std::string tmp_str;\
      std::cout << "Failure; message:" << std::endl;\
      std::cout << tmp_str << std::endl;\
      MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, result);        \
      return result;\

Definition at line 34 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

#define RRA (   a)
if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {\
      std::string tmp_str; mbImpl->get_last_error(tmp_str);\
      tmp_str.append("\n"); tmp_str.append(a);\
      dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbImpl)->get_error_handler()->set_last_error(tmp_str.c_str()); \
      return result;}

Definition at line 28 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

#define STRINGIFY (   A)    STRINGIFY_(A)

Definition at line 21 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

#define STRINGIFY_ (   A)    #A

Definition at line 20 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

Function Documentation

bool check_for_flag ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 314 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

  if (str[0] == '-')
    return true;
    return false;
ErrorCode get_file_options ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
std::vector< std::string > &  meshFiles,
DataCoupler::Method method,
std::string &  interpTag,
std::string &  gNormTag,
std::string &  ssNormTag,
std::vector< const char * > &  ssTagNames,
std::vector< const char * > &  ssTagValues,
std::string &  readOpts,
std::string &  outFile,
std::string &  writeOpts,
std::string &  dbgFile,
bool &  help,
double &  epsilon 

Definition at line 322 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

  // Initialize some of the outputs to null values indicating not present
  // in the argument list.
  gNormTag = "";
  ssNormTag = "";
  outFile = "";
  dbgFile = "";
  std::string defaultDbgFile = argv[0];  // The executable name will be the default debug output file.

  // These will indicate if we've gotten our required parameters at the end of parsing.
  bool haveMeshes = false;
  bool haveInterpTag = false;

  // Loop over the values in argv pulling out an parsing each one
  int npos = 1;

  if (argc > 1 && argv[1] == std::string("-h")) {
    help = true;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

  while (npos < argc) {
    if (argv[npos] == std::string("-meshes")) {
      // Parse out the mesh filenames
      int numFiles = 2;
      for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
        if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
          meshFiles[i] = argv[npos++];
        else {
          std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing correct number of mesh filenames" << std::endl;
          return MB_FAILURE;

      haveMeshes = true;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-itag")) {
      // Parse out the interpolation tag
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        interpTag = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <interp_tag>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;

      haveInterpTag = true;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-meth")) {
      // Parse out the interpolation tag
      if (argv[npos][0] == '0') method = DataCoupler::CONSTANT;
      else if (argv[npos][0] == '1') method = DataCoupler::LINEAR_FE;
      else if (argv[npos][0] == '2') method = DataCoupler::QUADRATIC_FE;
      else if (argv[npos][0] == '3') method = DataCoupler::SPECTRAL;
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - unrecognized method number " << method << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-eps")) {
      // Parse out the tolerance
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        epsilon = atof(argv[npos++]);
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <epsilon>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-gnorm")) {
      // Parse out the global normalization tag
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        gNormTag = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <gnorm_tag>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-ssnorm")) {
      // Parse out the subset normalization tag and selection criteria
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        ssNormTag = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <ssnorm_tag>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;

      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos]))) {
        char* opts = argv[npos++];
        char sep1[1] = {';'};
        char sep2[1] = {'='};
        bool end_vals_seen = false;
        std::vector<char *> tmpTagOpts;

        // first get the options
        for (char* i = strtok(opts, sep1); i; i = strtok(0, sep1)) {

        // parse out the name and val or just name.
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tmpTagOpts.size(); j++) {
          char* e = strtok(tmpTagOpts[j], sep2);
          e = strtok(0, sep2);
          if (e != NULL) {
            // We have a value
            if (end_vals_seen) {
              // ERROR we should not have a value after none are seen
              std::cerr << "    ERROR - new value seen after end of values in <ssnorm_selection>" << std::endl;
              return MB_FAILURE;
            // Otherwise get the value string from e and convert it to an int
            int *valp = new int;
            *valp = atoi(e);
            ssTagValues.push_back((const char *) valp);
          else {
            // Otherwise there is no '=' so push a null on the list
            end_vals_seen = true;
            ssTagValues.push_back((const char *) 0);
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <ssnorm_selection>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-ropts")) {
      // Parse out the mesh file read options
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        readOpts = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <roptions>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-outfile")) {
      // Parse out the output file name
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        outFile = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <out_file>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-wopts")) {
      // Parse out the output file write options
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        writeOpts = argv[npos++];
      else {
        std::cerr << "    ERROR - missing <woptions>" << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (argv[npos] == std::string("-dbgout")) {
      // Parse out the debug output file name.
      // If no name then use the default.
      if ((npos < argc) && (!check_for_flag(argv[npos])))
        dbgFile = argv[npos++];
        dbgFile = defaultDbgFile;
    else {
      // Unrecognized parameter.  Skip it and move along.
      std::cerr << "    ERROR - Unrecognized parameter:" << argv[npos] << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "            Skipping..." << std::endl;

  if (!haveMeshes) {
    meshFiles[0] = std::string(TestDir + "/64bricks_1khex.h5m");
    meshFiles[1] = std::string(TestDir + "/64bricks_12ktet.h5m");
    std::cout << "Mesh files not entered; using default files " 
              << meshFiles[0] << " and " << meshFiles[1] << std::endl;
  if (!haveInterpTag) {
    interpTag = "vertex_field";
    std::cout << "Interpolation field name not given, using default of " << interpTag << std::endl;

#ifdef HDF5_FILE
  if (1 == argc) {
    std::cout << "No arguments given; using output file dum.h5m." << std::endl;
    outFile = "dum.h5m";
  return MB_SUCCESS;
int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 109 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.


  int err;
#ifdef USE_MPI
    // need to init MPI first, to tell how many procs and rank
  err = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  std::vector<const char *> ssTagNames, ssTagValues;
  std::vector<std::string> meshFiles;
  std::string interpTag, gNormTag, ssNormTag, readOpts, outFile, writeOpts, dbgFile;
  DataCoupler::Method method = DataCoupler::CONSTANT;

  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  bool help = false;
  double toler = 5.e-10;
  result = get_file_options(argc, argv, meshFiles, method, interpTag,
                            gNormTag, ssNormTag, ssTagNames, ssTagValues,
                            readOpts, outFile, writeOpts, dbgFile, help, toler);

  if (result != MB_SUCCESS || help) {
#ifdef USE_MPI
    err = MPI_Finalize();
    return 1;

  int nprocs = 1, rank = 0;

#ifdef USE_MPI  
  err = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  err = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  std::vector<ParallelComm *> pcs(meshFiles.size()); 

    // redirect stdout and stderr if dbgFile is not null
  if (!dbgFile.empty()) {
    std::stringstream dfname;
    dfname << dbgFile << rank << ".txt";
    if (!std::freopen(dfname.str().c_str(), "a", stdout)) return false;
    if (!std::freopen(dfname.str().c_str(), "a", stderr)) return false;

  // create MOAB instance based on that
  Interface *mbImpl = new Core();
  if (NULL == mbImpl) return 1;

  iMesh_Instance iMeshInst = reinterpret_cast<iMesh_Instance>( new MBiMesh(mbImpl) );
    // read in mesh(es)

    // Create root sets for each mesh using the iMesh API.  Then pass these
    // to the load_file functions to be populated.
  iBase_EntitySetHandle *roots = (iBase_EntitySetHandle *) malloc(sizeof(iBase_EntitySetHandle) * meshFiles.size());

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < meshFiles.size(); i++) {
    std::string newReadopts;
    std::ostringstream extraOpt;
#ifdef USE_MPI
    pcs[i] = new ParallelComm(mbImpl, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    int index = pcs[i]->get_id();
    extraOpt  << ";PARALLEL_COMM=" << index;
    newReadopts = readOpts+extraOpt.str();
    iMesh_createEntSet(iMeshInst, 0, &(roots[i]), &err);
    result = mbImpl->load_file( meshFiles[i].c_str(), (EntityHandle *)&roots[i], newReadopts.c_str() );

#ifdef USE_MPI
  result = report_iface_ents(mbImpl, pcs, true);

  double instant_time=0.0, pointloc_time=0.0, interp_time=0.0, gnorm_time=0.0, ssnorm_time=0.0;
    // test interpolation and global normalization and subset normalization

  result = test_interpolation(mbImpl, method, interpTag, gNormTag, ssNormTag, 
                              ssTagNames, ssTagValues, roots, pcs, 
                              instant_time, pointloc_time, interp_time, 
                              gnorm_time, ssnorm_time, toler);


    printf("\nMax time : %g %g %g (inst loc interp -- %d procs )\n", instant_time, 
       pointloc_time, interp_time, nprocs);

    // output mesh
  if (!outFile.empty()) {
    Range partSets;
      // only save the target mesh
    std::string newwriteOpts = writeOpts;
    std::ostringstream extraOpt;
#ifdef USE_MPI
    extraOpt  << ";PARALLEL_COMM=" << 1;
    newwriteOpts += extraOpt.str();
    result = mbImpl->write_file(outFile.c_str(), NULL, newwriteOpts.c_str(), partSets);
    std::cout << "Wrote " << outFile << std::endl;
    std::cout << "mbcoupler_test complete." << std::endl;

#ifdef USE_MPI
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < meshFiles.size(); i++) {
    delete pcs[i];

  delete mbImpl;
  //may be leaking iMeshInst, don't care since it's end of program. Remove above deletes?

#ifdef USE_MPI  
  err = MPI_Finalize();

  return 0;
void print_usage ( char **  argv)

Definition at line 285 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

  std::cerr << "Usage: ";
  std::cerr << argv[0] << " -meshes <source_mesh> <target_mesh> -itag <interp_tag> [-gnorm <gnorm_tag>] [-ssnorm <ssnorm_tag> <ssnorm_selection>] [-ropts <roptions>] [-outfile <out_file> [-wopts <woptions>]] [-dbgout [<dbg_file>]]" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -meshes" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Read in mesh files <source_mesh> and <target_mesh>." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -itag" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Interpolate tag <interp_tag> from source mesh to target mesh." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -gnorm" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Normalize the value of tag <gnorm_tag> over then entire mesh and save to" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        tag \"<gnorm_tag>_normf\" on the mesh set.  Do this for all meshes." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -ssnorm" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Normalize the value of tag <ssnorm_tag> over subsets of a mesh and save to" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        tag \"<ssnorm_tag>_normf\" on the Entity Set for each subset.  Subsets are selected" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        using criteria in <ssnorm_selection>.  Do this for all meshes." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -ropts" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Read in the mesh files using options in <roptions>." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -outfile" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Write out target mesh to <out_file>." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -wopts" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Write out mesh files using options in <woptions>." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -dbgout" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        Write stdout and stderr streams to the file \'<dbg_file>.txt\'." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -eps" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "        epsilon" << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "    -meth <method> (0=CONSTANT, 1=LINEAR_FE, 2=QUADRATIC_FE, 3=SPECTRAL)" << std::endl;
void reduceMax ( double &  v)

Definition at line 99 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

  double buf;

  MPI_Allreduce( &v, &buf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

ErrorCode test_interpolation ( Interface mbImpl,
DataCoupler::Method  method,
std::string &  interpTag,
std::string &  gNormTag,
std::string &  ssNormTag,
std::vector< const char * > &  ssTagNames,
std::vector< const char * > &  ssTagValues,
iBase_EntitySetHandle roots,
std::vector< ParallelComm * > &  pcs,
double &  instant_time,
double &  pointloc_time,
double &  interp_time,
double &  gnorm_time,
double &  ssnorm_time,
double &  toler 

Definition at line 546 of file datacoupler_test.cpp.

  assert(method >= DataCoupler::CONSTANT && method <= DataCoupler::SPECTRAL);

    // source is 1st mesh, target is 2nd
  Range src_elems, targ_elems, targ_verts;
  ErrorCode result = pcs[0]->get_part_entities(src_elems, 3);

  CpuTimer timer;

    // instantiate a coupler, which also initializes the tree
  DataCoupler dc(mbImpl, src_elems, 0, pcs[0]);

  // initialize spectral elements, if they exist
  // bool specSou=false, specTar = false;
//  result =  mbc.initialize_spectral_elements((EntityHandle)roots[0], (EntityHandle)roots[1], specSou, specTar);

  instant_time = timer.time_since_birth();

    // get points from the target mesh to interpolate
  // we have to treat differently the case when the target is a spectral mesh
  // in that case, the points of interest are the GL points, not the vertex nodes
  std::vector<double> vpos; // this will have the positions we are interested in
  int numPointsOfInterest = 0;
#ifdef USE_MPI    
  result = pcs[1]->get_part_entities(targ_elems, 3);
  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension((EntityHandle)roots[1], 3);

    // first get all vertices adj to partition entities in target mesh
  if (DataCoupler::CONSTANT == method) 
    targ_verts = targ_elems;
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(targ_elems, 0, false, targ_verts,

#ifdef USE_MPI  
    // then get non-owned verts and subtract
  Range tmp_verts;
  result = pcs[1]->get_pstatus_entities(0, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, tmp_verts);
  targ_verts = subtract( targ_verts, tmp_verts);
    // get position of these entities; these are the target points
  numPointsOfInterest = (int)targ_verts.size();
  result = mbImpl->get_coords(targ_verts, &vpos[0]);

    // locate those points in the source mesh
#ifdef USE_MPI
  std::cout << "rank "<< pcs[0]->proc_config().proc_rank();
  std::cout << " points of interest: " << numPointsOfInterest << "\n";
  result = dc.locate_points(&vpos[0], numPointsOfInterest, toler);

  pointloc_time = timer.time_elapsed();

    // now interpolate tag onto target points
  std::vector<double> field(numPointsOfInterest);

  result = dc.interpolate(method, interpTag, &field[0]);
  interp_time = timer.time_elapsed();

    // do global normalization if specified
  if (!gNormTag.empty()) {
    int err;

    // Normalize the source mesh
    err = dc.normalize_mesh(roots[0], gNormTag.c_str(), DataCoupler::VOLUME, 4);

    // Normalize the target mesh
    err = dc.normalize_mesh(roots[1], gNormTag.c_str(), DataCoupler::VOLUME, 4);

  gnorm_time = timer.time_elapsed();

    // do subset normalization if specified

  if (!ssNormTag.empty()) {
    int err;

    err = dc.normalize_subset(roots[0], 

    err = dc.normalize_subset(roots[1], 

  ssnorm_time = timer.time_elapsed();
    // set field values as tag on target vertices
    // use original tag
  Tag tag;
  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(interpTag.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag); PRINT_LAST_ERROR;
  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(tag, targ_verts, &field[0]);

    // done
  return MB_SUCCESS;
std::string TestDir ( "."  )
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