moab::ParallelComm Class Reference

Parallel communications in MOAB. More...

#include <ParallelComm.hpp>

List of all members.


class  Buffer
struct  SharedEntityData

Public Member Functions

 ParallelComm (Interface *impl, MPI_Comm comm, int *pcomm_id_out=0)
 ParallelComm (Interface *impl, std::vector< unsigned char > &tmp_buff, MPI_Comm comm, int *pcomm_id_out=0)
 constructor taking packed buffer, for testing
int get_id () const
 Get ID used to reference this PCOMM instance.
 ~ParallelComm ()
ErrorCode assign_global_ids (EntityHandle this_set, const int dimension, const int start_id=1, const bool largest_dim_only=true, const bool parallel=true, const bool owned_only=false)
ErrorCode assign_global_ids (Range entities[], const int dimension, const int start_id, const bool parallel, const bool owned_only)
ErrorCode check_global_ids (EntityHandle this_set, const int dimension, const int start_id=1, const bool largest_dim_only=true, const bool parallel=true, const bool owned_only=false)
ErrorCode send_entities (const int to_proc, Range &orig_ents, const bool adjs, const bool tags, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, TupleList &entprocs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool wait_all=true)
 send entities to another processor, optionally waiting until it's done
ErrorCode send_entities (std::vector< unsigned int > &send_procs, std::vector< Range * > &send_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, const bool store_remote_handles)
ErrorCode recv_entities (const int from_proc, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incomming1, int &incoming2, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool wait_all=true)
 Receive entities from another processor, optionally waiting until it's done.
ErrorCode recv_entities (std::set< unsigned int > &recv_procs, int incoming1, int incoming2, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool migrate=false)
ErrorCode recv_messages (const int from_proc, const bool store_remote_handles, const bool is_iface, Range &final_ents, int &incoming1, int &incoming2, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs)
 Receive messages from another processor in while loop.
ErrorCode recv_remote_handle_messages (const int from_proc, int &incoming2, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs)
ErrorCode exchange_ghost_cells (int ghost_dim, int bridge_dim, int num_layers, int addl_ents, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all=true, EntityHandle *file_set=NULL)
 Exchange ghost cells with neighboring procs Neighboring processors are those sharing an interface with this processor. All entities of dimension ghost_dim within num_layers of interface, measured going through bridge_dim, are exchanged. See MeshTopoUtil::get_bridge_adjacencies for description of bridge adjacencies. If wait_all is false and store_remote_handles is true, MPI_Request objects are available in the sendReqs[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS] member array, with inactive requests marked as MPI_REQUEST_NULL. If store_remote_handles or wait_all is false, this function returns after all entities have been received and processed.
ErrorCode post_irecv (std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs)
 Post "MPI_Irecv" before meshing.
ErrorCode post_irecv (std::vector< unsigned int > &shared_procs, std::set< unsigned int > &recv_procs)
ErrorCode exchange_owned_meshs (std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs, std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_ent_reqs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all=true, bool migrate=false, int dim=0)
 Exchange owned mesh for input mesh entities and sets This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all shared exchanged entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value).
ErrorCode exchange_owned_mesh (std::vector< unsigned int > &exchange_procs, std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_ent_reqs, std::vector< MPI_Request > &recv_remoteh_reqs, const bool recv_posted, bool store_remote_handles, bool wait_all, bool migrate=false)
 Exchange owned mesh for input mesh entities and sets This function is called twice by exchange_owned_meshs to exchange entities before sets.
ErrorCode exchange_tags (const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const Range &entities)
 Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all ghosted/shared entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value). If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.
ErrorCode exchange_tags (const char *tag_name, const Range &entities)
 Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.
ErrorCode exchange_tags (Tag tagh, const Range &entities)
 Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.
ErrorCode reduce_tags (const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities)
 Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all ghosted/shared entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value). Operation is any MPI_Op, with result stored in destination tag.
ErrorCode reduce_tags (const char *tag_name, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities)
 Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities Same as std::vector variant except for one tag specified by name.
ErrorCode reduce_tags (Tag tag_handle, const MPI_Op mpi_op, const Range &entities)
 Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities Same as std::vector variant except for one tag specified by handle.
ErrorCode broadcast_entities (const int from_proc, Range &entities, const bool adjacencies=false, const bool tags=true)
 Broadcast all entities resident on from_proc to other processors This function assumes remote handles are *not* being stored, since (usually) every processor will know about the whole mesh.
ErrorCode scatter_entities (const int from_proc, std::vector< Range > &entities, const bool adjacencies=false, const bool tags=true)
 Scatter entities on from_proc to other processors This function assumes remote handles are *not* being stored, since (usually) every processor will know about the whole mesh.
ErrorCode resolve_shared_ents (EntityHandle this_set, Range &proc_ents, int resolve_dim=-1, int shared_dim=-1, Range *skin_ents=NULL, const Tag *id_tag=0)
 Resolve shared entities between processors.
ErrorCode resolve_shared_ents (EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim=3, int shared_dim=-1, const Tag *id_tag=0)
 Resolve shared entities between processors.
ErrorCode resolve_shared_sets (EntityHandle this_set, const Tag *id_tag=0)
ErrorCode resolve_shared_sets (Range &candidate_sets, Tag id_tag)
ErrorCode get_pstatus (EntityHandle entity, unsigned char &pstatus_val)
 Get parallel status of an entity Returns the parallel status of an entity.
ErrorCode get_pstatus_entities (int dim, unsigned char pstatus_val, Range &pstatus_ents)
 Get entities with the given pstatus bit(s) set Returns any entities whose pstatus tag value v satisfies (v & pstatus_val)
ErrorCode get_owner (EntityHandle entity, int &owner)
 Return the rank of the entity owner.
ErrorCode get_owner_handle (EntityHandle entity, int &owner, EntityHandle &handle)
 Return the owner processor and handle of a given entity.
ErrorCode get_sharing_data (const EntityHandle entity, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs, unsigned char &pstat, unsigned int &num_ps)
 Get the shared processors/handles for an entity Get the shared processors/handles for an entity. Arrays must be large enough to receive data for all sharing procs. Does *not* include this proc if only shared with one other proc.
ErrorCode get_sharing_data (const EntityHandle entity, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs, unsigned char &pstat, int &num_ps)
 Get the shared processors/handles for an entity Same as other version but with int num_ps.
ErrorCode get_sharing_data (const EntityHandle *entities, int num_entities, std::set< int > &procs, int op=Interface::INTERSECT)
 Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors. Processor set is cleared as part of this function.
ErrorCode get_sharing_data (const Range &entities, std::set< int > &procs, int op=Interface::INTERSECT)
 Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors Same as previous variant but with range as input.
ErrorCode get_shared_entities (int other_proc, Range &shared_ents, int dim=-1, const bool iface=false, const bool owned_filter=false)
 Get shared entities of specified dimension If other_proc is -1, any shared entities are returned. If dim is -1, entities of all dimensions on interface are returned.
ErrorCode get_interface_procs (std::set< unsigned int > &iface_procs, const bool get_buffs=false)
 get processors with which this processor shares an interface
ErrorCode get_comm_procs (std::set< unsigned int > &procs)
 get processors with which this processor communicates
ErrorCode get_entityset_procs (EntityHandle entity_set, std::vector< unsigned > &ranks) const
ErrorCode get_entityset_owner (EntityHandle entity_set, unsigned &owner_rank, EntityHandle *remote_handle=0) const
ErrorCode get_entityset_local_handle (unsigned owning_rank, EntityHandle remote_handle, EntityHandle &local_handle) const
 Given set owner and handle on owner, find local set handle.
ErrorCode get_shared_sets (Range &result) const
 Get all shared sets.
ErrorCode get_entityset_owners (std::vector< unsigned > &ranks) const
ErrorCode get_owned_sets (unsigned owning_rank, Range &sets_out) const
 Get shared sets owned by process with specified rank.
const ProcConfigproc_config () const
 Get proc config for this communication object.
ProcConfigproc_config ()
 Get proc config for this communication object.
unsigned rank () const
unsigned size () const
MPI_Comm comm () const
ErrorCode get_shared_proc_tags (Tag &sharedp_tag, Tag &sharedps_tag, Tag &sharedh_tag, Tag &sharedhs_tag, Tag &pstatus_tag)
 return the tags used to indicate shared procs and handles
Rangepartition_sets ()
 return partition, interface set ranges
const Rangepartition_sets () const
Rangeinterface_sets ()
const Rangeinterface_sets () const
Tag sharedp_tag ()
 return sharedp tag
Tag sharedps_tag ()
 return sharedps tag
Tag sharedh_tag ()
 return sharedh tag
Tag sharedhs_tag ()
 return sharedhs tag
Tag pstatus_tag ()
 return pstatus tag
Tag partition_tag ()
 return partitions set tag
Tag part_tag ()
void print_pstatus (unsigned char pstat, std::string &ostr)
 print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form
void print_pstatus (unsigned char pstat)
 print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form to std::cut
ErrorCode get_part_entities (Range &ents, int dim=-1)
 return all the entities in parts owned locally
EntityHandle get_partitioning () const
ErrorCode set_partitioning (EntityHandle h)
ErrorCode get_global_part_count (int &count_out) const
ErrorCode get_part_owner (int part_id, int &owner_out) const
ErrorCode get_part_id (EntityHandle part, int &id_out) const
ErrorCode get_part_handle (int id, EntityHandle &handle_out) const
ErrorCode create_part (EntityHandle &part_out)
ErrorCode destroy_part (EntityHandle part)
ErrorCode collective_sync_partition ()
ErrorCode get_part_neighbor_ids (EntityHandle part, int neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], int &num_neighbors_out)
ErrorCode get_interface_sets (EntityHandle part, Range &iface_sets_out, int *adj_part_id=0)
ErrorCode get_owning_part (EntityHandle entity, int &owning_part_id_out, EntityHandle *owning_handle=0)
ErrorCode get_sharing_parts (EntityHandle entity, int part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], int &num_part_ids_out, EntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS]=0)
ErrorCode filter_pstatus (Range &ents, const unsigned char pstatus_val, const unsigned char op, int to_proc=-1, Range *returned_ents=NULL)
ErrorCode get_iface_entities (int other_proc, int dim, Range &iface_ents)
 Get entities on interfaces shared with another proc.
Interfaceget_moab () const
ErrorCode clean_shared_tags (std::vector< Range * > &exchange_ents)
ErrorCode pack_buffer (Range &orig_ents, const bool adjacencies, const bool tags, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, Buffer *buff, TupleList *entprocs=NULL, Range *allsent=NULL)
 public 'cuz we want to unit test these externally
ErrorCode unpack_buffer (unsigned char *buff_ptr, const bool store_remote_handles, const int from_proc, const int ind, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents, const bool created_iface=false)
ErrorCode pack_entities (Range &entities, Buffer *buff, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, const bool is_iface, TupleList *entprocs=NULL, Range *allsent=NULL)
ErrorCode unpack_entities (unsigned char *&buff_ptr, const bool store_remote_handles, const int from_ind, const bool is_iface, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hloc, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &L1hrem, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &L1p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents, const bool created_iface=false)
 unpack entities in buff_ptr
ErrorCode check_all_shared_handles (bool print_em=false)
ErrorCode pack_shared_handles (std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &send_data)
ErrorCode check_local_shared ()
ErrorCode check_my_shared_handles (std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &shents, const char *prefix=NULL)
void set_rank (unsigned int r)
 set rank for this pcomm; USED FOR TESTING ONLY!
void set_size (unsigned int r)
 set rank for this pcomm; USED FOR TESTING ONLY!
int get_buffers (int to_proc, bool *is_new=NULL)
const std::vector< unsigned int > & buff_procs () const
 get buff processor vector
ErrorCode unpack_remote_handles (unsigned int from_proc, unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p)
ErrorCode pack_remote_handles (std::vector< EntityHandle > &L1hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L1hrem, std::vector< int > &procs, unsigned int to_proc, Buffer *buff)
ErrorCode create_interface_sets (std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs)
ErrorCode create_interface_sets (EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim, int shared_dim)
ErrorCode tag_shared_verts (TupleList &shared_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs, Range &proc_verts, unsigned int i_extra=1)
ErrorCode list_entities (const EntityHandle *ents, int num_ents)
ErrorCode list_entities (const Range &ents)
void set_send_request (int n_request)
void set_recv_request (int n_request)
void reset_all_buffers ()
 reset message buffers to their initial state
void set_debug_verbosity (int verb)
 set the verbosity level of output from this pcomm
int get_debug_verbosity ()
 get the verbosity level of output from this pcomm
ErrorCode gather_data (Range &gather_ents, Tag &tag_handle, Tag id_tag=0, EntityHandle gather_set=0, int root_proc_rank=0)
ErrorCode settle_intersection_points (Range &edges, Range &shared_edges_owned, std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > * > &extraNodesVec, double tolerance)

Static Public Member Functions

static ParallelCommget_pcomm (Interface *impl, const int index)
 get the indexed pcomm object from the interface
static ParallelCommget_pcomm (Interface *impl, EntityHandle partitioning, const MPI_Comm *comm=0)
 get the indexed pcomm object from the interface
static ErrorCode get_all_pcomm (Interface *impl, std::vector< ParallelComm * > &list)
static ErrorCode exchange_ghost_cells (ParallelComm **pc, unsigned int num_procs, int ghost_dim, int bridge_dim, int num_layers, int addl_ents, bool store_remote_handles, EntityHandle *file_sets=NULL)
 Static version of exchange_ghost_cells, exchanging info through buffers rather than messages.
static ErrorCode resolve_shared_ents (ParallelComm **pc, const unsigned int np, EntityHandle this_set, const int to_dim)
static Tag pcomm_tag (Interface *impl, bool create_if_missing=true)
 return pcomm tag; passes in impl 'cuz this is a static function
static ErrorCode check_all_shared_handles (ParallelComm **pcs, int num_pcs)

Static Public Attributes

static unsigned char PROC_SHARED
static unsigned char PROC_OWNER
static const unsigned int INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE = 1024

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode reduce_void (int tag_data_type, const MPI_Op mpi_op, int num_ents, void *old_vals, void *new_vals)
template<class T >
ErrorCode reduce (const MPI_Op mpi_op, int num_ents, void *old_vals, void *new_vals)
void print_debug_isend (int from, int to, unsigned char *buff, int tag, int size)
void print_debug_irecv (int to, int from, unsigned char *buff, int size, int tag, int incoming)
void print_debug_recd (MPI_Status status)
void print_debug_waitany (std::vector< MPI_Request > &reqs, int tag, int proc)
void initialize ()
ErrorCode set_sharing_data (EntityHandle ent, unsigned char pstatus, int old_nump, int new_nump, int *ps, EntityHandle *hs)
ErrorCode check_clean_iface (Range &allsent)
void define_mpe ()
ErrorCode get_sent_ents (const bool is_iface, const int bridge_dim, const int ghost_dim, const int num_layers, const int addl_ents, Range *sent_ents, Range &allsent, TupleList &entprocs)
ErrorCode set_pstatus_entities (Range &pstatus_ents, unsigned char pstatus_val, bool lower_dim_ents=false, bool verts_too=true, int operation=Interface::UNION)
 Set pstatus values on entities.
ErrorCode set_pstatus_entities (EntityHandle *pstatus_ents, int num_ents, unsigned char pstatus_val, bool lower_dim_ents=false, bool verts_too=true, int operation=Interface::UNION)
 Set pstatus values on entities (vector-based function)
int num_subranges (const Range &this_range)
int estimate_ents_buffer_size (Range &entities, const bool store_remote_handles)
 estimate size required to pack entities
int estimate_sets_buffer_size (Range &entities, const bool store_remote_handles)
 estimate size required to pack sets
ErrorCode send_buffer (const unsigned int to_proc, Buffer *send_buff, const int msg_tag, MPI_Request &send_req, MPI_Request &ack_recv_req, int *ack_buff, int &this_incoming, int next_mesg_tag=-1, Buffer *next_recv_buff=NULL, MPI_Request *next_recv_req=NULL, int *next_incoming=NULL)
 send the indicated buffer, possibly sending size first
ErrorCode recv_buffer (int mesg_tag_expected, const MPI_Status &mpi_status, Buffer *recv_buff, MPI_Request &recv_2nd_req, MPI_Request &ack_req, int &this_incoming, Buffer *send_buff, MPI_Request &send_req, MPI_Request &sent_ack_req, bool &done, Buffer *next_buff=NULL, int next_tag=-1, MPI_Request *next_req=NULL, int *next_incoming=NULL)
ErrorCode pack_entity_seq (const int nodes_per_entity, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc, Range &these_ents, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, Buffer *buff)
ErrorCode print_buffer (unsigned char *buff_ptr, int mesg_type, int from_proc, bool sent)
ErrorCode unpack_iface_entities (unsigned char *&buff_ptr, const int from_proc, const int ind, std::vector< EntityHandle > &recd_ents)
ErrorCode pack_sets (Range &entities, Buffer *buff, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc)
ErrorCode unpack_sets (unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc)
ErrorCode pack_adjacencies (Range &entities, Range::const_iterator &start_rit, Range &whole_range, unsigned char *&buff_ptr, int &count, const bool just_count, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc)
ErrorCode unpack_adjacencies (unsigned char *&buff_ptr, Range &entities, const bool store_handles, const int from_proc)
ErrorCode unpack_remote_handles (unsigned int from_proc, const unsigned char *buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p)
ErrorCode find_existing_entity (const bool is_iface, const int owner_p, const EntityHandle owner_h, const int num_ents, const EntityHandle *connect, const int num_connect, const EntityType this_type, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hloc, std::vector< EntityHandle > &L2hrem, std::vector< unsigned int > &L2p, EntityHandle &new_h)
 given connectivity and type, find an existing entity, if there is one
ErrorCode build_sharedhps_list (const EntityHandle entity, const unsigned char pstatus, const int sharedp, const std::set< unsigned int > &procs, unsigned int &num_ents, int *tmp_procs, EntityHandle *tmp_handles)
ErrorCode get_tag_send_list (const Range &all_entities, std::vector< Tag > &all_tags, std::vector< Range > &tag_ranges)
 Get list of tags for which to exchange data.
ErrorCode pack_tags (Range &entities, const std::vector< Tag > &src_tags, const std::vector< Tag > &dst_tags, const std::vector< Range > &tag_ranges, Buffer *buff, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc)
 Serialize entity tag data.
ErrorCode packed_tag_size (Tag source_tag, const Range &entities, int &count_out)
 Calculate buffer size required to packtag data.
ErrorCode pack_tag (Tag source_tag, Tag destination_tag, const Range &entities, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &whole_range, Buffer *buff, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc)
 Serialize tag data.
ErrorCode unpack_tags (unsigned char *&buff_ptr, std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const bool store_handles, const int to_proc, const MPI_Op *const mpi_op=NULL)
ErrorCode tag_shared_verts (TupleList &shared_verts, Range *skin_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs, Range &proc_verts)
ErrorCode get_proc_nvecs (int resolve_dim, int shared_dim, Range *skin_ents, std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &proc_nvecs)
ErrorCode create_iface_pc_links ()
ErrorCode pack_range_map (Range &this_range, EntityHandle actual_start, HandleMap &handle_map)
bool is_iface_proc (EntityHandle this_set, int to_proc)
 returns true if the set is an interface shared with to_proc
ErrorCode update_iface_sets (Range &sent_ents, std::vector< EntityHandle > &remote_handles, int from_proc)
ErrorCode get_ghosted_entities (int bridge_dim, int ghost_dim, int to_proc, int num_layers, int addl_ents, Range &ghosted_ents)
ErrorCode add_verts (Range &sent_ents)
 add vertices adjacent to entities in this list
ErrorCode exchange_all_shared_handles (std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &send_data, std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &result)
ErrorCode get_remote_handles (const bool store_remote_handles, EntityHandle *from_vec, EntityHandle *to_vec_tmp, int num_ents, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents)
ErrorCode get_remote_handles (const bool store_remote_handles, const Range &from_range, Range &to_range, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents)
ErrorCode get_remote_handles (const bool store_remote_handles, const Range &from_range, EntityHandle *to_vec, int to_proc, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents)
 same as other version, except packs range into vector
ErrorCode get_local_handles (EntityHandle *from_vec, int num_ents, const Range &new_ents)
ErrorCode get_local_handles (const Range &remote_handles, Range &local_handles, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents)
 same as above except puts results in range
ErrorCode get_local_handles (EntityHandle *from_vec, int num_ents, const std::vector< EntityHandle > &new_ents)
 same as above except gets new_ents from vector
ErrorCode update_remote_data (Range &local_range, Range &remote_range, int other_proc, const unsigned char add_pstat)
ErrorCode update_remote_data (const EntityHandle new_h, const int *ps, const EntityHandle *hs, const int num_ps, const unsigned char add_pstat)
ErrorCode update_remote_data_old (const EntityHandle new_h, const int *ps, const EntityHandle *hs, const int num_ps, const unsigned char add_pstat)
ErrorCode tag_iface_entities ()
 Set pstatus tag interface bit on entities in sets passed in.
int add_pcomm (ParallelComm *pc)
 add a pc to the iface instance tag PARALLEL_COMM
void remove_pcomm (ParallelComm *pc)
 remove a pc from the iface instance tag PARALLEL_COMM
ErrorCode check_sent_ents (Range &allsent)
ErrorCode assign_entities_part (std::vector< EntityHandle > &entities, const int proc)
 assign entities to the input processor part
ErrorCode remove_entities_part (Range &entities, const int proc)
 remove entities to the input processor part
void delete_all_buffers ()
 reset message buffers to their initial state

Private Attributes

 MB interface associated with this writer.
ProcConfig procConfig
 Proc config object, keeps info on parallel stuff.
 Sequence manager, to get more efficient access to entities.
 Error handler.
std::vector< Buffer * > localOwnedBuffs
 more data buffers, proc-specific
std::vector< Buffer * > remoteOwnedBuffs
std::vector< MPI_Request > sendReqs
 request objects, may be used if store_remote_handles is used
std::vector< MPI_Request > recvReqs
 receive request objects
std::vector< MPI_Request > recvRemotehReqs
std::vector< unsigned int > buffProcs
 processor rank for each buffer index
Range partitionSets
 the partition, interface sets for this comm'n instance
Range interfaceSets
std::vector< EntityHandlesharedEnts
 all local entities shared with others, whether ghost or ghosted
Tag sharedpTag
 tags used to save sharing procs and handles
Tag sharedpsTag
Tag sharedhTag
Tag sharedhsTag
Tag pstatusTag
Tag ifaceSetsTag
Tag partitionTag
int globalPartCount
 Cache of global part count.
EntityHandle partitioningSet
 entity set containing all parts
std::ofstream myFile
int pcommID
int ackbuff
 used to set verbosity level and to report output
 Data about shared sets.


class ParallelMergeMesh

Detailed Description

Parallel communications in MOAB.

Tim Tautges

This class implements methods to communicate mesh between processors

DeformMeshRemap.cpp, HelloParMOAB.cpp, LloydRelaxation.cpp, and ReduceExchangeTags.cpp.

Definition at line 53 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moab::ParallelComm::ParallelComm ( Interface impl,
MPI_Comm  comm,
int *  pcomm_id_out = 0 


Definition at line 292 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    : mbImpl(impl), procConfig(cm),
      sharedpTag(0), sharedpsTag(0), 
      sharedhTag(0), sharedhsTag(0), pstatusTag(0), ifaceSetsTag(0),
      partitionTag(0), globalPartCount(-1), partitioningSet(0), 
      sharedSetData( new SharedSetData(*impl,procConfig.proc_rank()) )
    if (id)
      *id = pcommID;
moab::ParallelComm::ParallelComm ( Interface impl,
std::vector< unsigned char > &  tmp_buff,
MPI_Comm  comm,
int *  pcomm_id_out = 0 

constructor taking packed buffer, for testing

Definition at line 306 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    : mbImpl(impl), procConfig(cm),
      sharedpTag(0), sharedpsTag(0), 
      sharedhTag(0), sharedhsTag(0), pstatusTag(0), ifaceSetsTag(0),
      partitionTag(0), globalPartCount(-1), partitioningSet(0),
      sharedSetData( new SharedSetData(*impl,procConfig.proc_rank()) )
    if (id)
      *id = pcommID;


Definition at line 323 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    delete myDebug;
    delete sharedSetData;

Member Function Documentation

add a pc to the iface instance tag PARALLEL_COMM

Definition at line 358 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // add this pcomm to instance tag
    std::vector<ParallelComm *> pc_array(MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 
    Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag(mbImpl, true);
    assert(0 != pc_tag);
    const EntityHandle root = 0;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result && MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result) 
      return -1;
    int index = 0;
    while (index < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && pc_array[index]) index++;
    if (index == MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
      index = -1;
    else {
      pc_array[index] = pc;
      mbImpl->tag_set_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0]);
    return index;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::add_verts ( Range sent_ents) [private]

add vertices adjacent to entities in this list

Definition at line 7001 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // get the verts adj to these entities, since we'll have to send those too

    // first check sets
    std::pair<Range::const_iterator, Range::const_iterator>
      set_range = sent_ents.equal_range(MBENTITYSET);
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;
    for (Range::const_iterator rit = set_range.first; rit != set_range.second; rit++) {
      tmp_result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type(*rit, MBVERTEX, sent_ents);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) result = tmp_result;
    RRA("Failed to get contained verts.");
    // now non-sets
    Range tmp_ents;
    std::copy(sent_ents.begin(), set_range.first, range_inserter(tmp_ents));
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_ents, 0, false, sent_ents,
    RRA("Couldn't get vertices adj to ghosted ents.");

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::assign_entities_part ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  entities,
const int  proc 
) [private]

assign entities to the input processor part

Definition at line 6793 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    EntityHandle part_set;
    ErrorCode result = get_part_handle(proc, part_set);
    RRA(" Failed to get part handle.");

    if (part_set > 0) {
      result = mbImpl->add_entities(part_set, &entities[0], entities.size());
      RRA(" Failed to add entities to part set.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::assign_global_ids ( EntityHandle  this_set,
const int  dimension,
const int  start_id = 1,
const bool  largest_dim_only = true,
const bool  parallel = true,
const bool  owned_only = false 

assign a global id space, for largest-dimension or all entities (and in either case for vertices too)

owned_onlyIf true, do not get global IDs for non-owned entities from remote processors.

assign a global id space, for largest-dimension or all entities (and in either case for vertices too)

Definition at line 404 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Range entities[4];
    ErrorCode result;
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus;
    for (int dim = 0; dim <= dimension; dim++) {
      if (dim == 0 || !largest_dim_only || dim == dimension) {
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, dim, entities[dim]); 
        RRA("Failed to get vertices in assign_global_ids.");

      // need to filter out non-locally-owned entities!!!
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), entities[dim], &pstatus[0]);
      RRA("Failed to get pstatus in assign_global_ids.");
      Range dum_range;
      Range::iterator rit;
      unsigned int i;
      for (rit = entities[dim].begin(), i = 0; rit != entities[dim].end(); rit++, i++)
        if (pstatus[i] & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)
      entities[dim] = subtract( entities[dim], dum_range);
    return assign_global_ids(entities, dimension, start_id, parallel, owned_only);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::assign_global_ids ( Range  entities[],
const int  dimension,
const int  start_id,
const bool  parallel,
const bool  owned_only 

assign a global id space, for largest-dimension or all entities (and in either case for vertices too)

Definition at line 439 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int local_num_elements[4];
    ErrorCode result;
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus;
    for (int dim = 0; dim <= dimension; dim++) {
      local_num_elements[dim] = entities[dim].size();
    // communicate numbers
    std::vector<int> num_elements(procConfig.proc_size()*4);
#ifdef USE_MPI
    if (procConfig.proc_size() > 1 && parallel) {
      int retval = MPI_Allgather(local_num_elements, 4, MPI_INT,
                                 &num_elements[0], 4, 
                                 MPI_INT, procConfig.proc_comm());
      if (0 != retval) return MB_FAILURE;
      for (int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++) num_elements[dim] = local_num_elements[dim];
    // my entities start at one greater than total_elems[d]
    int total_elems[4] = {start_id, start_id, start_id, start_id};
    for (unsigned int proc = 0; proc < procConfig.proc_rank(); proc++) {
      for (int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++) total_elems[dim] += num_elements[4*proc + dim];
    //assign global ids now
    Tag gid_tag;
    int zero = 0;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, 
                                    gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &zero);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    for (int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++) {
      if (entities[dim].empty()) continue;
      int i = 0;
      for (Range::iterator rit = entities[dim].begin(); rit != entities[dim].end(); rit++)
        num_elements[i++] = total_elems[dim]++;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(gid_tag, entities[dim], &num_elements[0]); 
      RRA("Failed to set global id tag in assign_global_ids.");
    if (owned_only)
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // Exchange tags
    for (int dim = 1; dim < 4; dim++) 
      entities[0].merge( entities[dim] );
    return exchange_tags( gid_tag, entities[0] );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::broadcast_entities ( const int  from_proc,
Range entities,
const bool  adjacencies = false,
const bool  tags = true 

Broadcast all entities resident on from_proc to other processors This function assumes remote handles are *not* being stored, since (usually) every processor will know about the whole mesh.

from_procProcessor having the mesh to be broadcast
entitiesOn return, the entities sent or received in this call
adjacenciesIf true, adjacencies are sent for equiv entities (currently unsupported)
tagsIf true, all non-default-valued tags are sent for sent entities

Definition at line 520 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int success;
    int buff_size;

    Buffer buff(INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE);
    if ((int)procConfig.proc_rank() == from_proc) {
      result = add_verts(entities);
      RRA("Failed to add adj vertices.");

      result = pack_buffer( entities, adjacencies, tags, 
                            false, -1, &buff); 
      RRA("Failed to compute buffer size in broadcast_entities.");
      buff_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr;

    success = MPI_Bcast( &buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("MPI_Bcast of buffer size failed.");
    if (!buff_size) // no data
      return MB_SUCCESS;

    if ((int)procConfig.proc_rank() != from_proc) 

    size_t offset = 0;
    while (buff_size) {
      int sz = std::min( buff_size, MAX_BCAST_SIZE );
      success = MPI_Bcast(buff.mem_ptr+offset, sz, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("MPI_Bcast of buffer failed.");
      offset += sz;
      buff_size -= sz;

    if ((int)procConfig.proc_rank() != from_proc) {
      std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > dum1a, dum1b;
      std::vector<std::vector<int> > dum1p;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> dum2, dum4;
      std::vector<unsigned int> dum3;
      result = unpack_buffer(buff.buff_ptr, false, from_proc, -1, 
                             dum1a, dum1b, dum1p, dum2, dum2, dum3, dum4);
      RRA("Failed to unpack buffer in broadcast_entities.");
      std::copy(dum4.begin(), dum4.end(), range_inserter(entities));

    return MB_SUCCESS;
const std::vector< unsigned int > & moab::ParallelComm::buff_procs ( ) const [inline]

get buff processor vector

Definition at line 1500 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    return buffProcs;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::build_sharedhps_list ( const EntityHandle  entity,
const unsigned char  pstatus,
const int  sharedp,
const std::set< unsigned int > &  procs,
unsigned int &  num_ents,
int *  tmp_procs,
EntityHandle tmp_handles 
) [private]

Definition at line 1595 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    num_ents = 0;
    unsigned char pstat;
    ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data(entity, tmp_procs, tmp_handles,
                                        pstat, num_ents);
    RRA("Failed in get_sharing_data.");
    assert(pstat == pstatus);
    // build shared proc/handle lists
    // start with multi-shared, since if it is the owner will be first
    if (pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) {
    else if (pstatus & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) {
      // if not multishared and not owned, other sharing proc is owner, put that
      // one first
      assert("If not owned, I should be shared too" &&
             pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED &&
             num_ents == 1);
      tmp_procs[1] = procConfig.proc_rank();
      tmp_handles[1] = entity;
      num_ents = 2;
    else if (pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED) {
      // if not multishared and owned, I'm owner
      assert("shared and owned, should be only 1 sharing proc" &&
             1 == num_ents);
      tmp_procs[1] = tmp_procs[0];
      tmp_procs[0] = procConfig.proc_rank();
      tmp_handles[1] = tmp_handles[0];
      tmp_handles[0] = entity;
      num_ents = 2;
    else {
      // not shared yet, just add owner (me)
      tmp_procs[0] = procConfig.proc_rank();
      tmp_handles[0] = entity;
      num_ents = 1;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    int tmp_ps = num_ents;
    // now add others, with zero handle for now
    for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator sit = procs.begin();
         sit != procs.end(); sit++) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
      if (tmp_ps && std::find(tmp_procs, tmp_procs+tmp_ps, *sit) != tmp_procs+tmp_ps) {
        std::cerr << "Trouble with something already in shared list on proc " << procConfig.proc_rank()
                  << ".  Entity:" << std::endl;
        list_entities(&entity, 1);
        std::cerr << "pstatus = " << (int) pstatus << ", sharedp = " << sharedp << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "tmp_ps = ";
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp_ps; i++) std::cerr << tmp_procs[i] << " ";
        std::cerr << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "procs = ";
        for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator sit2 = procs.begin(); sit2 != procs.end(); sit2++) 
          std::cerr << *sit2 << " ";
      tmp_procs[num_ents] = *sit;
      tmp_handles[num_ents] = 0;

    // put -1 after procs and 0 after handles
    if (MAX_SHARING_PROCS > num_ents) {
      tmp_procs[num_ents] = -1;
      tmp_handles[num_ents] = 0;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Call exchange_all_shared_handles, then compare the results with tag data on local shared entities.

Definition at line 8252 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // get all shared ent data from other procs
    std::vector<std::vector<SharedEntityData> > shents(buffProcs.size()),
    ErrorCode result;
    bool done = false;
    while (!done) {
      result = check_local_shared();
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        done = true;
      result = pack_shared_handles(send_data);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        done = true;
      result = exchange_all_shared_handles(send_data, shents);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        done = true;
      if (!shents.empty()) 
        result = check_my_shared_handles(shents);
      done = true;
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result && print_em) {
      std::ostringstream ent_str;
      ent_str << "mesh." << procConfig.proc_rank() << ".h5m";
    return result;

Definition at line 8400 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<SharedEntityData> > > shents, send_data;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;

    // get all shared ent data from each proc to all other procs
    for (int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++) {
      tmp_result = pcs[p]->pack_shared_handles(send_data[p]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) result = tmp_result;
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

    // move the data sorted by sending proc to data sorted by receiving proc
    for (int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++)
    for (int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++) {
      for (unsigned int idx_p = 0; idx_p < pcs[p]->buffProcs.size(); idx_p++) {
        // move send_data[p][to_p] to shents[to_p][idx_p]
        int to_p = pcs[p]->buffProcs[idx_p];
        int top_idx_p = pcs[to_p]->get_buffers(p);
        assert(-1 != top_idx_p);
        shents[to_p][top_idx_p] = send_data[p][idx_p];
    for (int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++) {
      std::ostringstream ostr;
      ostr << "Processor " << p << " bad entities:";
      tmp_result = pcs[p]->check_my_shared_handles(shents[p], ostr.str().c_str());
      if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) result = tmp_result;
    return result;

Definition at line 5768 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // allsent is all entities I think are on interface; go over them, looking
    // for zero-valued handles, and fix any I find

    // Keep lists of entities for which teh sharing data changed, grouped
    // by set of sharing procs.
    typedef std::map< ProcList, Range > procmap_t;
    procmap_t old_procs, new_procs;

    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    Range::iterator rit;
    Range::reverse_iterator rvit;
    unsigned char pstatus;
    int nump;
    ProcList sharedp;
    EntityHandle sharedh[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    for (rvit = allsent.rbegin(); rvit != allsent.rend(); rvit++) {
      result = get_sharing_data(*rvit, sharedp.procs, sharedh, pstatus, nump);
      assert("Should be shared with at least one other proc" && 
             (nump > 1 || sharedp.procs[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank()));
      assert(nump == MAX_SHARING_PROCS || sharedp.procs[nump] == -1);

      // look for first null handle in list
      int idx = std::find( sharedh, sharedh+nump, (EntityHandle)0 ) - sharedh;
      if (idx == nump)
        continue; // all handles are valid
      ProcList old_list( sharedp );
      std::sort( old_list.procs, old_list.procs + nump );
      old_procs[old_list].insert( *rvit );
      // remove null handles and corresponding proc ranks from lists
      int new_nump = idx;
      bool removed_owner = !idx;
      for (++idx; idx < nump; ++idx) {
        if (sharedh[idx]) {
          sharedh[new_nump] = sharedh[idx];
          sharedp.procs[new_nump] = sharedp.procs[idx];
      sharedp.procs[new_nump] = -1;
      if (removed_owner && new_nump > 1) {
        // The proc that we choose as the entity owner isn't sharing the
        // entity (doesn't have a copy of it).  We need to pick a different
        // owner.  Choose the proc with lowest rank.
        idx = std::min_element( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs+new_nump ) - sharedp.procs;
        std::swap( sharedp.procs[0], sharedp.procs[idx] );
        std::swap( sharedh[0], sharedh[idx] );
        if (sharedp.procs[0] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
          pstatus &= ~PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;

      result = set_sharing_data(*rvit, pstatus, nump, new_nump, sharedp.procs, sharedh);

      if (new_nump > 1) {
        if (new_nump == 2) {
          if (sharedp.procs[1] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank()) {
            assert(sharedp.procs[0] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank());
            sharedp.procs[0] = sharedp.procs[1];
          sharedp.procs[1] = -1;
        else {
          std::sort( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs + new_nump );
        new_procs[sharedp].insert( *rvit );
    if (old_procs.empty()) {
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // update interface sets
    procmap_t::iterator pmit;
    //std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus_list;
    rit = interface_sets().begin();
    while (rit != interface_sets().end()) {
      result = get_sharing_data( *rit, sharedp.procs, sharedh, pstatus, nump );
      RRA("problems getting sharing data for interface set");
      assert( nump != 2 );
      std::sort( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs + nump );
      assert(nump == MAX_SHARING_PROCS || sharedp.procs[nump] == -1);
      pmit = old_procs.find( sharedp );
      if (pmit != old_procs.end()) {
        result = mbImpl->remove_entities( *rit, pmit->second ); RRA("");
      pmit = new_procs.find( sharedp );
      if (pmit == new_procs.end()) {
        int count;
        result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_handle( *rit, count ); RRA("");
        if (!count) {
          result = mbImpl->delete_entities( &*rit, 1 ); RRA("");
          rit = interface_sets().erase( rit );
        else {  
      else {
        result = mbImpl->add_entities( *rit, pmit->second ); RRA("");

        // remove those that we've processed so that we know which ones
        // are new.
        new_procs.erase( pmit );
    // create interface sets for new proc id combinations
    std::fill( sharedh, sharedh + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0);
    for (pmit = new_procs.begin(); pmit != new_procs.end(); ++pmit) {
      EntityHandle new_set;
      result = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, new_set); 
      RRA("Failed to create interface set.");

      // add entities
      result = mbImpl->add_entities(new_set, pmit->second); 
      RRA("Failed to add entities to interface set.");
      // tag set with the proc rank(s)
      assert(pmit->first.procs[0] >= 0);
      if (pmit->first.procs[1] == -1) {
        int other = pmit->first.procs[0];
        assert(other != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &new_set, 1, pmit->first.procs); 
        RRA("Failed to tag interface set with procs.");
        sharedh[0] = 0;
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &new_set, 1, sharedh); 
        RRA("Failed to tag interface set with procs.");
        if (other < (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
          pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
      else {
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedps_tag(), &new_set, 1, pmit->first.procs );
        RRA("Failed to tag interface set with procs.");
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedhs_tag(), &new_set, 1, sharedh); 
        RRA("Failed to tag interface set with procs.");
        pstatus |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
        if (pmit->first.procs[0] < (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
          pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), &new_set, 1, &pstatus); 
      RRA("Failed to tag interface set with pstatus.");
      // set pstatus on all interface entities in set
      result = mbImpl->tag_clear_data(pstatus_tag(), pmit->second, &pstatus );
      RRA("Failed to tag interface entities with pstatus.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::check_global_ids ( EntityHandle  this_set,
const int  dimension,
const int  start_id = 1,
const bool  largest_dim_only = true,
const bool  parallel = true,
const bool  owned_only = false 

check for global ids; based only on tag handle being there or not; if it's not there, create them for the specified dimensions

owned_onlyIf true, do not get global IDs for non-owned entities from remote processors.

Definition at line 5045 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // global id tag
    Tag gid_tag; int def_val = -1;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                              gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val);
    if (MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED != result &&
        MB_SUCCESS != result) {
      RRA("Failed to create/get gid tag handle.");

    Range dum_range;
    if (MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED == result) {
      void *tag_ptr = &def_val;
      ErrorCode tmp_result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(this_set, MBVERTEX, 
                                                                  &gid_tag, &tag_ptr, 1,
      if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) {
        result = tmp_result;
        RRA("Failed to get gid tag.");
    if (MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED != result || !dum_range.empty()) {
      // just created it, so we need global ids
      result = assign_global_ids(this_set, dimension, start_id, largest_dim_only,
      RRA("Failed assigning global ids.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 8294 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // do some local checks on shared entities to make sure things look
    // consistent

    // check that non-vertex shared entities are shared by same procs as all
    // their vertices
    //std::pair<Range::const_iterator,Range::const_iterator> vert_it =
    //    sharedEnts.equal_range(MBVERTEX);
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_connect;
    const EntityHandle *connect;
    int num_connect;
    int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle tmp_hs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::set<int> tmp_set, vset;
    int num_ps;
    ErrorCode result;
    unsigned char pstat;
    Range bad_ents;
    std::vector<std::string> errors;
    std::string dum_err;
    std::vector<EntityHandle>::const_iterator vit;
    for (vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); vit++) {

      // get sharing procs for this ent
      result = get_sharing_data(*vit, tmp_procs, tmp_hs, pstat, num_ps);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        errors.push_back(std::string("Failure getting sharing data."));

      bool bad = false;
      // entity must be shared
      if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED))
        errors.push_back(std::string("Entity should be shared but isn't.")), bad = true;

      // if entity is not owned this must not be first proc
      if (pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && tmp_procs[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank())
        errors.push_back(std::string("Entity not owned but is first proc.")), bad = true;

      // if entity is owned and multishared, this must be first proc
      if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) && pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED && 
          (tmp_procs[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() || tmp_hs[0] != *vit))
        errors.push_back(std::string("Entity owned and multishared but not first proc or not first handle.")), bad = true;

      if (bad) {
      EntityType type = mbImpl->type_from_handle(*vit);
      if (type == MBVERTEX || type == MBENTITYSET) continue;

      // copy element's procs to vset and save size
      int orig_ps = num_ps; vset.clear(); 
      std::copy(tmp_procs, tmp_procs+num_ps, std::inserter(vset, vset.begin()));
      // get vertices for this ent and intersection of sharing procs
      result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*vit, connect, num_connect, false, &dum_connect);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        errors.push_back(std::string("Couldn't get connectivity."));
      for (int i = 0; i < num_connect; i++) {
        result = get_sharing_data(connect[i], tmp_procs, NULL, pstat, num_ps);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {bad_ents.insert(*vit); continue;}
        if (!num_ps) {vset.clear(); break;}
        std::sort(tmp_procs, tmp_procs+num_ps);
        std::set_intersection(tmp_procs, tmp_procs+num_ps,
                              vset.begin(), vset.end(), std::inserter(tmp_set, tmp_set.end()));
        if (vset.empty()) break;
      // intersect them; should be the same size as orig_ps
      std::set_intersection(tmp_procs, tmp_procs+num_ps,
                            vset.begin(), vset.end(), std::inserter(tmp_set, tmp_set.end()));
      if (orig_ps != (int)tmp_set.size()) {
        errors.push_back(std::string("Vertex proc set not same size as entity proc set."));
    if (!bad_ents.empty()) {
      std::cout << "Found bad entities in check_local_shared, proc rank "
                << procConfig.proc_rank() << "," << std::endl;
      std::vector<std::string>::iterator sit;
      Range::iterator rit;
      for (rit = bad_ents.begin(), sit = errors.begin(); rit != bad_ents.end(); rit++, sit++) {
        list_entities(&(*rit), 1);
        std::cout << "Reason: " << *sit << std::endl;
      return MB_FAILURE;

    // to do: check interface sets

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::check_my_shared_handles ( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &  shents,
const char *  prefix = NULL 

Definition at line 8439 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // now check against what I think data should be
    // get all shared entities
    ErrorCode result;
    Range all_shared;
    std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(all_shared));
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_vec;
    all_shared.erase(all_shared.upper_bound(MBPOLYHEDRON), all_shared.end());

    Range bad_ents, local_shared;
    std::vector<SharedEntityData>::iterator vit;
    unsigned char tmp_pstat;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shents.size(); i++) {
      int other_proc = buffProcs[i];
      result = get_shared_entities(other_proc, local_shared);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
      for (vit = shents[i].begin(); vit != shents[i].end(); vit++) {
        EntityHandle localh = vit->local, remoteh = vit->remote, dumh;
        result = get_remote_handles(true, &localh, &dumh, 1, other_proc, dum_vec);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result || dumh != remoteh) 
        result = get_pstatus(localh, tmp_pstat);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result ||
            (!tmp_pstat&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && vit->owner != rank()) ||
            (tmp_pstat&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && vit->owner == rank()))

      if (!local_shared.empty()) 
    if (!bad_ents.empty()) {
      if (prefix)
        std::cout << prefix << std::endl;
      return MB_FAILURE;

    else return MB_SUCCESS;

check entities to make sure there are no zero-valued remote handles where they shouldn't be

Definition at line 6821 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // check entities to make sure there are no zero-valued remote handles
    // where they shouldn't be
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstat(allsent.size());
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), allsent, &pstat[0]);
    RRA("Trouble getting pstatus.");
    std::vector<EntityHandle> handles(allsent.size());
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedh_tag(), allsent, &handles[0]);
    RRA("Trouble getting shared handles.");
    std::vector<int> procs(allsent.size());
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), allsent, &procs[0]);
    RRA("Trouble getting shared procs.");

    Range bad_entities;
    Range::iterator rit;
    unsigned int i;
    EntityHandle dum_hs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int dum_ps[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    for (rit = allsent.begin(), i = 0; rit != allsent.end(); rit++, i++) {
      if (-1 != procs[i] && 0 == handles[i]) bad_entities.insert(*rit);
      else {
        // might be multi-shared...
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &(*rit), 1, dum_ps);
        if (MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == result) continue;
        RRA("Trouble getting sharedps.");
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedhs_tag(), &(*rit), 1, dum_hs);
        RRA("Trouble getting sharedhs.");

        // find first non-set proc
        int *ns_proc = std::find(dum_ps, dum_ps+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
        int num_procs = ns_proc-dum_ps;
        assert(num_procs <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
        // now look for zero handles in active part of dum_hs
        EntityHandle *ns_handle = std::find(dum_hs, dum_hs+num_procs, 0);
        int num_handles = ns_handle-dum_hs;
        assert(num_handles <= num_procs);
        if (num_handles != num_procs) bad_entities.insert(*rit);
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::clean_shared_tags ( std::vector< Range * > &  exchange_ents)

Definition at line 8525 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < exchange_ents.size(); i++) {
      Range* ents = exchange_ents[i];
      int num_ents = ents->size();
      Range::iterator it = ents->begin();

      for ( int n = 0; n < num_ents; n++ ) {
        int sharing_proc;
        ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), &(*ents->begin()), 1,
        if (result != MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND && sharing_proc == -1) {
          result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedp_tag(), &(*it), 1);
          RRA("Couldn't delete shared processor tag data.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedh_tag(), &(*it), 1);
          RRA("Couldn't delete shared handle tag data.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(pstatus_tag(), &(*it), 1);
          RRA("Couldn't delete pstatus tag data.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 7947 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int count = partition_sets().size();
    globalPartCount = 0;
    int err = MPI_Allreduce( &count, &globalPartCount, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 
                             proc_config().proc_comm() );
    return err ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
MPI_Comm moab::ParallelComm::comm ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 621 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return proc_config().proc_comm(); }

Definition at line 4605 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // now that we've resolved the entities in the iface sets, 
    // set parent/child links between the iface sets

    // first tag all entities in the iface sets
    Tag tmp_iface_tag;
    EntityHandle tmp_iface_set = 0;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("__tmp_iface", 1, MB_TYPE_HANDLE,
                                              tmp_iface_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT,
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) 
      RRA("Failed to create temporary iface set tag.");

    Range iface_ents;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> tag_vals;
    Range::iterator rit;
    for (rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); rit++) {
      // tag entities with interface set
      result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, iface_ents);
      RRA("Couldn't get entities in iface set.");
      if (iface_ents.empty()) continue;
      std::fill(tag_vals.begin(), tag_vals.end(), *rit);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(tmp_iface_tag, iface_ents, &tag_vals[0]); 
      RRA("Failed to tag iface entities with interface set.");
    // now go back through interface sets and add parent/child links
    Range tmp_ents2;
    for (int d = 2; d >= 0; d--) {
      for (rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); rit++) {
        // get entities on this interface
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, iface_ents, true);
        RRA("Couldn't get entities by dimension.");
        if (iface_ents.empty() ||
            mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*iface_ents.rbegin()) != d) continue;

        // get higher-dimensional entities and their interface sets
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&(*iface_ents.begin()), 1, d+1,
                                         false, tmp_ents2);
        RRA("Couldn't get adjacencies for interface sets.");
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tmp_iface_tag, tmp_ents2, &tag_vals[0]);
        RRA("Couldn't get iface set tag for interface sets.");
        // go through and for any on interface make it a parent
        EntityHandle last_set = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tag_vals.size(); i++) {
          if (tag_vals[i] && tag_vals[i] != last_set) {
            result = mbImpl->add_parent_child(tag_vals[i], *rit);
            RRA("Couldn't add parent/child link for interface set.");
            last_set = tag_vals[i];
    // delete the temporary tag
    result = mbImpl->tag_delete(tmp_iface_tag);
    RRA("Couldn't delete tmp iface tag.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::create_interface_sets ( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  proc_nvecs)

Definition at line 4521 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (proc_nvecs.empty()) return MB_SUCCESS;
    int proc_ids[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle proc_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
    ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                            shh_tag, shhs_tag,
    RRA("Trouble getting shared proc tags in create_interface_sets.");
    Range::iterator rit;

    // create interface sets, tag them, and tag their contents with iface set tag
    std::vector<EntityHandle> tag_vals;
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus;
    for (std::map<std::vector<int>,std::vector<EntityHandle> >::iterator vit = proc_nvecs.begin();
         vit != proc_nvecs.end(); vit++) {
      // create the set
      EntityHandle new_set;
      result = mbImpl->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, new_set); 
      RRA("Failed to create interface set.");

      // add entities
      result = mbImpl->add_entities(new_set, &(vit->second)[0], (vit->second).size()); 
      RRA("Failed to add entities to interface set.");
      // tag set with the proc rank(s)
      if (vit->first.size() == 1) {
        assert((vit->first)[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shp_tag, &new_set, 1, 
        proc_handles[0] = 0;
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shh_tag, &new_set, 1, 
      else {
        // pad tag data out to MAX_SHARING_PROCS with -1
        if (vit->first.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
          std::cerr << "Exceeded MAX_SHARING_PROCS for "
                    << CN::EntityTypeName(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(new_set))
                    << ' ' << ID_FROM_HANDLE(new_set) 
                    << " on process " << proc_config().proc_rank()
                    << std::endl;
          MPI_Abort(proc_config().proc_comm(), 66);
        //assert( vit->first.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
        std::copy( vit->first.begin(), vit->first.end(), proc_ids );
        std::fill( proc_ids + vit->first.size(), proc_ids + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shps_tag, &new_set, 1, proc_ids );
        unsigned int ind = std::find(proc_ids, proc_ids+vit->first.size(), procConfig.proc_rank())
          - proc_ids;
        assert(ind < vit->first.size());
        std::fill( proc_handles, proc_handles + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0);
        proc_handles[ind] = new_set;
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shhs_tag, &new_set, 1, proc_handles); 
      RRA("Failed to tag interface set with procs.");
      // get the owning proc, then set the pstatus tag on iface set
      int min_proc = (vit->first)[0];
      unsigned char pval = (PSTATUS_SHARED | PSTATUS_INTERFACE);
      if (min_proc < (int) procConfig.proc_rank()) pval |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
      if (vit->first.size() > 1) pval |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &new_set, 1, &pval); 
      RRA("Failed to tag interface set with pstatus.");

      // tag the vertices with the same thing
      std::vector<EntityHandle> verts;
      for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator v2it = (vit->second).begin(); v2it != (vit->second).end(); v2it++)
        if (mbImpl->type_from_handle(*v2it) == MBVERTEX) verts.push_back(*v2it);
      pstatus.resize(verts.size(), pval);
      if (!verts.empty()) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &verts[0], verts.size(), &pstatus[0]); 
        RRA("Failed to tag interface set vertices with pstatus.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::create_interface_sets ( EntityHandle  this_set,
int  resolve_dim,
int  shared_dim 

Definition at line 4482 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> > proc_nvecs;
    // build up the list of shared entities
    int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    ErrorCode result;
    int nprocs;
    unsigned char pstat;
    for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); vit++) {
      if (shared_dim != -1 && mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*vit) > shared_dim)
      result = get_sharing_data(*vit, procs, handles, pstat, nprocs);
      std::sort(procs, procs+nprocs);
      std::vector<int> tmp_procs(procs, procs + nprocs);
      assert(tmp_procs.size() != 2);
    Skinner skinner(mbImpl);
    Range skin_ents[4];
    result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, resolve_dim, skin_ents[resolve_dim]);
    result = skinner.find_skin(this_set, skin_ents[resolve_dim], false,
                               skin_ents[resolve_dim-1], 0, true, true, true);
    RRA("Failed to find skin.");
    if (shared_dim > 1) {
      result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(skin_ents[resolve_dim-1], resolve_dim-2, true,
                                       skin_ents[resolve_dim-2], Interface::UNION);

    result = get_proc_nvecs(resolve_dim, shared_dim, skin_ents, proc_nvecs);
    return create_interface_sets(proc_nvecs);

Definition at line 7903 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
    globalPartCount = -1;
    // create set representing part
    ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, set_out );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    // set tag on set
    // FIXME: need to assign valid global id
    int val = 0;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( part_tag(), &set_out, 1, &val );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
      mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
      return rval;
    if (get_partitioning()) {
      rval = mbImpl->add_entities( get_partitioning(), &set_out, 1 );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
        mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
        return rval;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParallelComm::define_mpe ( ) [private]

Definition at line 3996 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      // define mpe states used for logging
      int success;
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &IFACE_START, &IFACE_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &GHOST_START, &GHOST_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &SHAREDV_START, &SHAREDV_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &RESOLVE_START, &RESOLVE_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &ENTITIES_START, &ENTITIES_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &RHANDLES_START, &RHANDLES_END);
      MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &OWNED_START, &OWNED_END);
      success = MPE_Describe_state(IFACE_START, IFACE_END, "Resolve interface ents", "green");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(GHOST_START, GHOST_END, "Exchange ghost ents", "red");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(SHAREDV_START, SHAREDV_END, "Resolve interface vertices", "blue");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(RESOLVE_START, RESOLVE_END, "Resolve shared ents", "purple");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(ENTITIES_START, ENTITIES_END, "Exchange shared ents", "yellow");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(RHANDLES_START, RHANDLES_END, "Remote handles", "cyan");
      success = MPE_Describe_state(OWNED_START, OWNED_END, "Exchange owned ents", "black");
void moab::ParallelComm::delete_all_buffers ( ) [inline, private]

reset message buffers to their initial state

delete all buffers, freeing up any memory held by them

Definition at line 1488 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    std::vector<Buffer*>::iterator vit;
    for (vit = localOwnedBuffs.begin(); vit != localOwnedBuffs.end(); vit++)
      delete (*vit);
    for (vit = remoteOwnedBuffs.begin(); vit != remoteOwnedBuffs.end(); vit++)
      delete (*vit);

Definition at line 7933 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
    globalPartCount = -1;
    ErrorCode rval;
    if (get_partitioning()) {
      rval = mbImpl->remove_entities( get_partitioning(), &part_id, 1 );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
    return mbImpl->delete_entities( &part_id, 1 );
int moab::ParallelComm::estimate_ents_buffer_size ( Range entities,
const bool  store_remote_handles 
) [private]

estimate size required to pack entities

Definition at line 1338 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int buff_size = 0;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_connect_vec;
    const EntityHandle *connect;
    int num_connect;

    int num_verts = entities.num_of_type(MBVERTEX);
    // # verts + coords + handles
    buff_size += 2*sizeof(int) + 3*sizeof(double)*num_verts;
    if (store_remote_handles) buff_size += sizeof(EntityHandle)*num_verts;

    // do a rough count by looking at first entity of each type
    for (EntityType t = MBEDGE; t < MBENTITYSET; t++) {
      const Range::iterator rit = entities.lower_bound(t);
      if (TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*rit) != t) continue;
      ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*rit, connect, num_connect, 
                                                  false, &dum_connect_vec);
      RRA("Failed to get connectivity to estimate buffer size.");

      // number, type, nodes per entity
      buff_size += 3*sizeof(int);
      int num_ents = entities.num_of_type(t);
      // connectivity, handle for each ent
      buff_size += (num_connect+1)*sizeof(EntityHandle)*num_ents;

    // extra entity type at end, passed as int
    buff_size += sizeof(int);

    return buff_size;
int moab::ParallelComm::estimate_sets_buffer_size ( Range entities,
const bool  store_remote_handles 
) [private]

estimate size required to pack sets

Definition at line 1373 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // number of sets
    int buff_size = sizeof(int);
    // do a rough count by looking at first entity of each type
    Range::iterator rit = entities.lower_bound(MBENTITYSET);
    ErrorCode result;
    for (; rit != entities.end(); rit++) {
      unsigned int options;
      result = mbImpl->get_meshset_options(*rit, options);
      RRA("Failed to get meshset options.");

      buff_size += sizeof(int);
      Range set_range;
      if (options & MESHSET_SET) {
        // range-based set; count the subranges
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, set_range);
        RRA("Failed to get set entities.");

        // set range
        buff_size += RANGE_SIZE(set_range);
      else if (options & MESHSET_ORDERED) {
        // just get the number of entities in the set
        int num_ents;
        result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_handle(*rit, num_ents);
        RRA("Failed to get number entities in ordered set.");

        // set vec
        buff_size += sizeof(EntityHandle) * num_ents + sizeof(int);

      // get numbers of parents/children
      int num_par, num_ch;
      result = mbImpl->num_child_meshsets(*rit, &num_ch);
      RRA("Failed to get num children.");

      result = mbImpl->num_parent_meshsets(*rit, &num_par);
      RRA("Failed to get num parents.");

      buff_size += (num_ch + num_par) * sizeof(EntityHandle) + 2*sizeof(int);

    return buff_size;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_all_shared_handles ( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &  send_data,
std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &  result 
) [private]

Every processor sends shared entity handle data to every other processor that it shares entities with. Passed back map is all received data, indexed by processor ID. This function is intended to be used for debugging.

Definition at line 8176 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int ierr;
    const int tag = 0;
    const MPI_Comm cm = procConfig.proc_comm();
    const int num_proc = buffProcs.size();
    const std::vector<int> procs( buffProcs.begin(), buffProcs.end() );
    std::vector<MPI_Request> recv_req(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    // set up to receive sizes
    std::vector<int> sizes_send(num_proc), sizes_recv(num_proc);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_proc; ++i) {
      ierr = MPI_Irecv( &sizes_recv[i], 1, MPI_INT, procs[i], tag, cm, &recv_req[i] );
      if (ierr) 
        return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // send sizes
    assert(num_proc == (int)send_data.size());
    sendReqs.resize(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_proc; ++i) {
      sizes_send[i] = send_data[i].size();
      ierr = MPI_Isend( &sizes_send[i], 1, MPI_INT, buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &sendReqs[i] );
      if (ierr) 
        return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // receive sizes
    std::vector<MPI_Status> stat(num_proc);
    ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &recv_req[0], &stat[0] );
    if (ierr)
      return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // wait until all sizes are sent (clean up pending req's)
    ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &sendReqs[0], &stat[0] );
    if (ierr)
      return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // set up to receive data
    for (int i = 0; i < num_proc; ++i) {
      result[i].resize( sizes_recv[i] );
      ierr = MPI_Irecv( &result[i][0], 
                        buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &recv_req[i] );
      if (ierr) 
        return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // send data
    for (int i = 0; i < num_proc; ++i) {
      ierr = MPI_Isend( &send_data[i][0], 
                        buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &sendReqs[i] );
      if (ierr) 
        return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // receive data
    ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &recv_req[0], &stat[0] );
    if (ierr)
      return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    // wait until everything is sent to release send buffers
    ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &sendReqs[0], &stat[0] );
    if (ierr)
      return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_ghost_cells ( int  ghost_dim,
int  bridge_dim,
int  num_layers,
int  addl_ents,
bool  store_remote_handles,
bool  wait_all = true,
EntityHandle file_set = NULL 

Exchange ghost cells with neighboring procs Neighboring processors are those sharing an interface with this processor. All entities of dimension ghost_dim within num_layers of interface, measured going through bridge_dim, are exchanged. See MeshTopoUtil::get_bridge_adjacencies for description of bridge adjacencies. If wait_all is false and store_remote_handles is true, MPI_Request objects are available in the sendReqs[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS] member array, with inactive requests marked as MPI_REQUEST_NULL. If store_remote_handles or wait_all is false, this function returns after all entities have been received and processed.

ghost_dimDimension of ghost entities to be exchanged
bridge_dimDimension of entities used to measure layers from interface
num_layersNumber of layers of ghosts requested
addl_entsDimension of additional adjacent entities to exchange with ghosts, 0 if none
store_remote_handlesIf true, send message with new entity handles to source processor
wait_allIf true, function does not return until all send buffers are cleared.

Definition at line 5201 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      if (!num_layers)
        MPE_Log_event(IFACE_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting interface exchange.");
        MPE_Log_event(GHOST_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting ghost exchange.");

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering exchange_ghost_cells with num_layers = %d\n", num_layers);
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
    // if we're only finding out about existing ents, we have to be storing
    // remote handles too
    assert(num_layers > 0 || store_remote_handles);
    const bool is_iface = !num_layers;

    // get the b-dimensional interface(s) with with_proc, where b = bridge_dim
    int success;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int incoming1 = 0, incoming2 = 0;

    // when this function is called, buffProcs should already have any 
    // communicating procs

    // post ghost irecv's for ghost entities from all communicating procs
#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting entity exchange.");
    // index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
    std::vector<MPI_Request> recv_ent_reqs(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL),
      recv_remoteh_reqs(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator proc_it;
    int ind, p;
    sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    for (ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); 
         proc_it != buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, ind++) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[ind], 
                        remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                        MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming1);
      success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
                          MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange.");
    // get entities to be sent to neighbors

    Range sent_ents[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], allsent, tmp_range;
    TupleList entprocs;
    int dum_ack_buff;
    result = get_sent_ents(is_iface, bridge_dim, ghost_dim, num_layers,
                           addl_ents, sent_ents, allsent, entprocs);
    RRA("get_sent_ents failed.");

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
                     (unsigned long)allsent.size());

    // pack and send ents from this proc to others
    for (p = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); 
         proc_it != buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, p++) {

      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", sent_ents[p].compactness(),
                       (unsigned long)sent_ents[p].size());
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size

      // entities
      result = pack_entities(sent_ents[p], localOwnedBuffs[p], 
                             store_remote_handles, buffProcs[p], is_iface,
                             &entprocs, &allsent); 
      RRA("Packing entities failed.");

      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[p]);

      // send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
      result = send_buffer(*proc_it, localOwnedBuffs[p], 
                           MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[2*p], 
                           recv_ent_reqs[2*p+1], &dum_ack_buff,
                           (!is_iface && store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[p] : NULL),
                           &recv_remoteh_reqs[2*p], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to Isend in ghost exchange.");


    // receive/unpack new entities
    // number of incoming messages for ghosts is the number of procs we 
    // communicate with; for iface, it's the number of those with lower rank
    MPI_Status status;
    std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > recd_ents(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > L1hloc(buffProcs.size()), L1hrem(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > L1p(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<EntityHandle> L2hloc, L2hrem;
    std::vector<unsigned int> L2p;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> new_ents;
    while (incoming1) {
      // wait for all recvs of ghost ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
      // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_ent_reqs, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");

      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;

      // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE,
                           recv_ent_reqs[ind], recv_ent_reqs[ind+1],
                           localOwnedBuffs[ind/2], sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
                           (!is_iface && store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[ind/2] : NULL),
                           &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to receive buffer.");

      if (done) {
        if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
          msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]);

        // message completely received - process buffer that was sent
        result = unpack_entities(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr,
                                 store_remote_handles, ind/2, is_iface,
                                 L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
          std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities.  Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
          print_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind/2], false);
          return result;

        if (recv_ent_reqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
          // post irecv's for remote handles from new proc; shouldn't be iface, 
          // since we know about all procs we share with
          recv_remoteh_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
          for (unsigned int i = recv_ent_reqs.size(); i < 2*buffProcs.size(); i+=2) {
            PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i/2], 
                              localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                              MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, incoming2);
            success = MPI_Irecv(localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                                MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[i/2],
                                MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
            if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              RRA("Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange.");
          recv_ent_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
          sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    // add requests for any new addl procs
    if (recv_ent_reqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
      // shouldn't get here...
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Requests length doesn't match proc count in ghost exchange.");
#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending entity exchange.");
    if (is_iface) {
      // need to check over entities I sent and make sure I received 
      // handles for them from all expected procs; if not, need to clean
      // them up
      result = check_clean_iface(allsent);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;
      // now set the shared/interface tag on non-vertex entities on interface
      result = tag_iface_entities();
      RRA("Failed to tag iface entities.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
      result = check_sent_ents(allsent);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;
      result = check_all_shared_handles(true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;

#ifdef USE_MPE
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
        MPE_Log_event(IFACE_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending interface exchange.");

      // wait if requested
      if (wait_all) {
        if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
          success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
        else {
          MPI_Status mult_status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
          success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], mult_status);
          success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status);
        if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
          result = MB_FAILURE;
          RRA("Failed in waitall in ghost exchange.");

      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size());
      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting exchange_ghost_cells\n");

      return MB_SUCCESS;

    // send local handles for new ghosts to owner, then add
    // those to ghost list for that owner
    for (p = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); 
         proc_it != buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, p++) {

      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size

      result = pack_remote_handles(L1hloc[p], L1hrem[p], L1p[p], *proc_it,
      RRA("Failed to pack remote handles.");

      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[p]);
      result = send_buffer(buffProcs[p], remoteOwnedBuffs[p], 
                           sendReqs[2*p], recv_remoteh_reqs[2*p+1], 
                           &dum_ack_buff, incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to send remote handles.");
    // process remote handles of my ghosteds
    while (incoming2) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_remoteh_reqs, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");
      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter

      bool done = false;
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, 
                           recv_remoteh_reqs[ind], recv_remoteh_reqs[ind+1], incoming2,
                           sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
      RRA("Failed to receive remote handles.");
      if (done) {
        // incoming remote handles
        if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
          msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[ind]);
        result = unpack_remote_handles(buffProcs[ind/2], 
                                       L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p);
        RRA("Failed to unpack remote handles.");
#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles.");
      MPE_Log_event(GHOST_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), 
                    "Ending ghost exchange (still doing checks).");
    // wait if requested
    if (wait_all) {
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
        success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
      else {
        MPI_Status mult_status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
        success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], mult_status);
        success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitall in ghost exchange.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
    result = check_sent_ents(allsent);
    RRA("Failed check on shared entities.");
    result = check_all_shared_handles(true);
    RRA("Failed check on all shared handles.");

    if (file_set && !new_ents.empty()) {
      result = mbImpl->add_entities(*file_set, &new_ents[0], new_ents.size());
      RRA("Failed to add new entities to set.");

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size());
    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting exchange_ghost_cells\n");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_ghost_cells ( ParallelComm **  pc,
unsigned int  num_procs,
int  ghost_dim,
int  bridge_dim,
int  num_layers,
int  addl_ents,
bool  store_remote_handles,
EntityHandle file_sets = NULL 
) [static]

Static version of exchange_ghost_cells, exchanging info through buffers rather than messages.

Definition at line 6086 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // static version of function, exchanging info through buffers rather 
    // than through messages

    // if we're only finding out about existing ents, we have to be storing
    // remote handles too
    assert(num_layers > 0 || store_remote_handles);
    const bool is_iface = !num_layers;
    unsigned int ind;
    ParallelComm *pc;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;

    std::vector<Error*> ehs(num_procs);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) {
      result = pcs[i]->get_moab()->query_interface(ehs[i]);
      assert (MB_SUCCESS == result);
    // when this function is called, buffProcs should already have any 
    // communicating procs

    // get entities to be sent to neighbors

    // done in a separate loop over procs because sometimes later procs 
    // need to add info to earlier procs' messages

    // get entities to be sent to neighbors

    TupleList entprocs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
      pc = pcs[p];
      result = pc->get_sent_ents(is_iface, bridge_dim, ghost_dim, num_layers, addl_ents,
                                 sent_ents[p], allsent[p], entprocs[p]);
      RRAI(pc->get_moab(), ehs[p], "get_sent_ents failed.");
      // pack entities into buffers

      for (ind = 0; ind < pc->buffProcs.size(); ind++) {
        // entities
        result = pc->pack_entities(sent_ents[p][ind], pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind],
                                   store_remote_handles, pc->buffProcs[ind], is_iface,
                                   &entprocs[p], &allsent[p]); 
        RRAI(pc->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Packing entities failed.");


    // receive/unpack new entities
    // number of incoming messages for ghosts is the number of procs we 
    // communicate with; for iface, it's the number of those with lower rank
    std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > L1hloc[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], L1hrem[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > L1p[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::vector<EntityHandle> L2hloc[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], L2hrem[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::vector<unsigned int> L2p[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::vector<EntityHandle> new_ents[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
      pc = pcs[p];
      for (ind = 0; ind < pc->buffProcs.size(); ind++) {
        // incoming ghost entities; unpack; returns entities received
        // both from sending proc and from owning proc (which may be different)

        // buffer could be empty, which means there isn't any message to
        // unpack (due to this comm proc getting added as a result of indirect
        // communication); just skip this unpack
        if (pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->get_stored_size() == 0) continue;

        unsigned int to_p = pc->buffProcs[ind];
        result = pcs[to_p]->unpack_entities(pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr,
                                            store_remote_handles, ind, is_iface,
                                            L1hloc[to_p], L1hrem[to_p], L1p[to_p], L2hloc[to_p], 
                                            L2hrem[to_p], L2p[to_p], new_ents[to_p]);
        RRAI(pc->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed to unpack entities.");

    if (is_iface) {
      // need to check over entities I sent and make sure I received 
      // handles for them from all expected procs; if not, need to clean
      // them up
      for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
        result = pcs[p]->check_clean_iface(allsent[p]);
        RRAI(pcs[p]->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed check on shared entities.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
      for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
        result = pcs[p]->check_sent_ents(allsent[p]);
        RRAI(pcs[p]->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed check on shared entities.");
      result = check_all_shared_handles(pcs, num_procs);
      RRAI(pcs[0]->get_moab(), ehs[0], "Failed check on all shared handles.");
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // send local handles for new ghosts to owner, then add
    // those to ghost list for that owner
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator proc_it;
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
      pc = pcs[p];
      for (ind = 0, proc_it = pc->buffProcs.begin(); 
           proc_it != pc->buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, ind++) {
        // skip if iface layer and higher-rank proc
        result = pc->pack_remote_handles(L1hloc[p][ind], L1hrem[p][ind], L1p[p][ind], *proc_it,
        RRAI(pc->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed to pack remote handles.");
    // process remote handles of my ghosteds
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
      pc = pcs[p];
      for (ind = 0, proc_it = pc->buffProcs.begin(); 
           proc_it != pc->buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, ind++) {
        // incoming remote handles
        unsigned int to_p = pc->buffProcs[ind];
        result = pcs[to_p]->unpack_remote_handles(p, 
                                                  L2hloc[to_p], L2hrem[to_p], L2p[to_p]);
        RRAI(pc->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed to unpack remote handles.");
#ifndef NDEBUG
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
      result = pcs[p]->check_sent_ents(allsent[p]);
      RRAI(pcs[p]->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed check on shared entities.");
    result = ParallelComm::check_all_shared_handles(pcs, num_procs);
    RRAI(pcs[0]->get_moab(), ehs[0], "Failed check on all shared handles.");

    if (file_sets) {
      for (unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++) {
        if (new_ents[p].empty()) continue;
        result = pcs[p]->get_moab()->add_entities(file_sets[p], &new_ents[p][0], new_ents[p].size());
        RRAI(pcs[p]->get_moab(), ehs[p], "Failed to add new entities to set.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_owned_mesh ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  exchange_procs,
std::vector< Range * > &  exchange_ents,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_ent_reqs,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs,
const bool  recv_posted,
bool  store_remote_handles,
bool  wait_all,
bool  migrate = false 

Exchange owned mesh for input mesh entities and sets This function is called twice by exchange_owned_meshs to exchange entities before sets.

migrateif the owner if entities are changed or not

Definition at line 6421 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(OWNED_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting owned ents exchange.");

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering exchange_owned_mesh\n");
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
    unsigned int i;
    int ind, success;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int incoming1 = 0, incoming2 = 0;

    // set buffProcs with communicating procs
    unsigned int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
    for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      ind = get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);
      result = add_verts(*exchange_ents[i]);
      RRA("Couldn't add verts.");

      // filter out entities already shared with destination
      Range tmp_range;
      result = filter_pstatus(*exchange_ents[i], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND,
                              buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range);
      RRA("Couldn't filter on owner.");
      if (!tmp_range.empty()) {
        *exchange_ents[i] = subtract(*exchange_ents[i], tmp_range);

    // post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting entity exchange.");
    // index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
    if (!recv_posted) {
      recv_ent_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
      recv_remoteh_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
      sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

      for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
        ind = get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);
        PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[ind], 
                          remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming1);
        success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                            MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
                            MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
        if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
          result = MB_FAILURE;
          RRA("Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange.");
    else incoming1 += n_proc;
    // get entities to be sent to neighbors
    // need to get procs each entity is sent to
    Range allsent, tmp_range;
    int dum_ack_buff;
    int npairs = 0;
    TupleList entprocs;
    for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      int n_ents = exchange_ents[i]->size();
      if (n_ents > 0) {
        npairs += n_ents; // get the total # of proc/handle pairs

    // allocate a TupleList of that size
    entprocs.initialize(1, 0, 1, 0, npairs);

    // put the proc/handle pairs in the list
    for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      for (Range::iterator rit = exchange_ents[i]->begin(); rit != exchange_ents[i]->end(); rit++) {
        entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = exchange_procs[i];
        entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit;

    // sort by handle
    moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
    entprocs.sort(1, &sort_buffer);

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
                     (unsigned long)allsent.size());

    // pack and send ents from this proc to others
    for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      ind = get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);
      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", exchange_ents[i]->compactness(),
                       (unsigned long)exchange_ents[i]->size());
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
      result = pack_buffer(*exchange_ents[i], false, true,
                           store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind],
                           localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs, &allsent);

      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[ind]);
      // send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
      result = send_buffer(exchange_procs[i], localOwnedBuffs[ind], 
                           MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[2*ind], 
                           recv_ent_reqs[2*ind+1], &dum_ack_buff,
                           (store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL),
                           &recv_remoteh_reqs[2*ind], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to Isend in ghost exchange.");


    // receive/unpack new entities
    // number of incoming messages is the number of procs we communicate with
    MPI_Status status;
    std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > recd_ents(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > L1hloc(buffProcs.size()), L1hrem(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > L1p(buffProcs.size());
    std::vector<EntityHandle> L2hloc, L2hrem;
    std::vector<unsigned int> L2p;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> new_ents;

    while (incoming1) {
      // wait for all recvs of ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
      // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_ent_reqs, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange.");
      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;
      // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE,
                           recv_ent_reqs[ind], recv_ent_reqs[ind+1],
                           localOwnedBuffs[ind/2], sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
                           (store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[ind/2] : NULL),
                           &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to receive buffer.");

      if (done) {
        if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
          msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]);
        // message completely received - process buffer that was sent
        result = unpack_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr,
                               store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind/2], ind/2,
                               L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p,
                               new_ents, true);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
          std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities.  Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
          print_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind/2], false);
          return result;

        if (recv_ent_reqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
          // post irecv's for remote handles from new proc
          recv_remoteh_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
          for (i = recv_ent_reqs.size(); i < 2*buffProcs.size(); i+=2) {
            PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i/2], 
                              localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                              MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, incoming2);
            success = MPI_Irecv(localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                                MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[i/2],
                                MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
            if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              RRA("Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange.");
          recv_ent_reqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
          sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

    // assign and remove newly created elements from/to receive processor
    result = assign_entities_part(new_ents, procConfig.proc_rank());
    RRA("Failed to assign entities to part.");
    if (migrate) {
      result = remove_entities_part(allsent, procConfig.proc_rank());
      RRA("Failed to remove entities to part.");

    // add requests for any new addl procs
    if (recv_ent_reqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
      // shouldn't get here...
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Requests length doesn't match proc count in entity exchange.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending entity exchange.");

    // send local handles for new entity to owner
    for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      ind = get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
      result = pack_remote_handles(L1hloc[ind], L1hrem[ind], L1p[ind],
                                   buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]);
      RRA("Failed to pack remote handles.");

      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]);
      result = send_buffer(buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind], 
                           sendReqs[2*ind], recv_remoteh_reqs[2*ind+1], 
                           &dum_ack_buff, incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to send remote handles.");

    // process remote handles of my ghosteds
    while (incoming2) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_remoteh_reqs, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange.");

      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, 
                           recv_remoteh_reqs[ind], recv_remoteh_reqs[ind+1], incoming2,
                           sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
      RRA("Failed to receive remote handles.");

      if (done) {
        // incoming remote handles
        if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
          msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[ind]);
        result = unpack_remote_handles(buffProcs[ind/2], 
                                       L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p);
        RRA("Failed to unpack remote handles.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles.");
      MPE_Log_event(OWNED_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), 
                    "Ending ghost exchange (still doing checks).");
    // wait if requested
    if (wait_all) {
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
        success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
      else {
        MPI_Status mult_status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
        success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], mult_status);
        success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitall in owned entity exchange.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
    result = check_sent_ents(allsent);
    RRA("Failed check on shared entities.");
    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting exchange_owned_mesh\n");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_owned_meshs ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  exchange_procs,
std::vector< Range * > &  exchange_ents,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_ent_reqs,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs,
bool  store_remote_handles,
bool  wait_all = true,
bool  migrate = false,
int  dim = 0 

Exchange owned mesh for input mesh entities and sets This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all shared exchanged entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value).

exchange_procsprocessor vector exchanged
exchange_entsexchanged entities for each processors
migrateif the owner if entities are changed or not

Definition at line 6345 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // filter out entities already shared with destination
    // exchange twice for entities and sets
    ErrorCode result;
    std::vector<unsigned int> exchange_procs_sets;
    std::vector<Range*> exchange_sets;
    int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      Range set_range = exchange_ents[i]->subset_by_type(MBENTITYSET);
      *exchange_ents[i] = subtract(*exchange_ents[i], set_range);
      Range* tmp_range = new Range(set_range);

    if (dim == 2) {
      // exchange entities first
      result = exchange_owned_mesh(exchange_procs, exchange_ents,
                                   recvReqs, recvRemotehReqs, true,
                                   store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate);
      RRA("Couldn't exchange owned mesh entities.");
      // exchange sets
      result = exchange_owned_mesh(exchange_procs_sets, exchange_sets,
                                   recvReqs, recvRemotehReqs, false,
                                   store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate);
    else {
      // exchange entities first
      result = exchange_owned_mesh(exchange_procs, exchange_ents,
                                   recv_ent_reqs, recv_remoteh_reqs, false,
                                   store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate);
      RRA("Couldn't exchange owned mesh entities.");
      // exchange sets
      result = exchange_owned_mesh(exchange_procs_sets, exchange_sets,
                                   recv_ent_reqs, recv_remoteh_reqs, false,
                                   store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate);
      RRA("Couldn't exchange owned mesh sets.");

    for (int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) delete exchange_sets[i];

    // build up the list of shared entities
    std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> > proc_nvecs;
    int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int nprocs;
    unsigned char pstat;
    for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); vit++) {
      if (mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*vit) > 2)
      result = get_sharing_data(*vit, procs, handles, pstat, nprocs);
      std::sort(procs, procs+nprocs);
      std::vector<int> tmp_procs(procs, procs + nprocs);
      assert(tmp_procs.size() != 2);

    // create interface sets from shared entities
    result = create_interface_sets(proc_nvecs);
    RRA("Trouble creating iface sets.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_tags ( const std::vector< Tag > &  src_tags,
const std::vector< Tag > &  dst_tags,
const Range entities 

Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all ghosted/shared entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value). If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.

src_tagsVector of tag handles to be exchanged
dst_tagsTag handles to store the tags on the non-owning procs
entitiesEntities for which tags are exchanged
LloydRelaxation.cpp, and ReduceExchangeTags.cpp.

Definition at line 7026 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    int success;

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering exchange_tags\n");

    // get all procs interfacing to this proc
    std::set<unsigned int> exch_procs;
    result = get_comm_procs(exch_procs);  

    // post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
    // index greqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
    std::vector<MPI_Request> recv_tag_reqs(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL),
      sent_ack_reqs(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator sit;
    int ind;

    int incoming = 0;

    for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(*sit, procConfig.proc_rank(), remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr,
                        INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, incoming);

      success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
                          MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange.");

    // pack and send tags from this proc to others
    // make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
    sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    // take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
    Range entities;
    if (entities_in.empty()) 
      std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(entities));
      entities = entities_in;

    int dum_ack_buff;

    for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {
      Range tag_ents = entities;
      // get ents shared by proc *sit
      result = filter_pstatus(tag_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit);
      RRA("Failed pstatus AND check.");
      // remote nonowned entities
      if (!tag_ents.empty()) {
        result = filter_pstatus(tag_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);
        RRA("Failed pstatus NOT check.");
      // pack-send; this also posts receives if store_remote_handles is true
      std::vector<Range> tag_ranges;
      for (std::vector<Tag>::const_iterator vit = src_tags.begin(); vit != src_tags.end(); vit++) {
        const void* ptr;
        int sz;
        if (mbImpl->tag_get_default_value( *vit, ptr, sz ) != MB_SUCCESS) {
          Range tagged_ents;
          mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE, &*vit, 0, 1, tagged_ents );
          tag_ranges.push_back( intersect( tag_ents, tagged_ents ) );
        else {
      // pack the data
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
      result = pack_tags(tag_ents,
                         src_tags, dst_tags, tag_ranges, 
                         localOwnedBuffs[ind], true, *sit);
      RRA("Failed to count buffer in pack_send_tag.");

      // now send it
      result = send_buffer(*sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, sendReqs[2*ind],
                           recv_tag_reqs[2*ind+1], &dum_ack_buff, incoming);
      RRA("Failed to send buffer.");
    // receive/unpack tags
    while (incoming) {
      MPI_Status status;
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_tag_reqs, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_tag_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");

      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_vec;
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE,
                           recv_tag_reqs[ind/2 * 2], recv_tag_reqs[ind/2 * 2 + 1],
                           localOwnedBuffs[ind/2], sendReqs[ind/2*2], sendReqs[ind/2*2+1],
      RRA("Failed to resize recv buffer.");
      if (done) {
        result = unpack_tags(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr,
                             dum_vec, true, buffProcs[ind/2]);
        RRA("Failed to recv-unpack-tag message.");
    // ok, now wait
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
      success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
    else {
      MPI_Status status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failure in waitall in tag exchange.");
    // If source tag is not equal to destination tag, then
    // do local copy for owned entities (communicate w/ self)
    assert(src_tags.size() == dst_tags.size());
    if (src_tags != dst_tags) {
      std::vector<unsigned char> data;
      Range owned_ents;
      if (entities_in.empty()) 
        std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(entities));
        owned_ents = entities_in;
      result = filter_pstatus(owned_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);
      RRA("Failure to get subset of owned entities");
      if (!owned_ents.empty()) { // check this here, otherwise we get 
        // unexpected results from get_entities_by_type_and_tag w/ Interface::INTERSECT
        for (size_t i = 0; i < src_tags.size(); ++i) {
          if (src_tags[i] == dst_tags[i])

          Range tagged_ents(owned_ents);
          result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE,
                                                         &src_tags[0], 0, 1, tagged_ents, Interface::INTERSECT );
          RRA("get_entities_by_type_and_tag(type == MBMAXTYPE) failed.");

          int sz, size2;
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( src_tags[i], sz );
          RRA("tag_get_size failed.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( dst_tags[i], size2 );
          RRA("tag_get_size failed.");
          if (sz != size2) {
            result = MB_FAILURE;
            RRA("tag sizes don't match")

          data.resize( sz * tagged_ents.size() );
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( src_tags[i], tagged_ents, &data[0] );
          RRA("tag_get_data failed.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( dst_tags[i], tagged_ents, &data[0] );
          RRA("tag_set_data failed.");

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting exchange_tags");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_tags ( const char *  tag_name,
const Range entities 
) [inline]

Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.

tag_nameName of tag to be exchanged
entitiesEntities for which tags are exchanged

Definition at line 1520 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    // get the tag handle
    std::vector<Tag> tags(1);
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(tag_name, 0, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, tags[0], MB_TAG_ANY);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    else if (!tags[0]) return MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND;
    return exchange_tags(tags, tags, entities);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::exchange_tags ( Tag  tagh,
const Range entities 
) [inline]

Exchange tags for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If the entities vector is empty, all shared entities participate in the exchange. If a proc has no owned entities this function must still be called since it is collective.

taghHandle of tag to be exchanged
entitiesEntities for which tags are exchanged

Definition at line 1532 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    // get the tag handle
    std::vector<Tag> tags;
    return exchange_tags(tags, tags, entities);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::filter_pstatus ( Range ents,
const unsigned char  pstatus_val,
const unsigned char  op,
int  to_proc = -1,
Range returned_ents = NULL 

Filter the entities by pstatus tag. op is one of PSTATUS_ AND, OR, NOT; an entity is output if: AND: all bits set in pstatus_val are also set on entity OR: any bits set in pstatus_val also set on entity NOT: any bits set in pstatus_val are not set on entity

Results returned in input list, unless result_ents is passed in non-null, in which case results are returned in result_ents.

If ents is passed in empty, filter is done on shared entities in this pcomm instance, i.e. contents of sharedEnts.

entsInput entities to filter
pstatus_valpstatus value to which entities are compared
opBitwise operation performed between pstatus values
to_procIf non-negative and PSTATUS_SHARED is set on pstatus_val, only entities shared with to_proc are returned
result_entsIf non-null, results of filter are put in the pointed-to range
HelloParMOAB.cpp, and LloydRelaxation.cpp.

Definition at line 5104 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Range tmp_ents;

    if (ents.empty()) {
      if (returned_ents)
      return MB_SUCCESS;

    // Put into tmp_ents any entities which are not owned locally or
    // who are already shared with to_proc
    std::vector<unsigned char> shared_flags(ents.size()), shared_flags2;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), ents,
    RRA("Failed to get pstatus flag.");
    Range::const_iterator rit, hint = tmp_ents.begin();;
    int i;
    if (op == PSTATUS_OR) {
      for (rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); rit++, i++) 
        if (((shared_flags[i] & ~pstat)^shared_flags[i]) & pstat) {
          hint = tmp_ents.insert(hint,*rit);
          if (-1 != to_proc) shared_flags2.push_back(shared_flags[i]);
    else if (op == PSTATUS_AND) {
      for (rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); rit++, i++)
        if ((shared_flags[i] & pstat) == pstat) {
          hint = tmp_ents.insert(hint,*rit);
          if (-1 != to_proc) shared_flags2.push_back(shared_flags[i]);
    else if (op == PSTATUS_NOT) {
      for (rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); rit++, i++)
        if (!(shared_flags[i] & pstat)) {
          hint = tmp_ents.insert(hint,*rit);
          if (-1 != to_proc) shared_flags2.push_back(shared_flags[i]);
    else {
      return MB_FAILURE;

    if (-1 != to_proc) {

      int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      std::fill(sharing_procs, sharing_procs+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
      Range tmp_ents2;
      hint = tmp_ents2.begin();

      for (rit = tmp_ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != tmp_ents.end(); rit++, i++) {
        // we need to check sharing procs
        if (shared_flags2[i] & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) {
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &(*rit), 1,
          assert(-1 != sharing_procs[0]);
          RRA(" ");
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++) {
            // if to_proc shares this entity, add it to list
            if (sharing_procs[j] == to_proc) {
              hint = tmp_ents2.insert(hint, *rit);
            else if (sharing_procs[j] == -1) break;

            sharing_procs[j] = -1;
        else if (shared_flags2[i] & PSTATUS_SHARED) {
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), &(*rit), 1,
          RRA(" ");
          assert(-1 != sharing_procs[0]);
          if (sharing_procs[0] == to_proc) 
            hint = tmp_ents2.insert(hint,*rit);
          sharing_procs[0] = -1;
          assert("should never get here" && false);

    if (returned_ents)
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::find_existing_entity ( const bool  is_iface,
const int  owner_p,
const EntityHandle  owner_h,
const int  num_ents,
const EntityHandle connect,
const int  num_connect,
const EntityType  this_type,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
EntityHandle new_h 
) [private]

given connectivity and type, find an existing entity, if there is one

Definition at line 2860 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    new_h = 0;
    if (!is_iface && num_ps > 2) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < L2hrem.size(); i++) {
        if (L2hrem[i] == owner_h && owner_p == (int) L2p[i]) {
          new_h = L2hloc[i];
          return MB_SUCCESS;

    // if we got here and it's a vertex, we don't need to look further
    if (MBVERTEX == this_type || !connect || !num_connect) return MB_SUCCESS;
    Range tmp_range;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(connect, num_connect, 
                                               CN::Dimension(this_type), false, 
    RRA("Problem getting existing entity.");
    if (!tmp_range.empty()) {
      // found a corresponding entity - return target
      new_h = *tmp_range.begin();
    else {
      new_h = 0;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::gather_data ( Range gather_ents,
Tag tag_handle,
Tag  id_tag = 0,
EntityHandle  gather_set = 0,
int  root_proc_rank = 0 

Definition at line 8599 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*gather_ents.begin());
    int bytes_per_tag = 0;
    ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(tag_handle, bytes_per_tag);
    if (rval != MB_SUCCESS) return rval;

    int sz_buffer = sizeof(int) + gather_ents.size()*(sizeof(int) + bytes_per_tag);
    void* senddata = malloc(sz_buffer);
    ((int*)senddata)[0] = (int) gather_ents.size();    
    int* ptr_int = (int*)senddata + 1;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(id_tag, gather_ents, (void*)ptr_int);
    ptr_int = (int*)(senddata) + 1 + gather_ents.size();
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag_handle, gather_ents, (void*)ptr_int);
    std::vector<int> displs(proc_config().proc_size(), 0);
    MPI_Gather(&sz_buffer, 1, MPI_INT, &displs[0], 1, MPI_INT, root_proc_rank, comm());
    std::vector<int> recvcnts(proc_config().proc_size(), 0);
    std::copy(displs.begin(), displs.end(), recvcnts.begin());
    std::partial_sum(displs.begin(), displs.end(), displs.begin());
    std::vector<int>::iterator lastM1 = displs.end() - 1;
    std::copy_backward(displs.begin(), lastM1, displs.end());
    //std::copy_backward(displs.begin(), --displs.end(), displs.end());
    displs[0] = 0;

    if ((int)rank() != root_proc_rank)
      MPI_Gatherv(senddata, sz_buffer, MPI_BYTE, NULL, NULL, NULL, MPI_BYTE, root_proc_rank, comm());
    else {
      Range gents;
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(gather_set, dim, gents);
      int recvbuffsz = gents.size() * (bytes_per_tag + sizeof(int)) + proc_config().proc_size() * sizeof(int);
      void* recvbuf = malloc(recvbuffsz);
      MPI_Gatherv(senddata, sz_buffer, MPI_BYTE, recvbuf, &recvcnts[0], &displs[0], MPI_BYTE, root_proc_rank, comm());

      void* gvals = NULL;

      // Test whether gents has multiple sequences
      bool multiple_sequences = false;
      if (gents.psize() > 1)
        multiple_sequences = true;
      else {
        int count;
        rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag_handle, gents.begin(), gents.end(), count, gvals);
        assert(NULL != gvals);
        assert(count > 0);
        if ((size_t)count != gents.size()) {
          multiple_sequences = true;
          gvals = NULL;

      // If gents has multiple sequences, create a temp buffer for gathered values
      if (multiple_sequences) {
        gvals = malloc(gents.size() * bytes_per_tag);
        assert(NULL != gvals);

      for (int i = 0; i != (int)size(); ++i) {
        int numents = *(int*)(((char*)recvbuf) + displs[i]);
        int* id_ptr = (int*)(((char*)recvbuf) + displs[i] + sizeof(int));
        char* val_ptr = (char*)(id_ptr + numents);
        for (int j = 0; j != numents; ++j) {
          int idx = id_ptr[j];
          memcpy((char*)gvals + (idx - 1)*bytes_per_tag, val_ptr + j*bytes_per_tag, bytes_per_tag);

      // If gents has multiple sequences, copy tag data (stored in the temp buffer) to each sequence separately
      if (multiple_sequences) {
        Range::iterator iter = gents.begin();
        size_t start_idx = 0;
        while (iter != gents.end()) {
          int count;
          void* ptr;
          rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag_handle, iter, gents.end(), count, ptr);
          assert(NULL != ptr);
          assert(count > 0);
          memcpy((char*)ptr, (char*)gvals + start_idx * bytes_per_tag, bytes_per_tag * count);

          iter += count;
          start_idx += count;
        assert(start_idx == gents.size());

        // Free the temp buffer

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_all_pcomm ( Interface impl,
std::vector< ParallelComm * > &  list 
) [static]

Definition at line 7698 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag(impl, false);
    if (0 == pc_tag)
      return MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND;
    const EntityHandle root = 0;
    ParallelComm *pc_array[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    ErrorCode rval = impl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, pc_array );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; ++i)
      if (pc_array[i])
        list.push_back( pc_array[i] );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParallelComm::get_buffers ( int  to_proc,
bool *  is_new = NULL 

get (and possibly allocate) buffers for messages to/from to_proc; returns index of to_proc in buffProcs vector; if is_new is non-NULL, sets to whether new buffer was allocated PUBLIC ONLY FOR TESTING!

Definition at line 499 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int ind = -1;
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator vit = 
      std::find(buffProcs.begin(), buffProcs.end(), to_proc);
    if (vit == buffProcs.end()) {
      assert("shouldn't need buffer to myself" && to_proc != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
      ind = buffProcs.size();
      buffProcs.push_back((unsigned int)to_proc);
      localOwnedBuffs.push_back(new Buffer(INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE));
      remoteOwnedBuffs.push_back(new Buffer(INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE));
      if (is_new) *is_new = true;
    else {
      ind = vit - buffProcs.begin();
      if (is_new) *is_new = false;
    assert(ind < MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
    return ind;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_comm_procs ( std::set< unsigned int > &  procs) [inline]

get processors with which this processor communicates

Definition at line 1566 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    ErrorCode result = get_interface_procs(procs);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

    std::copy(buffProcs.begin(), buffProcs.end(), std::inserter(procs, procs.begin()));
    return MB_SUCCESS;

get the verbosity level of output from this pcomm

Definition at line 8556 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return myDebug->get_verbosity();
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_entityset_local_handle ( unsigned  owning_rank,
EntityHandle  remote_handle,
EntityHandle local_handle 
) const

Given set owner and handle on owner, find local set handle.

Definition at line 8577 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return sharedSetData->get_local_handle( owning_rank, remote_handle, local_handle );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_entityset_owner ( EntityHandle  entity_set,
unsigned &  owner_rank,
EntityHandle remote_handle = 0 
) const

Get rank of the owner of a shared set. Returns this proc if set is not shared. Optionally returns hanlde on owning process for shared set.

Definition at line 8567 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (remote_handle)
      return sharedSetData->get_owner( entity_set, owner_rank, *remote_handle );
      return sharedSetData->get_owner( entity_set, owner_rank );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_entityset_owners ( std::vector< unsigned > &  ranks) const

Get ranks of all processes that own at least one set that is shared with this process. Will include the rank of this process if this process owns any shared set.

Definition at line 8589 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return sharedSetData->get_owning_procs( ranks );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_entityset_procs ( EntityHandle  entity_set,
std::vector< unsigned > &  ranks 
) const

Get array of process IDs sharing a set. Returns zero and passes back NULL if set is not shared.

Definition at line 8561 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return sharedSetData->get_sharing_procs( set, ranks );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_ghosted_entities ( int  bridge_dim,
int  ghost_dim,
int  to_proc,
int  num_layers,
int  addl_ents,
Range ghosted_ents 
) [private]

for specified bridge/ghost dimension, to_proc, and number of layers, get the entities to be ghosted, and info on additional procs needing to communicate with to_proc

Definition at line 6934 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // get bridge ents on interface(s)
    Range from_ents;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    assert(0 < num_layers);
    for (Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end();
         rit++) {
      if (!is_iface_proc(*rit, to_proc)) continue;
      // get starting "from" entities
      if (bridge_dim == -1)
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, from_ents);
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(*rit, bridge_dim, from_ents);
      RRA("Couldn't get bridge ents in the set.");

      // need to get layers of bridge-adj entities
      if (from_ents.empty()) continue;
      result = MeshTopoUtil(mbImpl).get_bridge_adjacencies(from_ents, bridge_dim,
                                                           ghost_dim, ghosted_ents, 
      RRA("Couldn't get bridge adjacencies.");
    result = add_verts(ghosted_ents);
    RRA("Couldn't add verts.");

    if (addl_ents) {
      // first get the ents of ghost_dim
      Range tmp_ents, tmp_owned, tmp_notowned;
      tmp_owned = ghosted_ents.subset_by_dimension(ghost_dim);
      if (tmp_owned.empty()) return result;

      tmp_notowned = tmp_owned;
      // next, filter by pstatus; can only create adj entities for entities I own
      result = filter_pstatus(tmp_owned, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &tmp_owned);
      RRA("Problem filtering owned entities.");

      tmp_notowned -= tmp_owned;
      // get edges first
      if (1 == addl_ents || 3 == addl_ents) {
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_owned, 1, true, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION);
        RRA("Couldn't get edge adjacencies for owned ghost entities.");
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_notowned, 1, false, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION);
        RRA("Couldn't get edge adjacencies for notowned ghost entities.");
      if (2 == addl_ents || 3 == addl_ents) {
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_owned, 2, true, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION);
        RRA("Couldn't get face adjacencies for owned ghost entities.");
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(tmp_notowned, 2, false, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION);
        RRA("Couldn't get face adjacencies for notowned ghost entities.");

    return result;

Definition at line 7874 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    count_out = globalPartCount;
    return count_out < 0 ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParallelComm::get_id ( ) const [inline]

Get ID used to reference this PCOMM instance.


Definition at line 75 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return pcommID; }
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_iface_entities ( int  other_proc,
int  dim,
Range iface_ents 

Get entities on interfaces shared with another proc.

other_procOther proc sharing the interface
dimDimension of entities to return, -1 if all dims
iface_entsReturned entities

Definition at line 6775 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Range iface_sets;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    for (Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); rit++) {
      if (-1 != other_proc && !is_iface_proc(*rit, other_proc)) continue;
      if (-1 == dim) result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, iface_ents);
      else result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(*rit, dim, iface_ents);
      RRA(" Failed to get entities in iface set.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_interface_procs ( std::set< unsigned int > &  iface_procs,
const bool  get_buffs = false 

get processors with which this processor shares an interface

get processors with which this processor communicates; sets are sorted by processor

Definition at line 4959 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // make sure the sharing procs vector is empty

    // pre-load vector of single-proc tag values
    unsigned int i, j;
    std::vector<int> iface_proc(interfaceSets.size());
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), interfaceSets, &iface_proc[0]);
    RRA("Failed to get iface_proc for iface sets.");

    // get sharing procs either from single-proc vector or by getting
    // multi-proc tag value
    int tmp_iface_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::fill(tmp_iface_procs, tmp_iface_procs+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
    Range::iterator rit;
    for (rit = interfaceSets.begin(), i = 0; rit != interfaceSets.end(); rit++, i++) {
      if (-1 != iface_proc[i]) {
        assert(iface_proc[i] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
        procs_set.insert((unsigned int) iface_proc[i]);
      else {
        // get the sharing_procs tag
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &(*rit), 1,
        RRA("Failed to get iface_procs for iface set.");
        for (j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++) {
          if (-1 != tmp_iface_procs[j] && tmp_iface_procs[j] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank()) 
            procs_set.insert((unsigned int) tmp_iface_procs[j]);
          else if (-1 == tmp_iface_procs[j]) {
            std::fill(tmp_iface_procs, tmp_iface_procs+j, -1);

    if (get_buffs) {
      for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator sit = procs_set.begin(); sit != procs_set.end(); sit++)
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_interface_sets ( EntityHandle  part,
Range iface_sets_out,
int *  adj_part_id = 0 

Definition at line 7994 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // FIXME : assumes one part per processor.
    // Need to store part iface sets as children to implement
    // this correctly.
    iface_sets_out = interface_sets();

    if (adj_part_id) {
      int part_ids[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], num_parts;
      Range::iterator i = iface_sets_out.begin();
      while (i != iface_sets_out.end()) {
        unsigned char pstat;
        ErrorCode rval = get_sharing_data( *i, part_ids, NULL, pstat, num_parts );
        if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
          return rval;
        if (std::find(part_ids, part_ids+num_parts, *adj_part_id) - part_ids != num_parts)
          i = iface_sets_out.erase( i );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_local_handles ( EntityHandle from_vec,
int  num_ents,
const Range new_ents 
) [private]

goes through from_vec, and for any with type MBMAXTYPE, replaces with new_ents value at index corresponding to id of entity in from_vec

Definition at line 2913 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_ents;
    std::copy(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), std::back_inserter(tmp_ents));
    return get_local_handles(from_vec, num_ents, tmp_ents);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_local_handles ( const Range remote_handles,
Range local_handles,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents 
) [private]

same as above except puts results in range

Definition at line 2901 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<EntityHandle> rh_vec;
    std::copy(remote_handles.begin(), remote_handles.end(), std::back_inserter(rh_vec));
    ErrorCode result = get_local_handles(&rh_vec[0], remote_handles.size(), new_ents);
    std::copy(rh_vec.begin(), rh_vec.end(), range_inserter(local_handles));
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_local_handles ( EntityHandle from_vec,
int  num_ents,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents 
) [private]

same as above except gets new_ents from vector

Definition at line 2922 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    for (int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
      if (TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(from_vec[i]) == MBMAXTYPE) {
        assert(ID_FROM_HANDLE(from_vec[i]) < (int) new_ents.size());
        from_vec[i] = new_ents[ID_FROM_HANDLE(from_vec[i])];
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 736 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return mbImpl; }
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_owned_sets ( unsigned  owning_rank,
Range sets_out 
) const

Get shared sets owned by process with specified rank.

Definition at line 8594 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return sharedSetData->get_shared_sets( owning_rank, sets_out );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_owner ( EntityHandle  entity,
int &  owner 
) [inline]

Return the rank of the entity owner.

Definition at line 1576 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    EntityHandle tmp_handle;
    return get_owner_handle(entity, owner, tmp_handle);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_owner_handle ( EntityHandle  entity,
int &  owner,
EntityHandle handle 

Return the owner processor and handle of a given entity.

Return the rank of the entity owner.

Definition at line 7834 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    unsigned char pstat;
    int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle sharing_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];

    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1,
    if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)) {
      owner = proc_config().proc_rank();
      handle = entity;
    else if (pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1,
      owner = sharing_procs[0];
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1,
      handle = sharing_handles[0];
    else if (pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1,
      RRA(" ");
      owner = sharing_procs[0];
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1,
      handle = sharing_handles[0];
    else {
      owner = -1;
      handle = 0;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_owning_part ( EntityHandle  entity,
int &  owning_part_id_out,
EntityHandle owning_handle = 0 

Definition at line 8022 of file ParallelComm.cpp.


    // FIXME : assumes one part per proc, and therefore part_id == rank
    // If entity is not shared, then we're the owner.
    unsigned char pstat;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &handle, 1,
    if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)) {
      owning_part_id = proc_config().proc_rank();
      if (remote_handle)
        *remote_handle = handle;
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // If entity is shared with one other proc, then
    // sharedp_tag will contain a positive value.
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &handle, 1, &owning_part_id );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    if (owning_part_id != -1) {
      // done?
      if (!remote_handle)
        return MB_SUCCESS;
      // get handles on remote processors (and this one)
      return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &handle, 1, remote_handle );
    // If here, then the entity is shared with at least two other processors.
    // Get the list from the sharedps_tag
    const void* part_id_list = 0;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr( sharedps_tag(), &handle, 1, &part_id_list );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    owning_part_id = ((const int*)part_id_list)[0];
    // done?
    if (!remote_handle)
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // get remote handles
    const void* handle_list = 0;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr( sharedhs_tag(), &handle, 1, &handle_list );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    *remote_handle = ((const EntityHandle*)handle_list)[0];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_part_entities ( Range ents,
int  dim = -1 

return all the entities in parts owned locally


Definition at line 7813 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    for (Range::iterator rit = partitionSets.begin(); 
         rit != partitionSets.end(); rit++) {
      Range tmp_ents;
      if (-1 == dim) 
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, tmp_ents, true);
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(*rit, dim, tmp_ents, true);

      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_part_handle ( int  id,
EntityHandle handle_out 
) const

Definition at line 7894 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
    if ((unsigned)id != proc_config().proc_rank())
      return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
    handle_out = partition_sets().front();
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_part_id ( EntityHandle  part,
int &  id_out 
) const

Definition at line 7887 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
    id_out = proc_config().proc_rank();
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_part_neighbor_ids ( EntityHandle  part,
int  neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
int &  num_neighbors_out 

Definition at line 7956 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;
    Range iface;
    rval = get_interface_sets( part, iface );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    num_neighbors_out = 0;
    int n, j = 0;
    int *parts[2] = { neighbors_out, tmp };
    for (Range::iterator i = iface.begin(); i != iface.end(); ++i) {
      unsigned char pstat;
      rval = get_sharing_data( *i, curr, NULL, pstat, n);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
      std::sort( curr, curr+n );
      assert( num_neighbors_out < MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
      int* k = std::set_union( parts[j], parts[j]+num_neighbors_out,
                               curr, curr + n, parts[1-j] );
      j = 1-j;
      num_neighbors_out = k - parts[j];
    if (parts[j] != neighbors_out)
      std::copy( parts[j], parts[j]+num_neighbors_out, neighbors_out );
    // remove input part from list
    int id;
    rval = get_part_id( part, id );
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) 
      num_neighbors_out = std::remove( neighbors_out, neighbors_out+num_neighbors_out, id ) - neighbors_out;
    return rval;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_part_owner ( int  part_id,
int &  owner_out 
) const

Definition at line 7880 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
    owner = part_id;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 677 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return partitioningSet; }
ParallelComm * moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm ( Interface impl,
const int  index 
) [static]

get the indexed pcomm object from the interface

LloydRelaxation.cpp, and ReduceExchangeTags.cpp.

Definition at line 7685 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag(impl, false);
    if (0 == pc_tag) return NULL;
    const EntityHandle root = 0;
    ParallelComm *pc_array[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    ErrorCode result = impl->tag_get_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)pc_array);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return NULL;
    return pc_array[index];
ParallelComm * moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm ( Interface impl,
EntityHandle  partitioning,
const MPI_Comm comm = 0 
) [static]

get the indexed pcomm object from the interface

Get ParallelComm instance associated with partition handle Will create ParallelComm instance if a) one does not already exist and b) a valid value for MPI_Comm is passed.

Definition at line 7719 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;
    ParallelComm* result = 0;
    Tag prtn_tag;
    rval = impl->tag_get_handle( PARTITIONING_PCOMM_TAG_NAME, 
                                 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, prtn_tag,
                                 MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return 0;
    int pcomm_id;
    rval = impl->tag_get_data( prtn_tag, &prtn, 1, &pcomm_id );
    if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) {
      result= get_pcomm( impl, pcomm_id );
    else if (MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == rval && comm) {
      result = new ParallelComm( impl, *comm, &pcomm_id );
      if (!result)
        return 0;
      result->set_partitioning( prtn );
      rval = impl->tag_set_data( prtn_tag, &prtn, 1, &pcomm_id );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
        delete result;
        result = 0;
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_proc_nvecs ( int  resolve_dim,
int  shared_dim,
Range skin_ents,
std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  proc_nvecs 
) [private]

Definition at line 4675 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // set sharing procs tags on other skin ents
    ErrorCode result;
    const EntityHandle *connect; int num_connect;
    std::set<int> sharing_procs;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_connect;
    std::vector<int> sp_vec;

    for (int d = 3; d > 0; d--) {
      if (resolve_dim == d) continue;
      for (Range::iterator rit = skin_ents[d].begin();
           rit != skin_ents[d].end(); rit++) {
        // get connectivity
        result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(*rit, connect, num_connect, false,
        RRA("Failed to get connectivity on non-vertex skin entities.");
        int op = (resolve_dim < shared_dim ? Interface::UNION : Interface::INTERSECT);      
        result = get_sharing_data(connect, num_connect, sharing_procs, op);
        RRA("Failed to get sharing data in get_proc_nvecs");
        if (sharing_procs.empty() ||
            (sharing_procs.size() == 1 && *sharing_procs.begin() == (int)procConfig.proc_rank())) continue;

        // Need to specify sharing data correctly for entities or they will
        // end up in a different interface set than corresponding vertices
        if (sharing_procs.size() == 2) {
          std::set<int>::iterator it = sharing_procs.find( proc_config().proc_rank() );
          assert(it != sharing_procs.end());
          sharing_procs.erase( it );

        // intersection is the owning proc(s) for this skin ent
        std::copy(sharing_procs.begin(), sharing_procs.end(), std::back_inserter(sp_vec));
        assert(sp_vec.size() != 2);

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
    for (std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
         mit != proc_nvecs.end(); mit++) {
      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_vec = (mit->second);
      std::sort(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = std::unique(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      assert(vit == tmp_vec.end());
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_pstatus ( EntityHandle  entity,
unsigned char &  pstatus_val 

Get parallel status of an entity Returns the parallel status of an entity.

entityThe entity being queried
pstatus_valParallel status of the entity

Definition at line 5005 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstatus_val);
    RRA("Couldn't get pastatus tag.");
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_pstatus_entities ( int  dim,
unsigned char  pstatus_val,
Range pstatus_ents 

Get entities with the given pstatus bit(s) set Returns any entities whose pstatus tag value v satisfies (v & pstatus_val)

dimDimension of entities to be returned, or -1 if any
pstatus_valpstatus value of desired entities
pstatus_entsEntities returned from function

Definition at line 5013 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Range ents;
    ErrorCode result;
    if (-1 == dim) result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(0, ents);
    else result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(0, dim, ents);
    RRA(" ");
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus(ents.size());
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), ents, &pstatus[0]);
    RRA("Couldn't get pastatus tag.");
    Range::iterator rit = ents.begin();
    int i = 0;
    if (pstatus_val) {
      for (; rit != ents.end(); i++, rit++)
        if (pstatus[i]&pstatus_val &&
            (-1 == dim || mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit) == dim)) 
    else {
      for (; rit != ents.end(); i++, rit++)
        if (!pstatus[i] &&
            (-1 == dim || mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*rit) == dim)) 
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_remote_handles ( const bool  store_remote_handles,
EntityHandle from_vec,
EntityHandle to_vec_tmp,
int  num_ents,
int  to_proc,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents 
) [private]

replace handles in from_vec with corresponding handles on to_proc (by checking shared[p/h]_tag and shared[p/h]s_tag; if no remote handle and new_ents is non-null, substitute instead CREATE_HANDLE(MBMAXTYPE, index) where index is handle's position in new_ents

Definition at line 1724 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (0 == num_ents) return MB_SUCCESS;
    // use a local destination ptr in case we're doing an in-place copy
    std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_vector;
    EntityHandle *to_vec = to_vec_tmp;
    if (to_vec == from_vec) {
      to_vec = &tmp_vector[0];

    if (!store_remote_handles) {
      int err;
      // in this case, substitute position in new_ents list
      for (int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
        int ind = std::lower_bound(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), from_vec[i]) - new_ents.begin();
        assert(new_ents[ind] == from_vec[i]);
        to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE(MBMAXTYPE, ind, err);
        assert(to_vec[i] != 0 && !err && -1 != ind);
    else {
      Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
      ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                              shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag);
      // get single-proc destination handles and shared procs
      std::vector<int> sharing_procs(num_ents);
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shh_tag, from_vec, num_ents,
      RRA("Failed to get shared handle tag for remote_handles.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shp_tag, from_vec, num_ents, &sharing_procs[0]);
      RRA("Failed to get sharing proc tag in remote_handles.");
      for (int j = 0; j < num_ents; j++) {
        if (to_vec[j] && sharing_procs[j] != to_proc)
          to_vec[j] = 0;
      EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      int i;
      // go through results, and for 0-valued ones, look for multiple shared proc
      for (i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
        if (!to_vec[i]) {
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shps_tag, from_vec+i, 1, tmp_procs);
          if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++) {
              if (-1 == tmp_procs[j]) break;
              else if (tmp_procs[j] == to_proc) {
                result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shhs_tag, from_vec+i, 1, tmp_handles);
                RRA("Trouble getting sharedhs tag.");
                to_vec[i] = tmp_handles[j];
          if (!to_vec[i]) {
            int j = std::lower_bound(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), from_vec[i]) - new_ents.begin();
            if ((int)new_ents.size() == j) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              std::cout << "Failed to find new entity in send list, proc " 
                        << procConfig.proc_rank() << std::endl;
              for (int k = 0; k <= num_ents; k++) 
                std::cout << k << ": " << from_vec[k] << " " << to_vec[k] 
                          << std::endl;
              RRA("Failed to find new entity in send list.");
            int err;
            to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE(MBMAXTYPE, j, err);
            if (err) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              RRA("Failed to create handle in remote_handles.");
    // memcpy over results if from_vec and to_vec are the same
    if (to_vec_tmp == from_vec) 
      memcpy(from_vec, to_vec, num_ents * sizeof(EntityHandle));
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_remote_handles ( const bool  store_remote_handles,
const Range from_range,
Range to_range,
int  to_proc,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents 
) [private]

same as other version, except from_range and to_range should be different here

Definition at line 1895 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<EntityHandle> to_vector(from_range.size());

    ErrorCode result =
      get_remote_handles(store_remote_handles, from_range, &to_vector[0],
                         to_proc, new_ents);
    RRA("Trouble getting remote handles.");
    std::copy(to_vector.begin(), to_vector.end(), range_inserter(to_range));
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_remote_handles ( const bool  store_remote_handles,
const Range from_range,
EntityHandle to_vec,
int  to_proc,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents 
) [private]

same as other version, except packs range into vector

Definition at line 1818 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (from_range.empty()) return MB_SUCCESS;
    if (!store_remote_handles) {
      int err;
      // in this case, substitute position in new_ents list
      Range::iterator rit;
      unsigned int i;
      for (rit = from_range.begin(), i = 0; rit != from_range.end(); rit++, i++) {
        int ind = std::lower_bound(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), *rit) - new_ents.begin();
        assert(new_ents[ind] == *rit);
        to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE(MBMAXTYPE, ind, err);
        assert(to_vec[i] != 0 && !err && -1 != ind);
    else {
      Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
      ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                              shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag);
      // get single-proc destination handles and shared procs
      std::vector<int> sharing_procs(from_range.size());
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shh_tag, from_range, to_vec);
      RRA("Failed to get shared handle tag for remote_handles.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shp_tag, from_range, &sharing_procs[0]);
      RRA("Failed to get sharing proc tag in remote_handles.");
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < from_range.size(); j++) {
        if (to_vec[j] && sharing_procs[j] != to_proc)
          to_vec[j] = 0;
      EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      // go through results, and for 0-valued ones, look for multiple shared proc
      Range::iterator rit;
      unsigned int i;
      for (rit = from_range.begin(), i = 0; rit != from_range.end(); rit++, i++) {
        if (!to_vec[i]) {
          result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shhs_tag, &(*rit), 1, tmp_handles);
          if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
            result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(shps_tag, &(*rit), 1, tmp_procs);
            RRA("Trouble getting sharedps tag.");
            for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++)
              if (tmp_procs[j] == to_proc) {
                to_vec[i] = tmp_handles[j];
          if (!to_vec[i]) {
            int j = std::lower_bound(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), *rit) - new_ents.begin();
            if ((int)new_ents.size() == j) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              RRA("Failed to find new entity in send list.");
            int err;
            to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE(MBMAXTYPE, j, err);
            if (err) {
              result = MB_FAILURE;
              RRA("Failed to create handle in remote_handles.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sent_ents ( const bool  is_iface,
const int  bridge_dim,
const int  ghost_dim,
const int  num_layers,
const int  addl_ents,
Range sent_ents,
Range allsent,
TupleList entprocs 
) [private]

Definition at line 6017 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    unsigned int ind;
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator proc_it;
    Range tmp_range;
    // done in a separate loop over procs because sometimes later procs 
    // need to add info to earlier procs' messages
    for (ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); 
         proc_it != buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, ind++) {
      if (!is_iface) {
        result = get_ghosted_entities(bridge_dim, ghost_dim, buffProcs[ind],
                                      num_layers, addl_ents, sent_ents[ind]);
        RRA("Failed to get ghost layers.");
      else {
        result = get_iface_entities(buffProcs[ind], -1, sent_ents[ind]);
        RRA("Failed to get interface layers.");

      // filter out entities already shared with destination
      result = filter_pstatus(sent_ents[ind], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND,
                              buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range);
      RRA("Couldn't filter on owner.");
      if (!tmp_range.empty()) 
        sent_ents[ind] = subtract( sent_ents[ind], tmp_range);


    // need to get procs each entity is sent to

    // get the total # of proc/handle pairs
    int npairs = 0;
    for (ind = 0; ind < buffProcs.size(); ind++)
      npairs += sent_ents[ind].size();
    // allocate a TupleList of that size
    entprocs.initialize(1, 0, 1, 0, npairs);

    // put the proc/handle pairs in the list
    for (ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); 
         proc_it != buffProcs.end(); proc_it++, ind++) {
      for (Range::iterator rit = sent_ents[ind].begin(); rit != sent_ents[ind].end(); rit++) {
        entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *proc_it;
        entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit;
    // sort by handle
    moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
    entprocs.sort(1, &sort_buffer);


    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_shared_entities ( int  other_proc,
Range shared_ents,
int  dim = -1,
const bool  iface = false,
const bool  owned_filter = false 

Get shared entities of specified dimension If other_proc is -1, any shared entities are returned. If dim is -1, entities of all dimensions on interface are returned.

other_procRank of processor for which interface entities are requested
shared_entsEntities returned from function
dimDimension of interface entities requested
ifaceIf true, return only entities on the interface
owned_filterIf true, return only owned shared entities
HelloParMOAB.cpp, and LloydRelaxation.cpp.

Definition at line 8485 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    // dimension
    if (-1 != dim) {
      DimensionPair dp = CN::TypeDimensionMap[dim];
      Range dum_range;
      std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(dum_range));
    else std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(shared_ents));

    // filter by iface
    if (iface) {
      result = filter_pstatus(shared_ents, PSTATUS_INTERFACE, PSTATUS_AND);
    // filter by owned
    if (owned_filter) {
      result = filter_pstatus(shared_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);

    // filter by proc
    if (-1 != other_proc) {
      result = filter_pstatus(shared_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, other_proc);
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_shared_proc_tags ( Tag sharedp_tag,
Tag sharedps_tag,
Tag sharedh_tag,
Tag sharedhs_tag,
Tag pstatus_tag 
) [inline]

return the tags used to indicate shared procs and handles

Definition at line 1505 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    sharedp = sharedp_tag();
    sharedps = sharedps_tag();
    sharedh = sharedh_tag();
    sharedhs = sharedhs_tag();
    pstatus = pstatus_tag();
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Get all shared sets.

Definition at line 8584 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_data ( const EntityHandle  entity,
int *  ps,
EntityHandle hs,
unsigned char &  pstat,
unsigned int &  num_ps 

Get the shared processors/handles for an entity Get the shared processors/handles for an entity. Arrays must be large enough to receive data for all sharing procs. Does *not* include this proc if only shared with one other proc.

entityEntity being queried
psPointer to sharing proc data
hsPointer to shared proc handle data
pstatReference to pstatus data returned from this function

Definition at line 2820 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstat);
    RRA("Couldn't get pstatus tag.");
    if (pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, ps);
      RRA("Couldn't get sharedps tag.");
      if (hs) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, hs);
        RRA("Couldn't get sharedhs tag.");
      num_ps = std::find(ps, ps+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1) - ps;
    else if (pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, ps);
      RRA("Couldn't get sharedp tag.");
      if (hs) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, hs);
        RRA("Couldn't get sharedh tag.");
        hs[1] = 0;
      // initialize past end of data
      ps[1] = -1;
      num_ps = 1;
    else {
      ps[0] = -1;
      if (hs) hs[0] = 0;
      num_ps = 0;

    assert(MAX_SHARING_PROCS >= num_ps);
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_data ( const EntityHandle  entity,
int *  ps,
EntityHandle hs,
unsigned char &  pstat,
int &  num_ps 
) [inline]

Get the shared processors/handles for an entity Same as other version but with int num_ps.

entityEntity being queried
psPointer to sharing proc data
hsPointer to shared proc handle data
pstatReference to pstatus data returned from this function

Definition at line 1619 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    unsigned int dum_ps;
    ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data(entity, ps, hs, pstat, dum_ps);
    if (MB_SUCCESS == result)
      num_ps = dum_ps;
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_data ( const EntityHandle entities,
int  num_entities,
std::set< int > &  procs,
int  op = Interface::INTERSECT 
) [inline]

Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors. Processor set is cleared as part of this function.

entitiesEntity list ptr
num_entitiesNumber of entities
procsProcessors returned
opEither Interface::UNION or Interface::INTERSECT

Definition at line 1607 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    Range dum_range;
    // cast away constness 'cuz the range is passed as const
    EntityHandle *ents_cast = const_cast<EntityHandle*>(entities);
    std::copy(ents_cast, ents_cast+num_entities, range_inserter(dum_range));
    return get_sharing_data(dum_range, procs, op);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_data ( const Range entities,
std::set< int > &  procs,
int  op = Interface::INTERSECT 

Get the intersection or union of all sharing processors Same as previous variant but with range as input.

Definition at line 2772 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // get the union or intersection of sharing data for multiple entities

    ErrorCode result;
    int sp2[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int num_ps;
    unsigned char pstat;
    std::set<int> tmp_procs;
    for (Range::const_iterator rit = entities.begin(); rit != entities.end(); rit++) {
      // get sharing procs
      result = get_sharing_data(*rit, sp2, NULL, pstat, num_ps);
      RRA("Problem getting sharing data in get_sharing_data.");
      if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) && Interface::INTERSECT == operation) {
        return MB_SUCCESS;
      if (rit == entities.begin()) {
        std::copy(sp2, sp2+num_ps, std::inserter(procs, procs.begin()));
      else {
        std::sort(sp2, sp2+num_ps);
        if (Interface::UNION == operation) 
          std::set_union(procs.begin(), procs.end(), 
                         sp2, sp2+num_ps, std::inserter(tmp_procs, tmp_procs.end()));
        else if (Interface::INTERSECT == operation)
          std::set_intersection(procs.begin(), procs.end(), 
                                sp2, sp2+num_ps, std::inserter(tmp_procs, tmp_procs.end()));
        else {
          assert("Unknown operation." && false);
          return MB_FAILURE;
      if (Interface::INTERSECT == operation && procs.empty()) 
        return MB_SUCCESS;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_parts ( EntityHandle  entity,
int  part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
int &  num_part_ids_out,
EntityHandle  remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] = 0 

Definition at line 8076 of file ParallelComm.cpp.


    // FIXME : assumes one part per proc, and therefore part_id == rank
    // If entity is not shared, then we're the owner.
    unsigned char pstat;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1,
    if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED)) {
      part_ids_out[0] = proc_config().proc_rank();
      if (remote_handles)
        remote_handles[0] = entity;
      num_part_ids_out = 1;
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // If entity is shared with one other proc, then
    // sharedp_tag will contain a positive value.
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, part_ids_out );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    if (part_ids_out[0] != -1) {
      num_part_ids_out = 2;
      part_ids_out[1] = proc_config().proc_rank();

      // done?
      if (!remote_handles)
        return MB_SUCCESS;
      // get handles on remote processors (and this one)
      remote_handles[1] = entity;
      return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles );
    // If here, then the entity is shared with at least two other processors.
    // Get the list from the sharedps_tag
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, part_ids_out );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return result;
    // Count number of valid (positive) entries in sharedps_tag
    for (num_part_ids_out = 0; num_part_ids_out < MAX_SHARING_PROCS &&
           part_ids_out[num_part_ids_out] >= 0; ++num_part_ids_out);
    //part_ids_out[num_part_ids_out++] = proc_config().proc_rank();
#ifndef NDEBUG
    int my_idx = std::find(part_ids_out, part_ids_out+num_part_ids_out, proc_config().proc_rank()) - part_ids_out;
    assert(my_idx < num_part_ids_out);
    // done?
    if (!remote_handles)
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    // get remote handles
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles );
    //remote_handles[num_part_ids_out-1] = entity;
    assert(remote_handles[my_idx] == entity);

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::get_tag_send_list ( const Range all_entities,
std::vector< Tag > &  all_tags,
std::vector< Range > &  tag_ranges 
) [private]

Get list of tags for which to exchange data.

Get tags and entities for which to exchange tag data. This function was originally part of 'pack_tags' requested with the 'all_possible_tags' parameter.

all_entitiesInput. The set of entities for which data is to be communicated.
all_tagsOutput. Populated with the handles of tags to be sent.
tag_rangesOutput. For each corresponding tag in all_tags, the subset of 'all_entities' for which a tag value has been set.

Definition at line 3480 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<Tag> tmp_tags;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_tags(tmp_tags);
    RRA("Failed to get tags in pack_tags.");

    std::vector<Tag>::iterator tag_it;
    for (tag_it = tmp_tags.begin(); tag_it != tmp_tags.end(); tag_it++) {
      std::string tag_name;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_name(*tag_it, tag_name);
      if (tag_name.c_str()[0] == '_' && tag_name.c_str()[1] == '_')

      Range tmp_range;
      result = (*tag_it)->get_tagged_entities(sequenceManager, tmp_range);
      RRA("Failed to get entities for tag in pack_tags.");
      tmp_range = intersect( tmp_range, whole_range);

      if (tmp_range.empty()) continue;
      // ok, we'll be sending this tag
      all_tags.push_back( *tag_it );
      tag_ranges.push_back( Range() );
      tag_ranges.back().swap( tmp_range );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParallelComm::initialize ( ) [private]

Definition at line 331 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Core* core = dynamic_cast<Core*>(mbImpl);
    sequenceManager = core->sequence_manager();
    // initialize MPI, if necessary
    int flag = 1;
    int retval = MPI_Initialized(&flag);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != retval || !flag) {
      int argc = 0;
      char **argv = NULL;
      // mpi not initialized yet - initialize here
      retval = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    // reserve space for vectors

    pcommID = add_pcomm(this);

    if (!myDebug) myDebug = new DebugOutput("ParallelComm", std::cerr);

Definition at line 633 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return interfaceSets;}
const Range& moab::ParallelComm::interface_sets ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 634 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return interfaceSets;}
bool moab::ParallelComm::is_iface_proc ( EntityHandle  this_set,
int  to_proc 
) [private]

returns true if the set is an interface shared with to_proc

Definition at line 5083 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    std::fill(sharing_procs, sharing_procs+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), &this_set, 1,
    if (MB_SUCCESS == result && to_proc == sharing_procs[0]) return true;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedps_tag(), &this_set, 1,
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; i++) {
      if (to_proc == sharing_procs[i]) return true;
      else if (-1 == sharing_procs[i]) return false;
    return false;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::list_entities ( const EntityHandle ents,
int  num_ents 

Definition at line 2388 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (NULL == ents && 0 == num_ents) {
      Range shared_ents;
      std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(shared_ents));
      shared_ents.print("Shared entities:\n");
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    else if (NULL == ents && 0 != num_ents) {
      return list_entities(&sharedEnts[0], sharedEnts.size());
    unsigned char pstat;
    EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    unsigned int num_ps;
    ErrorCode result;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
      result = mbImpl->list_entities(ents+i, 1);

      result = get_sharing_data(ents[i], tmp_procs, tmp_handles, pstat, num_ps);
      RRA("Failed to get sharing data.");

      std::cout << "Pstatus: ";
      if (!num_ps)
        std::cout << "local " << std::endl;
      else {
        if (pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) std::cout << "NOT_OWNED; ";
        if (pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) std::cout << "SHARED; ";
        if (pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) std::cout << "MULTISHARED; ";
        if (pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) std::cout << "INTERFACE; ";
        if (pstat & PSTATUS_GHOST) std::cout << "GHOST; ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_ps; j++) {
          std::cout << "  proc " << tmp_procs[j] << " id (handle) " 
                    << mbImpl->id_from_handle(tmp_handles[j]) 
                    << "(" << tmp_handles[j] << ")" << std::endl;
      std::cout << std::endl;

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 2435 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    for (Range::iterator rit = ents.begin(); rit != ents.end(); rit++)
      list_entities(&(*rit), 1);
    return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParallelComm::num_subranges ( const Range this_range) [private]

Definition at line 1327 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // ok, have all the ranges we'll pack; count the subranges
    int num_sub_ranges = 0;
    for (Range::const_pair_iterator pit = this_range.const_pair_begin(); 
         pit != this_range.const_pair_end(); pit++)

    return num_sub_ranges;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_adjacencies ( Range entities,
Range::const_iterator start_rit,
Range whole_range,
unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
int &  count,
const bool  just_count,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  to_proc 
) [private]

Definition at line 3266 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return MB_FAILURE;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_buffer ( Range orig_ents,
const bool  adjacencies,
const bool  tags,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  to_proc,
Buffer buff,
TupleList entprocs = NULL,
Range allsent = NULL 

public 'cuz we want to unit test these externally

Definition at line 1232 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // pack the buffer with the entity ranges, adjacencies, and tags sections
    // Note: new entities used in subsequent connectivity lists, sets, or tags, 
    //   are referred to as (MBMAXTYPE + index), where index is into vector 
    //   of new entities, 0-based
    ErrorCode result;

    Range set_range;
    std::vector<Range> set_ranges;
    std::vector<Tag> all_tags;
    std::vector<Range> tag_ranges;
    std::vector<int> set_sizes;
    std::vector<unsigned int> options_vec;

    Range::const_iterator rit;

    // entities
    result = pack_entities(orig_ents, buff,
                           store_remote_handles, to_proc, false,
                           entprocs, allsent);
    RRA("Packing entities failed.");
    // sets
    result = pack_sets(orig_ents, buff,
                       store_remote_handles, to_proc); 
    RRA("Packing sets (count) failed.");

    // tags
    Range final_ents;
    if (tags) {
      result = get_tag_send_list(orig_ents, all_tags, tag_ranges );
      RRA("Failed to get tagged entities.");
      result = pack_tags(orig_ents, all_tags, all_tags, tag_ranges, 
                         buff, store_remote_handles, to_proc);
      RRA("Packing tags (count) failed.");
    else { // set tag size to 0
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, 0);

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_entities ( Range entities,
Buffer buff,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  to_proc,
const bool  is_iface,
TupleList entprocs = NULL,
Range allsent = NULL 

Definition at line 1423 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // packed information:
    // 1. # entities = E
    // 2. for e in E
    //   a. # procs sharing e, incl. sender and receiver = P
    //   b. for p in P (procs sharing e)
    //   c. for p in P (handle for e on p) (Note1)
    // 3. vertex/entity info

    // get an estimate of the buffer size & pre-allocate buffer size
    unsigned int buff_size = estimate_ents_buffer_size(entities, 
    WriteUtilIface *wu;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->query_interface(wu);
    RRA("Couldn't get WriteUtilIface.");

    unsigned int num_ents;

    std::vector<EntityHandle> entities_vec(entities.size());
    std::copy(entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin());

    // first pack procs/handles sharing this ent, not including this dest but including
    // others (with zero handles)
    if (store_remote_handles) {

      // buff space is at least proc+handle for each entity; use avg of 4 other procs
      // to estimate buff size, but check later
      buff->check_space(sizeof(int) + (5*sizeof(int) + sizeof(EntityHandle))*entities.size());

      // 1. # entities = E
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, entities.size());
      Range::iterator rit;
      // pre-fetch sharedp and pstatus
      std::vector<int> sharedp_vals(entities.size());
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(sharedp_tag(), entities, &sharedp_vals[0]);
      RRA("Failed to get sharedp_tag.");
      std::vector<char> pstatus_vals(entities.size());
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), entities, &pstatus_vals[0]);
      RRA("Failed to get sharedp_tag.");
      unsigned int i;
      int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      std::set<unsigned int> dumprocs;

      // 2. for e in E
      for (rit = entities.begin(), i = 0; 
           rit != entities.end(); rit++, i++) {
        unsigned int ind = std::lower_bound(entprocs->vul_rd, entprocs->vul_rd+entprocs->get_n(), *rit) - entprocs->vul_rd;
        assert(ind < entprocs->get_n());
        while (ind < entprocs->get_n() && entprocs->vul_rd[ind] == *rit)
        result = build_sharedhps_list(*rit, pstatus_vals[i], sharedp_vals[i],
                                      dumprocs, num_ents, tmp_procs, tmp_handles);
        RRA("Failed to build sharedhps.");


        // now pack them
        buff->check_space((num_ents+1)*sizeof(int) + 
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, num_ents);
        PACK_INTS(buff->buff_ptr, tmp_procs, num_ents);
        PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, tmp_handles, num_ents);

#ifndef NDEBUG
        // check for duplicates in proc list
        unsigned int dp = 0;
        for (; dp < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && -1 != tmp_procs[dp]; dp++)
        assert(dumprocs.size() == dp);
    // pack vertices
    Range these_ents = entities.subset_by_type(MBVERTEX);
    num_ents = these_ents.size();

    if (num_ents) {
      buff_size = 2*sizeof(int) + 3*num_ents*sizeof(double);

      // type, # ents
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, ((int) MBVERTEX));
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, ((int) num_ents));

      std::vector<double> tmp_coords(3*num_ents);
      result = mbImpl->get_coords(these_ents, &tmp_coords[0]);
      PACK_DBLS(buff->buff_ptr, &tmp_coords[0], 3*num_ents);
      RRA("Couldn't get vertex coordinates.");

      myDebug->tprintf(4, "Packed %lu ents of type %s\n", (unsigned long)these_ents.size(),

    // now entities; go through range, packing by type and equal # verts per element
    Range::iterator start_rit = entities.find(*these_ents.rbegin());
    int last_nodes = -1;
    EntityType last_type = MBMAXTYPE;
    Range::iterator end_rit = start_rit;
    EntitySequence *seq;
    ElementSequence *eseq;
    while (start_rit != entities.end() || !these_ents.empty()) {
      // cases:
      // A: !end, last_type == MBMAXTYPE, seq: save contig sequence in these_ents
      // B: !end, last type & nodes same, seq: save contig sequence in these_ents
      // C: !end, last type & nodes different: pack these_ents, then save contig sequence in these_ents
      // D: end: pack these_ents

      // find the sequence holding current start entity, if we're not at end
      eseq = NULL;
      if (start_rit != entities.end()) {
        result = sequenceManager->find(*start_rit, seq);
        RRA("Couldn't find entity sequence.");
        if (NULL == seq) return MB_FAILURE;
        eseq = dynamic_cast<ElementSequence*>(seq);

      // pack the last batch if at end or next one is different
      if (!these_ents.empty() &&
          (!eseq || eseq->type() != last_type ||
           last_nodes != (int) eseq->nodes_per_element())) {
        result = pack_entity_seq(last_nodes, store_remote_handles,
                                 to_proc, these_ents, entities_vec, buff);
        RRA("Failed to pack entities from a sequence.");

      if (eseq) {
        // continuation of current range, just save these entities
        // get position in entities list one past end of this sequence
        end_rit = entities.lower_bound(start_rit, entities.end(), eseq->end_handle()+1);

        // put these entities in the range
        std::copy(start_rit, end_rit, range_inserter(these_ents));

        last_type = eseq->type();
        last_nodes = eseq->nodes_per_element();
      else if (start_rit != entities.end() &&
               TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*start_rit) == MBENTITYSET)

      start_rit = end_rit;

    // pack MBMAXTYPE to indicate end of ranges
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, ((int)MBMAXTYPE));

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_entity_seq ( const int  nodes_per_entity,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  to_proc,
Range these_ents,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  entities,
Buffer buff 
) [private]

pack a range of entities with equal # verts per entity, along with the range on the sending proc

Definition at line 1681 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    int tmp_space = 3*sizeof(int) + nodes_per_entity*these_ents.size()*sizeof(EntityHandle);
    // pack the entity type
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, ((int)TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*these_ents.begin())));

    // pack # ents
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, these_ents.size());
    // pack the nodes per entity
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, nodes_per_entity);
    // pack the connectivity
    std::vector<EntityHandle> connect;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    for (Range::const_iterator rit = these_ents.begin(); rit != these_ents.end(); rit++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_connectivity(&(*rit), 1, connect, false);
      RRA("Failed to get connectivity.");
      assert((int)connect.size() == nodes_per_entity);
      result = get_remote_handles(store_remote_handles, &connect[0], &connect[0],
                                  connect.size(), to_proc, entities_vec);
      RRA("Failed in get_remote_handles.");
      PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &connect[0], connect.size());

    // substitute destination handles
    RRA("Trouble getting remote handles when packing entities.");

    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Packed %lu ents of type %s\n", (unsigned long)these_ents.size(),

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_range_map ( Range this_range,
EntityHandle  actual_start,
HandleMap handle_map 
) [private]

pack a range map with keys in this_range and values a contiguous series of handles starting at actual_start

Definition at line 2947 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    for (Range::const_pair_iterator key_it = key_range.const_pair_begin(); 
         key_it != key_range.const_pair_end(); key_it++) {
      int tmp_num = (*key_it).second - (*key_it).first + 1;
      handle_map.insert((*key_it).first, val_start, tmp_num);
      val_start += tmp_num;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_remote_handles ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L1hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L1hrem,
std::vector< int > &  procs,
unsigned int  to_proc,
Buffer buff 

Definition at line 6867 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    assert(std::find(L1hloc.begin(), L1hloc.end(), (EntityHandle)0) == L1hloc.end());
    // 2 vectors of handles plus ints
    buff->check_space(((L1p.size()+1)*sizeof(int) + 
                       (L1hloc.size()+1)*sizeof(EntityHandle) + 
    // should be in pairs of handles
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, L1hloc.size());
    PACK_INTS(buff->buff_ptr, &L1p[0], L1p.size());
      // pack handles in reverse order, (remote, local), so on destination they
      // are ordered (local, remote)
    PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &L1hrem[0], L1hrem.size());
    PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &L1hloc[0], L1hloc.size());
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_sets ( Range entities,
Buffer buff,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  to_proc 
) [private]

Definition at line 2960 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // SETS:
    // . #sets
    // . for each set:
    //   - options[#sets] (unsigned int)
    //   - if (unordered) set range 
    //   - else if ordered
    //     . #ents in set
    //     . handles[#ents]
    //   - #parents
    //   - if (#parents) handles[#parents]
    //   - #children
    //   - if (#children) handles[#children]
    // now the sets; assume any sets the application wants to pass are in the entities list
    ErrorCode result;
    Range all_sets = entities.subset_by_type(MBENTITYSET);

    int buff_size = estimate_sets_buffer_size(all_sets, store_remote_handles);

    // number of sets
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, all_sets.size());

    // options for all sets
    std::vector<unsigned int> options(all_sets.size());
    Range::iterator rit;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> members;
    int i;
    for (rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); rit++, i++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_meshset_options(*rit, options[i]);
      RRA("Failed to get meshset options.");
    buff->check_space(all_sets.size()*sizeof(unsigned int));
    PACK_VOID(buff->buff_ptr, &options[0], all_sets.size()*sizeof(unsigned int));

    // pack parallel geometry unique id
    if (!all_sets.empty()) {
      Tag uid_tag;
      int n_sets = all_sets.size();
      bool b_pack = false;
      std::vector<int> id_data(n_sets);
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("PARALLEL_UNIQUE_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, 
                                      uid_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        RRA("Trouble creating parallel geometry unique id tag.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(uid_tag, all_sets, &id_data[0]);
      if (MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result) {
        RRA("Trouble getting parallel geometry unique ids.");
        for (i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) {
          if (id_data[i] != 0) {
            b_pack = true;
      if (b_pack) { // if you find
        buff->check_space((n_sets + 1)*sizeof(int));
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, n_sets);
        PACK_INTS(buff->buff_ptr, &id_data[0], n_sets);
      else {
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, 0);
    // vectors/ranges
    std::vector<EntityHandle> entities_vec(entities.size());
    std::copy(entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin());
    for (rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); rit++, i++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, members);
      RRA("Failed to get entities in ordered set.");
      result = get_remote_handles(store_remote_handles, &members[0],
                                  &members[0], members.size(),
                                  to_proc, entities_vec);
      RRA("Failed in get_remote_handles.");
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, members.size());
      PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &members[0], members.size());

    // pack parent/child sets
    if (!store_remote_handles) { // only works not store remote handles
      // pack numbers of parents/children
      unsigned int tot_pch = 0;
      int num_pch;
      for (rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); rit++, i++) {
        // pack parents
        result = mbImpl->num_parent_meshsets(*rit, &num_pch);
        RRA("Failed to get num parents.");
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, num_pch);
        tot_pch += num_pch;
        result = mbImpl->num_child_meshsets(*rit, &num_pch);
        RRA("Failed to get num children.");
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, num_pch);
        tot_pch += num_pch;

      // now pack actual parents/children
      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_pch;
      for (rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); rit++, i++) {

        result = mbImpl->get_parent_meshsets(*rit, tmp_pch);
        RRA("Failed to get parents.");
        std::copy(tmp_pch.begin(), tmp_pch.end(), std::back_inserter(members));
        result = mbImpl->get_child_meshsets(*rit, tmp_pch);
        RRA("Failed to get children.");
        std::copy(tmp_pch.begin(), tmp_pch.end(), std::back_inserter(members));
      assert(members.size() == tot_pch);
      if (!members.empty()) {
        result = get_remote_handles(store_remote_handles,
                                    &members[0], &members[0], 
                                    members.size(), to_proc,
        RRA("Trouble getting remote handles for set parent/child sets.");
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // check that all handles are either sets or maxtype
        for (unsigned int __j = 0; __j < members.size(); __j++)
          assert((TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(members[__j]) == MBMAXTYPE &&
                  ID_FROM_HANDLE(members[__j]) < (int)entities.size()) ||
                 TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(members[__j]) == MBENTITYSET);
        PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &members[0], members.size());
    else {
      for (rit = all_sets.begin(); rit != all_sets.end(); rit++) {
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, 0);
        PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, 0);

    // pack the handles
    if (store_remote_handles && !all_sets.empty()) {
      buff_size = RANGE_SIZE(all_sets);
      PACK_RANGE(buff->buff_ptr, all_sets);

    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Done packing sets.\n");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_shared_handles ( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > &  send_data)

Definition at line 8141 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // build up send buffers
    ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
    int ent_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    EntityHandle handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int num_sharing, tmp_int;
    SharedEntityData tmp;
    for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator i = sharedEnts.begin(); i != sharedEnts.end(); ++i) {
      tmp.remote = *i; // swap local/remote so they're correct on the remote proc.
      rval = get_owner( *i, tmp_int );
      tmp.owner = tmp_int;
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;

      unsigned char pstat;
      rval = get_sharing_data( *i, ent_procs, handles, pstat, num_sharing );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
      for (int j = 0; j < num_sharing; ++j) {
        if (ent_procs[j] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
        tmp.local = handles[j];
        int ind = get_buffers(ent_procs[j]);
        assert(-1 != ind);
        if ((int)send_data.size() < ind+1) send_data.resize(ind+1);
        send_data[ind].push_back( tmp );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_tag ( Tag  source_tag,
Tag  destination_tag,
const Range entities,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > &  whole_range,
Buffer buff,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  to_proc 
) [private]

Serialize tag data.

source_tagThe tag for which data will be serialized
destination_tagTag in which to store unpacked tag data. Typically the same as source_tag.
entitesThe entities for which tag values will be serialized
whole_rangeCalculate entity indices as location in this range
buff_ptrInput/Output: As input, pointer to the start of the buffer in which to serialize data. As output, the position just passed the serialized data.
count_outOutput: The required buffer size, in bytes.
store_handlesThe data for each tag is preceeded by a list of EntityHandles designating the entity each of the subsequent tag values corresponds to. This value may be one of: 1) If store_handles == false: An invalid handle composed of {MBMAXTYPE,idx}, where idx is the position of the entity in "whole_range". 2) If store_hanldes == true and a valid remote handle exists, the remote handle. 3) If store_hanldes == true and no valid remote handle is defined for the entity, the same as 1).
to_procIf 'store_handles' is true, the processor rank for which to store the corresponding remote entity handles.

Definition at line 3385 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    std::vector<int> var_len_sizes;
    std::vector<const void*> var_len_values;

    if (src_tag != dst_tag) {
      if (dst_tag->get_size() != src_tag->get_size())
        return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
      if (dst_tag->get_data_type() != src_tag->get_data_type() && 
          dst_tag->get_data_type() != MB_TYPE_OPAQUE &&
          src_tag->get_data_type() != MB_TYPE_OPAQUE)
        return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    // size, type, data type
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, src_tag->get_size());
    TagType this_type;
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_type(dst_tag, this_type);
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, (int)this_type);
    DataType data_type = src_tag->get_data_type();
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, (int)data_type);
    int type_size = TagInfo::size_from_data_type(data_type);

    // default value
    if (NULL == src_tag->get_default_value()) {
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, 0);
    else {
      PACK_BYTES(buff->buff_ptr, src_tag->get_default_value(), src_tag->get_default_value_size());

    // name
    PACK_BYTES(buff->buff_ptr, dst_tag->get_name().c_str(), dst_tag->get_name().size());

    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Packing tag \"%s\"", src_tag->get_name().c_str());
    if (src_tag != dst_tag)
      myDebug->tprintf(4, " (as tag \"%s\")", dst_tag->get_name().c_str());
    myDebug->tprintf(4, "\n");

    // pack entities
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, tagged_entities.size());
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_tagged_entities(tagged_entities.size());
    result = get_remote_handles(store_remote_handles,
                                tagged_entities, &dum_tagged_entities[0], to_proc,
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        std::cerr << "Trouble getting remote handles for tagged entities:" << std::endl;
        tagged_entities.print("  ");
      RRA("Trouble getting remote handles for tagged entities.");

    PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &dum_tagged_entities[0], dum_tagged_entities.size());

    const size_t num_ent = tagged_entities.size();
    if (src_tag->get_size() == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) {
      var_len_sizes.resize( num_ent, 0 );
      var_len_values.resize( num_ent, 0 );
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr(src_tag, tagged_entities, &var_len_values[0], 
                                      &var_len_sizes[0] );
      RRA("Failed to get variable-length tag data in pack_tags.");
      PACK_INTS(buff->buff_ptr, &var_len_sizes[0], num_ent);
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_ent; ++i) {
        PACK_VOID(buff->buff_ptr, var_len_values[i], type_size*var_len_sizes[i]);
    else {
      buff->check_space(num_ent * src_tag->get_size());
      // should be ok to read directly into buffer, since tags are untyped and
      // handled by memcpy
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(src_tag, tagged_entities, buff->buff_ptr);
      RRA("Failed to get tag data in pack_tags.");
      buff->buff_ptr += num_ent * src_tag->get_size();
      PC(num_ent*src_tag->get_size(), " void");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::pack_tags ( Range entities,
const std::vector< Tag > &  src_tags,
const std::vector< Tag > &  dst_tags,
const std::vector< Range > &  tag_ranges,
Buffer buff,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  to_proc 
) [private]

Serialize entity tag data.

This function operates in two passes. The first phase, specified by 'just_count == true' calculates the necesary buffer size for the serialized data. The second phase writes the actual binary serialized representation of the data to the passed buffer.

First two arguments are not used. (Legacy interface?)

entitiesNOT USED
start_ritNOT USED
whole_rangeShould be the union of the sets of entities for which tag values are to be serialized. Also specifies ordering for indexes for tag values and serves as the superset from which to compose entity lists from individual tags if just_count and all_possible_tags are both true.
buff_ptrBuffer into which to write binary serailzed data
countOutput: The size of the serialized data is added to this parameter. NOTE: Should probalby initialize to zero before calling.
just_countIf true, just calculate the buffer size required to hold the serialized data. Will also append to 'all_tags' and 'tag_ranges' if all_possible_tags == true.
store_handlesThe data for each tag is preceeded by a list of EntityHandles designating the entity each of the subsequent tag values corresponds to. This value may be one of: 1) If store_handles == false: An invalid handle composed of {MBMAXTYPE,idx}, where idx is the position of the entity in "whole_range". 2) If store_hanldes == true and a valid remote handle exists, the remote handle. 3) If store_hanldes == true and no valid remote handle is defined for the entity, the same as 1).
to_procIf 'store_handles' is true, the processor rank for which to store the corresponding remote entity handles.
all_tagsList of tags to write
tag_rangesList of entities to serialize tag data, one for each corresponding tag handle in 'all_tags.

Definition at line 3286 of file ParallelComm.cpp.


    ErrorCode result;
    std::vector<Tag>::const_iterator tag_it, dst_it;
    std::vector<Range>::const_iterator rit;
    int count = 0;
    for (tag_it = src_tags.begin(), rit = tag_ranges.begin(); 
         tag_it != src_tags.end(); tag_it++, rit++) {

      result = packed_tag_size( *tag_it, *rit, count );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
        return result;
    // number of tags
    count += sizeof(int);

    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, src_tags.size());

    std::vector<EntityHandle> entities_vec(entities.size());
    std::copy(entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin());
    for (tag_it = src_tags.begin(), dst_it = dst_tags.begin(), rit = tag_ranges.begin(); 
         tag_it != src_tags.end(); tag_it++, dst_it++, rit++) {
      result = pack_tag( *tag_it, *dst_it, *rit, entities_vec, buff,
                         store_remote_handles, to_proc );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
        return result;
    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Done packing tags.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::packed_tag_size ( Tag  source_tag,
const Range entities,
int &  count_out 
) [private]

Calculate buffer size required to packtag data.

source_tagThe tag for which data will be serialized
entitesThe entities for which tag values will be serialized
count_outOutput: The required buffer size, in bytes.

Definition at line 3336 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // for dense tags, compute size assuming all entities have that tag
    // for sparse tags, get number of entities w/ that tag to compute size

    std::vector<int> var_len_sizes;
    std::vector<const void*> var_len_values;
    // default value
    count += sizeof(int);
    if (NULL != tag->get_default_value()) 
      count += tag->get_default_value_size();

    // size, type, data type
    count += 3*sizeof(int);

    // name
    count += sizeof(int);
    count += tag->get_name().size();

    // range of tag
    count += sizeof(int) + tagged_entities.size() * sizeof(EntityHandle);

    if (tag->get_size() == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) {
      const int num_ent = tagged_entities.size();
      // send a tag size for each entity
      count += num_ent * sizeof(int);
      // send tag data for each entity
      var_len_sizes.resize( num_ent );
      var_len_values.resize( num_ent );
      ErrorCode result = tag->get_data( sequenceManager,
                                        &var_len_sizes[0] );
      RRA("Failed to get lenghts of variable-length tag values.");
      count += std::accumulate( var_len_sizes.begin(), var_len_sizes.end(), 0 );
    else {
      // tag data values for range or vector
      count += tagged_entities.size() * tag->get_size();
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 658 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return partition_tag(); }

return partition, interface set ranges

Definition at line 631 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return partitionSets;}
const Range& moab::ParallelComm::partition_sets ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 632 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return partitionSets;}

return partitions set tag

return partition set tag

Definition at line 7647 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

Tag moab::ParallelComm::pcomm_tag ( Interface impl,
bool  create_if_missing = true 
) [static]

return pcomm tag; passes in impl 'cuz this is a static function

return pcomm tag; static because might not have a pcomm before going to look for one on the interface

Definition at line 7662 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Tag this_tag = 0;
    ErrorCode result;
    if (create_if_missing) {
      result = impl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_COMM_TAG_NAME, 
                                    MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, this_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
    else {
      result = impl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_COMM_TAG_NAME, 
                                    MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, this_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      return 0;
    return this_tag;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::post_irecv ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  exchange_procs)

Post "MPI_Irecv" before meshing.

exchange_procsprocessor vector exchanged

Definition at line 6268 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // set buffers
    int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);

    // post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
    // index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
    int success;
    ErrorCode result;
    recvReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    recvRemotehReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

    int incoming = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
      int ind = get_buffers(exchange_procs[i]);
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[ind], 
                        remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                        MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming);
      success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
                          MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::post_irecv ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  shared_procs,
std::set< unsigned int > &  recv_procs 

Definition at line 6303 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  // set buffers
  int num = shared_procs.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) get_buffers(shared_procs[i]);
  num = remoteOwnedBuffs.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) remoteOwnedBuffs[i]->set_stored_size();
  num = localOwnedBuffs.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) localOwnedBuffs[i]->set_stored_size();

  // post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
  // index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
  int success;
  ErrorCode result;
  recvReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
  recvRemotehReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
  sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

  int incoming = 0;
  std::set<unsigned int>::iterator it = recv_procs.begin();
  std::set<unsigned int>::iterator eit = recv_procs.end();
  for (; it != eit; it++) {
    int ind = get_buffers(*it);
    PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[ind], 
                      remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                      MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming);
    success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                        MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
                        MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
    if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::print_buffer ( unsigned char *  buff_ptr,
int  mesg_type,
int  from_proc,
bool  sent 
) [private]

Definition at line 2188 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::cerr << procConfig.proc_rank();
    if (sent) std::cerr << " sent";
    else std::cerr << " received";
    std::cerr << " message type " << mesg_tag 
              << " to/from proc " << from_proc << "; contents:" << std::endl;

    int msg_length, num_ents;
    unsigned char *orig_ptr = buff_ptr;
    UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, msg_length);
    std::cerr << msg_length << " bytes..." << std::endl;

    if (MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE == mesg_tag || MB_MESG_ENTS_LARGE == mesg_tag) {

      // 1. # entities = E
      int i, j, k;
      std::vector<int> ps;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> hs;

      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);
      std::cerr << num_ents << " entities..." << std::endl;

      // save place where remote handle info starts, then scan forward to ents
      for (i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, j);
        if (0 > j) return MB_FAILURE;
        std::cerr << "Entity " << i << ", # procs = " << j << std::endl;
        UNPACK_INTS(buff_ptr, &ps[0], j);
        UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &hs[0], j);
        std::cerr << "   Procs: ";
        for (k = 0; k < j; k++) std::cerr << ps[k] << " ";
        std::cerr << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "   Handles: ";
        for (k = 0; k < j; k++) std::cerr << hs[k] << " ";
        std::cerr << std::endl;

        if (buff_ptr-orig_ptr > msg_length) {
          std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
          return MB_FAILURE;
      while (true) {
        EntityType this_type = MBMAXTYPE;
        UNPACK_TYPE(buff_ptr, this_type);
        assert(this_type != MBENTITYSET);

        // MBMAXTYPE signifies end of entities data
        if (MBMAXTYPE == this_type) break;

        // get the number of ents
        int num_ents2, verts_per_entity = 0;
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents2);

        // unpack the nodes per entity
        if (MBVERTEX != this_type && num_ents2) {
          UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, verts_per_entity);

        std::cerr << "Type: " << CN::EntityTypeName(this_type)
                  << "; num_ents = " << num_ents2;
        if (MBVERTEX != this_type) std::cerr << "; verts_per_ent = " << verts_per_entity;
        std::cerr << std::endl;
        if (num_ents2 < 0 || num_ents2 > msg_length) {
          std::cerr << "Wrong number of entities, returning." << std::endl;
          return MB_FAILURE;
        for (int e = 0; e < num_ents2; e++) {
          // check for existing entity, otherwise make new one

          if (MBVERTEX == this_type) {
            double coords[3];
            UNPACK_DBLS(buff_ptr, coords, 3);
            std::cerr << "xyz = " << coords[0] << ", " << coords[1] << ", " 
                      << coords[2] << std::endl;
          else {
            EntityHandle connect[CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT];
            assert(verts_per_entity <= CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT);
            UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, connect, verts_per_entity);

            // update connectivity to local handles
            std::cerr << "Connectivity: ";
            for (k = 0; k < verts_per_entity; k++) std::cerr << connect[k] << " ";
            std::cerr << std::endl;

          if (buff_ptr-orig_ptr > msg_length) {
            std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
            return MB_FAILURE;
    else if (MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE == mesg_tag || MB_MESG_REMOTEH_LARGE == mesg_tag) {
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);
      std::cerr << num_ents << " entities..." << std::endl;
      if (0 > num_ents || num_ents > msg_length) {
        std::cerr << "Wrong number of entities, returning." << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> L1hloc(num_ents), L1hrem(num_ents);
      std::vector<int> L1p(num_ents);
      UNPACK_INTS(buff_ptr, &L1p[0], num_ents);
      UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &L1hrem[0], num_ents);
      UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &L1hloc[0], num_ents);
      std::cerr << num_ents << " Entity pairs; hremote/hlocal/proc: " << std::endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
        EntityType etype = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(L1hloc[i]);
        std::cerr << CN::EntityTypeName(etype) << ID_FROM_HANDLE(L1hrem[i])  << ", " 
                  << CN::EntityTypeName(etype) << ID_FROM_HANDLE(L1hloc[i])  << ", " 
                  << L1p[i] << std::endl;

      if (buff_ptr-orig_ptr > msg_length) {
        std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
        return MB_FAILURE;

    else if (mesg_tag == MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE || mesg_tag == MB_MESG_TAGS_LARGE) {
      int num_tags, dum1, data_type, tag_size;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_tags);
      std::cerr << "Number of tags = " << num_tags << std::endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++) {
        std::cerr << "Tag " << i << ":" << std::endl;
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, tag_size);
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, dum1);
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, data_type);
        std::cerr << "Tag size, type, data type = " << tag_size << ", " 
                  << dum1 << ", " << data_type << std::endl;
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, dum1);
        std::cerr << "Default value size = " << dum1 << std::endl;
        buff_ptr += dum1;
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, dum1);
        std::string name((char*)buff_ptr, dum1);
        std::cerr << "Tag name = " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
        buff_ptr += dum1;
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);
        std::cerr << "Number of ents = " << num_ents << std::endl;
        std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_buff(num_ents);
        UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &tmp_buff[0], num_ents);
        int tot_length = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < num_ents; j++) {
          EntityType etype = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(tmp_buff[j]);
          std::cerr << CN::EntityTypeName(etype) << " " 
                    << ID_FROM_HANDLE(tmp_buff[j])
                    << ", tag = ";
          if (tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) {
            UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, dum1);
            tot_length += dum1;
            std::cerr << "(variable, length = " << dum1 << ")" << std::endl;
          else if (data_type == MB_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
            double dum_dbl;
            UNPACK_DBL(buff_ptr, dum_dbl);
            std::cerr << dum_dbl << std::endl;
          else if (data_type == MB_TYPE_INTEGER) {
            int dum_int;
            UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, dum_int);
            std::cerr << dum_int << std::endl;
          else if (data_type == MB_TYPE_OPAQUE) {
            std::cerr << "(opaque)" << std::endl;
            buff_ptr += tag_size;
          else if (data_type == MB_TYPE_HANDLE) {
            EntityHandle dum_eh;
            UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &dum_eh, 1);
            std::cerr <<  dum_eh << std::endl;
          else if (data_type == MB_TYPE_BIT) {
            std::cerr << "(bit)" << std::endl;
            buff_ptr += tag_size;
        if (tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) buff_ptr += tot_length;
    else {
      return MB_FAILURE;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParallelComm::print_debug_irecv ( int  to,
int  from,
unsigned char *  buff,
int  size,
int  tag,
int  incoming 
) [private]

Definition at line 225 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    myDebug->tprintf(3, "Irecv, %d<-%d, buffer ptr = %p, tag=%d, size=%d",
                     to, from, (void*)buff, tag, sz);
    if (tag < MB_MESG_REMOTEH_ACK) myDebug->printf(3, ", incoming1=%d\n", incoming);
    else if (tag < MB_MESG_TAGS_ACK) myDebug->printf(3, ", incoming2=%d\n", incoming);
    else myDebug->printf(3, ", incoming=%d\n", incoming);
void moab::ParallelComm::print_debug_isend ( int  from,
int  to,
unsigned char *  buff,
int  tag,
int  size 
) [private]

Definition at line 218 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    myDebug->tprintf(3, "Isend, %d->%d, buffer ptr = %p, tag=%d, size=%d\n",
                     from, to, (void*)buff, tag, sz);
void moab::ParallelComm::print_debug_recd ( MPI_Status  status) [private]

Definition at line 235 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      int this_count;
      int success = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, &this_count);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) this_count = -1;
      myDebug->tprintf(3, "Received from %d, count = %d, tag = %d\n", 
                       status.MPI_SOURCE, this_count , status.MPI_TAG);
void moab::ParallelComm::print_debug_waitany ( std::vector< MPI_Request > &  reqs,
int  tag,
int  proc 
) [private]

Definition at line 246 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      myDebug->tprintf(3, "Waitany, p=%d, ", proc);
      if (tag < MB_MESG_REMOTEH_ACK) myDebug->print(3, ", recv_ent_reqs=");
      else if (tag < MB_MESG_TAGS_ACK) myDebug->print(3, ", recv_remoteh_reqs=");
      else myDebug->print(3, ", recv_tag_reqs=");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++) myDebug->printf(3, " %p", (void*)(intptr_t)reqs[i]);
      myDebug->print(3, "\n");
void moab::ParallelComm::print_pstatus ( unsigned char  pstat,
std::string &  ostr 

print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form

Definition at line 8927 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  std::ostringstream str;
  int num = 0;
#define ppstat(a, b) {if (pstat & a) {if (num) str << ", "; str << b; num++;};}

  ostr = str.str();
void moab::ParallelComm::print_pstatus ( unsigned char  pstat)

print contents of pstatus value in human-readable form to std::cut

Definition at line 8942 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  std::string str;
  print_pstatus(pstat, str);
  std::cout << str.c_str() << std::endl;
const ProcConfig& moab::ParallelComm::proc_config ( ) const [inline]

Get proc config for this communication object.


Definition at line 614 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return procConfig;}

Get proc config for this communication object.

Definition at line 617 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{return procConfig;}

return pstatus tag

Definition at line 7631 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (!pstatusTag) {
      unsigned char tmp_pstatus = 0;
      ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_STATUS_TAG_NAME, 
                                                1, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, pstatusTag,
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
        return 0;
    return pstatusTag;
unsigned moab::ParallelComm::rank ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 619 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return proc_config().proc_rank(); }
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::recv_buffer ( int  mesg_tag_expected,
const MPI_Status &  mpi_status,
Buffer recv_buff,
MPI_Request &  recv_2nd_req,
MPI_Request &  ack_req,
int &  this_incoming,
Buffer send_buff,
MPI_Request &  send_req,
MPI_Request &  sent_ack_req,
bool &  done,
Buffer next_buff = NULL,
int  next_tag = -1,
MPI_Request *  next_req = NULL,
int *  next_incoming = NULL 
) [private]

process incoming message; if longer than the initial size, post recv for next part then send ack; if ack, send second part; else indicate that we're done and buffer is ready for processing

Definition at line 5638 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // process a received message; if there will be more coming, 
    // post a receive for 2nd part then send an ack message
    int from_proc = mpi_status.MPI_SOURCE;
    int success;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;

    // set the buff_ptr on the recv_buffer; needs to point beyond any
    // valid data already in the buffer
    if (mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected &&
        recv_buff->get_stored_size() > (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE) {
      // 1st message & large - allocate buffer, post irecv for 2nd message,
      // then send ack
      assert(recv_buff->alloc_size > INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE);

      // will expect a 2nd message

      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, 
                        recv_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                        mesg_tag_expected+1, this_incoming);
      success = MPI_Irecv(recv_buff->mem_ptr+INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          recv_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc,
                          mesg_tag_expected+1, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post 2nd iRecv in ghost exchange.");

      // send ack, doesn't matter what data actually is
      PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND(procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, recv_buff->mem_ptr, 
                        mesg_tag_expected-1, sizeof(int));
      success = MPI_Isend(recv_buff->mem_ptr, sizeof(int),
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, 
                          mesg_tag_expected-1, procConfig.proc_comm(), &sent_ack_req);
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to send ack in ghost exchange.");

    else if (mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected-1) {
      // got an ack back, send the 2nd half of message

      // should be a large message if we got this
      assert(*((size_t*)send_buff->mem_ptr) > INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE);

      // post irecv for next message, then send 2nd message
      if (next_buff) {
        // we'll expect a return message
        PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, next_buff->mem_ptr,
                          INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, next_tag, *next_incoming);

        success = MPI_Irecv(next_buff->mem_ptr, 
                            MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc,
                            next_tag, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
        if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
          result = MB_FAILURE;
          RRA("Failed to post next irecv in ghost exchange.");


      // send 2nd message
      PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND(procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, 
                        send_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE);
      assert(send_buff->get_stored_size()-INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE < send_buff->alloc_size &&
             0 <= send_buff->get_stored_size());
      success = MPI_Isend(send_buff->mem_ptr+INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          send_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, mesg_tag_expected+1, 
                          procConfig.proc_comm(), &send_req);
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to send 2nd message in ghost exchange.");
    else if ((mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected && 
              recv_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE) ||
             mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected+1) {
      // message completely received - signal that we're done
      done = true;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::recv_entities ( const int  from_proc,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const bool  is_iface,
Range final_ents,
int &  incomming1,
int &  incoming2,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hloc,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hrem,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  L1p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs,
bool  wait_all = true 

Receive entities from another processor, optionally waiting until it's done.

Receive entities from another processor, with adjs, sets, and tags. If store_remote_handles is true, this call sends back handles assigned to the entities received.

from_procSource processor
store_remote_handlesIf true, send message with new entity handles to source processor (currently unsupported)
final_entsRange containing all entities received
incomingkeep track if any messages are coming to this processor (newly added)
wait_allIf true, wait until all messages received/sent complete

Definition at line 854 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    // non-blocking receive for the first message (having size info)
    ErrorCode result;
    int ind1 = get_buffers(from_proc);
    PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc,
                      remoteOwnedBuffs[ind1]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                      MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming1);
    int success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind1]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                            MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc,
                            MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(),
    if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange.");
    // receive messages in while loop
    return recv_messages(from_proc, store_remote_handles, is_iface, final_ents,
                         incoming1, incoming2, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc,
                         L2hrem, L2p, recv_remoteh_reqs);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::recv_entities ( std::set< unsigned int > &  recv_procs,
int  incoming1,
int  incoming2,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const bool  migrate = false 

Definition at line 896 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  // receive/unpack new entities
  // number of incoming messages is the number of procs we communicate with
  int success, ind, i;
  ErrorCode result;
  MPI_Status status;
  std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > recd_ents(buffProcs.size());
  std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > L1hloc(buffProcs.size()), L1hrem(buffProcs.size());
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > L1p(buffProcs.size());
  std::vector<EntityHandle> L2hloc, L2hrem;
  std::vector<unsigned int> L2p;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> new_ents;

  while (incoming1) {
    // wait for all recvs of ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
    // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
    PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recvReqs, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
    success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recvReqs[0], &ind, &status);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange.");
    // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
    bool done = false;

    // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
    unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
    result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE,
                         recvReqs[ind], recvReqs[ind+1],
                         localOwnedBuffs[ind/2], sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
                         (store_remote_handles ? 
                          localOwnedBuffs[ind/2] : NULL),
                         &recvRemotehReqs[base_ind], &incoming2);
    RRA("Failed to receive buffer.");

    if (done) {
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]);
      // message completely received - process buffer that was sent
      result = unpack_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr,
                             store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind/2], ind/2,
                             L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p,
                             new_ents, true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities.  Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
        print_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind/2], false);
        return result;

      if (recvReqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
        // post irecv's for remote handles from new proc
        recvRemotehReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
        for (i = recvReqs.size(); i < (int)(2*buffProcs.size()); i+=2) {
          PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i/2], 
                            localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                            MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, incoming2);
          success = MPI_Irecv(localOwnedBuffs[i/2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                              MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[i/2],
                              MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
          if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
            result = MB_FAILURE;
            RRA("Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange.");
        recvReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
        sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

  // assign and remove newly created elements from/to receive processor
  result = assign_entities_part(new_ents, procConfig.proc_rank());
  RRA("Failed to assign entities to part.");
  if (migrate) {
    //result = remove_entities_part(allsent, procConfig.proc_rank());
    RRA("Failed to remove entities to part.");

  // add requests for any new addl procs
  if (recvReqs.size() != 2*buffProcs.size()) {
    // shouldn't get here...
    result = MB_FAILURE;
    RRA("Requests length doesn't match proc count in entity exchange.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
    MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending recv entities.");

  // send local handles for new entity to owner
  std::set<unsigned int>::iterator it = recv_procs.begin();
  std::set<unsigned int>::iterator eit = recv_procs.end();
  for (; it != eit; it++) {
    ind = get_buffers(*it);
    // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
    result = pack_remote_handles(L1hloc[ind], L1hrem[ind], L1p[ind],
                                 buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]);
    RRA("Failed to pack remote handles.");

    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
      msgs.back() = new Buffer(*remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]);
    result = send_buffer(buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind], 
                         sendReqs[2*ind], recvRemotehReqs[2*ind+1],
    RRA("Failed to send remote handles.");

  // process remote handles of my ghosteds
  while (incoming2) {
    PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recvRemotehReqs, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
    success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recvRemotehReqs[0], &ind, &status);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange.");

    // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
    bool done = false;
    unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind/2);
    result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, 
                         recvRemotehReqs[ind], recvRemotehReqs[ind+1], incoming2,
                         sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
    RRA("Failed to receive remote handles.");

    if (done) {
      // incoming remote handles
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[ind]);
      result = unpack_remote_handles(buffProcs[ind/2], 
                                     L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p);
      RRA("Failed to unpack remote handles.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
    MPE_Log_event(RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles.");
    MPE_Log_event(OWNED_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), 
                  "Ending recv entities (still doing checks).");
  myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting recv_entities.\n");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::recv_messages ( const int  from_proc,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const bool  is_iface,
Range final_ents,
int &  incoming1,
int &  incoming2,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hloc,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hrem,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  L1p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs 

Receive messages from another processor in while loop.

Receive messages from another processor.

from_procSource processor
store_remote_handlesIf true, send message with new entity handles to source processor (currently unsupported)
final_entsRange containing all entities received
incomingkeep track if any messages are coming to this processor (newly added)

Definition at line 1089 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    MPI_Status status;
    ErrorCode result;
    int ind1 = get_buffers(from_proc);
    int success, ind2;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> new_ents;

    // wait and receive messages
    while (incoming1) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recvReqs, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2, &recvReqs[2*ind1], &ind2, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in recv_messages.");
      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;
      // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
      ind2 += 2*ind1;
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind2/2);

      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, status,
                           recvReqs[ind2], recvReqs[ind2+1],
                           incoming1, localOwnedBuffs[ind2/2],
                           sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
                           (!is_iface && store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[ind2/2] : NULL),
                           &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to receive buffer.");
      if (done) {
        // if it is done, unpack buffer
        result = unpack_buffer(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2/2]->buff_ptr,
                               store_remote_handles, from_proc, ind2/2,
                               L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem,
                               L2p, new_ents);
        RRA("Failed to unpack buffer in recev_messages.");

        std::copy(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), range_inserter(final_ents));

        // send local handles for new elements to owner
        // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
        result = pack_remote_handles(L1hloc[ind2/2], L1hrem[ind2/2], L1p[ind2/2],
                                     from_proc, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2/2]);
        RRA("Failed to pack remote handles.");
        result = send_buffer(buffProcs[ind2/2], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2/2], 
                             sendReqs[ind2], recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2+1], 
        RRA("Failed to send remote handles.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::recv_remote_handle_messages ( const int  from_proc,
int &  incoming2,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs 

Definition at line 1178 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    MPI_Status status;
    ErrorCode result;
    int ind1 = get_buffers(from_proc);
    int success, ind2;

    while (incoming2) {
      success = MPI_Waitany(2, &recv_remoteh_reqs[2*ind1],
                            &ind2, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in recv_remote_handle_messages.");
      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter

      bool done = false;
      ind2 += 2*ind1;
      unsigned int base_ind = 2*(ind2/2);
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, 
                           recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2], recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2+1], incoming2,
                           sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind+1],
      RRA("Failed to receive remote handles.");
      if (done) {
        // incoming remote handles
        result = unpack_remote_handles(buffProcs[ind2/2], 
                                       L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p);
        RRA("Failed to unpack remote handles.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
template<class T >
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::reduce ( const MPI_Op  mpi_op,
int  num_ents,
void *  old_vals,
void *  new_vals 
) [private]

Definition at line 3653 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  T *old_tmp = reinterpret_cast<T*>(old_vals);
  T *new_tmp = reinterpret_cast<T*>(new_vals);
  if (mpi_op == MPI_SUM) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, ADD<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_PROD) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MULT<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_MAX) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MAX<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_MIN) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MIN<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_LAND) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LAND<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_LOR) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LOR<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_LXOR) 
    std::transform(old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LXOR<T>);
  else if (mpi_op == MPI_BAND || mpi_op == MPI_BOR || mpi_op == MPI_BXOR) {
    std::cerr << "Bitwise operations not allowed in tag reductions." << std::endl;
    return MB_FAILURE;
  else if (mpi_op != MPI_OP_NULL) {
    std::cerr << "Unknown MPI operation type." << std::endl;
    return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::reduce_tags ( const std::vector< Tag > &  src_tags,
const std::vector< Tag > &  dst_tags,
const MPI_Op  mpi_op,
const Range entities 

Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities This function should be called collectively over the communicator for this ParallelComm. If this version is called, all ghosted/shared entities should have a value for this tag (or the tag should have a default value). Operation is any MPI_Op, with result stored in destination tag.

src_tagsVector of tag handles to be reduced
dst_tagsVector of tag handles in which the answer will be stored
mpi_opOperation type
entitiesEntities on which reduction will be made; if empty, operates on all shared entities

Definition at line 7218 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    int success;

    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering reduce_tags\n");

      // check that restrictions are met: number of source/dst tags...
    if (src_tags.size() != dst_tags.size()) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Source and destination tag handles must be specified for reduce_tags.");

      // ... tag data types
    std::vector<Tag>::const_iterator vits, vitd;
    int tags_size, tagd_size;
    DataType tags_type, tagd_type;
    std::vector<unsigned char> vals;
    std::vector<int> tags_sizes;
    for (vits = src_tags.begin(), vitd = dst_tags.begin(); vits != src_tags.end(); vits++, vitd++) {
        // checks on tag characteristics
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type(*vits, tags_type);
      RRA("Coudln't get src tag data type.");
      if (tags_type != MB_TYPE_INTEGER && tags_type != MB_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
          tags_type != MB_TYPE_BIT) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Src/dst tags must have integer, double, or bit data type.");

      result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(*vits, tags_size);
      RRA("Coudln't get src tag bytes.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_default_value(*vits, &vals[0]);
      RRA("Src tag must have default value.");


        // ok, those passed; now check whether dest tags, if specified, agree with src tags
      if (*vits == *vitd) continue;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes(*vitd, tagd_size);
      RRA("Coudln't get dst tag bytes.");
      if (tags_size != tagd_size) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Sizes between src and dst tags don't match.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type(*vitd, tagd_type);
      RRA("Coudln't get dst tag data type.");
      if (tags_type != tagd_type) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Src and dst tags must be of same data type.");


    // get all procs interfacing to this proc
    std::set<unsigned int> exch_procs;
    result = get_comm_procs(exch_procs);  

    // post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
    // index greqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
    std::vector<MPI_Request> recv_tag_reqs(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL),
      sent_ack_reqs(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator sit;
    int ind;

    int incoming = 0;

    for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(*sit, procConfig.proc_rank(), remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr,
                        INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, incoming);

      success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
                          MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange.");

    // pack and send tags from this proc to others
    // make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
    sendReqs.resize(2*buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
    // take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
    Range entities;
    if (entities_in.empty()) {
      std::copy(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter(entities));
      entities = entities_in;

      // if the tags are different, copy the source to the dest tag locally
    std::vector<Tag>::const_iterator vit = src_tags.begin(), vit2 = dst_tags.begin();
    std::vector<int>::const_iterator vsizes = tags_sizes.begin();
    for (; vit != src_tags.end(); vit++, vit2++, vsizes++) {
      if (*vit == *vit2) continue;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(*vit, entities, &vals[0]); 
      RRA("Didn't get data properly.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(*vit2, entities, &vals[0]); 
      RRA("Didn't set data properly.");
    int dum_ack_buff;

    for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {
      Range tag_ents = entities;
      // get ents shared by proc *sit
      result = filter_pstatus(tag_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit);
      RRA("Failed pstatus AND check.");
      // pack-send
      std::vector<Range> tag_ranges;
      for (vit = src_tags.begin(); vit != src_tags.end(); vit++) {
        const void* ptr;
        int sz;
        if (mbImpl->tag_get_default_value( *vit, ptr, sz ) != MB_SUCCESS) {
          Range tagged_ents;
          mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE, &*vit, 0, 1, tagged_ents );
          tag_ranges.push_back( intersect( tag_ents, tagged_ents ) );
        else {
      // pack the data
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
      result = pack_tags(tag_ents,
                         src_tags, dst_tags, tag_ranges, 
                         localOwnedBuffs[ind], true, *sit);
      RRA("Failed to count buffer in pack_send_tag.");

      // now send it
      result = send_buffer(*sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, sendReqs[2*ind],
                           recv_tag_reqs[2*ind+1], &dum_ack_buff, incoming);
      RRA("Failed to send buffer.");

    // receive/unpack tags
    while (incoming) {
      MPI_Status status;
      PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_tag_reqs, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
      success = MPI_Waitany(2*buffProcs.size(), &recv_tag_reqs[0], &ind, &status);
      if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");

      // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter
      bool done = false;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_vec;
      result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2],
                           recv_tag_reqs[ind/2 * 2], recv_tag_reqs[ind/2 * 2 + 1],
                           incoming, localOwnedBuffs[ind/2], sendReqs[ind/2*2], sendReqs[ind/2*2+1], 
      RRA("Failed to resize recv buffer.");
      if (done) {
        result = unpack_tags(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr,
                               dum_vec, true, buffProcs[ind/2], &mpi_op);
        RRA("Failed to recv-unpack-tag message.");
    // ok, now wait
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
      success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
    else {
      MPI_Status status[2*MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
      success = MPI_Waitall(2*buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failure in waitall in tag exchange.");
    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting reduce_tags");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::reduce_tags ( const char *  tag_name,
const MPI_Op  mpi_op,
const Range entities 
) [inline]

Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities Same as std::vector variant except for one tag specified by name.

tag_nameName of tag to be reduced
mpi_opOperation type
entitiesEntities on which reduction will be made; if empty, operates on all shared entities

Definition at line 1542 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    // get the tag handle
    std::vector<Tag> tags(1);
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(tag_name, 0, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, tags[0], MB_TAG_ANY);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    else if (!tags[0]) return MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND;
    return reduce_tags(tags, tags, mpi_op, entities);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::reduce_tags ( Tag  tag_handle,
const MPI_Op  mpi_op,
const Range entities 
) [inline]

Perform data reduction operation for all shared and ghosted entities Same as std::vector variant except for one tag specified by handle.

tag_nameName of tag to be reduced
mpi_opOperation type
entitiesEntities on which reduction will be made; if empty, operates on all shared entities

Definition at line 1555 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    // get the tag handle
    std::vector<Tag> tags;
    return reduce_tags(tags, tags, mpi_op, entities);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::reduce_void ( int  tag_data_type,
const MPI_Op  mpi_op,
int  num_ents,
void *  old_vals,
void *  new_vals 
) [private]

Definition at line 3684 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  ErrorCode result;
  switch (tag_data_type) {
        result = reduce<int>(mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals);
    case MB_TYPE_DOUBLE:
        result = reduce<double>(mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals);
    case MB_TYPE_BIT:
        result = reduce<unsigned char>(mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals);
        result = MB_SUCCESS;
  return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::remove_entities_part ( Range entities,
const int  proc 
) [private]

remove entities to the input processor part

Definition at line 6807 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    EntityHandle part_set;
    ErrorCode result = get_part_handle(proc, part_set);
    RRA(" Failed to get part handle.");

    if (part_set > 0) {
      result = mbImpl->remove_entities(part_set, entities);
      RRA(" Failed to remove entities to part set.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;

remove a pc from the iface instance tag PARALLEL_COMM

Definition at line 383 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // remove this pcomm from instance tag
    std::vector<ParallelComm *> pc_array(MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
    Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag(mbImpl, true);
    const EntityHandle root = 0;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0]);
    std::vector<ParallelComm*>::iterator pc_it = 
      std::find(pc_array.begin(), pc_array.end(), pc);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == result && 
           pc_it != pc_array.end());
    // empty if test to get around compiler warning about unused var
    if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {}
    *pc_it = NULL;
    mbImpl->tag_set_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0]);

reset message buffers to their initial state

Definition at line 1479 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    std::vector<Buffer*>::iterator vit;
    for (vit = localOwnedBuffs.begin(); vit != localOwnedBuffs.end(); vit++)
    for (vit = remoteOwnedBuffs.begin(); vit != remoteOwnedBuffs.end(); vit++)
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents ( EntityHandle  this_set,
Range proc_ents,
int  resolve_dim = -1,
int  shared_dim = -1,
Range skin_ents = NULL,
const Tag id_tag = 0 

Resolve shared entities between processors.

Resolve shared entities between processors for entities in proc_ents, by comparing global id tag values on vertices on skin of elements in proc_ents. Shared entities are assigned a tag that's either PARALLEL_SHARED_PROC_TAG_NAME, which is 1 integer in length, or PARALLEL_SHARED_PROCS_TAG_NAME, whose length depends on the maximum number of sharing processors. Values in these tags denote the ranks of sharing processors, and the list ends with the value -1.

If shared_dim is input as -1 or not input, a value one less than the maximum dimension of entities in proc_ents is used.

proc_entsEntities for which to resolve shared entities
shared_dimMaximum dimension of shared entities to look for

Definition at line 3760 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(RESOLVE_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Entering resolve_shared_ents.");

    ErrorCode result;
    myDebug->tprintf(1, "Resolving shared entities.\n");

    if (resolve_dim < shared_dim) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("MOAB does not support vertex-based partitions, only element-based ones.");
    if (-1 == shared_dim) {
      if (!proc_ents.empty())
        shared_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.begin())-1;
      else if (resolve_dim == 3)
        shared_dim = 2;
    if (shared_dim < 0 || resolve_dim < 0) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Unable to guess shared_dim or resolve_dim.");
    // get the skin entities by dimension
    Range tmp_skin_ents[4];

    // get the entities to be skinned
    // find the skin
    int skin_dim = resolve_dim-1;
    if (!skin_ents) {
      skin_ents = tmp_skin_ents;
      skin_ents[resolve_dim] = proc_ents;
      Skinner skinner(mbImpl);
      result = skinner.find_skin(this_set, skin_ents[skin_dim+1], false, skin_ents[skin_dim],
                                 NULL, true, true, true);
      RRA("Failed to find skin.");
      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Found skin, now resolving.\n");

        // get entities adjacent to skin ents from shared_dim down to zero
      for (int this_dim = skin_dim-1; this_dim >= 0; this_dim--) {
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(skin_ents[skin_dim], this_dim,
                                         true, skin_ents[this_dim],
        RRA("Failed getting skin adjacencies.");
    else if (skin_ents[resolve_dim].empty()) skin_ents[resolve_dim] = proc_ents;
    // global id tag
    Tag gid_tag; 
    if (id_tag)
      gid_tag = *id_tag;
    else {
      bool tag_created = false;
      int def_val = -1;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                      gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, 
                                      &def_val, &tag_created );
      if (MB_FAILURE == result) return result;

      else if (tag_created) {
        // just created it, so we need global ids
        result = assign_global_ids(this_set, skin_dim+1,true,true,true);
        RRA("Failed assigning global ids.");
    // get gids for skin ents in a vector, to pass to gs
    std::vector<int> gid_data(skin_ents[0].size());
    result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(gid_tag, skin_ents[0], &gid_data[0]);
    RRA("Couldn't get gid tag for skin vertices.");

    // put handles in vector for passing to gs setup
    std::vector<EntityHandle> handle_vec;
    std::copy(skin_ents[0].begin(), skin_ents[0].end(), 

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(SHAREDV_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Creating crystal router.");
    // get a crystal router
    gs_data::crystal_data *cd = procConfig.crystal_router();

    // get total number of entities; will overshoot highest global id, but
    // that's ok
    int num_total[2] = {0, 0}, num_local[2] = {0, 0};
    result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_dimension(this_set, 0, num_local);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    int failure = MPI_Allreduce(num_local, num_total, 1,
    MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, procConfig.proc_comm());
    if (failure) {
    result = MB_FAILURE;
    RRA("Allreduce for total number of shared ents failed.");
    // call gather-scatter to get shared ids & procs
    gs_data *gsd = new gs_data();
    assert(sizeof(ulong_) == sizeof(EntityHandle));
    if (sizeof(int) != sizeof(ulong_)) {
      std::vector<long> lgid_data(gid_data.size());
      std::copy(gid_data.begin(), gid_data.end(), lgid_data.begin());
      result = gsd->initialize(skin_ents[0].size(), &lgid_data[0], 
                               (ulong_*)&handle_vec[0], 2, 1, 1, cd);
    else {
      result = gsd->initialize(skin_ents[0].size(), (long*)&gid_data[0], 
                               (ulong_*)&handle_vec[0], 2, 1, 1, cd);
    RRA("Couldn't create gs data.");

    // get shared proc tags
    Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
    result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                  shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag);
    RRA("Couldn't get shared proc tags.");
    // load shared verts into a tuple, then sort by index
    TupleList shared_verts;
    shared_verts.initialize(2, 0, 1, 0, 

    unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++)
      for (unsigned int np = 0; np < gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p]; np++) {
        shared_verts.vi_wr[i++] = gsd->nlinfo->_sh_ind[j];
        shared_verts.vi_wr[i++] = gsd->nlinfo->_target[p];
        shared_verts.vul_wr[j] = gsd->nlinfo->_ulabels[j];
    int max_size = skin_ents[0].size()*(MAX_SHARING_PROCS+1);
    moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
    shared_verts.sort(0, &sort_buffer);

    // set sharing procs and handles tags on skin ents
    int maxp = -1;
    std::vector<int> sharing_procs(MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
    std::fill(sharing_procs.begin(), sharing_procs.end(), maxp);
    j = 0; i = 0;

    // get ents shared by 1 or n procs
    std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> > proc_nvecs;
    Range proc_verts;
    result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(proc_ents, 0, false, proc_verts,
    RRA("Couldn't get proc_verts.");
    result = tag_shared_verts(shared_verts, skin_ents,
                              proc_nvecs, proc_verts);
    RRA("Trouble tagging shared verts.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(SHAREDV_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Finished tag_shared_verts.");

    // get entities shared by 1 or n procs
    result = get_proc_nvecs(resolve_dim, shared_dim, skin_ents, proc_nvecs);
    RRA("Trouble tagging shared entities.");

    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() > 0) {
      for (std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> >::const_iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
           mit != proc_nvecs.end(); mit++) {
        myDebug->tprintf(1, "Iface: ");
        for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator vit = (mit->first).begin();
             vit != (mit->first).end(); vit++) myDebug->printf(1, " %d", *vit);
        myDebug->print(1, "\n");
    // create the sets for each interface; store them as tags on
    // the interface instance
    Range iface_sets;
    result = create_interface_sets(proc_nvecs);
    RRA("Trouble creating iface sets.");

    // establish comm procs and buffers for them
    std::set<unsigned int> procs;
    result = get_interface_procs(procs, true);
    RRA("Trouble getting iface procs.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
    result = check_all_shared_handles(true);
    RRA("Shared handle check failed after iface vertex exchange.");

    // resolve shared entity remote handles; implemented in ghost cell exchange
    // code because it's so similar
    result = exchange_ghost_cells(-1, -1, 0, 0, true, true);
    RRA("Trouble resolving shared entity remote handles.");

    // now build parent/child links for interface sets
    result = create_iface_pc_links();
    RRA("Trouble creating interface parent/child links.");

    delete gsd;

#ifdef USE_MPE
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
      MPE_Log_event(RESOLVE_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Exiting resolve_shared_ents.");
    //  std::ostringstream ent_str;
    //  ent_str << "mesh." << procConfig.proc_rank() << ".h5m";
    //  mbImpl->write_mesh(ent_str.str().c_str());

    // done
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents ( EntityHandle  this_set,
int  resolve_dim = 3,
int  shared_dim = -1,
const Tag id_tag = 0 

Resolve shared entities between processors.

Same as resolve_shared_ents(Range&), except works for all entities in instance of dimension dim.

If shared_dim is input as -1 or not input, a value one less than the maximum dimension of entities is used.

dimDimension of entities in the partition
shared_dimMaximum dimension of shared entities to look for

Definition at line 3705 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    Range proc_ents;

    // check for structured mesh, and do it differently if it is
    ScdInterface *scdi;
    result = mbImpl->query_interface(scdi);
    if (scdi) {
      result = scdi->tag_shared_vertices(this, this_set);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
        myDebug->tprintf(1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size());
        return result;

    if (0 == this_set) {
        // get the entities in the partition sets
      for (Range::iterator rit = partitionSets.begin(); rit != partitionSets.end(); rit++) {
        Range tmp_ents;
        result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, tmp_ents, true);
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    else {
      result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(this_set, proc_ents, true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
    // resolve dim is maximal dim of entities in proc_ents
    if (-1 == resolve_dim) {
      if (proc_ents.empty()) 
        return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;

      resolve_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.rbegin()); 

    // proc_ents should all be of same dimension
    if (resolve_dim > shared_dim &&
        mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.rbegin()) !=
        mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*proc_ents.begin())) {
      Range::iterator lower = proc_ents.lower_bound(CN::TypeDimensionMap[0].first),
        upper = proc_ents.upper_bound(CN::TypeDimensionMap[resolve_dim-1].second);
      proc_ents.erase(lower, upper);
    // must call even if we don't have any entities, to make sure
    // collective comm'n works
    return resolve_shared_ents(this_set, proc_ents, resolve_dim, shared_dim, NULL, id_tag);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents ( ParallelComm **  pc,
const unsigned int  np,
EntityHandle  this_set,
const int  to_dim 
) [static]

Definition at line 4020 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<Range> verts(np);
    int tot_verts = 0;
    unsigned int p, i, j, v;
    ErrorCode rval;
    for (p = 0; p < np; p++) {
      Skinner skinner(pc[p]->get_moab());
      Range part_ents, skin_ents;
      rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->get_entities_by_dimension(this_set, part_dim, part_ents);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      rval = skinner.find_skin(this_set, part_ents, false, skin_ents, 0, true, true, true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->get_adjacencies(skin_ents, 0, true, verts[p],
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      tot_verts += verts[p].size();
    TupleList shared_ents;
    shared_ents.initialize(2, 0, 1, 0, tot_verts);

    i = 0; j = 0;
    std::vector<int> gids;
    Range::iterator rit;
    Tag gid_tag;
    int dum_default = 0;
    for (p = 0; p < np; p++) {
      rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                               gid_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT,
                                               &dum_default );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->tag_get_data(gid_tag, verts[p], &gids[0]);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      for (v = 0, rit = verts[p].begin(); v < gids.size(); v++, rit++) {
        shared_ents.vi_wr[i++] = gids[v];
        shared_ents.vi_wr[i++] = p;
        shared_ents.vul_wr[j] = *rit;
    moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
    shared_ents.sort(0, &sort_buffer);

    j = 0; i = 0;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> handles;
    std::vector<int> procs;
    while (i < shared_ents.get_n()) {
      // count & accumulate sharing procs
      int this_gid = shared_ents.vi_rd[j];
      while (i < shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vi_rd[j] == this_gid) {
        procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[j++] );
        handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[i++] );
      if (1 == procs.size()) continue;
      for (v = 0; v < procs.size(); v++) {
        rval = pc[procs[v]]->update_remote_data(handles[v], 
                                                &procs[0], &handles[0], procs.size(),
                                                (procs[0] == (int)pc[procs[v]]->rank() ? PSTATUS_INTERFACE : (PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED|PSTATUS_INTERFACE)));
        if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    std::set<unsigned int> psets;
    for (p = 0; p < np; p++) {
      rval = pc[p]->create_interface_sets(this_set, part_dim, part_dim-1);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
      // establish comm procs and buffers for them
      rval = pc[p]->get_interface_procs(psets, true);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_sets ( EntityHandle  this_set,
const Tag id_tag = 0 

Remove shared sets.

Generates list of candidate sets using from those (directly) contained in passed set and passes them to the other version of resolve_shared_sets.

this_setSet directly containing candidate sets (e.g. file set)
id_tagTag containing global IDs for entity sets.

Definition at line 4251 of file ParallelComm.cpp.


    // find all sets with any of the following tags:

    const char* const shared_set_tag_names[] = { GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME,
                                                 PARALLEL_PARTITION_TAG_NAME };
    int num_tags = sizeof(shared_set_tag_names)/sizeof(shared_set_tag_names[0]);
    Range candidate_sets;
    ErrorCode result;

    // If we're not given an ID tag to use to globally identify sets,
    // then fall back to using known tag values
    if (!idtag) {
      Tag gid, tag;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid );
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) 
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
        for (int d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
          const void* vals[] = { &d };
          result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, vals, 1, candidate_sets );
          if (MB_SUCCESS == result)
            resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, gid );
      for (int i = 1; i < num_tags; ++i) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( shared_set_tag_names[i], 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );
        if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
          result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, 0, 1, candidate_sets );
          if (MB_SUCCESS == result)
            resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, tag );
      return MB_SUCCESS;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_tags; ++i) {
      Tag tag;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( shared_set_tag_names[i], 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                       tag, MB_TAG_ANY );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, 0, 1, candidate_sets, Interface::UNION );
    // find any additional sets that contain shared entities
    Range::iterator hint = candidate_sets.begin();
    Range all_sets;
    mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( file, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
    all_sets = subtract( all_sets, candidate_sets );
    Range::iterator it = all_sets.begin();
    while (it != all_sets.end()) {
      Range contents;
      mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *it, contents );
      contents.erase( contents.lower_bound( MBENTITYSET ), contents.end() );
      filter_pstatus( contents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_OR );
      if (contents.empty()) {
      else {
        hint = candidate_sets.insert( hint, *it );
        it = all_sets.erase( it );
    // find any additionl sets that contain or are parents of potential shared sets
    Range prev_list = candidate_sets;
    while (!prev_list.empty()) {
      it = all_sets.begin();
      Range new_list;
      hint = new_list.begin();
      while (it != all_sets.end()) {
        Range contents;
        mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( *it, MBENTITYSET, contents );
        if (!intersect(prev_list,contents).empty()) {
          hint = new_list.insert( hint, *it );
          it = all_sets.erase(it);
        else {
          mbImpl->get_child_meshsets( *it, contents );
          if (!intersect(prev_list,contents).empty()) {
            hint = new_list.insert( hint, *it );
            it = all_sets.erase(it);
          else {
      candidate_sets.merge( new_list );
    return resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, *idtag );
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_sets ( Range candidate_sets,
Tag  id_tag 

Remove shared sets.

Use values of id_tag to match sets across processes and populate sharing data for sets.

candidate_setsSets to consider as potentially shared.
id_tagTag containing global IDs for entity sets.

Definition at line 4368 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result;
    const unsigned rk = proc_config().proc_rank();
    MPI_Comm cm = proc_config().proc_comm();

    // build sharing list for all sets
    // get ids for sets in a vector, to pass to gs
    std::vector<long> larray; // allocate sufficient space for longs
    std::vector<unsigned long> handles;
    Range tmp_sets;
    for (Range::iterator rit = sets.begin(); rit != sets.end(); rit++) {
      int dum;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(idtag, &(*rit), 1, &dum);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == result) {
        tmp_sets.insert(tmp_sets.end(), *rit);
    const size_t nsets = handles.size();
    // get handle array for sets
    assert(sizeof(EntityHandle) <= sizeof(unsigned long));

    // do communication of data
    gs_data::crystal_data *cd = procConfig.crystal_router();
    gs_data *gsd = new gs_data();
    result = gsd->initialize( nsets, &larray[0], &handles[0], 2, 1, 1, cd );
    RRA("Couldn't create gs data.");
    // convert from global IDs grouped by process rank to list
    // of <idx,rank> pairs so that we can sort primarily
    // by idx and secondarily by rank (we want lists of procs for each
    // idx, not lists if indices for each proc).
    size_t ntuple = 0;
    for (unsigned p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++)
      ntuple += gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p];
    std::vector< set_tuple > tuples;
    tuples.reserve( ntuple );
    size_t j = 0;
    for (unsigned p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++) {
      for (unsigned np = 0; np < gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p]; np++) {
        set_tuple t;
        t.idx = gsd->nlinfo->_sh_ind[j];
        t.proc = gsd->nlinfo->_target[p];
        t.handle = gsd->nlinfo->_ulabels[j];
        tuples.push_back( t );
    std::sort( tuples.begin(), tuples.end() );
    // release crystal router stuff
    delete gsd;

    // storing sharing data for each set
    size_t ti = 0;
    unsigned idx = 0;
    std::vector<unsigned> procs;
    Range::iterator si = tmp_sets.begin();
    while (si != tmp_sets.end() && ti < tuples.size()) {
      assert(idx <= tuples[ti].idx);
      if (idx < tuples[ti].idx) 
        si += (tuples[ti].idx - idx);
      idx = tuples[ti].idx;
      size_t ti_init = ti;
      while (ti < tuples.size() && tuples[ti].idx == idx) {
        procs.push_back( tuples[ti].proc );
      assert( is_sorted_unique( procs ) );
      result = sharedSetData->set_sharing_procs( *si, procs );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        std::cerr << "Failure at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort( cm, 1 );
      // add this proc to list of sharing procs in correct position
      // so that all procs select owner based on same list
      std::vector<unsigned>::iterator it = std::lower_bound( procs.begin(), procs.end(), rk );
      assert(it == procs.end() || *it > rk);
      procs.insert( it, rk );
      size_t owner_idx = choose_owner_idx(procs);
      EntityHandle owner_handle;
      if (procs[owner_idx] == rk)
        owner_handle = *si;
      else if (procs[owner_idx] > rk)
        owner_handle = tuples[ti_init+owner_idx-1].handle;
        owner_handle = tuples[ti_init+owner_idx].handle;
      result = sharedSetData->set_owner( *si, procs[owner_idx], owner_handle );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        std::cerr << "Failure at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
        MPI_Abort( cm, 1 );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::scatter_entities ( const int  from_proc,
std::vector< Range > &  entities,
const bool  adjacencies = false,
const bool  tags = true 

Scatter entities on from_proc to other processors This function assumes remote handles are *not* being stored, since (usually) every processor will know about the whole mesh.

from_procProcessor having the mesh to be broadcast
entitiesOn return, the entities sent or received in this call
adjacenciesIf true, adjacencies are sent for equiv entities (currently unsupported)
tagsIf true, all non-default-valued tags are sent for sent entities

Definition at line 588 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int i, success, buff_size, prev_size;
    int nProcs = (int)procConfig.proc_size();
    int* sendCounts = new int[nProcs];
    int* displacements = new int[nProcs];
    sendCounts[0] = sizeof(int);
    displacements[0] = 0;
    Buffer buff(INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE);
    unsigned int my_proc = procConfig.proc_rank();

    // get buffer size array for each remote processor
    if (my_proc == (unsigned int) from_proc) {
      for (i = 1; i < nProcs; i++) {
        prev_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr;
        buff.reset_ptr(prev_size + sizeof(int));
        result = add_verts(entities[i]);
        result = pack_buffer(entities[i], adjacencies, tags, 
                             false, -1, &buff); 
        if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
          delete[] sendCounts;
          delete[] displacements;
        RRA("Failed to compute buffer size in scatter_entities.");

        buff_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr - prev_size;
        *((int*)(buff.mem_ptr + prev_size)) = buff_size;
        sendCounts[i] = buff_size;
    // broadcast buffer size array
    success = MPI_Bcast(sendCounts, nProcs, MPI_INT, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm());
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      delete[] sendCounts;
      delete[] displacements;
      RRA("MPI_Bcast of buffer size failed.");
    for (i = 1; i < nProcs; i++) {
      displacements[i] = displacements[i-1] + sendCounts[i-1];

    Buffer rec_buff;

    // scatter actual geometry
    success = MPI_Scatterv(buff.mem_ptr, sendCounts, displacements,
                           MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, rec_buff.mem_ptr, sendCounts[my_proc],
                           MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm());
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      delete[] sendCounts;
      delete[] displacements;
      RRA("MPI_Scatterv of buffer failed.");

    // unpack in remote processors
    if (my_proc != (unsigned int) from_proc) {
      std::vector<std::vector<EntityHandle> > dum1a, dum1b;
      std::vector<std::vector<int> > dum1p;
      std::vector<EntityHandle> dum2, dum4;
      std::vector<unsigned int> dum3;
      result = unpack_buffer(rec_buff.buff_ptr, false, from_proc, -1, 
                             dum1a, dum1b, dum1p, dum2, dum2, dum3, dum4);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        delete[] sendCounts;
        delete[] displacements;
      RRA("Failed to unpack buffer in scatter_entities.");
      std::copy(dum4.begin(), dum4.end(), range_inserter(entities[my_proc]));

    delete[] sendCounts;
    delete[] displacements;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::send_buffer ( const unsigned int  to_proc,
Buffer send_buff,
const int  msg_tag,
MPI_Request &  send_req,
MPI_Request &  ack_recv_req,
int *  ack_buff,
int &  this_incoming,
int  next_mesg_tag = -1,
Buffer next_recv_buff = NULL,
MPI_Request *  next_recv_req = NULL,
int *  next_incoming = NULL 
) [private]

send the indicated buffer, possibly sending size first

Definition at line 5579 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int success;

    // if small message, post recv for remote handle message
    if (send_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE && next_recv_buff) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, next_recv_buff->mem_ptr,
                        INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, next_mesg_tag, *next_incoming);
      success = MPI_Irecv(next_recv_buff->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, 
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc,
                          next_mesg_tag, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv for next message in ghost exchange.");
    // if large, we'll need an ack before sending the rest
    else if (send_buff->get_stored_size() > (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, (unsigned char*)ack_buff,
                        sizeof(int), mesg_tag-1, this_incoming);
      success = MPI_Irecv(ack_buff, sizeof(int), 
                          MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc,
                          mesg_tag-1, procConfig.proc_comm(), 
      if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        result = MB_FAILURE;
        RRA("Failed to post irecv for entity ack in ghost exchange.");

    // send the buffer
    PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND(procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, send_buff->mem_ptr, mesg_tag,
                      std::min(send_buff->get_stored_size(), (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE));
    assert(0 <= send_buff->get_stored_size() && 
           send_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)send_buff->alloc_size);
    success = MPI_Isend(send_buff->mem_ptr, 
                        MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc, 
                        mesg_tag, procConfig.proc_comm(), &send_req);
    if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) return MB_FAILURE;

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::send_entities ( const int  to_proc,
Range orig_ents,
const bool  adjs,
const bool  tags,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const bool  is_iface,
Range final_ents,
int &  incoming1,
int &  incoming2,
TupleList entprocs,
std::vector< MPI_Request > &  recv_remoteh_reqs,
bool  wait_all = true 

send entities to another processor, optionally waiting until it's done

Send entities to another processor, with adjs, sets, and tags. If store_remote_handles is true, this call receives back handles assigned to entities sent to destination processor and stores them in sharedh_tag or sharedhs_tag.

to_procDestination processor
orig_entsEntities requested to send
adjsIf true, send adjacencies for equiv entities (currently unsupported)
tagsIf true, send tag values for all tags assigned to entities
store_remote_handlesIf true, also recv message with handles on destination processor (currently unsupported)
final_entsRange containing all entities sent
incomingkeep track if any messages are coming to this processor (newly added)
wait_allIf true, wait until all messages received/sent complete

Definition at line 681 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifndef USE_MPI
    return MB_FAILURE;
    // pack entities to local buffer
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    int ind = get_buffers(to_proc);

    // add vertices
    result = add_verts(orig_ents);
    RRA("Failed to add vertex in send_entities.");

    // filter out entities already shared with destination
    Range tmp_range;
    result = filter_pstatus(orig_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND,
                            to_proc, &tmp_range);
    RRA("Couldn't filter on owner.");
    if (!tmp_range.empty()) {
      orig_ents = subtract(orig_ents, tmp_range);

    result = pack_buffer(orig_ents, adjs, tags, store_remote_handles,
                         to_proc, localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs);
    RRA("Failed to pack buffer in send_entities.");

    // send buffer
    result = send_buffer(to_proc, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE,
                         sendReqs[2*ind], recvReqs[2*ind + 1],
                         (!is_iface && store_remote_handles ? 
                          localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL),
                         &recv_remoteh_reqs[2*ind], &incoming2);
    RRA("Failed to send buffer.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;

ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::send_entities ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  send_procs,
std::vector< Range * > &  send_ents,
int &  incoming1,
int &  incoming2,
const bool  store_remote_handles 

Definition at line 736 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

#ifdef USE_MPE
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
    MPE_Log_event(OWNED_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting send entities.");
  myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering send_entities\n");
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {

  unsigned int i;
  int ind;
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;

  // set buffProcs with communicating procs
  unsigned int n_proc = send_procs.size();
  for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
    ind = get_buffers(send_procs[i]);
    result = add_verts(*send_ents[i]);
    RRA("Couldn't add verts.");

    // filter out entities already shared with destination
    Range tmp_range;
    result = filter_pstatus(*send_ents[i], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND,
                            buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range);
    RRA("Couldn't filter on owner.");
    if (!tmp_range.empty()) {
      *send_ents[i] = subtract(*send_ents[i], tmp_range);
  // get entities to be sent to neighbors
  // need to get procs each entity is sent to
  Range allsent, tmp_range;
  int npairs = 0;
  TupleList entprocs;
  for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
    int n_ents = send_ents[i]->size();
    if (n_ents > 0) {
      npairs += n_ents; // get the total # of proc/handle pairs

  // allocate a TupleList of that size
  entprocs.initialize(1, 0, 1, 0, npairs); 

  // put the proc/handle pairs in the list
  for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
    for (Range::iterator rit = send_ents[i]->begin(); rit != send_ents[i]->end(); rit++) { 
      entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = send_procs[i];
      entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit; 
  // sort by handle
  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer; 
  entprocs.sort(1, &sort_buffer);

  myDebug->tprintf(1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
                  (unsigned long)allsent.size());

  // pack and send ents from this proc to others
  for (i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
    if (send_ents[i]->size() > 0) {
      ind = get_buffers(send_procs[i]);
      myDebug->tprintf(1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", send_ents[i]->compactness(),
                       (unsigned long)send_ents[i]->size());
      // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
      result = pack_buffer(*send_ents[i], false, true,
                           store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind],
                           localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs, &allsent);
      if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4) {
        msgs.back() = new Buffer(*localOwnedBuffs[ind]);
      // send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
      result = send_buffer(send_procs[i], localOwnedBuffs[ind], 
                           MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[2*ind], 
                           (store_remote_handles ? 
                            localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL),
                           &recvRemotehReqs[2*ind], &incoming2);
      RRA("Failed to Isend in ghost send.");

#ifdef USE_MPE
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2) {
    MPE_Log_event(ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending send_entities.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;

set the verbosity level of output from this pcomm

Definition at line 8551 of file ParallelComm.cpp.


Definition at line 7754 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode rval;
    Tag prtn_tag;
    rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( PARTITIONING_PCOMM_TAG_NAME, 
                                   1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, prtn_tag,
                                   MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;

    // get my id
    ParallelComm* pcomm_arr[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag(mbImpl, false);
    if (0 == pc_tag) 
      return MB_FAILURE;
    const EntityHandle root = 0;
    ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pc_tag, &root, 1, pcomm_arr);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) 
      return MB_FAILURE;  
    int id = std::find(pcomm_arr,pcomm_arr+MAX_SHARING_PROCS,this) - pcomm_arr;
    if (id == MAX_SHARING_PROCS)
      return MB_FAILURE;

    EntityHandle old = partitioningSet;
    if (old) {
      rval = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( prtn_tag, &old, 1 );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
      partitioningSet = 0;
    if (!set) 
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    Range contents;
    if (old) {
      rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( old, contents );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
    else {
      contents = partition_sets();

    rval = mbImpl->add_entities( set, contents );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    // store pcomm id on new partition set
    rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( prtn_tag, &set, 1, &id );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    partitioningSet = set;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::set_pstatus_entities ( Range pstatus_ents,
unsigned char  pstatus_val,
bool  lower_dim_ents = false,
bool  verts_too = true,
int  operation = Interface::UNION 
) [private]

Set pstatus values on entities.

pstatus_entsEntities to be set
pstatus_valPstatus value to be set
lower_dim_entsIf true, lower-dimensional ents (incl. vertices) set too (and created if they don't exist)
verts_tooIf true, vertices also set
operationIf UNION, pstatus_val is OR-d with existing value, otherwise existing value is over-written

Definition at line 4164 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus_vals(pstatus_ents.size());
    Range all_ents, *range_ptr = &pstatus_ents;
    ErrorCode result;
    if (lower_dim_ents || verts_too) {
      all_ents = pstatus_ents;
      range_ptr = &all_ents;
      int start_dim = (lower_dim_ents ? mbImpl->dimension_from_handle(*pstatus_ents.rbegin())-1 : 0);
      for (; start_dim >= 0; start_dim--) {
        result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(all_ents, start_dim, true, all_ents,
        RRA(" ");
    if (Interface::UNION == operation) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), *range_ptr, &pstatus_vals[0]);
      RRA("Couldn't get pstatus tag value.");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pstatus_vals.size(); i++)
        pstatus_vals[i] |= pstatus_val;
    else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pstatus_vals.size(); i++)
        pstatus_vals[i] = pstatus_val;
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), *range_ptr, &pstatus_vals[0]);
    RRA("Couldn't set pstatus tag value.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::set_pstatus_entities ( EntityHandle pstatus_ents,
int  num_ents,
unsigned char  pstatus_val,
bool  lower_dim_ents = false,
bool  verts_too = true,
int  operation = Interface::UNION 
) [private]

Set pstatus values on entities (vector-based function)

pstatus_entsEntities to be set
pstatus_valPstatus value to be set
lower_dim_entsIf true, lower-dimensional ents (incl. vertices) set too (and created if they don't exist)
verts_tooIf true, vertices also set
operationIf UNION, pstatus_val is OR-d with existing value, otherwise existing value is over-written

Definition at line 4199 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus_vals(num_ents);
    ErrorCode result;
    if (lower_dim_ents || verts_too) {
      // in this case, call the range-based version
      Range tmp_range;
      std::copy(pstatus_ents, pstatus_ents+num_ents, range_inserter(tmp_range));
      return set_pstatus_entities(tmp_range, pstatus_val, lower_dim_ents, 
                                  verts_too, operation);

    if (Interface::UNION == operation) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), pstatus_ents, num_ents, &pstatus_vals[0]);
      RRA("Couldn't get pstatus tag value.");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int) num_ents; i++)
        pstatus_vals[i] |= pstatus_val;
    else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int) num_ents; i++)
        pstatus_vals[i] = pstatus_val;
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), pstatus_ents, num_ents, &pstatus_vals[0]);
    RRA("Couldn't set pstatus tag value.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParallelComm::set_rank ( unsigned int  r) [inline]

set rank for this pcomm; USED FOR TESTING ONLY!

Definition at line 1596 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

void moab::ParallelComm::set_recv_request ( int  n_request) [inline]

Definition at line 1637 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    recvReqs.resize(n_request, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
void moab::ParallelComm::set_send_request ( int  n_request) [inline]

Definition at line 1632 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    sendReqs.resize(n_request, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::set_sharing_data ( EntityHandle  ent,
unsigned char  pstatus,
int  old_nump,
int  new_nump,
int *  ps,
EntityHandle hs 
) [private]

Definition at line 5931 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // If new nump is less than 3, the entity is no longer mutishared
     if (old_nump > 2 && (pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) && new_nump < 3) {
       // Unset multishared flag
       pstatus ^= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;

    // check for consistency in input data
    assert(new_nump > 1 &&
           ((new_nump == 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && !(pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)) || // if <= 2 must not be multishared
            (new_nump > 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)) && // if > 2 procs, must be multishared
           (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_GHOST) || pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED) && // if ghost, it must also be shared
           (new_nump < 3 || (pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && ps[0] != (int)rank()) || // I'm not owner and first proc not me
            (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) && ps[0] == (int)rank())) // I'm owner and first proc is me
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // check for duplicates in proc list
        std::set<unsigned int> dumprocs;
        int dp = 0;
        for (; dp < old_nump && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++)
        assert(dp == (int)dumprocs.size());

    ErrorCode result;
      // reset any old data that needs to be
    if (old_nump > 2 && new_nump < 3) {
      // need to remove multishared tags
      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1);
      result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1);
//      if (new_nump < 2) 
//        pstatus = 0x0;
//      else if (ps[0] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
//        pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
    else if ((old_nump < 3 && new_nump > 2) || (old_nump > 1 && new_nump == 1)) {
        // reset sharedp and sharedh tags
      int tmp_p = -1;
      EntityHandle tmp_h = 0;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_p);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_h);

    assert("check for multishared/owner I'm first proc" &&
           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) || (pstatus & (PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED|PSTATUS_GHOST)) || (ps[0] == (int)rank())) &&
           "interface entities should have > 1 proc" &&
           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) || new_nump > 1) &&
           "ghost entities should have > 1 proc" &&
           (!(pstatus & PSTATUS_GHOST) || new_nump > 1)

      // now set new data
    if (new_nump > 2) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1, ps);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1, hs);
    else {
      unsigned int j = (ps[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ? 1 : 0);
      assert(-1 != ps[j]);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, ps+j);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, hs+j);
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), &ent, 1, &pstatus);

    if (old_nump > 1 && new_nump < 2) 
      sharedEnts.erase(std::find(sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), ent));

    return result;
void moab::ParallelComm::set_size ( unsigned int  r) [inline]

set rank for this pcomm; USED FOR TESTING ONLY!

Definition at line 1602 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::settle_intersection_points ( Range edges,
Range shared_edges_owned,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > * > &  extraNodesVec,
double  tolerance 

Definition at line 8701 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

  // the index of an edge in the edges Range will give the index for extraNodesVec
  // the strategy of this follows exchange tags strategy:
  ErrorCode result;
  int success;

  myDebug->tprintf(1, "Entering settle_intersection_points\n");

  // get all procs interfacing to this proc
  std::set<unsigned int> exch_procs;
  result = get_comm_procs(exch_procs);

  // post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
  // index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
  std::vector<MPI_Request>  recv_intx_reqs(2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL),
      sent_ack_reqs(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
  std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator sit;
  int ind;

  int incoming = 0;

  for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {
    PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV(*sit, procConfig.proc_rank(), remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr,

    success = MPI_Irecv(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
        MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(),
        &recv_intx_reqs[2 * ind]);
    if (success != MPI_SUCCESS) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed to post irecv in settle intersection point.");


  // pack and send intersection points from this proc to others
  // make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
  sendReqs.resize(2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);

  // take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
  Range & entities = shared_edges_owned;

  int dum_ack_buff;

  for (ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); sit++, ind++) {

    Range edges_to_send = entities;

    // get ents shared by proc *sit
    result = filter_pstatus(edges_to_send, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit);
    RRA("Failed pstatus AND check.");

    // remote nonowned entities; not needed, edges are already owned by this proc

    // pack the data
    // reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
    Buffer * buff=localOwnedBuffs[ind];

    /*result = pack_intx_points(edges_to_send, edges, extraNodesVec,
        localOwnedBuffs[ind], *sit);*/

    // count first data, and see if it is enough room?
    // send the remote handles
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_remote_edges(edges_to_send.size());
     *  get_remote_handles(const bool store_remote_handles,
                               EntityHandle *from_vec,
                               EntityHandle *to_vec_tmp,
                               int num_ents, int to_proc,
                               const std::vector<EntityHandle> &new_ents);
    // we are sending count, num edges, remote edges handles, and then, for each edge:
    //          -- nb intx points, 3*nbintPointsforEdge "doubles"
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_vec;
    result = get_remote_handles(true,
        edges_to_send, &dum_remote_edges[0], *sit,
    RRA("Failed remote handles");
    int count = 4; // size of data
    count += sizeof(int)*(int)edges_to_send.size();
    count += sizeof(EntityHandle)*(int)edges_to_send.size(); // we will send the remote handles
    for (Range::iterator eit=edges_to_send.begin(); eit!=edges_to_send.end(); eit++)
      EntityHandle edge = *eit;
      unsigned int indx = edges.find(edge)-edges.begin();
      std::vector<EntityHandle> & intx_nodes = *(extraNodesVec[indx]);
      count += (int)intx_nodes.size() * 3 * sizeof(double); // 3 integer for each entity handle
    PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, edges_to_send.size());
    PACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &dum_remote_edges[0], dum_remote_edges.size());
    for (Range::iterator eit=edges_to_send.begin(); eit!=edges_to_send.end(); eit++)
      EntityHandle edge = *eit;
      // pack the remote edge

      unsigned int indx = edges.find(edge)-edges.begin();
      std::vector<EntityHandle> & intx_nodes = *(extraNodesVec[indx]);
      PACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, intx_nodes.size());

      result = mbImpl->get_coords(&intx_nodes[0], intx_nodes.size(), (double*)buff->buff_ptr);
      buff->buff_ptr += 3*sizeof(double) * intx_nodes.size();
      //count += (intintx_nodes.size() * 3 * sizeof(double); // 3 integer for each entity handle

    // done packing the intx points and remote edges
    RRA("Failed to count buffer in pack_intx_points.");

    // now send it
    result = send_buffer(*sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE,
        sendReqs[2 * ind], recv_intx_reqs[2 * ind + 1], &dum_ack_buff, incoming);
    RRA("Failed to send buffer.");


  // receive/unpack intx points
  while (incoming) {
    MPI_Status status;
    PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY(recv_intx_reqs, MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_rank());
    success = MPI_Waitany(2 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_intx_reqs[0], &ind,
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
      result = MB_FAILURE;
      RRA("Failed in waitany in ghost exchange.");


    // ok, received something; decrement incoming counter

    bool done = false;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_vec;
    result = recv_buffer(MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2],
        recv_intx_reqs[ind / 2 * 2], recv_intx_reqs[ind / 2 * 2 + 1], incoming,
        localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2], sendReqs[ind / 2 * 2],
        sendReqs[ind / 2 * 2 + 1], done);
    RRA("Failed to resize recv buffer.");
    if (done) {
      Buffer * buff = remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2];
      /*result = unpack_tags(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->buff_ptr, dum_vec, true,
          buffProcs[ind / 2]);*/
      // unpack now the edges and vertex info; compare with the existing vertex positions

      int num_edges;

      UNPACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, num_edges);
      std::vector<EntityHandle> rec_edges;
      UNPACK_EH(buff->buff_ptr, &rec_edges[0], num_edges );
      for (int i=0; i<num_edges; i++)
        EntityHandle edge=rec_edges[i];
        unsigned int indx = edges.find(edge)-edges.begin();
        std::vector<EntityHandle> & intx_nodes = *(extraNodesVec[indx]);
        // now get the number of nodes on this (now local) edge
        int nverts;
        UNPACK_INT(buff->buff_ptr, nverts);
        // get the positions communicated
        std::vector<double> pos_from_owner;
        UNPACK_DBLS(buff->buff_ptr, &pos_from_owner[0], 3*nverts);
        std::vector<double> current_positions(3*nverts);
        result = mbImpl->get_coords(&intx_nodes[0], nverts, &current_positions[0]  );
        RRA("Failed to get current positions");
        // now, look at what we have in current pos, compare to pos from owner, and reset
        for (int k=0; k<nverts; k++)
          double * pk = &current_positions[3*k];
          // take the current pos k, and settle among the ones from owner:
          bool found=false;
          for (int j=0; j<nverts&&!found; j++)
            double * pj = &pos_from_owner[3*j];
            double dist2 = (pk[0]-pj[0])*(pk[0]-pj[0])+(pk[1]-pj[1])*(pk[1]-pj[1]) + (pk[2]-pj[2])*(pk[2]-pj[2]);
            if (dist2<tolerance)
              pk[0]=pj[0]; pk[1]=pj[1]; pk[2]= pj[2];// correct it!
              found =true;
          if (!found)
            std::cout<<" pk:" << pk[0] << " " << pk[1] << " " << pk[2] << " not found \n";
            result = MB_FAILURE;

        // after we are done resetting, we can set the new positions of nodes:
        result = mbImpl->set_coords(&intx_nodes[0], nverts, &current_positions[0]  );
        RRA("Failed to set new current positions");

      //RRA("Failed to recv-unpack-tag message.");

  // ok, now wait
  if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5) {
    success = MPI_Barrier(procConfig.proc_comm());
  } else {
    MPI_Status status[2 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    success = MPI_Waitall(2 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
    result = MB_FAILURE;
    RRA("Failure in waitall in tag exchange.");

  myDebug->tprintf(1, "Exiting settle_intersection_points");

  return MB_SUCCESS;
  // end copy

return sharedh tag

Definition at line 7602 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

return sharedp tag

Definition at line 7573 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    if (!sharedpTag) {
      int def_val = -1;
      ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_SHARED_PROC_TAG_NAME, 
                                                1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, sharedpTag,
                                                MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) 
        return 0;
    return sharedpTag;
unsigned moab::ParallelComm::size ( ) const [inline]
DeformMeshRemap.cpp, and LloydRelaxation.cpp.

Definition at line 620 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

{ return proc_config().proc_size(); }

Set pstatus tag interface bit on entities in sets passed in.

Definition at line 4114 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
    Range iface_ents, tmp_ents, rmv_ents;
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstat;
    unsigned char set_pstat;
    Range::iterator rit2;
    unsigned int i;
    for (Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); rit++) {
      result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(*rit, iface_ents);
      RRA("Couldn't get iface set contents.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), iface_ents, &pstat[0]);
      RRA("Couldn't get pstatus values for set ents.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &(*rit), 1, &set_pstat);
      RRA("Couldn't get pstatus values for set.");
      for (rit2 = iface_ents.begin(), i = 0; rit2 != iface_ents.end(); rit2++, i++) {
        if (!(pstat[i] & PSTATUS_INTERFACE)) {
          pstat[i] = 0x0;
      result = mbImpl->remove_entities(*rit, rmv_ents);
      RRA("Couldn't remove entities from set.");

      if (!(set_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)) continue;
      // if we're here, we need to set the notowned status on (remaining) set contents

      // remove rmv_ents from the contents list
      iface_ents = subtract(iface_ents, rmv_ents);
      // compress the pstat vector (removing 0x0's)
      std::remove_if(pstat.begin(), pstat.end(), 
                     std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<unsigned char>(), 0x0));
      // fold the not_owned bit into remaining values
      unsigned int sz = iface_ents.size();
      for (i = 0; i < sz; i++)
        pstat[i] |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;

      // set the tag on the entities
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), iface_ents, &pstat[0]);
      RRA("Couldn't set pstatus values for set ents.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::tag_shared_verts ( TupleList shared_ents,
std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  proc_nvecs,
Range proc_verts,
unsigned int  i_extra = 1 

Definition at line 4736 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
    ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                            shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag);
    RRA("Trouble getting shared proc tags in tag_shared_verts.");
    unsigned int j = 0, i = 0;
    std::vector<int> sharing_procs, sharing_procs2, tag_procs;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> sharing_handles, sharing_handles2, tag_lhandles, tag_rhandles;
    std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus;
    //Were on tuple j/2
    if (i_extra) i += i_extra;
    while (j < 2*shared_ents.get_n()) {
      // count & accumulate sharing procs
      EntityHandle this_ent = shared_ents.vul_rd[j], other_ent = 0;
      int other_proc = -1;
      while (j < 2*shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vul_rd[j] == this_ent) {
        // shouldn't have same proc
        assert(shared_ents.vi_rd[i] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
        //Grab the remote data if its not a dublicate
        if(shared_ents.vul_rd[j] != other_ent || shared_ents.vi_rd[i] != other_proc){
          assert(0 != shared_ents.vul_rd[j]);
          sharing_procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[i] );
          sharing_handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[j] );
        other_proc = shared_ents.vi_rd[i];
        other_ent = shared_ents.vul_rd[j];
        j++; i += 1 + i_extra;

      if (sharing_procs.size() > 1) {
        // add current proc/handle to list
        // sort sharing_procs and sharing_handles such that
        // sharing_procs is in ascending order.  Use temporary
        // lists and binary search to re-order sharing_handles.
        sharing_procs2 = sharing_procs;
        std::sort( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end() );
        sharing_handles2.resize( sharing_handles.size() );
        for (size_t k = 0; k < sharing_handles.size(); ++k) {
          size_t idx = std::lower_bound( sharing_procs2.begin(), 
                                         sharing_procs[k] ) - sharing_procs2.begin();
          sharing_handles2[idx] = sharing_handles[k];
        sharing_procs.swap( sharing_procs2 );
        sharing_handles.swap( sharing_handles2 );
      assert(sharing_procs.size() != 2);

      unsigned char share_flag = PSTATUS_SHARED, 
      if (sharing_procs.size() == 1) {
      else {
        // pad lists 
        //assert( sharing_procs.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
        if (sharing_procs.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
          std::cerr << "MAX_SHARING_PROCS exceeded for vertex " << this_ent <<
            " on process " << proc_config().proc_rank() <<  std::endl;
          MPI_Abort(proc_config().proc_comm(), 66);
        sharing_procs.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
        sharing_handles.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shps_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shhs_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &ms_flag);
        RRA("Couldn't set multi-shared tag on shared vertex.");
      RRA("Failed setting shared_procs tag on skin vertices.");

      // reset sharing proc(s) tags

    if (!tag_procs.empty()) {
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shp_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(),
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shh_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(),
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(), &pstatus[0]);
      RRA("Couldn't set shared tag on shared vertex.");
      std::copy(tag_lhandles.begin(), tag_lhandles.end(), std::back_inserter(sharedEnts));
#ifndef NDEBUG
    // shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
    for (std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
         mit != proc_nvecs.end(); mit++) {
      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_vec = (mit->second);
      std::sort(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = std::unique(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      assert(vit == tmp_vec.end());
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::tag_shared_verts ( TupleList shared_verts,
Range skin_ents,
std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  proc_nvecs,
Range proc_verts 
) [private]

Definition at line 4854 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
    ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags(shp_tag, shps_tag, 
                                            shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag);
    RRA("Trouble getting shared proc tags in tag_shared_verts.");
    unsigned int j = 0, i = 0;
    std::vector<int> sharing_procs, sharing_procs2;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> sharing_handles, sharing_handles2, skin_verts(skin_ents[0].size());
    for (Range::iterator rit = skin_ents[0].begin(); rit != skin_ents[0].end(); rit++, i++)
      skin_verts[i] = *rit;
    i = 0;
    while (j < 2*shared_ents.get_n()) {
      // count & accumulate sharing procs
      int this_idx = shared_ents.vi_rd[j];
      EntityHandle this_ent = skin_verts[this_idx];
      while (j < 2*shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vi_rd[j] == this_idx) {
        // shouldn't have same proc
        assert(shared_ents.vi_rd[j] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank());
        sharing_procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[j++] );
        sharing_handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[i++] );

      if (sharing_procs.size() > 1) {
        // add current proc/handle to list
      // sort sharing_procs and sharing_handles such that
      // sharing_procs is in ascending order.  Use temporary
      // lists and binary search to re-order sharing_handles.
      sharing_procs2 = sharing_procs;
      std::sort( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end() );
      sharing_handles2.resize( sharing_handles.size() );
      for (size_t k = 0; k < sharing_handles.size(); ++k) {
        size_t idx = std::lower_bound( sharing_procs2.begin(), 
                                       sharing_procs[k] ) - sharing_procs2.begin();
        sharing_handles2[idx] = sharing_handles[k];
      sharing_procs.swap( sharing_procs2 );
      sharing_handles.swap( sharing_handles2 );
      assert(sharing_procs.size() != 2);

      unsigned char share_flag = PSTATUS_SHARED, 
      if (sharing_procs.size() == 1) {
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shp_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shh_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &share_flag);
        RRA("Couldn't set shared tag on shared vertex.");
      else {
        // pad lists 
        //assert( sharing_procs.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
        if (sharing_procs.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
          std::cerr << "MAX_SHARING_PROCS exceeded for vertex " << this_ent <<
            " on process " << proc_config().proc_rank() <<  std::endl;
          MPI_Abort(proc_config().proc_comm(), 66);
        sharing_procs.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
        sharing_handles.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shps_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(shhs_tag, &this_ent, 1,
        result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &ms_flag);
        RRA("Couldn't set multi-shared tag on shared vertex.");
      RRA("Failed setting shared_procs tag on skin vertices.");

      // reset sharing proc(s) tags

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
    for (std::map<std::vector<int>, std::vector<EntityHandle> >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
         mit != proc_nvecs.end(); mit++) {
      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp_vec = (mit->second);
      std::sort(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = std::unique(tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end());
      assert(vit == tmp_vec.end());
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_adjacencies ( unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
Range entities,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  from_proc 
) [private]

Definition at line 3278 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    return MB_FAILURE;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_buffer ( unsigned char *  buff_ptr,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  from_proc,
const int  ind,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hloc,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hrem,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  L1p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents,
const bool  created_iface = false 

Definition at line 1286 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    unsigned char *tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
    ErrorCode result;
    result = unpack_entities(buff_ptr, store_remote_handles,
                             ind, false, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents, created_iface);
    RRA("Unpacking entities failed.");
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      myDebug->tprintf(4, "unpack_entities buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)(buff_ptr-tmp_buff));
      tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
    result = unpack_sets(buff_ptr, new_ents, store_remote_handles, from_proc);
    RRA("Unpacking sets failed.");
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      myDebug->tprintf(4, "unpack_sets buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)(buff_ptr - tmp_buff));
      tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
    result = unpack_tags(buff_ptr, new_ents, store_remote_handles, from_proc);
    RRA("Unpacking tags failed.");
    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3) {
      myDebug->tprintf(4, "unpack_tags buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)(buff_ptr - tmp_buff));
      tmp_buff = buff_ptr;

    if (myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3)
      myDebug->print(4, "\n");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_entities ( unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
const bool  store_remote_handles,
const int  from_ind,
const bool  is_iface,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hloc,
std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > &  L1hrem,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  L1p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  new_ents,
const bool  created_iface = false 

unpack entities in buff_ptr

Definition at line 1911 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // general algorithm:
    // - unpack # entities
    // - save start of remote handle info, then scan forward to entity definition data
    // - for all vertices or entities w/ same # verts:
    //   . get entity type, num ents, and (if !vert) # verts 
    //   . for each ent:
    //      o get # procs/handles in remote handle info
    //      o if # procs/handles > 2, check for already-created entity:
    //        x get index of owner proc (1st in proc list), resize L1 list if nec
    //        x look for already-arrived entity in L2 by owner handle
    //      o if no existing entity:
    //        x if iface, look for existing entity with same connect & type
    //        x if none found, create vertex or element
    //        x if !iface & multi-shared, save on L2
    //        x if !iface, put new entity on new_ents list
    //      o update proc/handle, pstatus tags, adjusting to put owner first if iface
    //      o if !iface, save new handle on L1 for all sharing procs

    // lists of handles/procs to return to sending/other procs
    // L1hloc[p], L1hrem[p]: handle pairs [h, h'], where h is the local proc handle
    //         and h' is either the remote proc handle (if that is known) or
    //         the owner proc handle (otherwise);
    // L1p[p]: indicates whether h is remote handle (= -1) or owner (rank of owner)
    // L2hloc, L2hrem: local/remote handles for entities shared by > 2 procs;
    //         remote handles are on owning proc
    // L2p: owning procs for handles in L2hrem

    ErrorCode result;
    bool done = false;
    ReadUtilIface *ru = NULL;

    result = mbImpl->query_interface(ru);
    RRA("Failed to get ReadUtilIface.");

    // procs the sending proc is telling me I'll be receiving from
    std::set<unsigned int> comm_procs;

    // 1. # entities = E
    int num_ents = 0;
    unsigned char *buff_save = buff_ptr;
    int i, j;

    if (store_remote_handles) {
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);

      buff_save = buff_ptr;
      // save place where remote handle info starts, then scan forward to ents
      for (i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) {
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, j);
        if (j < 0) {
          std::cout << "Should be non-negative # proc/handles.";
          return MB_FAILURE;
        buff_ptr += j * (sizeof(int)+sizeof(EntityHandle));

    std::vector<EntityHandle> msg_ents;
    while (!done) {
      EntityType this_type = MBMAXTYPE;
      UNPACK_TYPE(buff_ptr, this_type);
      assert(this_type != MBENTITYSET);

      // MBMAXTYPE signifies end of entities data
      if (MBMAXTYPE == this_type) break;

      // get the number of ents
      int num_ents2, verts_per_entity = 0;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents2);

      // unpack the nodes per entity
      if (MBVERTEX != this_type && num_ents2) {
        UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, verts_per_entity);
      std::vector<int> ps(MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
      std::vector<EntityHandle> hs(MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0);
      for (int e = 0; e < num_ents2; e++) {
        // check for existing entity, otherwise make new one
        EntityHandle new_h = 0;

        EntityHandle connect[CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT];
        double coords[3];
        int num_ps = -1;

        // unpack all the data at once, to make sure the buffer pointers
        // are tracked correctly
        if (store_remote_handles) {
          // pointers to other procs/handles
          UNPACK_INT(buff_save, num_ps);
          if (0 >= num_ps) {
            std::cout << "Shouldn't ever be fewer than 1 procs here." << std::endl;
            return MB_FAILURE;
          UNPACK_INTS(buff_save, &ps[0], num_ps);
          UNPACK_EH(buff_save, &hs[0], num_ps);

        if (MBVERTEX == this_type) {
          UNPACK_DBLS(buff_ptr, coords, 3);
        else {
          assert(verts_per_entity <= CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT);
          UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, connect, verts_per_entity);

          // update connectivity to local handles
          result = get_local_handles(connect, verts_per_entity, msg_ents);
          RRA("Couldn't get local handles.");

        // now, process that data; begin by finding an identical 
        // entity, if there is one
        if (store_remote_handles) {
          result = find_existing_entity(is_iface, ps[0], hs[0], num_ps, 
                                        connect, verts_per_entity,
                                        L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p,
          RRA("Trouble getting existing entity.");

        // if we didn't find one, we'll have to create one
        bool created_here = false;
        if (!new_h && !is_iface) {

          if (MBVERTEX == this_type) {
            // create a vertex
            result = mbImpl->create_vertex(coords, new_h);
            RRA("Couldn't make new vertex.");
          else {
            // create the element
            result = mbImpl->create_element(this_type, connect, verts_per_entity, new_h);
            RRA("Couldn't make new vertex.");

            // update adjacencies
            result = ru->update_adjacencies(new_h, 1, 
                                            verts_per_entity, connect);
            RRA("Failed to update adjacencies.");

          // should have a new handle now
          created_here = true;

        // take care of sharing data

        // need to save entities found in order, for interpretation of
        // later parts of this message
        if (!is_iface) {

        if (created_here) new_ents.push_back(new_h);

        if (new_h && store_remote_handles) {
          unsigned char new_pstat = 0x0;
          if (is_iface) {
            new_pstat = PSTATUS_INTERFACE;
              // here, lowest rank proc should be first
            int idx = std::min_element(&ps[0], &ps[0]+num_ps) - &ps[0];
            if (idx) {
              std::swap(ps[0], ps[idx]);
              std::swap(hs[0], hs[idx]);
              // set ownership based on lowest rank; can't be in update_remote_data, because
              // there we don't know whether it resulted from ghosting or not
            if ((num_ps > 1 && ps[0] != (int) rank()))
              new_pstat |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
          else if (created_here) {
            if (created_iface) new_pstat = PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
            else new_pstat = PSTATUS_GHOST | PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
          // update sharing data and pstatus, adjusting order if iface
          result = update_remote_data(new_h, &ps[0], &hs[0], num_ps, new_pstat);
          // if a new multi-shared entity, save owner for subsequent lookup in L2 lists
          if (store_remote_handles && !is_iface && num_ps > 2) {

          // need to send this new handle to all sharing procs
          if (!is_iface) {
            for (j = 0; j < num_ps; j++) {
              if (ps[j] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank()) continue;
              int idx = get_buffers(ps[j]);
              if (idx == (int)L1hloc.size()) {
              // don't bother adding if it's already in the list
              std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator vit = 
                std::find(L1hloc[idx].begin(), L1hloc[idx].end(), new_h);
              if (vit != L1hloc[idx].end()) {
                // if it's in the list but remote handle isn't known but we know
                // it, replace in the list
                if (L1p[idx][vit-L1hloc[idx].begin()] != -1 && hs[j]) {
                  L1hrem[idx][vit-L1hloc[idx].begin()] = hs[j];
                  L1p[idx][vit-L1hloc[idx].begin()] = -1;
                else continue;
              else {
                if (!hs[j]) {
                  assert(-1 != ps[0] && num_ps > 2);
                else {
                  assert("either this remote handle isn't in the remote list, or it's for another proc" &&
                         (std::find(L1hrem[idx].begin(), L1hrem[idx].end(), hs[j]) == 
                          L1hrem[idx].end() ||
                          L1p[idx][std::find(L1hrem[idx].begin(), L1hrem[idx].end(), hs[j]) - 
                                   L1hrem[idx].begin()] != -1));

          assert("Shouldn't be here for non-shared entities" &&
                 -1 != num_ps);
          std::fill(&ps[0], &ps[num_ps], -1);
          std::fill(&hs[0], &hs[num_ps], 0);
      myDebug->tprintf(4, "Unpacked %d ents of type %s", num_ents2,

    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Done unpacking entities.\n");

    // need to sort here, to enable searching
    std::sort(new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end());
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_iface_entities ( unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
const int  from_proc,
const int  ind,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  recd_ents 
) [private]

for all the entities in the received buffer; for each, save entities in this instance which match connectivity, or zero if none found

ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_remote_handles ( unsigned int  from_proc,
unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p 

Definition at line 6893 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // incoming remote handles; use to set remote handles
    int num_eh;
    UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_eh);

    unsigned char *buff_proc = buff_ptr;
    buff_ptr += num_eh * sizeof(int);
    unsigned char *buff_rem = buff_ptr + num_eh * sizeof(EntityHandle);
    ErrorCode result;
    EntityHandle hpair[2], new_h;
    int proc;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_eh; i++) {
      UNPACK_INT(buff_proc, proc);
        // handles packed (local, remote), though here local is either on this
        // proc or owner proc, depending on value of proc (-1 = here, otherwise owner);
        // this is decoded in find_existing_entity
      UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, hpair, 1);
      UNPACK_EH(buff_rem, hpair+1, 1);

      if (-1 != proc) {
        result = find_existing_entity(false, proc, hpair[0], 3, NULL, 0,
                                      L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_h);
        RRA("Didn't get existing entity.");
        if (new_h) hpair[0] = new_h;
        else hpair[0] = 0;
      if (!(hpair[0] && hpair[1])) return MB_FAILURE;
      int this_proc = from_proc;
      result = update_remote_data(hpair[0], &this_proc, hpair+1, 1, 0);
      RRA("Trouble setting remote data range on sent entities in ghost exchange.");
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_remote_handles ( unsigned int  from_proc,
const unsigned char *  buff_ptr,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hloc,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  L2hrem,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  L2p 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 1585 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

    // cast away const-ness, we won't be passing back a modified ptr
    unsigned char *tmp_buff = const_cast<unsigned char*>(buff_ptr);
    return unpack_remote_handles(from_proc, tmp_buff, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p);
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_sets ( unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  entities,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  to_proc 
) [private]

Definition at line 3122 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // now the sets; assume any sets the application wants to pass are in the entities list
    ErrorCode result;

    bool no_sets = (entities.empty() || (mbImpl->type_from_handle(*entities.rbegin()) == MBENTITYSET));

    Range new_sets;
    int num_sets;
    UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_sets);

    if (!num_sets) return MB_SUCCESS;

    int i;
    Range::const_iterator rit;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> members;
    int num_ents;
    std::vector<unsigned int> options_vec(num_sets);
    // option value
    if (num_sets)
      UNPACK_VOID(buff_ptr, &options_vec[0], num_sets*sizeof(unsigned int));

    // unpack parallel geometry unique id
    int n_uid;
    UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, n_uid);
    if (n_uid > 0 && n_uid != num_sets) {
      std::cerr << "The number of Parallel geometry unique ids should be same."
                << std::endl;

    if (n_uid > 0) { // if parallel geometry unique id is packed
      std::vector<int> uids(n_uid);
      UNPACK_INTS(buff_ptr, &uids[0], n_uid);

      Tag uid_tag;
      result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("PARALLEL_UNIQUE_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                      uid_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE|MB_TAG_CREAT);
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
        RRA("Trouble creating parallel geometry unique id tag.");

      // find existing sets
      for (i = 0; i < n_uid; i++) {
        EntityHandle set_handle;
        Range temp_sets;
        void* tag_vals[] = { &uids[i] };
        if (uids[i] > 0) { 
          result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET,
                                                        &uid_tag, tag_vals,
                                                        1, temp_sets);
        if (!temp_sets.empty()) { // existing set
          set_handle = *temp_sets.begin();
        else { // create a new set
          result = mbImpl->create_meshset(options_vec[i], set_handle);
          RRA("Failed to create set in unpack.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(uid_tag, &set_handle, 1, &uids[i]);
          RRA("Couldn't set parallel geometry unique ids.");
    else {
      // create sets
      for (i = 0; i < num_sets; i++) {
        EntityHandle set_handle;
        result = mbImpl->create_meshset(options_vec[i], set_handle);
        RRA("Failed to create set in unpack.");
        // make sure new sets handles are monotonically increasing
        assert(set_handle > *new_sets.rbegin());

    std::copy(new_sets.begin(), new_sets.end(), std::back_inserter(entities));
    // only need to sort if we came in with no sets on the end
    if (!no_sets) std::sort(entities.begin(), entities.end());
    for (rit = new_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != new_sets.end(); rit++, i++) {
      // unpack entities as vector, with length
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);
      if (num_ents) UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &members[0], num_ents);
      result = get_local_handles(&members[0], num_ents, entities);
      RRA("Failed to get local handles for ordered set contents.");
      result = mbImpl->add_entities(*rit, &members[0], num_ents);
      RRA("Failed to add ents to ordered set in unpack.");

    std::vector<int> num_pch(2*new_sets.size());
    std::vector<int>::iterator vit;
    int tot_pch = 0;
    for (vit = num_pch.begin(); vit != num_pch.end(); vit++) {
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, *vit);
      tot_pch += *vit;
    UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &members[0], tot_pch);
    result = get_local_handles(&members[0], tot_pch, entities);
    RRA("Couldn't get local handle for parent/child sets.");

    int num = 0;
    EntityHandle *mem_ptr = &members[0];
    for (rit = new_sets.begin(); rit != new_sets.end(); rit++) {
      // unpack parents/children
      int num_par = num_pch[num++], num_child = num_pch[num++];
      if (num_par+num_child) {
        for (i = 0; i < num_par; i++) {
          assert(0 != mem_ptr[i]);
          result = mbImpl->add_parent_meshset(*rit, mem_ptr[i]);
          RRA("Failed to add parent to set in unpack.");
        mem_ptr += num_par;
        for (i = 0; i < num_child; i++) {
          assert(0 != mem_ptr[i]);
          result = mbImpl->add_child_meshset(*rit, mem_ptr[i]);
          RRA("Failed to add child to set in unpack.");
        mem_ptr += num_child;

    // unpack source handles
    Range dum_range;
    if (store_remote_handles && !new_sets.empty()) {
      UNPACK_RANGE(buff_ptr, dum_range);
      result = update_remote_data(new_sets, dum_range, from_proc, 0);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharing data for sets");

    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Done unpacking sets.");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::unpack_tags ( unsigned char *&  buff_ptr,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  entities,
const bool  store_handles,
const int  to_proc,
const MPI_Op *const  mpi_op = NULL 
) [private]

Definition at line 3513 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    // tags
    // get all the tags
    // for dense tags, compute size assuming all entities have that tag
    // for sparse tags, get number of entities w/ that tag to compute size

    ErrorCode result;
    int num_tags;
    UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_tags);
    std::vector<EntityHandle> tag_ents;
    std::vector<const void*> var_len_vals;
    std::vector<unsigned char*> dum_vals;
    std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_ehvals;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++) {
      // tag handle
      Tag tag_handle;

      // size, data type
      int tag_size, tag_data_type, tag_type;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, tag_size);
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, tag_type);
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, tag_data_type);
      // default value
      int def_val_size;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, def_val_size);
      void *def_val_ptr = NULL;
      if (def_val_size) {
        def_val_ptr = buff_ptr;
        buff_ptr += def_val_size;
        UPC(tag_size, " void");
      // name
      int name_len;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, name_len);
      std::string tag_name( reinterpret_cast<char*>(buff_ptr), name_len );
      buff_ptr += name_len;
      UPC(64, " chars");
      myDebug->tprintf(4, "Unpacking tag %s\n", tag_name.c_str());

      // create the tag
      if (tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) 
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( tag_name.c_str(), def_val_size, (DataType)tag_data_type,
                                         tag_handle, MB_TAG_VARLEN|MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_BYTES|tag_type, 
                                         def_val_ptr );
        result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( tag_name.c_str(), tag_size, (DataType) tag_data_type,
                                         tag_handle, MB_TAG_CREAT|MB_TAG_BYTES|tag_type, 
      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;

      // get handles and convert to local handles
      int num_ents;
      UNPACK_INT(buff_ptr, num_ents);
      std::vector<EntityHandle> dum_ents(num_ents);
      UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &dum_ents[0], num_ents);

      // in this case handles are indices into new entity range; need to convert
      // to local handles
      result = get_local_handles(&dum_ents[0], num_ents, entities);
      RRA("Unable to convert to local handles.");

      // if it's a handle type, also convert tag vals in-place in buffer
      if (MB_TYPE_HANDLE == tag_type) {
        UNPACK_EH(buff_ptr, &dum_ehvals[0], num_ents);
        result = get_local_handles(&dum_ehvals[0], num_ents, entities);
        RRA("Failed to get local handles for tag vals.");

      DataType data_type;
      mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( tag_handle, data_type );
      int type_size = TagInfo::size_from_data_type(data_type);

      if (!dum_ents.empty()) {
        if (tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH) {
          // Be careful of alignment here.  If the integers are aligned
          // in the buffer, we can use them directly.  Otherwise we must
          // copy them.
          std::vector<int> var_lengths(num_ents);
          UNPACK_INTS(buff_ptr, &var_lengths[0], num_ents);
          UPC(sizeof(int) * num_ents, " void");

          // get pointers into buffer for each tag value
          for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::size_type j = 0; 
               j < (std::vector<EntityHandle>::size_type) num_ents; ++j) {
            var_len_vals[j] = buff_ptr;
            buff_ptr += var_lengths[j]*type_size;
            UPC(var_lengths[j], " void");
          result = mbImpl->tag_set_by_ptr( tag_handle, &dum_ents[0], num_ents,
                                           &var_len_vals[0], &var_lengths[0]);
          RRA("Trouble setting tag data when unpacking variable-length tag.");
        else {
              // get existing values of dst tag
            if (mpi_op) {
              int tag_length;
              result = mbImpl->tag_get_length(tag_handle, tag_length);
              RRA("Couldn't get tag length");         
              result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(tag_handle, &dum_ents[0], num_ents, &dum_vals[0]);
              RRA("Couldn't get existing value of dst tag on entities.");
              result = reduce_void(tag_data_type, *mpi_op, tag_length*num_ents, &dum_vals[0], buff_ptr);
              RRA("Failed to perform mpi op on dst tags.");
          result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(tag_handle, &dum_ents[0],
                                        num_ents, buff_ptr);
          RRA("Trouble setting range-based tag data when unpacking tag.");
          buff_ptr += num_ents * tag_size;
          UPC(num_ents * tag_size, " void");
    myDebug->tprintf(4, "Done unpacking tags.\n");

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::update_iface_sets ( Range sent_ents,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  remote_handles,
int  from_proc 
) [private]

for any remote_handles set to zero, remove corresponding sent_ents from iface_sets corresponding to from_proc

ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::update_remote_data ( Range local_range,
Range remote_range,
int  other_proc,
const unsigned char  add_pstat 
) [private]

Definition at line 2442 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    Range::iterator rit, rit2;
    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;

    // for each pair of local/remote handles:
    for (rit = local_range.begin(), rit2 = remote_range.begin(); 
         rit != local_range.end(); rit++, rit2++) {

      result = update_remote_data(*rit, &other_proc, &(*rit2), 1, add_pstat);
      RRA(" ");

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::update_remote_data ( const EntityHandle  new_h,
const int *  ps,
const EntityHandle hs,
const int  num_ps,
const unsigned char  add_pstat 
) [private]

Definition at line 2461 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

      // get initial sharing data; tag_ps and tag_hs get terminated with -1 and 0
      // in this function, so no need to initialize; sharing data does not include
      // this proc if shared with only one other

      // following variables declared here to avoid compiler errors
    int new_numps;
    unsigned char new_pstat;
    std::vector<int> new_ps(MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
    std::vector<EntityHandle> new_hs(MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0);
    new_numps = 0;
    ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data(new_h, &new_ps[0], &new_hs[0], new_pstat, new_numps);
    int num_exist = new_numps;

      // add new pstat info to the flag
    new_pstat |= add_pstat;
#define plist(str, lst, siz)                                          \
    std::cout << str << "(";                                          \
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)siz; i++) std::cout << lst[i] << " ";    \
    std::cout << ") ";                                                \
    std::cout << "update_remote_data: rank = " << rank() << ", new_h = " << new_h << std::endl;
    std::string ostr;
    plist("ps", ps, num_ps);
    plist("hs", hs, num_ps);
    print_pstatus(add_pstat, ostr);
    std::cout << ", add_pstat = " << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
    plist("tag_ps", new_ps, new_numps);
    plist("tag_hs", new_hs, new_numps);
    assert(new_numps <= size());
    print_pstatus(new_pstat, ostr);
    std::cout << ", tag_pstat=" << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;

#ifndef NDEBUG
        // check for duplicates in proc list
      std::set<unsigned int> dumprocs;
      unsigned int dp = 0;
      for (; (int) dp < num_ps && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++)
      assert(dp == dumprocs.size());

      // if only one sharer and I'm the owner, insert myself in the list;
      // otherwise, my data is checked at the end
    if (1 == new_numps && !(new_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)) {
      new_hs[1] = new_hs[0];
      new_ps[1] = new_ps[0];
      new_hs[0] = new_h;
      new_ps[0] = rank();
      new_numps = 2;
      // now put passed-in data onto lists
    int idx;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_ps; i++) {
      idx = std::find(&new_ps[0], &new_ps[0] + new_numps, ps[i]) - &new_ps[0];
      if (idx < new_numps) {
        if (!new_hs[idx] && hs[i])
            // h on list is 0 and passed-in h is non-zero, replace it
          new_hs[idx] = hs[i];
          assert(!hs[i] || new_hs[idx] == hs[i]);
      else {
        if (new_numps+1 == MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
          result = MB_FAILURE;
          std::ostringstream str;
          str << "Exceeded MAX_SHARING_PROCS for " << CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(new_h) )
              << ' ' << ID_FROM_HANDLE(new_h) << " in process " << rank() << std::endl;
        new_ps[new_numps] = ps[i];
        new_hs[new_numps] = hs[i];

      // add myself, if it isn't there already
    idx = std::find(&new_ps[0], &new_ps[0] + new_numps, rank()) - &new_ps[0];
    if (idx == new_numps) {
      new_ps[new_numps] = rank();
      new_hs[new_numps] = new_h;
    else if (!new_hs[idx] && new_numps > 2)
      new_hs[idx] = new_h;

      // proc list is complete; update for shared, multishared
    if (new_numps > 1) {
      if (new_numps > 2) new_pstat |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
      new_pstat |= PSTATUS_SHARED;

    plist("new_ps", new_ps, new_numps);
    plist("new_hs", new_hs, new_numps);
    print_pstatus(new_pstat, ostr);
    std::cout << ", new_pstat=" << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    result = set_sharing_data(new_h, new_pstat, num_exist, new_numps, &new_ps[0], &new_hs[0]);
    RRA("update_remote_data: setting sharing data");

    if (new_pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) sharedEnts.push_back(new_h);

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParallelComm::update_remote_data_old ( const EntityHandle  new_h,
const int *  ps,
const EntityHandle hs,
const int  num_ps,
const unsigned char  add_pstat 
) [private]

Definition at line 2588 of file ParallelComm.cpp.

    EntityHandle tag_hs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    int tag_ps[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
    unsigned char pstat;
    // get initial sharing data; tag_ps and tag_hs get terminated with -1 and 0
    // in this function, so no need to initialize
    unsigned int num_exist;
    ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data(new_h, tag_ps, tag_hs, pstat, num_exist);
#ifndef NDEBUG
      // check for duplicates in proc list
      std::set<unsigned int> dumprocs;
      unsigned int dp = 0;
      for (; (int) dp < num_ps && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++)
      assert(dp == dumprocs.size());

    // add any new sharing data
    bool changed = false;
    int idx;
    if (!num_exist) {
      // just take what caller passed
      memcpy(tag_ps, ps, num_ps*sizeof(int));
      memcpy(tag_hs, hs, num_ps*sizeof(EntityHandle));
      num_exist = num_ps;
      // if it's only one, hopefully I'm not there yet...
      assert("I shouldn't be the only proc there." &&
             (1 != num_exist || ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank()));
      changed = true;
    else {
      for (int i = 0; i < num_ps; i++) {
        idx = std::find(tag_ps, tag_ps+num_exist, ps[i]) - tag_ps;
        if (idx == (int) num_exist) {
          if (num_exist == MAX_SHARING_PROCS) {
            std::cerr << "Exceeded MAX_SHARING_PROCS for "
                      << CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(new_h) )
                      << ' ' << ID_FROM_HANDLE(new_h) 
                      << " in process " << proc_config().proc_rank()
                      << std::endl;
            MPI_Abort( proc_config().proc_comm(), 66 );
          // if there's only 1 sharing proc, and it's not me, then
          // we'll end up with 3; add me to the front
          if (!i && num_ps == 1 && num_exist == 1 &&
              ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank()) {
            int j = 1;
            // if I own this entity, put me at front, otherwise after first
            if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED)) {
              tag_ps[1] = tag_ps[0];
              tag_hs[1] = tag_hs[0];
              j = 0;
            tag_ps[j] = procConfig.proc_rank();
            tag_hs[j] = new_h;
          tag_ps[num_exist] = ps[i];
          tag_hs[num_exist] = hs[i];
          changed = true;
        else if (0 == tag_hs[idx]) {
          tag_hs[idx] = hs[i];
          changed = true;
        else if (0 != hs[i]) {
          assert(hs[i] == tag_hs[idx]);
    // adjust for interface layer if necessary
    if (add_pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) {
      idx = std::min_element(tag_ps, tag_ps+num_exist) - tag_ps;
      if (idx) {
        int tag_proc = tag_ps[idx];
        tag_ps[idx] = tag_ps[0];
        tag_ps[0] = tag_proc;
        EntityHandle tag_h = tag_hs[idx];
        tag_hs[idx] = tag_hs[0];
        tag_hs[0] = tag_h;
        changed = true;
        if (tag_ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank()) pstat |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
    if (!changed) return MB_SUCCESS;
    assert("interface entities should have > 1 proc" &&
           (!(add_pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE) || num_exist > 1));
    assert("ghost entities should have > 1 proc" &&
           (!(add_pstat & PSTATUS_GHOST) || num_exist > 1));
    // if it's multi-shared and we created the entity in this unpack,
    // local handle probably isn't in handle list yet
    if (num_exist > 2) {
      idx = std::find(tag_ps, tag_ps+num_exist, procConfig.proc_rank()) - tag_ps;
      assert(idx < (int) num_exist);
      if (!tag_hs[idx])
        tag_hs[idx] = new_h;
    int tag_p;
    EntityHandle tag_h;

    // update pstat
    pstat |= add_pstat;

    if (num_exist > 2) 
    else if (num_exist > 0)
      pstat |= PSTATUS_SHARED;

//    compare_remote_data(new_h, num_ps, hs, ps, add_pstat,
//                        num_exist, tag_hs, tag_ps, pstat);
    // reset single shared proc/handle if was shared and moving to multi-shared
    if (num_exist > 2 && !(pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED) &&
        (pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED)) {
      // must remove sharedp/h first, which really means set to default value
      tag_p = -1;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &new_h, 1, &tag_p);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedp tag.");
      tag_h = 0;
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &new_h, 1, &tag_h);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedh tag.");

    // set sharing tags
    if (num_exist > 2) {
      std::fill(tag_ps+num_exist, tag_ps+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1);
      std::fill(tag_hs+num_exist, tag_hs+MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedps_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_ps);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedps tag.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedhs_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_hs);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedhs tag.");

#ifndef NDEBUG
        // check for duplicates in proc list
        std::set<unsigned int> dumprocs;
        unsigned int dp = 0;
        for (; dp < num_exist && -1 != tag_ps[dp]; dp++)
        assert(dp == dumprocs.size());
    else if (num_exist == 2 || num_exist == 1) {
      if (tag_ps[0] == (int) procConfig.proc_rank()) {
        assert(2 == num_exist && tag_ps[1] != (int) procConfig.proc_rank());
        tag_ps[0] = tag_ps[1];
        tag_hs[0] = tag_hs[1];
      assert(tag_ps[0] != -1 && tag_hs[0] != 0);
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedp_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_ps);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedp tag.");
      result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(sharedh_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_hs);
      RRA("Couldn't set sharedh tag.");

    // now set new pstatus
    result = mbImpl->tag_set_data(pstatus_tag(), &new_h, 1, &pstat);
    RRA("Couldn't set pstatus tag.");

    if (pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED) sharedEnts.push_back(new_h);
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ParallelMergeMesh [friend]

Definition at line 57 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 1408 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

std::vector<unsigned int> moab::ParallelComm::buffProcs [private]

processor rank for each buffer index

Definition at line 1388 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Error handler.

Definition at line 1370 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Cache of global part count.

Definition at line 1400 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

const unsigned int moab::ParallelComm::INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE = 1024 [static]

Definition at line 890 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1391 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

more data buffers, proc-specific

Definition at line 1373 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

MB interface associated with this writer.

Definition at line 1361 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

used to set verbosity level and to report output

Definition at line 1411 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

std::ofstream moab::ParallelComm::myFile [private]

Definition at line 1404 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

entity set containing all parts

Definition at line 1402 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

the partition, interface sets for this comm'n instance

Definition at line 1391 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1406 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

unsigned char moab::ParallelComm::PROC_OWNER [static]

Definition at line 93 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

unsigned char moab::ParallelComm::PROC_SHARED [static]

Definition at line 93 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Proc config object, keeps info on parallel stuff.

Definition at line 1364 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

std::vector<MPI_Request> moab::ParallelComm::recvRemotehReqs [private]

Definition at line 1385 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

std::vector<MPI_Request> moab::ParallelComm::recvReqs [private]

receive request objects

Definition at line 1385 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1373 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

std::vector<MPI_Request> moab::ParallelComm::sendReqs [private]

request objects, may be used if store_remote_handles is used

Definition at line 1382 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Sequence manager, to get more efficient access to entities.

Definition at line 1367 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

all local entities shared with others, whether ghost or ghosted

Definition at line 1394 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

tags used to save sharing procs and handles

Definition at line 1397 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

Data about shared sets.

Definition at line 1414 of file ParallelComm.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines