moab::SmoothFace Class Reference

Implement CAMAL geometry callbacks using smooth iMesh. More...

#include <SmoothFace.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SmoothFace (Interface *mb, EntityHandle surface_set, GeomTopoTool *gTool)
virtual ~SmoothFace ()
virtual double area ()
virtual void bounding_box (double box_min[3], double box_max[3])
virtual void move_to_surface (double &x, double &y, double &z)
virtual bool normal_at (double x, double y, double z, double &nx, double &ny, double &nz)
int init_gradient ()
ErrorCode evaluate_smooth_edge (EntityHandle eh, double &t, CartVect &outv)
ErrorCode eval_bezier_patch (EntityHandle tri, CartVect &areacoord, CartVect &pt)
void project_to_facet_plane (EntityHandle tri, CartVect &pt, CartVect &point_on_plane, double &dist_to_plane)
void facet_area_coordinate (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &pt_on_plane, CartVect &areacoord)
ErrorCode project_to_facets_main (CartVect &this_point, bool trim, bool &outside, CartVect *closest_point_ptr=NULL, CartVect *normal_ptr=NULL)
ErrorCode project_to_facets (std::vector< EntityHandle > &facet_list, EntityHandle &lastFacet, int interpOrder, double compareTol, CartVect &this_point, bool trim, bool &outside, CartVect *closest_point_ptr, CartVect *normal_ptr)
ErrorCode project_to_facet (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &pt, CartVect &areacoord, CartVect &close_point, bool &outside_facet, double compare_tol)
bool is_at_vertex (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &pt, CartVect &ac, double compare_tol, CartVect &eval_pt, CartVect *eval_norm_ptr)
ErrorCode project_to_patch (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &ac, CartVect &pt, CartVect &eval_pt, CartVect *eval_norm, bool &outside, double compare_tol, int edge_id)
ErrorCode eval_bezier_patch_normal (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &areacoord, CartVect &normal)
ErrorCode compute_tangents_for_each_edge ()
ErrorCode get_normals_for_vertices (const EntityHandle *conn2, CartVect N[2])
ErrorCode init_edge_control_points (CartVect &P0, CartVect &P3, CartVect &N0, CartVect &N3, CartVect &T0, CartVect &T3, CartVect *Pi)
ErrorCode compute_control_points_on_edges (double min_dot, Tag edgeCtrlTag, Tag markTag)
ErrorCode compute_internal_control_points_on_facets (double min_dot, Tag facetCtrlTag, Tag facetEdgeCtrlTag)
void DumpModelControlPoints ()
int eval_counter ()
ErrorCode ray_intersection_correct (EntityHandle facet, CartVect &pt, CartVect &ray, CartVect &eval_pt, double &distance, bool &outside)
void append_smooth_tags (std::vector< Tag > &smoothTags)

Private Member Functions

bool move_ac_inside (CartVect &ac, double tol)
void ac_at_edge (CartVect &fac, CartVect &eac, int edge_id)
ErrorCode init_bezier_edge (EntityHandle edge, double min_dot)
ErrorCode find_edges_orientations (EntityHandle edges[3], const EntityHandle *conn3, int orient[3])
ErrorCode init_facet_control_points (CartVect N[6], CartVect P[3][5], CartVect G[6])
void adjust_bounding_box (CartVect &vect)

Private Attributes

CartVect _minim
CartVect _maxim
Range _triangles
Range _edges
Range _nodes
Tag _markTag
Tag _gradientTag
Tag _tangentsTag
Tag _edgeCtrlTag
Tag _facetCtrlTag
Tag _facetEdgeCtrlTag
Tag _planeTag
EntityHandle _set
EntityHandle _obb_root
long _evaluationsCounter

Detailed Description

Implement CAMAL geometry callbacks using smooth iMesh.

Definition at line 33 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moab::SmoothFace::SmoothFace ( Interface mb,
EntityHandle  surface_set,
GeomTopoTool gTool 

Definition at line 45 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  _mb(mb), _set(surface_set), _my_geomTopoTool(gTool), _evaluationsCounter(0)
  //_smooth_face = NULL;
  //_mbOut->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, _oSet); //will contain the
  // get also the obb_root
  if (_my_geomTopoTool)
    _my_geomTopoTool->get_root(this->_set, _obb_root);
    if (debug_surf_eval1)
      _my_geomTopoTool->obb_tree()->stats(_obb_root, std::cout);

Definition at line 60 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

void moab::SmoothFace::ac_at_edge ( CartVect fac,
CartVect eac,
int  edge_id 
) [private]

Definition at line 1533 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  double u, v, w;
  switch (edge_id) {
  case 0:
    u = 0.0;
    v = fac[1] / (fac[1] + fac[2]);//v = fac.y() / (fac.y() + fac.z());
    w = 1.0 - v;
  case 1:
    u = fac[0] / (fac[0] + fac[2]);// u = fac.x() / (fac.x() + fac.z());
    v = 0.0;
    w = 1.0 - u;
  case 2:
    u = fac[0] / (fac[0] + fac[1]);//u = fac.x() / (fac.x() + fac.y());
    v = 1.0 - u;
    w = 0.0;
    u = -1; // needed to eliminate warnings about used before set
    v = -1; // needed to eliminate warnings about used before set
    w = -1; // needed to eliminate warnings about used before set
  eac[0] = u;
  eac[1] = v;
  eac[2] = w; //= CartVect(u, v, w);
void moab::SmoothFace::adjust_bounding_box ( CartVect vect) [private]

Definition at line 580 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // _minim, _maxim
  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    if (_minim[j] > vect[j])
      _minim[j] = vect[j];
    if (_maxim[j] < vect[j])
      _maxim[j] = vect[j];
void moab::SmoothFace::append_smooth_tags ( std::vector< Tag > &  smoothTags)

Definition at line 93 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // these are created locally, for each smooth face

double moab::SmoothFace::area ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 64 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // find the area of this entity
  //double area1 = _smooth_face->area();
  double totArea = 0.;
  for (Range::iterator it = _triangles.begin(); it != _triangles.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle tria = *it;
    const EntityHandle * conn3;
    int nnodes;
    _mb->get_connectivity(tria, conn3, nnodes);
    //double coords[9]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
    //_mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, coords);
    CartVect p[3];
    _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &p[0]);
    // need to compute the angles
    // compute angles and the normal
    //CartVect p1(&coords[0]), p2(&coords[3]), p3(&coords[6]);

    CartVect AB(p[1] - p[0]);//(p2 - p1);
    CartVect BC(p[2] - p[1]);//(p3 - p2);
    CartVect normal = AB * BC;
    totArea += normal.length() / 2;
  return totArea;
void moab::SmoothFace::bounding_box ( double  box_min[3],
double  box_max[3] 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 100 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    box_min[i] = _minim[i];
    box_max[i] = _maxim[i];
  // _minim, _maxim
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::compute_control_points_on_edges ( double  min_dot,
Tag  edgeCtrlTag,
Tag  markTag 

Definition at line 157 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  _edgeCtrlTag = edgeCtrlTag;
  _markTag = markTag;

  // now, compute control points for all edges that are not marked already (they are no on the boundary!)
  for (Range::iterator it = _edges.begin(); it != _edges.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle edg = *it;
    // is the edge marked? already computed
    unsigned char tagVal = 0;
    _mb->tag_get_data(_markTag, &edg, 1, &tagVal);
    if (tagVal)
    //double min_dot;
    init_bezier_edge(edg, min_dot);
    tagVal = 1;
    _mb->tag_set_data(_markTag, &edg, 1, &tagVal);
  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::compute_internal_control_points_on_facets ( double  min_dot,
Tag  facetCtrlTag,
Tag  facetEdgeCtrlTag 

Definition at line 483 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // collect from each triangle the control points in order

  _facetCtrlTag = facetCtrlTag;
  _facetEdgeCtrlTag = facetEdgeCtrlTag;

  for (Range::iterator it = _triangles.begin(); it != _triangles.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle tri = *it;
    // first get connectivity, and the edges
    // we need a fast method to retrieve the adjacent edges to each triangle
    const EntityHandle * conn3;
    int nnodes;
    ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_connectivity(tri, conn3, nnodes);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    assert(3 == nnodes);

    // would it be easier to do
    CartVect vNode[3];// position at nodes
    rval = _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &vNode[0]);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // get gradients (normal) at each node of triangle
    CartVect NN[3];
    rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn3, 3, &NN[0]);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    EntityHandle edges[3];
    int orient[3]; // + 1 or -1, if the edge is positive or negative within the face
    rval = find_edges_orientations(edges, conn3, orient);// maybe we will set it?
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    // maybe we will store some tags with edges and their orientation with respect to
    // a triangle;
    CartVect P[3][5];
    CartVect N[6], G[6];
    // create the linear array for control points on edges, for storage (expensive !!!)
    CartVect CP[9];
    int index = 0;
    // maybe store a tag / entity handle for edges?
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      // populate P and N with the right vectors
      int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; // the first node of the edge
      int i2 = (i + 2) % 3; // the second node of the edge
      N[2 * i] = NN[i1];
      N[2 * i + 1] = NN[i2];
      P[i][0] = vNode[i1];
      rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_edgeCtrlTag, &edges[i], 1, &(P[i][1]));
      // if sense is -1, swap 1 and 3 control points
      if (orient[i] == -1)
        CartVect tmp;
        tmp = P[i][1];
        P[i][1] = P[i][3];
        P[i][3] = tmp;
      P[i][4] = vNode[i2];
      for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
        CP[index++] = P[i][j];

      // the first edge control points

    //  stat = facet->get_edge_control_points( P );
    init_facet_control_points(N, P, G);
    // what do we need to store in the tag control points?
    rval = _mb->tag_set_data(_facetCtrlTag, &tri, 1, &G[0]);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // store here again the 9 control points on the edges
    rval = _mb->tag_set_data(_facetEdgeCtrlTag, &tri, 1, &CP[0]);
    assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    // look at what we retrieve later

    // adjust the bounding box
    int j = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    // edge control points
    for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
    // internal facet control points
    for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 378 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  double defTangents[6] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. };
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->tag_get_handle("TANGENTS", 6, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE,
      _tangentsTag, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &defTangents);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return MB_FAILURE;

  // now, compute Tangents for all edges that are not on boundary, so they are not marked
  for (Range::iterator it = _edges.begin(); it != _edges.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle edg = *it;

    int nnodes;
    const EntityHandle * conn2;//
    _mb->get_connectivity(edg, conn2, nnodes);
    assert(nnodes == 2);
    CartVect P[2]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
    rval = _mb->get_coords(conn2, 2, (double *) &P[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    CartVect T[2];
    T[0] = P[1] - P[0];
    T[1] = T[0]; //
    _mb->tag_set_data(_tangentsTag, &edg, 1, (double*) &T[0]);// set the tangents computed at every edge
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 639 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // here, we will dump all control points from edges and facets (6 control points for each facet)
  // we may also create some edges; maybe later...
  // create a point3D file
  // output a Point3D file (special visit format)
  unsigned long setId = _mb->id_from_handle(_set);
  char name[50] = { 0 };
  sprintf(name, "%ldcontrol.Point3D", setId);// name should be something 2control.Point3D
  std::ofstream point3DFile;;//("control.Point3D");
  point3DFile << "# x y z \n";
  std::ofstream point3DEdgeFile;
  sprintf(name, "%ldcontrolEdge.Point3D", setId);//;//("controlEdge.Point3D");
  point3DEdgeFile << "# x y z \n";
  std::ofstream smoothPoints;
  sprintf(name, "%ldsmooth.Point3D", setId);//;//("smooth.Point3D");
  smoothPoints << "# x y z \n";
  CartVect controlPoints[3]; // edge control points
  for (Range::iterator it = _edges.begin(); it != _edges.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle edge = *it;

    _mb->tag_get_data(_edgeCtrlTag, &edge, 1, (double*) &controlPoints[0]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      CartVect & c = controlPoints[i];
      point3DEdgeFile << std::setprecision(11) << c[0] << " " << c[1] << " "
          << c[2] << " \n";
  CartVect controlTriPoints[6]; // triangle control points
  CartVect P_facet[3];// result in 3 "mid" control points
  for (Range::iterator it2 = _triangles.begin(); it2 != _triangles.end(); it2++)
    EntityHandle tri = *it2;

    _mb->tag_get_data(_facetCtrlTag, &tri, 1, (double*) &controlTriPoints[0]);

    // draw a line of points between pairs of control points
    int numPoints = 7;
    for (int n = 0; n < numPoints; n++)
      double a = 1. * n / (numPoints - 1);
      double b = 1.0 - a;

      P_facet[0] = a * controlTriPoints[3] + b * controlTriPoints[4];
      P_facet[1] = a * controlTriPoints[0] + b * controlTriPoints[5];
      P_facet[2] = a * controlTriPoints[1] + b * controlTriPoints[2];
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        CartVect & c = P_facet[i];
        point3DFile << std::setprecision(11) << c[0] << " " << c[1] << " "
            << c[2] << " \n";

    // evaluate for each triangle a lattice of points
    int N = 40;
    for (int k = 0; k <= N; k++)
      for (int m = 0; m <= N - k; m++)
        int n = N - m - k;
        CartVect areacoord(1. * k / N, 1. * m / N, 1. * n / N);
        CartVect pt;
        eval_bezier_patch(tri, areacoord, pt);
        smoothPoints << std::setprecision(11) << pt[0] << " " << pt[1] << " "
            << pt[2] << " \n";


Definition at line 773 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // interpolate internal control points

  CartVect gctrl_pts[6];
  // get the control points  facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  //init_facet_control_points( N, P, G) ;
  // what do we need to store in the tag control points?
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_facetCtrlTag, &tri, 1, &gctrl_pts[0]);// get all 6 control points
  assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  const EntityHandle * conn3;
  int nnodes;
  rval = _mb->get_connectivity(tri, conn3, nnodes);
  assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);

  CartVect vN[3];
  _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &vN[0]); // fill the coordinates of the vertices

  if (fabs(areacoord[1] + areacoord[2]) < 1.0e-6)
    pt = vN[0];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord[0] + areacoord[2]) < 1.0e-6)
    pt = vN[0];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord[0] + areacoord[1]) < 1.0e-6)
    pt = vN[0];
    return MB_SUCCESS;

  CartVect P_facet[3];
  P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[1] + areacoord[2])) * (areacoord[1]
      * gctrl_pts[3] + areacoord[2] * gctrl_pts[4]);
  P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[0] + areacoord[2])) * (areacoord[0]
      * gctrl_pts[0] + areacoord[2] * gctrl_pts[5]);
  P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[0] + areacoord[1])) * (areacoord[0]
      * gctrl_pts[1] + areacoord[1] * gctrl_pts[2]);

  // sum the contribution from each of the control points

  pt = CartVect(0.);// set all to 0, we start adding / accumulating different parts
  // first edge is from node 0 to 1, index 2 in

  // retrieve the points, in order, and the control points on edges

  // store here again the 9 control points on the edges
  CartVect CP[9];
  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_facetEdgeCtrlTag, &tri, 1, &CP[0]);
  assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);

  //CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  //edge = facet->edge(2);! start with edge 2, from 0-1
  int k = 0;
  CartVect ctrl_pts[5];
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);
  ctrl_pts[0] = vN[0]; //
  for (k = 1; k < 4; k++)
    ctrl_pts[k] = CP[k + 5]; // for edge index 2
  ctrl_pts[4] = vN[1]; //

  //i=4; j=0; k=0;
  double B = quart(areacoord[0]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=3; j=1; k=0;
  B = 4.0 * cube(areacoord[0]) * areacoord[1];
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=2; j=2; k=0;
  B = 6.0 * sqr(areacoord[0]) * sqr(areacoord[1]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=1; j=3; k=0;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord[0] * cube(areacoord[1]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  //edge = facet->edge(0);
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);
  // edge index 0, from 1 to 2
  ctrl_pts[0] = vN[1]; //
  for (k = 1; k < 4; k++)
    ctrl_pts[k] = CP[k - 1]; // for edge index 0
  ctrl_pts[4] = vN[2]; //

  //i=0; j=4; k=0;
  B = quart(areacoord[1]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=0; j=3; k=1;
  B = 4.0 * cube(areacoord[1]) * areacoord[2];
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=0; j=2; k=2;
  B = 6.0 * sqr(areacoord[1]) * sqr(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=0; j=1; k=3;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord[1] * cube(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  //edge = facet->edge(1);
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);
  // edge index 1, from 2 to 0
  ctrl_pts[0] = vN[2]; //
  for (k = 1; k < 4; k++)
    ctrl_pts[k] = CP[k + 2]; // for edge index 0
  ctrl_pts[4] = vN[0]; //

  //i=0; j=0; k=4;
  B = quart(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=1; j=0; k=3;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord[0] * cube(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=2; j=0; k=2;
  B = 6.0 * sqr(areacoord[0]) * sqr(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=3; j=0; k=1;
  B = 4.0 * cube(areacoord[0]) * areacoord[2];
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  //i=2; j=1; k=1;
  B = 12.0 * sqr(areacoord[0]) * areacoord[1] * areacoord[2];
  pt += B * P_facet[0];

  //i=1; j=2; k=1;
  B = 12.0 * areacoord[0] * sqr(areacoord[1]) * areacoord[2];
  pt += B * P_facet[1];

  //i=1; j=1; k=2;
  B = 12.0 * areacoord[0] * areacoord[1] * sqr(areacoord[2]);
  pt += B * P_facet[2];

  return MB_SUCCESS;


Definition at line 1738 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // interpolate internal control points

  CartVect gctrl_pts[6];
  //facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_facetCtrlTag, &facet, 1, &gctrl_pts[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  // _gradientTag
  // get normals at points
  const EntityHandle * conn3;
  int nnodes;
  rval = _mb->get_connectivity(facet, conn3, nnodes);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  CartVect NN[3];
  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn3, 3, &NN[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  if (fabs(areacoord[1] + areacoord[2]) < 1.0e-6)
    normal = NN[0];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord[0] + areacoord[2]) < 1.0e-6)
    normal = NN[1];//facet->point(1)->normal(facet);
    return MB_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord[0] + areacoord[1]) < 1.0e-6)
    normal = NN[2]; //facet->point(2)->normal(facet);
    return MB_SUCCESS;

  // compute the hodograph of the quartic Gregory patch

  CartVect Nijk[10];
  // start copy from hodograph
  //CubitVector gctrl_pts[6];
  // facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  CartVect P_facet[3];

  /*P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.y() + areacoord.z())) *
   (areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[3] +
   areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[4]);*/
  P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[1] + areacoord[2])) * (areacoord[1]
      * gctrl_pts[3] + areacoord[2] * gctrl_pts[4]);
  /*P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.z())) *
   (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[0] +
   areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[5]);*/
  P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[0] + areacoord[2])) * (areacoord[0]
      * gctrl_pts[0] + areacoord[2] * gctrl_pts[5]);
  /*P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.y())) *
   (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[1] +
   areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[2]);*/
  P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord[0] + areacoord[1])) * (areacoord[0]
      * gctrl_pts[1] + areacoord[1] * gctrl_pts[2]);

  // corner control points are just the normals at the points

  //3, 0, 0
  Nijk[0] = NN[0];
  //0, 3, 0
  Nijk[3] = NN[1];
  //0, 0, 3
  Nijk[9] = NN[2];//facet->point(2)->normal(facet);

  // fill in the boundary control points.  Define as the normal to the local
  // triangle formed by the quartic control point lattice

  // store here again the 9 control points on the edges
  CartVect CP[9]; // 9 control points on the edges,
  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_facetEdgeCtrlTag, &facet, 1, &CP[0]);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  // there are 3 CP for each edge, 0, 1, 2; first edge is 1-2
  //CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  //edge = facet->edge( 2 );
  //CubitVector ctrl_pts[5];
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //2, 1, 0
  //Nijk[1] = (ctrl_pts[2] - ctrl_pts[1]) * (P_facet[0] - ctrl_pts[1]);
  Nijk[1] = (CP[7] - CP[6]) * (P_facet[0] - CP[6]);

  //1, 2, 0
  //Nijk[2] = (ctrl_pts[3] - ctrl_pts[2]) * (P_facet[1] - ctrl_pts[2]);
  Nijk[2] = (CP[8] - CP[7]) * (P_facet[1] - CP[7]);

  //edge = facet->edge( 0 );
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //0, 2, 1
  //Nijk[6] = (ctrl_pts[1] - P_facet[1]) * (ctrl_pts[2] - P_facet[1]);
  Nijk[6] = (CP[0] - P_facet[1]) * (CP[1] - P_facet[1]);

  //0, 1, 2
  //Nijk[8] = (ctrl_pts[2] - P_facet[2]) * (ctrl_pts[3] - P_facet[2]);
  Nijk[8] = (CP[1] - P_facet[2]) * (CP[2] - P_facet[2]);

  //edge = facet->edge( 1 );
  //edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //1, 0, 2
  //Nijk[7] = (P_facet[2] - ctrl_pts[2]) * (ctrl_pts[1] - ctrl_pts[2]);
  Nijk[7] = (P_facet[2] - CP[4]) * (CP[3] - CP[4]);

  //2, 0, 1
  //Nijk[4] = (P_facet[0] - ctrl_pts[3]) * (ctrl_pts[2] - ctrl_pts[3]);
  Nijk[4] = (P_facet[0] - CP[5]) * (CP[4] - CP[5]);

  //1, 1, 1
  Nijk[5] = (P_facet[1] - P_facet[0]) * (P_facet[2] - P_facet[0]);
  // end copy from hodograph

  // sum the contribution from each of the control points

  normal = CartVect(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);

  //i=3; j=0; k=0;
  double Bsum = 0.0;
  double B = cube(areacoord[0]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[0];

  //i=2; j=1; k=0;
  B = 3.0 * sqr(areacoord[0]) * areacoord[1];
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[1];

  //i=1; j=2; k=0;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord[0] * sqr(areacoord[1]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[2];

  //i=0; j=3; k=0;
  B = cube(areacoord[1]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[3];

  //i=2; j=0; k=1;
  B = 3.0 * sqr(areacoord[0]) * areacoord[2];
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[4];

  //i=1; j=1; k=1;
  B = 6.0 * areacoord[0] * areacoord[1] * areacoord[2];
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[5];

  //i=0; j=2; k=1;
  B = 3.0 * sqr(areacoord[1]) * areacoord[2];
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[6];

  //i=1; j=0; k=2;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord[0] * sqr(areacoord[2]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[7];

  //i=0; j=1; k=2;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord[1] * sqr(areacoord[2]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[8];

  //i=0; j=0; k=3;
  B = cube(areacoord[2]);
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[9];

  //assert(fabs(Bsum - 1.0) < 1e-9);


  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 119 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

    return _evaluationsCounter;

Definition at line 729 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  CartVect P[2]; // P0 and P1
  CartVect controlPoints[3]; // edge control points
  double t4, t3, t2, one_minus_t, one_minus_t2, one_minus_t3, one_minus_t4;

  // project the position to the linear edge
  // t is from 0 to 1 only!!
  //double tt = (t + 1) * 0.5;
  if (tt <= 0.0)
    tt = 0.0;
  if (tt >= 1.0)
    tt = 1.0;

  int nnodes;
  const EntityHandle * conn2;
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_connectivity(eh, conn2, nnodes);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  rval = _mb->get_coords(conn2, 2, (double*) &P[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_edgeCtrlTag, &eh, 1, (double*) &controlPoints[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  t2 = tt * tt;
  t3 = t2 * tt;
  t4 = t3 * tt;
  one_minus_t = 1. - tt;
  one_minus_t2 = one_minus_t * one_minus_t;
  one_minus_t3 = one_minus_t2 * one_minus_t;
  one_minus_t4 = one_minus_t3 * one_minus_t;

  outv = one_minus_t4 * P[0] + 4. * one_minus_t3 * tt * controlPoints[0] + 6.
      * one_minus_t2 * t2 * controlPoints[1] + 4. * one_minus_t * t3
      * controlPoints[2] + t4 * P[1];

  return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::SmoothFace::facet_area_coordinate ( EntityHandle  facet,
CartVect pt_on_plane,
CartVect areacoord 

Definition at line 954 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  const EntityHandle * conn3;
  int nnodes;
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_connectivity(facet, conn3, nnodes);
  assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
  if (rval) {} // empty statement to prevent compiler warning

  //double coords[9]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
  //_mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, coords);
  CartVect p[3];
  rval = _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &p[0]);
  assert(MB_SUCCESS == rval);
  if (rval) {} // empty statement to prevent compiler warning
  double plane[4];

  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_planeTag, &facet, 1, plane);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (rval) {} // empty statement to prevent compiler warning
  CartVect normal(&plane[0]);// just first 3 components are used

  double area2;

  double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS * 1.e-5;// 1.e-11;

  CartVect v1(p[1] - p[0]);
  CartVect v2(p[2] - p[0]);

  area2 = (v1 * v2).length_squared();// the same for CartVect
  if (area2 < 100 * tol)
    tol = .01 * area2;
  CartVect absnorm(fabs(normal[0]), fabs(normal[1]), fabs(normal[2]));

  // project to the closest coordinate plane so we only have to do this in 2D

  if (absnorm[0] >= absnorm[1] && absnorm[0] >= absnorm[2])
    area2 = determ3( p[0][1], p[0][2],
        p[1][1], p[1][2],
        p[2][1], p[2][2]);
    if (fabs(area2) < tol)
      areacoord = CartVect(-CUBIT_DBL_MAX);// .set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[0], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(1., 0., 0.);//.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[1], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 1., 0.);//.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[2], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 0., 1.);//.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

      areacoord[0] = determ3(pt_on_plane[1], pt_on_plane[2],
          p[1][1], p[1][2], p[2][1], p[2][2] ) / area2;

      areacoord[1] = determ3( p[0][1], p[0][2],
          pt_on_plane[1], pt_on_plane[2],
          p[2][1], p[2][2]) / area2;

      areacoord[2] = determ3( p[0][1], p[0][2], p[1][1], p[1][2],
          pt_on_plane[1], pt_on_plane[2]) / area2;
  else if (absnorm[1] >= absnorm[0] && absnorm[1] >= absnorm[2])

    area2 = determ3(p[0][0], p[0][2],
        p[1][0], p[1][2],
        p[2][0], p[2][2]);
    if (fabs(area2) < tol)
      areacoord = CartVect(-CUBIT_DBL_MAX);//.set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[0], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(1., 0., 0.);//.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[1], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 1., 0.);//.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[2], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 0., 1.);//.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

      areacoord[0] = determ3(pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[2],
          p[1][0], p[1][2], p[2][0], p[2][2] ) / area2;

      areacoord[1] = determ3( p[0][0], p[0][2],
          pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[2],
          p[2][0], p[2][2]) / area2;

      areacoord[2] = determ3( p[0][0], p[0][2], p[1][0], p[1][2],
          pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[2]) / area2;

    /*area2 = determ3(pt0->x(), pt0->y(),
     pt1->x(), pt1->y(),
     pt2->x(), pt2->y());*/
    area2 = determ3( p[0][0], p[0][1],
        p[1][0], p[1][1],
        p[2][0], p[2][1]);
    if (fabs(area2) < tol)
      areacoord = CartVect(-CUBIT_DBL_MAX);//.set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[0], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(1., 0., 0.);//.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[1], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 1., 0.);//.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if (within_tolerance(p[2], pt_on_plane, GEOMETRY_RESABS))
      areacoord = CartVect(0., 0., 1.);//.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

      areacoord[0] = determ3(pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[1],
          p[1][0], p[1][1], p[2][0], p[2][1] ) / area2;

      areacoord[1] = determ3( p[0][0], p[0][1],
          pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[1],
          p[2][0], p[2][1]) / area2;

      areacoord[2] = determ3( p[0][0], p[0][1], p[1][0], p[1][1],
          pt_on_plane[0], pt_on_plane[1]) / area2;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::find_edges_orientations ( EntityHandle  edges[3],
const EntityHandle conn3,
int  orient[3] 
) [private]

Definition at line 449 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // find the edge that is adjacent to 2 vertices at a time
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    // edge 0 is 1-2, 1 is 3-1, 2 is 0-1
    EntityHandle v[2];
    v[0] = conn3[(i + 1) % 3];
    v[1] = conn3[(i + 2) % 3];
    std::vector<EntityHandle> adjacencies;
    // generate all edges for these two hexes
    ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_adjacencies(v, 2, 1, false, adjacencies,
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

    // find the edge connected to both vertices, and then see its orientation
    assert(adjacencies.size() == 1);
    const EntityHandle * conn2;
    int nnodes;
    rval = _mb->get_connectivity(adjacencies[0], conn2, nnodes);
    assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
    assert(2 == nnodes);
    edges[i] = adjacencies[0];
    // what is the story morning glory?
    if (conn2[0] == v[0] && conn2[1] == v[1])
      orient[i] = 1;
    else if (conn2[0] == v[1] && conn2[1] == v[0])
      orient[i] = -1;
      return MB_FAILURE;
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 1929 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  //CartVect N[2];
  //_mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn2, 2, normalVec);
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn2, 2, (double*) &N[0]);
  return rval;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::init_bezier_edge ( EntityHandle  edge,
double  min_dot 
) [private]

Definition at line 319 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // min dot was used for angle here
  //int stat = 0; // CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // all boundaries will be simple, initially
  // we may complicate them afterwards

  CartVect ctrl_pts[3];
  int nnodes;
  const EntityHandle * conn2;
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_connectivity(edge, conn2, nnodes);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
  assert(2 == nnodes);
  //double coords[6]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
  CartVect P[2];
  //ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_coords(conn2, 2, coords);
  rval = _mb->get_coords(conn2, 2, (double*) &P[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  //CartVect P0(&coords[0]);
  //CartVect P3(&coords[3]);

  //double normalVec[6];
  CartVect N[2];
  //_mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn2, 2, normalVec);
  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn2, 2, (double*) &N[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  CartVect T[2]; // T0, T3

  rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_tangentsTag, &edge, 1, &T[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  rval = init_edge_control_points(P[0], P[1], N[0], N[1], T[0], T[1], ctrl_pts);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  rval = _mb->tag_set_data(_edgeCtrlTag, &edge, 1, &ctrl_pts[0]);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;

  if (debug_surf_eval1)
    std::cout << "edge: " << _mb-> id_from_handle(edge) << " tangents: "
        << T[0] << T[1] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  points: " << P[0] << " " << P[1] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  normals: " << N[0] << " " << N[1] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "  Control points  " << ctrl_pts[0] << " " << ctrl_pts[1]
        << " " << ctrl_pts[2] << std::endl;

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 415 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  CartVect Vi[4];
  Vi[0] = P0;
  Vi[3] = P3;
  CartVect P03(P3 - P0);
  double di = P03.length();
  double ai = N0 % N3;// this is the dot operator, the same as in cgm for CubitVector
  double ai0 = N0 % T0;
  double ai3 = N3 % T3;
  double denom = 4 - ai * ai;
  if (fabs(denom) < 1e-20)
  double row = 6.0e0 * (2.0e0 * ai0 + ai * ai3) / denom;
  double omega = 6.0e0 * (2.0e0 * ai3 + ai * ai0) / denom;
  Vi[1] = Vi[0] + (di * (((6.0e0 * T0) - ((2.0e0 * row) * N0) + (omega * N3))
      / 18.0e0));
  Vi[2] = Vi[3] - (di * (((6.0e0 * T3) + (row * N0) - ((2.0e0 * omega) * N3))
      / 18.0e0));
  CartVect Wi[3];
  Wi[0] = Vi[1] - Vi[0];
  Wi[1] = Vi[2] - Vi[1];
  Wi[2] = Vi[3] - Vi[2];

  Pi[0] = 0.25 * Vi[0] + 0.75 * Vi[1];
  Pi[1] = 0.50 * Vi[1] + 0.50 * Vi[2];
  Pi[2] = 0.75 * Vi[2] + 0.25 * Vi[3];

  return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 597 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  CartVect Di[4], Ai[3], N0, N3, Vi[4], Wi[3];
  double denom;
  double lambda[2], mu[2];

  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    N0 = N[i * 2];
    N3 = N[i * 2 + 1];
    Vi[0] = P[i][0];
    Vi[1] = (P[i][1] - 0.25 * P[i][0]) / 0.75;
    Vi[2] = (P[i][3] - 0.25 * P[i][4]) / 0.75;
    Vi[3] = P[i][4];
    Wi[0] = Vi[1] - Vi[0];
    Wi[1] = Vi[2] - Vi[1];
    Wi[2] = Vi[3] - Vi[2];
    Di[0] = P[(i + 2) % 3][3] - 0.5 * (P[i][1] + P[i][0]);
    Di[3] = P[(i + 1) % 3][1] - 0.5 * (P[i][4] + P[i][3]);
    Ai[0] = (N0 * Wi[0]) / Wi[0].length();
    Ai[2] = (N3 * Wi[2]) / Wi[2].length();
    Ai[1] = Ai[0] + Ai[2];
    denom = Ai[1].length();
    Ai[1] /= denom;
    lambda[0] = (Di[0] % Wi[0]) / (Wi[0] % Wi[0]);
    lambda[1] = (Di[3] % Wi[2]) / (Wi[2] % Wi[2]);
    mu[0] = (Di[0] % Ai[0]);
    mu[1] = (Di[3] % Ai[2]);
    G[i * 2] = 0.5 * (P[i][1] + P[i][2]) + 0.66666666666666 * lambda[0] * Wi[1]
        + 0.33333333333333 * lambda[1] * Wi[0] + 0.66666666666666 * mu[0]
        * Ai[1] + 0.33333333333333 * mu[1] * Ai[0];
    G[i * 2 + 1] = 0.5 * (P[i][2] + P[i][3]) + 0.33333333333333 * lambda[0]
        * Wi[2] + 0.66666666666666 * lambda[1] * Wi[1] + 0.33333333333333
        * mu[0] * Ai[2] + 0.66666666666666 * mu[1] * Ai[1];
  return rval;

Definition at line 181 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // first, create a Tag for gradient (or normal)
  // loop over all triangles in set, and modify the normals according to the angle as weight
  // get all the edges from this subset
  if (NULL == _mb)
    return 1; //fail
  ErrorCode rval = _mb->get_entities_by_type(_set, MBTRI, _triangles);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return 1;
  // get a new range of edges, and decide the loops from here
  rval = _mb-> get_adjacencies(_triangles, 1, true, _edges, Interface::UNION);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);

  rval = _mb->get_adjacencies(_triangles, 0, false, _nodes, Interface::UNION);
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);

  // initialize bounding box limits
  CartVect vert1;
  EntityHandle v1 = _nodes[0];// first vertex
  _mb->get_coords(&v1, 1, (double*) &vert1);
  _minim = vert1;
  _maxim = vert1;

  double defNormal[] = { 0., 0., 0. };
  // look for a tag name here that is definitely unique. We do not want the tags to interfere with each other
  // this normal will be for each node in a face
  // some nodes have multiple normals, if they are at the feature edges
  unsigned long setId = _mb->id_from_handle(_set);
  char name[50] = { 0 };
  sprintf(name, "GRADIENT%ld", setId);// name should be something like GRADIENT29, where 29 is the set ID of the face
  rval = _mb->tag_get_handle(name, 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, _gradientTag,
      MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &defNormal);

  double defPlane[4] = { 0., 0., 1., 0. };
  // also define a plane tag ; this will be for each triangle
  char namePlaneTag[50] = { 0 };
  sprintf(namePlaneTag, "PLANE%ld", setId);
  rval = _mb->tag_get_handle("PLANE", 4, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, _planeTag,
      MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, &defPlane);
  // the fourth double is for weight, accumulated at each vertex so far
  // maybe not needed in the end
  for (Range::iterator it = _triangles.begin(); it != _triangles.end(); it++)
    EntityHandle tria = *it;
    const EntityHandle * conn3;
    int nnodes;
    _mb->get_connectivity(tria, conn3, nnodes);
    if (nnodes != 3)
      return 1; // error
    //double coords[9]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
    //_mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, coords);
    CartVect p[3];
    _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &p[0]);
    // need to compute the angles
    // compute angles and the normal
    //CartVect p1(&coords[0]), p2(&coords[3]), p3(&coords[6]);

    CartVect AB(p[1] - p[0]);//(p2 - p1);
    CartVect BC(p[2] - p[1]);//(p3 - p2);
    CartVect CA(p[0] - p[2]);//(p1 - p3);
    double a[3];
    a[1] = angle(AB, -BC); // angle at B (p2), etc.
    a[2] = angle(BC, -CA);
    a[0] = angle(CA, -AB);
    CartVect normal = -AB * CA;
    double plane[4];

    const double * coordNormal = normal.array();

    plane[0] = coordNormal[0];
    plane[1] = coordNormal[1];
    plane[2] = coordNormal[2];
    plane[3] = -normal % p[0]; // dot product
    //set the plane
    rval = _mb->tag_set_data(_planeTag, &tria, 1, plane);
    assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);

    // add to each vertex the tag value the normal multiplied by the angle
    double values[9];

    _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn3, 3, values);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      //values[4*i]+=a[i]; // first is the weight, which we do not really need
      values[3 * i + 0] += a[i] * coordNormal[0];
      values[3 * i + 1] += a[i] * coordNormal[1];
      values[3 * i + 2] += a[i] * coordNormal[2];

    // reset those values
    _mb->tag_set_data(_gradientTag, conn3, 3, values);

  // normalize the gradients at each node; maybe not needed here?
  // no, we will do it, it is important
  int numNodes = _nodes.size();
  double * normalVal = new double[3 * numNodes];
  _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, _nodes, normalVal);// get all the normal values at the _nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
    CartVect p1(&normalVal[3 * i]);
    p1.get(&normalVal[3 * i]);

  // reset the normal values after normalization
  _mb->tag_set_data(_gradientTag, _nodes, normalVal);
  // print the loops size and some other stuff
  if (debug_surf_eval1)
    std::cout << " normals at  " << numNodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
    int i = 0;
    for (Range::iterator it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); it++, i++)
      EntityHandle node = *it;
      std::cout << " Node id " << _mb->id_from_handle(node) << "  "
          << normalVal[3 * i] << " " << normalVal[3 * i + 1] << " "
          << normalVal[3 * i + 2] << std::endl;

  delete[] normalVal;

  return 0;
bool moab::SmoothFace::is_at_vertex ( EntityHandle  facet,
CartVect pt,
CartVect ac,
double  compare_tol,
CartVect eval_pt,
CartVect eval_norm_ptr 

Definition at line 1604 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  double dist;
  CartVect vert_loc;
  const double actol = 0.1;
  // get coordinates get_coords
  const EntityHandle * conn3;
  int nnodes;
  _mb->get_connectivity(facet, conn3, nnodes);
  //double coords[9]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
  //_mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, coords);
  CartVect p[3];
  _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &p[0]);
  // also get the normals at nodes
  CartVect NN[3];
  _mb->tag_get_data(_gradientTag, conn3, 3, (double*) &NN[0]);
  if (fabs(ac[0]) < actol && fabs(ac[1]) < actol)
    vert_loc = p[2];
    dist = (pt - vert_loc).length(); //pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr)
        *eval_norm_ptr = NN[2];
      return true;

  if (fabs(ac[0]) < actol && fabs(ac[2]) < actol)
    vert_loc = p[1];
    dist = (pt - vert_loc).length();//pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr)
        *eval_norm_ptr = NN[1];//facet->point(1)->normal( facet );
      return true;

  if (fabs(ac[1]) < actol && fabs(ac[2]) < actol)
    vert_loc = p[0];
    dist = (pt - vert_loc).length();//pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr)
        *eval_norm_ptr = NN[0];
      return true;

  return false;
bool moab::SmoothFace::move_ac_inside ( CartVect ac,
double  tol 
) [private]

Definition at line 1682 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  int nout = 0;
  if (ac[0] < -tol)
    ac[0] = 0.0;
    ac[1] = ac[1] / (ac[1] + ac[2]); //( ac.y() / (ac.y() + ac.z()) ;
    ac[2] = 1. - ac[1]; //ac.z( 1.0 - ac.y() );
  if (ac[1] < -tol)
    ac[1] = 0.;//ac.y( 0.0 );
    ac[0] = ac[0] / (ac[0] + ac[2]);//ac.x( ac.x() / (ac.x() + ac.z()) );
    ac[2] = 1. - ac[0];//ac.z( 1.0 - ac.x() );
  if (ac[2] < -tol)
    ac[2] = 0.;// ac.z( 0.0 );
    ac[0] = ac[0] / (ac[0] + ac[1]);//ac.x( ac.x() / (ac.x() + ac.y()) );
    ac[1] = 1. - ac[0]; // ac.y( 1.0 - ac.x() );
  return (nout > 0) ? true : false;
void moab::SmoothFace::move_to_surface ( double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 111 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  CartVect loc2(x, y, z);
  bool trim = false;// is it needed?
  bool outside = true;
  CartVect closestPoint;

  ErrorCode rval = project_to_facets_main(loc2, trim, outside, &closestPoint,
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return;
  x = closestPoint[0];
  y = closestPoint[1];
  z = closestPoint[2];

bool moab::SmoothFace::normal_at ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double &  nx,
double &  ny,
double &  nz 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 136 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  CartVect loc2(x, y, z);

  bool trim = false;// is it needed?
  bool outside = true;
  //CartVect closestPoint;// not needed
  // not interested in normal
  CartVect normal;
  ErrorCode rval = project_to_facets_main(loc2, trim, outside, NULL, &normal);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return false;
  nx = normal[0];
  ny = normal[1];
  nz = normal[2];

  return true;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::project_to_facet ( EntityHandle  facet,
CartVect pt,
CartVect areacoord,
CartVect close_point,
bool &  outside_facet,
double  compare_tol 

Definition at line 1573 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  ErrorCode stat = MB_SUCCESS;
  const EntityHandle * conn3;
  int nnodes;
  _mb->get_connectivity(facet, conn3, nnodes);
  //double coords[9]; // store the coordinates for the nodes
  //_mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, coords);
  CartVect p[3];
  _mb->get_coords(conn3, 3, (double*) &p[0]);

  int edge_id = -1;
  stat = project_to_patch(facet, areacoord, pt, close_point, NULL,
      outside_facet, compare_tol, edge_id);
  /* }

  return stat;
void moab::SmoothFace::project_to_facet_plane ( EntityHandle  tri,
CartVect pt,
CartVect point_on_plane,
double &  dist_to_plane 

Definition at line 929 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  double plane[4];

  ErrorCode rval = _mb->tag_get_data(_planeTag, &tri, 1, plane);
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return;
  assert(rval == MB_SUCCESS);
  // _planeTag
  CartVect normal(&plane[0]);// just first 3 components are used

  double dist = normal % pt + plane[3]; // coeff d is saved!!!
  dist_to_plane = fabs(dist);
  point_on_plane = pt - dist * normal;

ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::project_to_facets ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  facet_list,
EntityHandle lastFacet,
int  interpOrder,
double  compareTol,
CartVect this_point,
bool  trim,
bool &  outside,
CartVect closest_point_ptr,
CartVect normal_ptr 


Definition at line 1127 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  bool outside_facet, best_outside_facet = true;
  double mindist = 1.e20;
  CartVect close_point, best_point(mindist, mindist, mindist), best_areacoord;
  EntityHandle best_facet = 0L;// no best facet found yet
  EntityHandle facet;
  assert(facet_list.size() > 0);

  double big_dist = compareTol * 1.0e3;

  // from the list of close facets, determine the closest point
  for (size_t i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    facet = facet_list[i];
    CartVect pt_on_plane;
    double dist_to_plane;
    project_to_facet_plane(facet, this_point, pt_on_plane, dist_to_plane);

    CartVect areacoord;
    //CartVect close_point;
    facet_area_coordinate(facet, pt_on_plane, areacoord);
    if (interpOrder != 0)

      // modify the areacoord - project to the bezier patch- snaps to the
      // edge of the patch if necessary

      if (project_to_facet(facet, this_point, areacoord, close_point,
          outside_facet, compareTol) != MB_SUCCESS)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      //if (closest_point_ptr)
      //*closest_point_ptr = close_point;
    // keep track of the minimum distance

    double dist = (close_point - this_point).length();//close_point.distance_between(this_point);
    if ((best_outside_facet == outside_facet && dist < mindist)
        || (best_outside_facet && !outside_facet && (dist < big_dist
            || best_facet == 0L)))
      mindist = dist;
      best_point = close_point;
      best_facet = facet;
      best_areacoord = areacoord;
      best_outside_facet = outside_facet;

      if (dist < compareTol)
      big_dist = 10.0 * mindist;


  if (normal_ptr)
    CartVect normal;
    if (eval_bezier_patch_normal(best_facet, best_areacoord, normal)
        != MB_SUCCESS)
      return MB_FAILURE;
    *normal_ptr = normal;

  if (closest_point_ptr)
    *closest_point_ptr = best_point;

  outside = best_outside_facet;
  lastFacet = best_facet;

  return MB_SUCCESS;
  //end copy
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::project_to_facets_main ( CartVect this_point,
bool  trim,
bool &  outside,
CartVect closest_point_ptr = NULL,
CartVect normal_ptr = NULL 

Definition at line 1105 of file SmoothFace.cpp.


  // if there are a lot of facets on this surface - use the OBB search first
  // to narrow the selection

  double tolerance = 1.e-5;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> facets_out;
  // we will start with a list of facets anyway, the best among them wins
  ErrorCode rval = _my_geomTopoTool->obb_tree()->closest_to_location(
      (double*) &this_point, _obb_root, tolerance, facets_out);

  int interpOrder = 4;
  double compareTol = 1.e-5;
  EntityHandle lastFacet = facets_out.front();
  rval = project_to_facets(facets_out, lastFacet, interpOrder, compareTol,
      this_point, trim, outside, closest_point_ptr, normal_ptr);

  return rval;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::project_to_patch ( EntityHandle  facet,
CartVect ac,
CartVect pt,
CartVect eval_pt,
CartVect eval_norm,
bool &  outside,
double  compare_tol,
int  edge_id 

Definition at line 1224 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  ErrorCode status = MB_SUCCESS;

  // see if we are at a vertex

#define INCR 0.01
  const double tol = compare_tol;

  if (is_at_vertex(facet, pt, ac, compare_tol, eval_pt, eval_norm))
    outside = false;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

  // check if the start ac is inside the patch -if not, then move it there

  int nout = 0;
  const double atol = 0.001;
  if (move_ac_inside(ac, atol))

  int diverge = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  CartVect newpt;
  eval_bezier_patch(facet, ac, newpt);
  CartVect move = pt - newpt;
  double lastdist = move.length();
  double bestdist = lastdist;
  CartVect bestac = ac;
  CartVect bestpt = newpt;
  CartVect bestnorm(0, 0, 0);

  // If we are already close enough, then return now

  if (lastdist <= tol && !eval_norm && nout == 0)
    eval_pt = pt;
    outside = false;
    return status;

  double ratio, mag, umove, vmove, det, distnew, movedist;
  CartVect lastpt = newpt;
  CartVect lastac = ac;
  CartVect norm;
  CartVect xpt, ypt, zpt, xac, yac, zac, xvec, yvec, zvec;
  CartVect du, dv, newac;
  bool done = false;
  while (!done)

    // We will be locating the projected point within the u,v,w coordinate
    // system of the triangular bezier patch.  Since u+v+w=1, the components
    // are not linearly independent.  We will choose only two of the
    // coordinates to use and compute the third.

    int system;
    if (lastac[0] >= lastac[1] && lastac[0] >= lastac[2])
      system = 0;
    else if (lastac[1] >= lastac[2])
      system = 1;
      system = 2;

    // compute the surface derivatives with respect to each
    // of the barycentric coordinates

    if (system == 1 || system == 2)
      xac[0] = lastac[0] + INCR; // xac.x( lastac.x() + INCR );
      if (lastac[1] + lastac[2] == 0.0)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac[2] / (lastac[1] + lastac[2]);//ratio = lastac.z() / (lastac.y() + lastac.z());
      xac[1] = (1.0 - xac[0]) * (1.0 - ratio);//xac.y( (1.0 - xac.x()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      xac[2] = 1.0 - xac[0] - xac[1]; // xac.z( 1.0 - xac.x() - xac.y() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, xac, xpt);
      xvec = xpt - lastpt;
      xvec /= INCR;
    if (system == 0 || system == 2)
      yac[1] = (lastac[1] + INCR);//yac.y( lastac.y() + INCR );
      if (lastac[0] + lastac[2] == 0.0)//if (lastac.x() + lastac.z() == 0.0)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac[2] / (lastac[0] + lastac[2]);//ratio = lastac.z() / (lastac.x() + lastac.z());
      yac[0] = ((1.0 - yac[1]) * (1.0 - ratio));//yac.x( (1.0 - yac.y()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      yac[2] = (1.0 - yac[0] - yac[1]);//yac.z( 1.0 - yac.x() - yac.y() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, yac, ypt);
      yvec = ypt - lastpt;
      yvec /= INCR;
    if (system == 0 || system == 1)
      zac[2] = (lastac[2] + INCR);//zac.z( lastac.z() + INCR );
      if (lastac[0] + lastac[1] == 0.0)//if (lastac.x() + lastac.y() == 0.0)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac[1] / (lastac[0] + lastac[1]);//ratio = lastac.y() / (lastac.x() + lastac.y());
      zac[0] = ((1.0 - zac[2]) * (1.0 - ratio));//zac.x( (1.0 - zac.z()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      zac[1] = (1.0 - zac[0] - zac[2]);//zac.y( 1.0 - zac.x() - zac.z() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, zac, zpt);
      zvec = zpt - lastpt;
      zvec /= INCR;

    // compute the surface normal

    switch (system) {
    case 0:
      du = yvec;
      dv = zvec;
    case 1:
      du = zvec;
      dv = xvec;
    case 2:
      du = xvec;
      dv = yvec;
    norm = du * dv;
    mag = norm.length();
    if (mag < DBL_EPSILON)
      return MB_FAILURE;
      // do something else here (it is likely a flat triangle -
      // so try evaluating just an edge of the bezier patch)
    norm /= mag;
    if (iter == 0)
      bestnorm = norm;

    // project the move vector to the tangent plane

    move = (norm * move) * norm;

    // compute an equivalent u-v-w vector

    CartVect absnorm(fabs(norm[0]), fabs(norm[1]), fabs(norm[2]));
    if (absnorm[2] >= absnorm[1] && absnorm[2] >= absnorm[0])
      det = du[0] * dv[1] - dv[0] * du[1];
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON)
        return MB_FAILURE; // do something else here
      umove = (move[0] * dv[1] - dv[0] * move[1]) / det;
      vmove = (du[0] * move[1] - move[0] * du[1]) / det;
    else if (absnorm[1] >= absnorm[2] && absnorm[1] >= absnorm[0])
      det = du[0] * dv[2] - dv[0] * du[2];
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      umove = (move[0] * dv[2] - dv[0] * move[2]) / det;
      vmove = (du[0] * move[2] - move[0] * du[2]) / det;
      det = du[1] * dv[2] - dv[1] * du[2];
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON)
        return MB_FAILURE;
      umove = (move[1] * dv[2] - dv[1] * move[2]) / det;
      vmove = (du[1] * move[2] - move[1] * du[2]) / det;

    /* === compute the new u-v coords and evaluate surface at new location */

    switch (system) {
    case 0:
      newac[1] = (lastac[1] + umove);//newac.y( lastac.y() + umove );
      newac[2] = (lastac[2] + vmove);//newac.z( lastac.z() + vmove );
      newac[0] = (1.0 - newac[1] - newac[2]);//newac.x( 1.0 - newac.y() - newac.z() );
    case 1:
      newac[2] = (lastac[2] + umove);//newac.z( lastac.z() + umove );
      newac[0] = (lastac[0] + vmove);//newac.x( lastac.x() + vmove );
      newac[1] = (1.0 - newac[2] - newac[0]);//newac.y( 1.0 - newac.z() - newac.x() );
    case 2:
      newac[0] = (lastac[0] + umove);//newac.x( lastac.x() + umove );
      newac[1] = (lastac[1] + vmove);//newac.y( lastac.y() + vmove );
      newac[2] = (1.0 - newac[0] - newac[1]);//newac.z( 1.0 - newac.x() - newac.y() );

    // Keep it inside the patch

    if (newac[0] >= -atol && newac[1] >= -atol && newac[2] >= -atol)
      nout = 0;
      if (move_ac_inside(newac, atol))

    // Evaluate at the new location

    if (edge_id != -1)
      ac_at_edge(newac, newac, edge_id); // move to edge first
    eval_bezier_patch(facet, newac, newpt);

    // Check for convergence

    distnew = (pt - newpt).length();//pt.distance_between(newpt);
    move = newpt - lastpt;
    movedist = move.length();
    if (movedist < tol || distnew < tol)
      done = true;
      if (distnew < bestdist)
        bestdist = distnew;
        bestac = newac;
        bestpt = newpt;
        bestnorm = norm;

      // don't allow more than 30 iterations

      if (iter > 30)
        //if (movedist > tol * 100.0) nout=1;
        done = true;

      // Check for divergence - don't allow more than 5 divergent
      // iterations

      if (distnew > lastdist)
        if (diverge > 10)
          done = true;
          //if (movedist > tol * 100.0) nout=1;

      // Check if we are continuing to project outside the facet.
      // If so, then stop now

      if (nout > 3)
        done = true;

      // set up for next iteration

      if (!done)
        if (distnew < bestdist)
          bestdist = distnew;
          bestac = newac;
          bestpt = newpt;
          bestnorm = norm;
        lastdist = distnew;
        lastpt = newpt;
        lastac = newac;
        move = pt - lastpt;

  eval_pt = bestpt;
  if (eval_norm)
    *eval_norm = bestnorm;
  outside = (nout > 0) ? true : false;
  ac = bestac;

  return status;
ErrorCode moab::SmoothFace::ray_intersection_correct ( EntityHandle  facet,
CartVect pt,
CartVect ray,
CartVect eval_pt,
double &  distance,
bool &  outside 

Definition at line 1939 of file SmoothFace.cpp.

  // find a point on the smooth surface
  CartVect currentPoint = eval_pt;
  int numIter = 0;
  double improvement = 1.e20;
  CartVect diff;
  while (numIter++ < 5 && improvement > 0.01)
    CartVect newPos;

    bool trim = false;// is it needed?
    outside = true;
    CartVect closestPoint;
    CartVect normal;

    ErrorCode rval = project_to_facets_main(currentPoint, trim, outside,
        &newPos, &normal);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) return rval;
    diff = newPos - currentPoint;
    improvement = diff.length();
    // ( pt + t * ray - closest ) % normal = 0;
    // intersect tangent plane that goes through closest point with the direction
    // t = normal%(closest-pt) / normal%ray;
    double dot = normal % ray; // if it is 0, get out while we can
    if (dot < 0.00001)
      // bad convergence, get out, do not modify anything
      return MB_SUCCESS;
    double t = ((newPos - pt) % normal) / (dot);
    currentPoint = pt + t * ray;

  eval_pt = currentPoint;
  diff = currentPoint - pt;
  distance = diff.length();
  return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 205 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 174 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 231 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 211 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 219 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 193 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 188 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 171 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 226 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 170 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 228 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 175 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 229 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 224 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 227 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 198 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

Definition at line 173 of file SmoothFace.hpp.

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